hyper-rustls 0.18.0-alpha.2

Rustls+hyper integration for pure rust HTTPS
//! Simple HTTPS GET client based on hyper-rustls
//! First parameter is the mandatory URL to GET.
//! Second parameter is an optional path to CA store.
use futures_util::TryStreamExt;
use hyper::{client, Body, Chunk, Uri};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{env, fs, io};

fn main() {
    // Send GET request and inspect result, with proper error handling.
    if let Err(e) = run_client() {
        eprintln!("FAILED: {}", e);

fn error(err: String) -> io::Error {
    io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err)

async fn run_client() -> io::Result<()> {
    // First parameter is target URL (mandatory).
    let url = match env::args().nth(1) {
        Some(ref url) => Uri::from_str(url).map_err(|e| error(format!("{}", e)))?,
        None => {
            println!("Usage: client <url> <ca_store>");
            return Ok(());

    // Second parameter is custom Root-CA store (optional, defaults to webpki).
    let mut ca = match env::args().nth(2) {
        Some(ref path) => {
            let f = fs::File::open(path)
                .map_err(|e| error(format!("failed to open {}: {}", path, e)))?;
            let rd = io::BufReader::new(f);
        None => None,

    // Prepare the HTTPS connector.
    let https = match ca {
        Some(ref mut rd) => {
            // Build an HTTP connector which supports HTTPS too.
            let mut http = client::HttpConnector::new();
            // Build a TLS client, using the custom CA store for lookups.
            let mut tls = rustls::ClientConfig::new();
                .map_err(|_| error("failed to load custom CA store".into()))?;
            // Join the above part into an HTTPS connector.
            hyper_rustls::HttpsConnector::from((http, tls))
        // Default HTTPS connector.
        None => hyper_rustls::HttpsConnector::new(),

    // Build the hyper client from the HTTPS connector.
    let client: client::Client<_, hyper::Body> = client::Client::builder().build(https);

    // Prepare a chain of futures which sends a GET request, inspects
    // the returned headers, collects the whole body and prints it to
    // stdout.
    let fut = async move {
        let res = client
            .map_err(|e| error(format!("Could not get: {:?}", e)))?;
        println!("Status:\n{}", res.status());
        println!("Headers:\n{:#?}", res.headers());

        let body: Body = res.into_body();
        let body: Chunk = body
            .map_err(|e| error(format!("Could not get body: {:?}", e)))?;
        println!("Body:\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&body));

