hyperbole 0.1.2

Reserved for now near-future use.
//! Compressing dynamic route trie based on [httprouter].
//! [httprouter]: https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter
use super::{combinators::Add2, reply::Reply, Response, R};
use frunk_core::{
    coproduct::{CNil, Coproduct},
    hlist::{HCons, HNil},
use hyper::StatusCode;
use percent_encoding::percent_decode_str;
use std::{borrow::Cow, cmp, error::Error, fmt, marker::PhantomData, mem, ops::Add, str::FromStr};
use thiserror::Error;

/// Expands to a well-typed uri specification.
/// # Routable segments
/// A [uri!] invocation may contain any number of static or dynamic segments separated by
/// forward slashes. Static segments are literal strings and must be matched verbatim when a
/// request comes in, while dynamic segments will match regardless of their content and are
/// *parsed* (via a [FromStr][fromstr] impl) after a route has been matched.
/// Parsing errors of dynamic segments will short-circuit a request, responding with an error
/// determined by the [FromStr::Err][std::str::FromStr::Err].
/// ```
/// use hyperbole::uri;
/// // /
/// uri![];
/// // /one
/// uri!["one"];
/// // /two
/// uri!["one" / "two"];
/// // /:one
/// uri![one: u32];
/// // /:one/:two
/// uri![one: u32 / two: f64];
/// // /one/:two/three
/// uri!["one" / two: String / "three"];
/// ```
/// A catch-all segment may optionally be added to the end of a [uri!] to match the rest of
/// an incoming request's path with the same syntax as a dynamic segment, except preceded by
/// a `*`. Like dynamic segments, a name and type must be specified, where the type implements
/// [FromStr][fromstr].
/// ```
/// use hyperbole::uri;
/// // /*any
/// uri![*any: String];
/// // /one/*everything_else
/// uri!["one" / *everything_else: String];
/// ```
/// Within an [App][super::App], routes must be uniquely determinable. That is, for any request,
/// exactly one or zero routes will match, *always*. Ambiguous routes are not permitted.
/// # Query parameters
/// Query parameters may be added to the end of a [uri!], but do not affect routing. They are
/// similar to dynamic segments in that they are parsed by a [FromStr][fromstr] impl after a
/// request matches a route.
/// They may be specified as a comma separated list of `name: type` pairs preceded by a `?`
/// after all static, dynamic, and catch-all segments. The order of query parameters does not
/// matter, but duplicates are not permitted.
/// If a specified query parameter is not present in a request uri that otherwise matches the
/// path specification, the [FromStr] impl will receive an empty string `""` during parsing.
/// ```
/// use hyperbole::uri;
/// uri![? p1: u8];
/// uri!["abc" ? p1: u8, p2: String];
/// uri!["one" / two: u32 / *three: String ? param: usize, another: f64];
/// ```
/// # Interaction with request scoped state
/// Any parameters in a [uri!] invocation are exposed as [named fields][super::field::Field].
/// After parsing completes, said fields will be merged with any other request scoped state.
/// [fromstr]: std::str::FromStr
macro_rules! uri {
    ($( $token:tt )*) => {
            $( $token )*

macro_rules! __uri_internal {
    ([$spec:expr]) => {

    // at least 1 query param
    ([$spec:expr] ? $( $q_name:ident : $q_type:ty ),+) => {
        ($spec)$( .query::<$crate::f![$q_name : $q_type]>(stringify!($q_name)) )+

    // 1 static seg
    ([$spec:expr] $segment:literal) => {{

    // 1 static seg and at least 1 segment
    ([$spec:expr] $segment:literal / $( $token:tt )+) => {
            $( $token )+

    // 1 static seg and at least 1 query param
    ([$spec:expr] $segment:literal ? $( $q_name:ident : $q_type:ty ),+) => {
            ? $( $q_name : $q_type ),+

    // 1 dynamic seg
    ([$spec:expr] $name:ident : $type:ty) => {
        ($spec).dynamic::<$crate::f![$name : $type]>(stringify!($name))

    // 1 dynamic seg and at least 1 segment
    ([$spec:expr] $name:ident : $type:tt / $( $token:tt )+) => {
            [($spec).dynamic::<$crate::f![$name : $type]>(stringify!($name))]
            $( $token )+

