ibdl-core 1.2.0

Main download infrastructure for imageboard_downloader
use std::{io, num::TryFromIntError};

use ibdl_common::post::error::PostError;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum QueueError {
    #[error("Failed to access file: {source}")]
    IOError {
        source: io::Error,

    #[error("Failed to create destination directory. error: {message}")]
    DirCreationError { message: String },

    #[error("Failed to serialize data into summary file: {error}")]
    SummarySerializeFail { error: String },

    #[error("Failed to deserialize summary file: {error}")]
    SummaryDeserializeFail { error: String },

    #[error("Error while adding file to cbz file: {source}")]
    ZipIOError {
        source: zip::result::ZipError,

    #[error("Summary file in {file} not found or corrupted")]
    ZipSummaryReadError { file: String },

    #[error("No posts to download!")]

    #[error("Failed to print line to Progress Bar: {message}")]
    ProgressBarPrintFail { message: String },

    #[error("Int conversion failed (maybe size is too large?)")]
    IntConversion(#[from] TryFromIntError),

    #[error("Failed to download Post")]
    PostDownloadError(#[from] PostError),