i2cdev 0.4.2

Provides API for safe access to Linux i2c device interface. https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/i2c/dev-interface
// Copyright 2015, Paul Osborne <osbpau@gmail.com>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/license/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option.  This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

use ffi;
use core::I2CDevice;
use std::error::Error;
use std::path::Path;
use std::fs::File;
use std::fmt;
use nix;
use std::io;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::os::unix::prelude::*;

pub struct LinuxI2CDevice {
    devfile: File,
    slave_address: u16,

pub enum LinuxI2CError {

impl From<nix::Error> for LinuxI2CError {
    fn from(e: nix::Error) -> Self {

impl From<io::Error> for LinuxI2CError {
    fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self {

impl From<LinuxI2CError> for io::Error {
    fn from(e: LinuxI2CError) -> io::Error {
        match e {
            LinuxI2CError::Io(e) => e,
            LinuxI2CError::Nix(e) => {
                match e {
                    nix::Error::Sys(e) => io::Error::from_raw_os_error(e as i32),
                    e => {
                        io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, format!("{:?}", e))

impl fmt::Display for LinuxI2CError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            LinuxI2CError::Nix(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
            LinuxI2CError::Io(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),

impl Error for LinuxI2CError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            LinuxI2CError::Io(ref e) => e.description(),
            LinuxI2CError::Nix(ref e) => e.description(),

    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
        match *self {
            LinuxI2CError::Io(ref e) => Some(e),
            LinuxI2CError::Nix(ref e) => Some(e),

impl AsRawFd for LinuxI2CDevice {
    fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {

impl LinuxI2CDevice {
    /// Create a new I2CDevice for the specified path
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P,
                               slave_address: u16)
                               -> Result<LinuxI2CDevice, LinuxI2CError> {
        let file = OpenOptions::new()
        let mut device = LinuxI2CDevice {
            devfile: file,
            slave_address: 0, // will be set later

    /// Set the slave address for this device
    /// Typically the address is expected to be 7-bits but 10-bit addresses
    /// may be supported by the kernel driver in some cases.  Little validation
    /// is done in Rust as the kernel is good at making sure things are valid.
    /// Note that if you have created a device using
    /// `I2Device::new(...)` it is not necesasry to call this method
    /// (it is done internally).  Calling this method is only
    /// necessary if you need to change the slave device and you do
    /// not want to create a new device.
    pub fn set_slave_address(&mut self, slave_address: u16) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_set_slave_address(self.as_raw_fd(), slave_address)?;
        self.slave_address = slave_address;

impl I2CDevice for LinuxI2CDevice {
    type Error = LinuxI2CError;

    /// Read data from the device to fill the provided slice
    fn read(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {

    /// Write the provided buffer to the device
    fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {

    /// This sends a single bit to the device, at the place of the Rd/Wr bit
    fn smbus_write_quick(&mut self, bit: bool) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_write_quick(self.as_raw_fd(), bit).map_err(From::from)

    /// Read a single byte from a device, without specifying a device register
    /// Some devices are so simple that this interface is enough; for
    /// others, it is a shorthand if you want to read the same register as in
    /// the previous SMBus command.
    fn smbus_read_byte(&mut self) -> Result<u8, LinuxI2CError> {

    /// Write a single byte to a sdevice, without specifying a device register
    /// This is the opposite operation as smbus_read_byte.  As with read_byte,
    /// no register is specified.
    fn smbus_write_byte(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_write_byte(self.as_raw_fd(), value).map_err(From::from)

    /// Read a single byte from a device, from a designated register
    /// The register is specified through the Comm byte.
    fn smbus_read_byte_data(&mut self, register: u8) -> Result<u8, LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register).map_err(From::from)

    /// Write a single byte to a specific register on a device
    /// The register is specified through the Comm byte.
    fn smbus_write_byte_data(&mut self, register: u8, value: u8) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register, value).map_err(From::from)

    /// Read 2 bytes form a given register on a device
    fn smbus_read_word_data(&mut self, register: u8) -> Result<u16, LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_read_word_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register).map_err(From::from)

    /// Write 2 bytes to a given register on a device
    fn smbus_write_word_data(&mut self, register: u8, value: u16) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_write_word_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register, value).map_err(From::from)

    /// Select a register, send 16 bits of data to it, and read 16 bits of data
    fn smbus_process_word(&mut self, register: u8, value: u16) -> Result<u16, LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_process_call(self.as_raw_fd(), register, value).map_err(From::from)

    /// Read a block of up to 32 bytes from a device
    /// The actual number of bytes available to read is returned in the count
    /// byte.  This code returns a correctly sized vector containing the
    /// count bytes read from the device.
    fn smbus_read_block_data(&mut self, register: u8) -> Result<Vec<u8>, LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_read_block_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register).map_err(From::from)

    /// Read a block of up to 32 bytes from a device via i2c_smbus_i2c_read_block_data
    fn smbus_read_i2c_block_data(&mut self, register: u8, len: u8) -> Result<Vec<u8>, LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register, len).map_err(From::from)

    /// Write a block of up to 32 bytes to a device
    /// The opposite of the Block Read command, this writes up to 32 bytes to
    /// a device, to a designated register that is specified through the
    /// Comm byte. The amount of data is specified in the Count byte.
    fn smbus_write_block_data(&mut self, register: u8, values: &[u8]) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_write_block_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register, values).map_err(From::from)

    /// Write a block of up to 32 bytes from a device via i2c_smbus_i2c_write_block_data
    fn smbus_write_i2c_block_data(&mut self, register: u8, values: &[u8]) -> Result<(), LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data(self.as_raw_fd(), register, values).map_err(From::from)

    /// Select a register, send 1 to 31 bytes of data to it, and reads
    /// 1 to 31 bytes of data from it.
    fn smbus_process_block(&mut self, register: u8, values: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, LinuxI2CError> {
        ffi::i2c_smbus_process_call_block(self.as_raw_fd(), register, values).map_err(From::from)