    // 1 dynamic seg and at least 1 query param
    ([$spec:expr] $name:ident : $type:tt ? $( $q_name:ident : $q_type:ty ),+) => {
            [($spec).dynamic::<$crate::f![$name : $type]>(stringify!($name))]
            ? $( $q_name : $q_type ),+

    // 1 catch-all
    ([$spec:expr] *$name:ident : $type:ty) => {
        ($spec).catch_all::<$crate::f![$name : $type]>(stringify!($name))

    // 1 catch-all and at least 1 segment
    ([$spec:expr] *$name:ident : $type:tt / $( $token:tt )+) => {
            catch all [*$name: $type] is not the last segment

    // 1 catch-all and at least 1 query param
    ([$spec:expr] *$name:ident : $type:tt ? $( $q_name:ident : $q_type:ty ),+) => {
            [($spec).catch_all::<$crate::f![$name : $type]>(stringify!($name))]
            ? $( $q_name : $q_type ),+

/// An error encountered during uri parsing.
/// This struct wraps some type's [FromStr::Err][std::str::FromStr::Err].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
#[error("failed to parse {:?} in uri: {}", .item, .err)]
pub struct UriError<E: Error> {
    /// The (uridecoded) segment that failed to parse.
    pub item: String,

    /// The inner error.
    pub err: E,

impl<E: Send + Error> Reply for UriError<E> {
    fn into_response(self) -> Response {
            .body(format!("{}", self).into())

pub enum Cluster {}

pub enum Segment {}

pub trait Parser<Kind>: Sized {
    type Error: Reply;

    fn parse<'a, I: Iterator<Item = Cow<'a, str>>>(input: &mut I) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

pub(super) type Parsed<P> = Result<P, <P as Parser<Segment>>::Error>;

pub type Params<P> = HCons<Parsed<P>, HNil>;

/// The empty hlist satisfies any kind of parser impl, because in either case it doesn't have to
/// do any parsing.
impl<Kind> Parser<Kind> for HNil {
    type Error = CNil;

    fn parse<'a, I: Iterator<Item = Cow<'a, str>>>(_: &mut I) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

/// A plain hlist (without nested parse results) is a `Segment` parser, meaning it can parse a
/// series of `FromStr` segments.
impl<Head, Tail> Parser<Segment> for HCons<Head, Tail>
    Head: FromStr,
    Head::Err: Send + Error,
    Tail: Parser<Segment>,
    type Error = Coproduct<UriError<Head::Err>, Tail::Error>;

    fn parse<'a, I: Iterator<Item = Cow<'a, str>>>(input: &mut I) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let item = input.next().expect("input contains enough params");

        let head = (item.parse::<Head>())
            .map_err(|err| (item.into_owned(), err))
            .map_err(|(item, err)| UriError { item, err })

        let tail = Tail::parse(input).map_err(Coproduct::Inr)?;

        Ok(HCons { head, tail })

/// An hlist of parse results is a `Cluster` parser, meaning it can separately parse one or more
/// clusters of segments. Each cluster is parsed individually so that they can be injected into a
/// context piece-wise.
/// Generally speaking, the `Error` defined here should recursively become `CNil`, an enum that
/// is uninhabitable. Any parse errors in a cluster are included as part of the successful result.
impl<Head, Tail> Parser<Cluster> for HCons<Parsed<Head>, Tail>
    Head: Parser<Segment>,
    Tail: Parser<Cluster>,
    type Error = <Tail as Parser<Cluster>>::Error;

    fn parse<'a, I: Iterator<Item = Cow<'a, str>>>(input: &mut I) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let head = Parser::parse(input);
        let tail = Parser::parse(input)?;

        Ok(HCons { head, tail })

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct UriSeg {
    name: &'static str,
    kind: Kind,

impl UriSeg {
    const fn new(name: &'static str, kind: Kind) -> Self {
        Self { name, kind }

