i2c-multiplexer 0.1.1

An I2C Multiplexer library that supports the PCA9546 and TCA9546A chips

I2C-Multiplexer   Build Status Latest Version

An I2C Multiplexer library that supports the PCA9546 and TCA9546A chips


The sensor is initialized

use i2c_multiplexer::prelude::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Disable all ports and only enable port 0
    Multiplexer::new(i2c).with_ports_disabled()?.set_port(0, true)?;

Changing Address

use i2c_multiplexer::prelude::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Manually set the address
    // Or set it according to the selected hardware pins
    // This uses A0 which means the address is 0x71
    Multiplexer::new(i2c).with_address_pins(true, false, false);

Setting multiple ports

use i2c_multiplexer::prelude::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Manually set the ports 0,2 to enabled and 1,3 to disabled
    Multiplexer::new(i2c).with_ports([true, false, true, false])?;