hyper 0.1.4

A modern HTTP library.
#![feature(slicing_syntax, box_syntax)]
#![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]

//! # Hyper
//! Hyper is a fast, modern HTTP implementation written in and for Rust. It
//! is a low-level typesafe abstraction over raw HTTP, providing an elegant
//! layer over "stringly-typed" HTTP.
//! Hyper offers both an HTTP/S client an HTTP server which can be used to drive
//! complex web applications written entirely in Rust.
//! ## Internal Design
//! Hyper is designed as a relatively low-level wrapper over raw HTTP. It should
//! allow the implementation of higher-level abstractions with as little pain as
//! possible, and should not irrevocably hide any information from its users.
//! ### Common Functionality
//! Functionality and code shared between the Server and Client implementations can
//! be found in `src` directly - this includes `NetworkStream`s, `Method`s,
//! `StatusCode`, and so on.
//! #### Methods
//! Methods are represented as a single `enum` to remain as simple as possible.
//! Extension Methods are represented as raw `String`s. A method's safety and
//! idempotence can be accessed using the `safe` and `idempotent` methods.
//! #### StatusCode
//! Status codes are also represented as a single, exhaustive, `enum`. This
//! representation is efficient, typesafe, and ergonomic as it allows the use of
//! `match` to disambiguate known status codes.
//! #### Headers
//! Hyper's header representation is likely the most complex API exposed by Hyper.
//! Hyper's headers are an abstraction over an internal `HashMap` and provides a
//! typesafe API for interacting with headers that does not rely on the use of
//! "string-typing."
//! Each HTTP header in Hyper has an associated type and implementation of the
//! `Header` trait, which defines an HTTP headers name as a string, how to parse
//! that header, and how to format that header.
//! Headers are then parsed from the string representation lazily when the typed
//! representation of a header is requested and formatted back into their string
//! representation when headers are written back to the client.
//! #### NetworkStream and NetworkAcceptor
//! These are found in `src/net.rs` and define the interface that acceptors and
//! streams must fulfill for them to be used within Hyper. They are by and large
//! internal tools and you should only need to mess around with them if you want to
//! mock or replace `TcpStream` and `TcpAcceptor`.
//! ### Server
//! Server-specific functionality, such as `Request` and `Response`
//! representations, are found in in `src/server`.
//! #### Handler + Server
//! A `Handler` in Hyper accepts a `Request` and `Response`. This is where
//! user-code can handle each connection. The server accepts connections in a
//! task pool with a customizable number of threads, and passes the Request /
//! Response to the handler.
//! #### Request
//! An incoming HTTP Request is represented as a struct containing
//! a `Reader` over a `NetworkStream`, which represents the body, headers, a remote
//! address, an HTTP version, and a `Method` - relatively standard stuff.
//! `Request` implements `Reader` itself, meaning that you can ergonomically get
//! the body out of a `Request` using standard `Reader` methods and helpers.
//! #### Response
//! An outgoing HTTP Response is also represented as a struct containing a `Writer`
//! over a `NetworkStream` which represents the Response body in addition to
//! standard items such as the `StatusCode` and HTTP version. `Response`'s `Writer`
//! implementation provides a streaming interface for sending data over to the
//! client.
//! One of the traditional problems with representing outgoing HTTP Responses is
//! tracking the write-status of the Response - have we written the status-line,
//! the headers, the body, etc.? Hyper tracks this information statically using the
//! type system and prevents you, using the type system, from writing headers after
//! you have started writing to the body or vice versa.
//! Hyper does this through a phantom type parameter in the definition of Response,
//! which tracks whether you are allowed to write to the headers or the body. This
//! phantom type can have two values `Fresh` or `Streaming`, with `Fresh`
//! indicating that you can write the headers and `Streaming` indicating that you
//! may write to the body, but not the headers.
//! ### Client
//! Client-specific functionality, such as `Request` and `Response`
//! representations, are found in `src/client`.
//! #### Request
//! An outgoing HTTP Request is represented as a struct containing a `Writer` over
//! a `NetworkStream` which represents the Request body in addition to the standard
//! information such as headers and the request method.
//! Outgoing Requests track their write-status in almost exactly the same way as
//! outgoing HTTP Responses do on the Server, so we will defer to the explanation
//! in the documentation for sever Response.
//! Requests expose an efficient streaming interface instead of a builder pattern,
//! but they also provide the needed interface for creating a builder pattern over
//! the API exposed by core Hyper.
//! #### Response
//! Incoming HTTP Responses are represented as a struct containing a `Reader` over
//! a `NetworkStream` and contain headers, a status, and an http version. They
//! implement `Reader` and can be read to get the data out of a `Response`.

extern crate "rustc-serialize" as serialize;
extern crate time;
extern crate url;
extern crate openssl;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate test;
extern crate "unsafe-any" as uany;
extern crate cookie;
extern crate mucell;
extern crate unicase;

pub use std::io::net::ip::{SocketAddr, IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, Port};
pub use mimewrapper::mime;
pub use url::Url;
pub use client::Client;
pub use method::Method::{Get, Head, Post, Delete};
pub use status::StatusCode::{Ok, BadRequest, NotFound};
pub use server::Server;

use std::error::{Error, FromError};
use std::io::IoError;

use self::HttpError::{HttpMethodError, HttpUriError, HttpVersionError,
                      HttpHeaderError, HttpStatusError, HttpIoError};

macro_rules! todo(
    ($($arg:tt)*) => (if cfg!(not(ndebug)) {
        log!(5, "TODO: {:?}", format_args!($($arg)*))

macro_rules! inspect(
    ($name:expr, $value:expr) => ({
        let v = $value;
        debug!("inspect: {:?} = {:?}", $name, v);

mod mock;

pub mod client;
pub mod method;
pub mod header;
pub mod http;
pub mod net;
pub mod server;
pub mod status;
pub mod uri;
pub mod version;

mod mimewrapper {
    /// Re-exporting the mime crate, for convenience.
    extern crate mime;

/// Result type often returned from methods that can have `HttpError`s.
pub type HttpResult<T> = Result<T, HttpError>;

/// A set of errors that can occur parsing HTTP streams.
#[derive(Show, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum HttpError {
    /// An invalid `Method`, such as `GE,T`.
    /// An invalid `RequestUri`, such as `exam ple.domain`.
    /// An invalid `HttpVersion`, such as `HTP/1.1`
    /// An invalid `Header`.
    /// An invalid `Status`, such as `1337 ELITE`.
    /// An `IoError` that occured while trying to read or write to a network stream.

impl Error for HttpError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            HttpMethodError => "Invalid Method specified",
            HttpUriError(_) => "Invalid Request URI specified",
            HttpVersionError => "Invalid HTTP version specified",
            HttpHeaderError => "Invalid Header provided",
            HttpStatusError => "Invalid Status provided",
            HttpIoError(_) => "An IoError occurred while connecting to the specified network",

    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
        match *self {
            HttpIoError(ref error) => Some(error as &Error),
            HttpUriError(ref error) => Some(error as &Error),
            _ => None,

impl FromError<IoError> for HttpError {
    fn from_error(err: IoError) -> HttpError {

impl FromError<url::ParseError> for HttpError {
    fn from_error(err: url::ParseError) -> HttpError {

fn _assert_send<T: Send>() {