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Kind {

/// A uri specification and well-typed parameter parser.
/// See the [uri!] macro for usage details.
pub struct PathSpec<P> {
    segs: Vec<UriSeg>,
    tag: PhantomData<fn(P)>,

impl<P> Clone for PathSpec<P> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

impl<P> fmt::Display for PathSpec<P> {
    /// ```
    /// use hyperbole::uri;
    /// use std::fmt::Display;
    /// fn eq<D: Display>(a: &str, b: D) {
    ///     assert_eq!(a, format!("{}", b));
    /// }
    /// eq("/", uri![]);
    /// eq("/", uri![? p1: u8]);
    /// eq("/one/:two/three", uri!["one" / two: u32 / "three"]);
    /// eq("/one/:two/three", uri!["one" / two: u32 / "three" ? p1: u8]);
    /// eq("/one/:two/*three", uri!["one" / two: u32 / *three: String]);
    /// eq("/one/:two/*three", uri!["one" / two: u32 / *three: String ? p1: u8]);
    /// ```
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "/")?;

        let mut it = (self.segs.iter())
            .filter(|s| s.kind != Kind::Query)

        while let Some(UriSeg { name, kind }) = it.next() {
            match kind {
                Kind::Static => write!(f, "{}", name)?,
                Kind::Dynamic => write!(f, ":{}", name)?,
                Kind::CatchAll => write!(f, "*{}", name)?,
                _ => {}

            if it.peek().is_some() {
                write!(f, "/")?;


impl PathSpec<HNil> {
    /// The root path.
    pub const ROOT: Self = PathSpec {
        segs: vec![],
        tag: PhantomData,

impl<P> PathSpec<P> {
    fn contains_catch_all(&self) -> bool {
            Some(s) if s.kind == Kind::CatchAll

    fn from_segs(segs: Vec<UriSeg>) -> Self {
        let tag = PhantomData;
        Self { segs, tag }

    /// Append a static segment to this spec.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the segment contains `/`, or if the path spec already contains a
    /// catch-all parameter.
    pub fn segment(mut self, name: &'static str) -> Self {
        assert! { !name.contains('/'),
            "path spec: static segments cannot contain '/': {:?}",
        assert! { !self.contains_catch_all(),
            "path spec: cannot specify static segment after a catch-all",
        self.segs.push(UriSeg::new(name, Kind::Static));


    /// Append a dynamic path parameter of type `T` to this spec.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the path spec already contains a catch-all parameter.
    pub fn dynamic<T: FromStr>(mut self, name: &'static str) -> PathSpec<Add2<P, R![T]>>
    where P: Add<R![T]> {
        assert! { !self.contains_catch_all(),
            "path spec: cannot specify param after a catch-all",
        self.segs.push(UriSeg::new(name, Kind::Dynamic));


    /// Append a catch-all path parameter of type `T` to this spec.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the path spec already contains a catch-all parameter.
    pub fn catch_all<T: FromStr>(mut self, name: &'static str) -> PathSpec<Add2<P, R![T]>>
    where P: Add<R![T]> {
        assert! { !self.contains_catch_all(),
            "path spec: cannot specify more than one catch-all",
        self.segs.push(UriSeg::new(name, Kind::CatchAll));


    fn contains_query(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
            .filter(|s| s.kind == Kind::Query)
            .any(|s| s.name == name)

    /// Add a query parameter of type `T` to this spec.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the path spec already contains a query parameter with the same `name`.
    pub fn query<T: FromStr>(mut self, name: &'static str) -> PathSpec<Add2<P, R![T]>>
    where P: Add<R![T]> {
        assert! { !self.contains_query(name),
            "path spec: duplicate query param {:?}",
        self.segs.push(UriSeg::new(name, Kind::Query));


    /// Append a path spec to this path spec.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if `other` is non-empty (except for query parameters) and `self` already
    /// contains a catch-all parameter, or if `other` contains query parameters that already
    /// exist in `self`.
    pub(super) fn append<_P>(mut self, mut other: PathSpec<_P>) -> PathSpec<Add2<P, R![Parsed<_P>]>>
        P: Add<R![Parsed<_P>]>,
        _P: Parser<Segment>,
        assert! { other.segs.is_empty() || !self.contains_catch_all(),
            "path spec: cannot append to spec that already contains a catch-all",
        if let Some(name) = (other.segs.iter())
            .filter(|s| s.kind == Kind::Query)
            .map(|s| s.name)
            .find(|name| self.contains_query(name))
            panic!("path spec: duplicate query param {:?}", name);
        self.segs.append(&mut other.segs);


impl<P: Parser<Cluster>> PathSpec<P> {
    /// Parse any parameters present in the provided path and query string.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if `path` does not conform to the shape expected by `P`.
    /// In practice, this is only called after a path has matched a route, which guarantees
    /// it has the correct shape.
    pub(super) fn parse_params(&self, mut path: &str, query: Option<&str>) -> Result<P, P::Error> {
        let query = query.unwrap_or_default();

