hyper-simple-server 0.2.1

Simple friendly wrapper around hyper HTTP server

use crate::prelude::*;

#[ derive (Default) ]
#[ cfg (feature = "hss-config") ]
#[ cfg (feature = "hss-cli") ]
pub struct ConfigurationArguments {
	pub endpoint_socket_address : Option<String>,
	pub endpoint_socket_address_help : String,
	#[ cfg (unix) ]
	pub endpoint_descriptor : Option<u32>,
	#[ cfg (unix) ]
	pub endpoint_descriptor_help : String,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http1") ]
	pub endpoint_protocol_http1 : Option<bool>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http1") ]
	pub endpoint_protocol_http1_help : String,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http2") ]
	pub endpoint_protocol_http2 : Option<bool>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http2") ]
	pub endpoint_protocol_http2_help : String,
	pub endpoint_insecure : Option<bool>,
	pub endpoint_insecure_help : String,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-rust") ]
	pub endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path : Option<String>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-rust") ]
	pub endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path_help : String,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-rust") ]
	pub endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_fallback : Option<RustTlsCertificate>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
	pub endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path : Option<String>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
	pub endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_password : Option<String>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
	pub endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path_help : String,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
	pub endpoint_native_tls_certificate_fallback : Option<NativeTlsCertificate>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-server-mt") ]
	pub server_threads : Option<usize>,
	#[ cfg (feature = "hss-server-mt") ]
	pub server_threads_help : String,

#[ cfg (feature = "hss-config") ]
#[ cfg (feature = "hss-cli") ]
impl ConfigurationArguments {
	pub fn with_defaults (_configuration : &Configuration) -> Self {
		let mut _arguments = Self::default ();
		match _configuration.endpoint.address {
			EndpointAddress::Socket (_address) =>
				_arguments.endpoint_socket_address = Some (_address.to_string ()),
			#[ cfg (unix) ]
			EndpointAddress::Descriptor (_descriptor) =>
				_arguments.endpoint_descriptor = Some (_descriptor),
		match _configuration.endpoint.protocol {
			#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http1") ]
			EndpointProtocol::Http1 =>
				_arguments.endpoint_protocol_http1 = Some (true),
			#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http2") ]
			EndpointProtocol::Http2 =>
				_arguments.endpoint_protocol_http2 = Some (true),
			#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http1") ]
			#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http2") ]
			EndpointProtocol::Http12 => {
				_arguments.endpoint_protocol_http1 = Some (true);
				_arguments.endpoint_protocol_http2 = Some (true);
			EndpointProtocol::Generic =>
		match _configuration.endpoint.security {
			EndpointSecurity::Insecure =>
				_arguments.endpoint_insecure = Some (true),
			#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-rust") ]
			EndpointSecurity::RustTls (ref _certificate) => {
				_arguments.endpoint_insecure = Some (false);
				_arguments.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_fallback = Some (_certificate.clone ());
			#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
			EndpointSecurity::NativeTls (ref _certificate) => {
				_arguments.endpoint_insecure = Some (false);
				_arguments.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_fallback = Some (_certificate.clone ());
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-server-mt") ]
		_arguments.server_threads = _configuration.threads;
	#[ allow (single_use_lifetimes) ]
	pub fn prepare <'a> (&'a mut self, _parser : &mut argparse::ArgumentParser<'a>) -> () {
		self.endpoint_socket_address_help = self.endpoint_socket_address.as_ref () .map_or_else (
				|| format! ("listen on TCP socket address"),
				|_address| format! ("listen on TCP socket address (default `{}`)", _address));
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_socket_address)
				.metavar ("<socket-address>")
				.add_option (&["--listen-address"], argparse::StoreOption, &self.endpoint_socket_address_help)
				.add_option (&["--listen-any-80"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (String::from (""))), "listen on any IP with port 80 (might require root or capabilities)")
