hyper-routing 0.6.1

Simple routing middleware for Hyper http library.
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://tsharp.github.io/hyper-routing/doc/hyper_routing")]

//! # Hyper Routing
//! This cargo is a small extension to the great Hyper HTTP library. It basically is
//! adds the ability to define routes to request handlers and then query for the handlers
//! by request path.
//! ## Usage
//! This code will start Hyper server and add use router to find handlers for request.
//! We create the `Route` so that when we visit path `/greet` the `basic_handler` handler
//! will be called.
//! ## Things to note
//! * `Path::new` method accepts regular expressions so you can match every path you please.
//! * If you have request matching multiple paths the one that was first `add`ed will be chosen.
//! * This library is in an early stage of development so there may be breaking changes comming
//! (but I'll try as hard as I can not to break backwards compatibility or break it just a little -
//! I promise I'll try!).
//! # Waiting for your feedback
//! I've created this little tool to help myself learn Rust and to avoid using big frameworks
//! like Iron or rustful. I just want to keep things simple.
//! Obviously I could make some errors or bad design choices so I'm waiting for your feedback!
//! You may create an issue at [project's bug tracker](https://github.com/tsharp/hyper-routing/issues).

extern crate futures;
extern crate hyper;

use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use futures::future;
use hyper::header::CONTENT_LENGTH;
use hyper::service::Service;
use hyper::{Body, Request, Response};

use hyper::Method;
use hyper::StatusCode;

mod builder;
pub mod handlers;
mod path;
pub mod route;

pub use self::builder::RouterBuilder;
pub use self::path::Path;
pub use self::route::Route;
pub use self::route::RouteBuilder;

pub type Handler = fn(Request<Body>) -> Response<Body>;
pub type HttpResult<T> = Result<T, StatusCode>;

/// This is the one. The router.
pub struct Router {
    routes: Vec<Route>,

impl Router {
    /// Finds handler for given Hyper request.
    /// This method uses default error handlers.
    /// If the request does not match any route than default 404 handler is returned.
    /// If the request match some routes but http method does not match (used GET but routes are
    /// defined for POST) than default method not supported handler is returned.
    pub fn find_handler_with_defaults(&self, request: &Request<Body>) -> Handler {
        let matching_routes = self.find_matching_routes(request.uri().path());
        match matching_routes.len() {
            x if x == 0 => handlers::default_404_handler,
            _ => self
                .find_for_method(&matching_routes, request.method())

    /// Finds handler for given Hyper request.
    /// It returns handler if it's found or `StatusCode` for error.
    /// This method may return `NotFound`, `MethodNotAllowed` or `NotImplemented`
    /// status codes.
    pub fn find_handler(&self, request: &Request<Body>) -> HttpResult<Handler> {
        let matching_routes = self.find_matching_routes(request.uri().path());
        match matching_routes.len() {
            x if x == 0 => Err(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND),
            _ => self
                .find_for_method(&matching_routes, request.method())

    /// Returns vector of `Route`s that match to given path.
    pub fn find_matching_routes(&self, request_path: &str) -> Vec<&Route> {
            .filter(|route| route.path.matcher.is_match(&request_path))

    fn find_for_method(&self, routes: &[&Route], method: &Method) -> Option<Handler> {
        let method = method.clone();
            .find(|route| route.method == method)
            .map(|route| route.handler)

/// The default simple router service.
pub struct RouterService {
    pub router: Router,
    pub error_handler: fn(StatusCode) -> Response<Body>,

impl RouterService {
    pub fn new(router: Router) -> RouterService {
        RouterService {
            error_handler: Self::default_error_handler,

    fn default_error_handler(status_code: StatusCode) -> Response<Body> {
        let error = "Routing error: page not found";
            .header(CONTENT_LENGTH, error.len() as u64)
            .status(match status_code {
                StatusCode::NOT_FOUND => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
                _ => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
            .expect("Failed to construct a response")

impl Service<Request<Body>> for RouterService {
    type Response = Response<Body>;
    type Error = hyper::Error;
    type Future = future::Ready<Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, request: Request<Body>) -> Self::Future {
        futures::future::ok(match self.router.find_handler(&request) {
            Ok(handler) => handler(request),
            Err(status_code) => (self.error_handler)(status_code),