hyper-rustls 0.6.2

Rustls+hyper integration for pure rust HTTPS
extern crate hyper;

extern crate hyper_rustls;

extern crate env_logger;

use std::env;
use std::io;

use hyper::Client;
use hyper::header::Connection;
use hyper::net::HttpConnector;
use hyper::net::HttpsConnector;
use hyper::client::ProxyConfig;

fn main() {

    let url = match env::args().nth(1) {
        Some(url) => url,
        None => {
            println!("Usage: client <url>");

    let tls = hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new();

    let client = match env::var("HTTP_PROXY") {
        Ok(mut proxy) => {
            // parse the proxy, message if it doesn't make sense
            let mut port = 80;
            if let Some(colon) = proxy.rfind(':') {
                port = proxy[colon + 1..].parse().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
                    panic!("HTTP_PROXY is malformed: {:?}, port parse error: {}", proxy, e);

            // connector here gets us to the proxy. tls then is used for https
            // connections via the proxy (tunnelled through the CONNECT method)
            let connector = HttpConnector::default();
            let proxy_config = ProxyConfig::new("http", proxy, port, connector, tls);
        _ => {
            let connector = HttpsConnector::new(tls);

    let mut res = client.get(&*url)

    println!("Response: {}", res.status);
    println!("Headers:\n{}", res.headers);
    io::copy(&mut res, &mut io::stdout()).unwrap();