				.add_option (&["--listen-any-443"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (String::from (""))), "listen on any IP with port 443 (might require root or capabilities)")
				.add_option (&["--listen-any-8080"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (String::from (""))), "listen on any IP with port 8080")
				.add_option (&["--listen-any-8443"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (String::from (""))), "listen on any IP with port 8443")
				.add_option (&["--listen-localhost-8080"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (String::from (""))), "listen on localhost with port 8080")
				.add_option (&["--listen-localhost-8443"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (String::from (""))), "listen on localhost with port 8443");
		#[ cfg (unix) ]
		self.endpoint_descriptor_help = self.endpoint_descriptor.as_ref () .map_or_else (
				|| format! ("listen on TCP socket with descriptor"),
				|_descriptor| format! ("listen on TCP socket with descriptor (default `{}`)", _descriptor));
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_descriptor)
				.metavar ("<socket-descriptor>")
				.add_option (&["--listen-descriptor"], argparse::StoreOption, &self.endpoint_descriptor_help);
		#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http1") ]
		self.endpoint_protocol_http1_help = self.endpoint_protocol_http1.as_ref () .map_or_else (
				|| format! ("enable HTTP/1 support"),
				|_enabled| format! ("enable HTTP/1 support (default `{}`)", _enabled));
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_protocol_http1)
				.add_option (&["--enable-http1"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (true)), &self.endpoint_protocol_http1_help)
				.add_option (&["--disable-http1"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (false)), "");
		#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http2") ]
		self.endpoint_protocol_http2_help = self.endpoint_protocol_http2.as_ref () .map_or_else (
				|| format! ("enable HTTP/2 support"),
				|_enabled| format! ("enable HTTP/2 support (default `{}`)", _enabled));
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_protocol_http2)
				.add_option (&["--enable-http2"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (true)), &self.endpoint_protocol_http2_help)
				.add_option (&["--disable-http2"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (false)), "");
		self.endpoint_insecure_help = if self.endpoint_insecure.unwrap_or (false) {
				format! ("disable TLS support (default disabled)")
			} else {
				format! ("disable TLS support (default enabled)")
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_insecure)
				.add_option (&["--disable-tls"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (true)), &self.endpoint_insecure_help)
				.add_option (&["--enable-tls"], argparse::StoreConst (Some (false)), "");
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-rust") ]
		let _endpoint_has_certificate_fallback = self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_fallback.is_some ();
		self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path_help = self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path.as_ref () .map_or_else (
				|| if _endpoint_has_certificate_fallback {
					format! ("load TLS certificate in PEM format (with Rust TLS library) from path (default embedded in binary)")
				} else {
					format! ("load TLS certificate in PEM format (with Rust TLS library) from path")
				|_path| format! ("load TLS certificate in PEM format (with Rust TLS library) from path (default `{}`)", _path));
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path)
				.metavar ("<path>")
				.add_option (&["--load-rust-tls-pem-path"], argparse::StoreOption, &self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path_help);
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
		let _endpoint_has_certificate_fallback = self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_fallback.is_some ();
		self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path_help = self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path.as_ref () .map_or_else (
				|| if _endpoint_has_certificate_fallback {
					format! ("load TLS certificate in PKCS#12 format (with native TLS library) from path (default embedded in binary)")
				} else {
					format! ("load TLS certificate in PKCS#12 format (with native TLS library) from path")
				|_path| format! ("load TLS certificate in PKCS#12 format (with native TLS library) from path (default `{}`)", _path));
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path)
				.metavar ("<path>")
				.add_option (&["--load-native-tls-pkcs12-path"], argparse::StoreOption, &self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path_help);