        // split off the first leading slash
        path = &path[1..];

        let items = self.segs.iter().filter_map(|s| match s.kind {
            Kind::Static => {
                // consume until the next slash
                path = path.find('/').map(|i| &path[i + 1..]).unwrap_or("");

                // yield nothing; static segments aren't params

            Kind::Dynamic => {
                // consume to the next slash and yield the segment
                let val = (path.find('/').map(|i| {
                    let seg = &path[..i];
                    path = &path[i + 1..];
                // this is the last segment, consume and yield everything
                .unwrap_or_else(|| mem::take(&mut path));


            // it's a catch-all, consume and yield everything
            Kind::CatchAll => Some(mem::take(&mut path)),

            Kind::Query => {
                // linear scan to find a query param with the right name
                let val = (query.split('&').find_map(|kv| match kv.find('=')? {
                    // "key=val": kv
                    // "key": kv[..i]
                    // "val": kv[i+1..]
                    i if kv[..i] == *s.name => Some(&kv[i + 1..]),
                    _ => None,
                // otherwise just yield an empty string


        P::parse(&mut items.map(|item| percent_decode_str(item).decode_utf8_lossy()))

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(super) struct Node<H: ?Sized> {
    path: String,
    indices: String,
    wild_child: bool,
    kind: NodeKind,
    priority: u32,
    children: Vec<Self>,
    entry: Option<Box<H>>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum NodeKind {

impl<H: ?Sized> Default for Node<H> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            path: "".into(),
            indices: "".into(),
            wild_child: false,
            kind: NodeKind::Static,
            priority: 0,
            children: vec![],
            entry: None,

impl<H: ?Sized> Node<H> {
    pub fn insert(&mut self, mut path: &str, entry: Box<H>) {
        self.priority += 1;
        if self.path.is_empty() && self.indices.is_empty() {
            self.insert_child(path, path, entry);
            self.kind = NodeKind::Root;

        let full_path = path;
        let mut n = self;
        loop {
            let i = longest_common_prefix(path.as_bytes(), n.path.as_bytes());

            // split edge
            if i < n.path.len() {
                let index = n.path.as_bytes()[i];

                let child = Self {
                    path: n.path.split_off(i),
                    indices: mem::take(&mut n.indices),
                    wild_child: n.wild_child,
                    kind: NodeKind::Static,
                    priority: n.priority - 1,
                    children: mem::take(&mut n.children),
                    entry: mem::take(&mut n.entry),

                n.path = path[..i].into();
                n.wild_child = false;

            // make new node a child of this node
            if i < path.len() {
                path = &path[i..];

                if n.wild_child {
                    n = &mut n.children[0];
                    n.priority += 1;

                    if n.wild_child_doesnt_conflict(path) {

                    let path_seg = match n.kind {
                        NodeKind::CatchAll => path.splitn(2, '/').next().unwrap(),
                        _ => path,
                    let idx = full_path.find(path_seg).unwrap();
                    let prefix = format!("{}{}", &full_path[..idx], n.path);

                        "{:?} in new path {:?} conflicts with existing wildcard {:?} in existing prefix {:?}",
                        path_seg, full_path, n.path, prefix,

                let idxc = path.as_bytes()[0];

                // '/' after param
                if n.kind == NodeKind::Param && idxc == b'/' && n.children.len() == 1 {
                    n = &mut n.children[0];
                    n.priority += 1;

                // check if a child with the next path byte exists
                if let Some(i) = n.indices.bytes().position(|c| c == idxc) {
                    n = n.increment_child_prio(i);

                // otherwise, insert it
                if idxc != b':' && idxc != b'*' {
                    n = n.increment_child_prio(n.indices.len() - 1);
                n.insert_child(full_path, path, entry);

