hyperx_chantra 1.4.0

Hyper's typed header module, eXtracted and improved
name = "hyperx_chantra"
version = "1.4.0"
description = "Hyper's typed header module, eXtracted and improved"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/chantra/hyperx/tree/semver"
license = "MIT"
authors = ["David Kellum <dek-oss@gravitext.com>"]
keywords = ["http", "hyper", "hyperium"]
categories = [
exclude = [
build = "build.rs"

name = "hyperx"

base64              = { version="^0.13" }
bytes               = { version="^1.0" }
http                = { version="^0.2" }
httpdate            = { version="^1" }
language-tags       = { version="^0.3" }
mime                = { version="^0.3" }
percent-encoding    = { version="^2.1" }
unicase             = { version="^2.6" }

nightly = []
compat = [] # no-op for backward compatibility
headers = []

features = ["headers"]