		_parser.refer (&mut self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_password)
				.metavar ("<password>")
				.add_option (&["--load-native-tls-pkcs12-password"], argparse::StoreOption, "");
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-server-mt") ]
		self.server_threads_help = self.server_threads.as_ref () .map_or_else (
				|| format! ("enable server multi-threading"),
				|_threads| format! ("enable server multi-threading (default `{}` threads)", _threads));
		_parser.refer (&mut self.server_threads)
				.add_option (&["--server-threads"], argparse::StoreOption, &self.server_threads_help)
				.add_option (&["--no-server-threads"], argparse::StoreConst (None), "");
	pub fn update (&self, _configuration : &mut Configuration) -> ServerResult {
		#[ cfg (unix) ]
		if self.endpoint_socket_address.is_some () && self.endpoint_descriptor.is_some () {
			return Err (error_with_message (0xbb9b6c08, "conflicting TCP listen options specified"));
		if let Some (_address) = self.endpoint_socket_address.as_ref () {
			_configuration.endpoint.address = EndpointAddress::from_socket_address_parse (_address) ?;
		#[ cfg (unix) ]
		if let Some (_descriptor) = self.endpoint_descriptor {
			_configuration.endpoint.address = EndpointAddress::from_descriptor (_descriptor);
		#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http") ]
		let mut _http1_enabled = _configuration.endpoint.protocol.supports_http1 ();
		#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http1") ]
		if let Some (_enabled) = self.endpoint_protocol_http1 {
			_http1_enabled = _enabled;
		let mut _http2_enabled = _configuration.endpoint.protocol.supports_http2 ();
		#[ cfg (feature = "hyper--http2") ]
		if let Some (_enabled) = self.endpoint_protocol_http2 {
			_http2_enabled = _enabled;
		_configuration.endpoint.protocol = EndpointProtocol::with_http_support (_http1_enabled, _http2_enabled);
		if let Some (true) = self.endpoint_insecure {
			_configuration.endpoint.security = EndpointSecurity::Insecure;
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-rust") ]
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
		if self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path.is_some () && self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path.is_some () {
			return Err (error_with_message (0x7ce8d799, "conflicting load TLS certificate options specified"));
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-rust") ]
		if let Some (_path) = self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_pem_path.as_ref () {
			_configuration.endpoint.security = EndpointSecurity::RustTls (RustTlsCertificate::load_from_pem_file (_path) ?);
		} else if let Some (_certificate) = self.endpoint_rust_tls_certificate_fallback.as_ref () {
			if let Some (false) = self.endpoint_insecure {
				_configuration.endpoint.security = EndpointSecurity::RustTls (_certificate.clone ());
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-native") ]
		if let Some (_path) = self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_path.as_ref () {
			let _password = self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_pkcs12_password.as_ref () .map_or_else (|| "", String::as_str);
			_configuration.endpoint.security = EndpointSecurity::NativeTls (NativeTlsCertificate::load_from_pkcs12_file (_path, _password) ?);
		} else if let Some (_certificate) = self.endpoint_native_tls_certificate_fallback.as_ref () {
			if let Some (false) = self.endpoint_insecure {
				_configuration.endpoint.security = EndpointSecurity::NativeTls (_certificate.clone ());
		#[ allow (irrefutable_let_patterns) ]
		if let Some (_endpoint_insecure) = self.endpoint_insecure {
			if _endpoint_insecure {
				if let EndpointSecurity::Insecure = _configuration.endpoint.security {
					// NOP
				} else {
					return Err (error_with_message (0x1111c2cc, "conflicting insecure and load TLS certificate options"));
			} else {
				if let EndpointSecurity::Insecure = _configuration.endpoint.security {
					#[ cfg (feature = "hss-tls-any") ]
					return Err (error_with_message (0x6621c453, "conflicting secure and missing load TLS certificate options"));
					#[ cfg (not (feature = "hss-tls-any")) ]
					return Err (error_with_message (0x0e0edc6a, "conflicting secure and unavailable TLS engine options"));
				} else {
					// NOP
		#[ cfg (feature = "hss-server-mt") ]
		_configuration.threads = self.server_threads;
		Ok (())
	pub fn parse (&mut self) -> ServerResult {
		let mut _parser = argparse::ArgumentParser::new ();
		self.prepare (&mut _parser);
		_parser.parse_args_or_exit ();
		Ok (())
	pub fn parse_and_update (_configuration : &mut Configuration) -> ServerResult {
		let mut _arguments = Self::with_defaults (_configuration);
		_arguments.parse () ?;
		_arguments.update (_configuration) ?;
		Ok (())