            // otherwise add entry to current node
            assert! { n.entry.replace(entry).is_none(),
                "a handler is already registered for path {:?}",

    fn wild_child_doesnt_conflict(&self, child: &str) -> bool {
        child.len() >= self.path.len()
            && self.path == child[..self.path.len()]
            && self.kind != NodeKind::CatchAll
            && (self.path.len() >= child.len() || child.as_bytes()[self.path.len()] == b'/')

    fn increment_child_prio(&mut self, pos: usize) -> &mut Self {
        let cs = &mut self.children;

        cs[pos].priority += 1;
        let prio = cs[pos].priority;

        // adjust position (move to front)
        let mut new_pos = pos;
        while new_pos > 0 && cs[new_pos - 1].priority < prio {
            cs.swap(new_pos, new_pos - 1);
            new_pos -= 1;

        // build new index char string
        if new_pos != pos {
            let idc = &mut self.indices;
            let old = mem::replace(idc, String::with_capacity(idc.len()));

            idc.push_str(&old[..new_pos]); // unchanged prefix, might be empty
            idc.push_str(&old[pos..=pos]); // the index char we moved
            idc.push_str(&old[new_pos..pos]); // everything until char at 'pos'
            idc.push_str(&old[pos + 1..]); // everything after char at 'pos'

        &mut cs[new_pos]

    fn insert_child(&mut self, full_path: &str, mut path: &str, entry: Box<H>) {
        let mut n = self;

        while let Some((mut i, wc, valid)) = find_wildcard(path) {
            assert! { valid,
                "only one wildcard per path segment is permitted, but {:?} was in {:?}",
                wc, full_path,
            assert! { wc.len() >= 2,
                "wildcard {:?} must be named with a non-empty name in path {:?}",
                wc, full_path,
            assert! { n.children.is_empty(),
                "wildcard {:?} conflicts with existing children in path {:?}",
                wc, full_path,

            if wc.as_bytes()[0] == b':' {
                // wc is a :param
                if i > 0 {
                    // insert prefix before the current wildcard
                    n.path = path[..i].into();
                    path = &path[i..];

                n.wild_child = true;
                n.children = vec![Self {
                    path: wc.into(),
                    kind: NodeKind::Param,
                    priority: 1,
                n = &mut n.children[0];

                // if the path doesn't end with the wildcard, there will be another non-wildcard
                // subpath starting with '/'
                if wc.len() < path.len() {
                    path = &path[wc.len()..];
                    n.children = vec![Self::default()];

                    n = &mut n.children[0];
                    n.priority = 1;


                // otherwise we're done; insert the entry into the new leaf
                n.entry = Some(entry);
            } else {
                // wc is a *catch-all
                assert! { i+wc.len() == path.len(),
                    "catch-all route is not the last segment in path {:?}",
                assert! { n.path.is_empty() || n.path.as_bytes()[n.path.len()-1] != b'/',
                    "catch-all conflicts with existing entry for path segment root in path {:?}",
                assert! { path.as_bytes()[i-1] == b'/',
                    "no '/' before catch-all in path {:?}",

                i -= 1;
                n.path = path[..i].into();
                n.indices = "/".into();

                n.children = vec![Self {
                    wild_child: true,
                    kind: NodeKind::CatchAll,
                    priority: 1,
                    children: vec![Self {
                        path: path[i..].into(),
                        kind: NodeKind::CatchAll,
                        priority: 1,
                        entry: Some(entry),


        // if no wildcard was found, just insert entry at path
        n.path = path.into();
        n.entry = Some(entry);

    pub fn lookup(&self, mut path: &str) -> Route<'_, H> {
        let mut r = Route::default();
        let mut n = self;

        loop {
            let prefix = &n.path[..];

            if path.len() > prefix.len() {
                if path[..prefix.len()] == *prefix {
                    path = &path[prefix.len()..];

                    // if this node does not have a wildcard (:param or *catch-all) child, we
                    // can just lookup the next child node and continue walking the tree
                    if !n.wild_child {
                        let idxc = path.as_bytes()[0];

                        if let Some(i) = n.indices.bytes().position(|c| c == idxc) {
                            n = &n.children[i];

                        // nothing found. we can recommend to redirect to the same URL without
                        // a trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
                        r.tsr = path == "/" && n.entry.is_some();
                        break r;

                    n = &n.children[0];

                    if let NodeKind::Param = n.kind {
                        let end = (path.bytes())
                            .position(|c| c == b'/')
                            .unwrap_or_else(|| path.len());

                        // we must go deeper
                        if end < path.len() {
                            if !n.children.is_empty() {
                                path = &path[end..];
                                n = &n.children[0];

                            // ... but we can't
                            r.tsr = path.len() == end + 1;
                            break r;

                        if n.entry.is_some() {
                            r.entry = n.entry.as_deref();
                        } else if n.children.len() == 1 {
                            n = &n.children[0];
                            r.tsr = n.path == "/" && n.entry.is_some();

                        break r;

                    if let NodeKind::CatchAll = n.kind {
                        r.entry = n.entry.as_deref();
                        break r;

                    panic!("invalid child, expected wildcard but found: {:?}", n.kind);
            } else if path == prefix {
                // we should have reached the node containing the entry, so we check if this
                // node has one registered
                if n.entry.is_some() {
                    r.entry = n.entry.as_deref();
                    break r;

                // if there is no entry for this route, but this route has a wildcard child,
                // there must be an entry for this path with an additional trailing slash
                if path == "/" && n.wild_child && n.kind != NodeKind::Root {
                    r.tsr = true;
                    break r;

                // no entry found, so check if an entry for the tsr route exists
                if let Some(i) = n.indices.bytes().position(|c| c == b'/') {
                    n = &n.children[i];
                    r.tsr = (n.path.len() == 1 && n.entry.is_some())
                        || (n.kind == NodeKind::CatchAll && n.children[0].entry.is_some());
                    break r;

                break r;

            // nothing found. we can recommend redirecting to the tsr route if it exists
            r.tsr = path == "/"
                || (prefix.len() == path.len() + 1
                    && prefix.as_bytes()[path.len()] == b'/'
                    && *path == prefix[..prefix.len() - 1]
                    && n.entry.is_some());
            break r;

pub(super) struct Route<'a, H: ?Sized> {
    pub entry: Option<&'a H>,
    pub tsr: bool,

impl<'a, H: ?Sized> Default for Route<'a, H> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        let entry = None;
        let tsr = false;
        Self { entry, tsr }

fn longest_common_prefix(a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) -> usize {
    let mut i = 0;
    let max = cmp::min(a.len(), b.len());
    while i < max && a[i] == b[i] {
        i += 1;

fn find_wildcard(path: &str) -> Option<(usize, &str, bool)> {
    // find start index
    for (start, c) in path.bytes().enumerate() {
        // wildcards start with ':' (param) or '*' (catch-all)
        if c != b':' && c != b'*' {

        // find end index or invalid chars
        let mut valid = true;
        for (end, c) in path[start + 1..].bytes().enumerate() {
            if c == b':' || c == b'*' {
                valid = false;

            if c == b'/' {
                return Some((start, &path[start..start + 1 + end], valid));

        return Some((start, &path[start..], valid));


mod tests {
    use super::{
        super::{uri, zoom},
    use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, NON_ALPHANUMERIC};
    use quickcheck_macros::quickcheck;

    fn test_valid_uri_macro_combinations() {
        // only static segments
        uri!["one" / "two"];

        // only dynamic segments
        uri![one: u32];
        uri![one: u32 / two: u32];

        // only catch-all segment
        uri![*one: String];

        // only query params
        uri![? p1: u32];
        uri![? p1: u32, p2: u32];

        // static + dynamic segments
        uri!["one" / two: u32];
        uri![one: u32 / "two"];

        // static + catch-all segments
        uri!["one" / *two: String];
        uri!["one" / "two" / *three: String];

        // dynamic + catch-all segments
        uri![one: u32 / *two: String];
        uri![one: u32 / two: u32 / *three: String];

        // static segments + query params
        uri!["one" ? p1: u32];
        uri!["one" / "two" ? p1: u8, p2: u8];

        // dynamic segments + query params
        uri![one: u32 ? p1: u32];
        uri![one: u8 / two: u8 ? p1: u8, p2: u8];

        // catch-all segment + query params
        uri![*one: String ? p1: u8];
        uri![*one: String ? p1: u8, p2:u8];

        // static + dynamic + catch-all segments + query params
        uri![one: u32 / "two" / *three: String ? p1: u8];
        uri![one: u32 / "two" / *three: String ? p1: u8, p2: u8];
        uri!["one" / two: u32 / *three: String ? p1: u8];
        uri!["one" / two: u32 / *three: String ? p1: u8, p2: u8];

    fn parse_params<P>(spec: &PathSpec<P>, path: &str, query: Option<&str>) -> Parsed<P>
    where P: Parser<Segment> {
        // NOTE(safety): we're just changing a ZST tag
        let spec: &PathSpec<Params<P>> = unsafe { mem::transmute(spec) };

        spec.parse_params(path, query).unwrap().head

    fn test_parse_segments(x: u32, y: String) {
        let encoded = utf8_percent_encode(&y, NON_ALPHANUMERIC);
        let path = format!("/abc/{}/cba/{}", x, encoded);

        let p = uri!["abc" / x: u32 / "cba" / y: String];
        let ps = parse_params(&p, &path, None).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.x), x);
        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.y), y);

    fn test_parse_catch_all(x: u32, rest: String) {
        let encoded = utf8_percent_encode(&rest, NON_ALPHANUMERIC);
        let path = format!("/abc/{}/{}", x, encoded);

        let p = uri!["abc" / x: u32 / *rest: String];
        let ps = parse_params(&p, &path, None).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.x), x);
        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.rest), rest);

    fn test_parse_query_params(a: u8, b: u32, c: String) {
        let q = format!("p1={}", a);
        let spec = uri![? p1: u8];
        let ps = parse_params(&spec, "/", Some(&q)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.p1), a);

        let encoded = utf8_percent_encode(&c, NON_ALPHANUMERIC);
        let q = format!("p1={}&p2={}", b, encoded);
        let spec = uri![? p1: u32, p2: String];
        let ps = parse_params(&spec, "/", Some(&q)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.p1), b);
        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.p2), c);

        let q = format!("p2={}&p1={}", encoded, b);
        let ps = parse_params(&spec, "/", Some(&q)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.p1), b);
        assert_eq!(*zoom!(&ps.p2), c);

    fn test_longest_common_prefix() {
        assert_eq!(0, longest_common_prefix(b"", b""));
        assert_eq!(0, longest_common_prefix(b"", b"a"));
        assert_eq!(0, longest_common_prefix(b"a", b""));

        assert_eq!(0, longest_common_prefix(b"a", b""));
        assert_eq!(0, longest_common_prefix(b"ab", b"ba"));
        assert_eq!(0, longest_common_prefix(b"abc", b"cba"));

        assert_eq!(1, longest_common_prefix(b"a", b"a"));
        assert_eq!(2, longest_common_prefix(b"ab", b"ab"));
        assert_eq!(3, longest_common_prefix(b"abc", b"abc"));

        assert_eq!(3, longest_common_prefix(b"abcxyz", b"abczyx"));
        assert_eq!(3, longest_common_prefix(b"foo", b"foobarbaz"));
        assert_eq!(3, longest_common_prefix(b"foobarbaz", b"foo"));

    fn test_find_wildcard() {
        assert_eq!(None, find_wildcard(""));
        assert_eq!(None, find_wildcard("/"));
        assert_eq!(None, find_wildcard("fdas/"));
        assert_eq!(None, find_wildcard("/fdas"));

        assert_eq!(Some((0, ":ok", true)), find_wildcard(":ok"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, ":ok", true)), find_wildcard("/:ok"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, ":ok", true)), find_wildcard("/:ok/:more"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, ":ok", true)), find_wildcard("/:ok/*more"));

        assert_eq!(Some((0, "*ok", true)), find_wildcard("*ok"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, "*ok", true)), find_wildcard("/*ok"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, "*ok", true)), find_wildcard("/*ok/*more"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, "*ok", true)), find_wildcard("/*ok/:more"));

        assert_eq!(Some((1, ":ok:more", false)), find_wildcard("/:ok:more"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, ":ok*more", false)), find_wildcard("/:ok*more"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, "*ok*more", false)), find_wildcard("/*ok*more"));
        assert_eq!(Some((1, "*ok:more", false)), find_wildcard("/*ok:more"));