hvm 1.0.20-beta

A massively parallel functional runtime.
use crate::runtime::{*};
use crate::language;
use std::collections::{hash_map, HashMap};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering};

// A runtime term
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Core {
  Var { bidx: u64 },
  Glo { glob: u64, misc: u64 },
  Dup { eras: (bool, bool), glob: u64, expr: Box<Core>, body: Box<Core> },
  Sup { val0: Box<Core>, val1: Box<Core> },
  Let { expr: Box<Core>, body: Box<Core> },
  Lam { eras: bool, glob: u64, body: Box<Core> },
  App { func: Box<Core>, argm: Box<Core> },
  Fun { func: u64, args: Vec<Core> },
  Ctr { func: u64, args: Vec<Core> },
  U6O { numb: u64 },
  F6O { numb: u64 },
  Op2 { oper: u64, val0: Box<Core>, val1: Box<Core> },

// A runtime rule
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rule {
  pub hoas: bool,
  pub cond: Vec<Ptr>,
  pub vars: Vec<RuleVar>,
  pub core: Core,
  pub body: RuleBody,
  pub free: Vec<(u64, u64)>,

// A rule left-hand side variable
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RuleVar {
  pub param: u64,
  pub field: Option<u64>,
  pub erase: bool,

// The rule right-hand side body (TODO: can the RuleBodyNode Vec be unboxed?)
pub type RuleBody = (RuleBodyCell, Vec<RuleBodyNode>, u64);

// A body node
pub type RuleBodyNode = Vec<RuleBodyCell>;

// A body cell
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum RuleBodyCell {
  Val { value: u64 }, // Fixed value, doesn't require adjustment
  Var { index: u64 }, // Link to an external variable
  Ptr { value: u64, targ: u64, slot: u64 }, // Local link, requires adjustment

pub type VisitFun = fn(ReduceCtx) -> bool;
pub type ApplyFun = fn(ReduceCtx) -> bool;

pub struct VisitObj {
  pub strict_map: Vec<bool>,
  pub strict_idx: Vec<u64>,

pub struct ApplyObj {
  pub rules: Vec<Rule>,

pub enum Function {
  Interpreted {
    smap: Box<[bool]>,
    visit: VisitObj,
    apply: ApplyObj,
  Compiled {
    smap: Box<[bool]>,
    visit: VisitFun,
    apply: ApplyFun,

pub type Funs = U64Map<Function>;
pub type Aris = U64Map<u64>;
pub type Nams = U64Map<String>;

pub struct Program {
  pub funs: Funs,
  pub aris: Aris,
  pub nams: Nams,

impl Program {
  pub fn new() -> Program {
    let mut funs = U64Map::new();
    let mut aris = U64Map::new();
    let mut nams = U64Map::new();
    // Adds the built-in functions
    for fid in 0 .. crate::runtime::precomp::PRECOMP_COUNT as usize {
      if let Some(precomp) = PRECOMP.get(fid) {
        if let Some(fs) = &precomp.funs {
          funs.insert(fid as u64, Function::Compiled {
            smap: precomp.smap.to_vec().into_boxed_slice(),
            visit: fs.visit,
            apply: fs.apply,
        nams.insert(fid as u64, precomp.name.to_string());
        aris.insert(fid as u64, precomp.smap.len() as u64);
    return Program { funs, aris, nams };

  pub fn add_book(&mut self, book: &language::rulebook::RuleBook) {
    let funs : &mut Funs = &mut gen_functions(&book);
    let nams : &mut Nams = &mut gen_names(&book);
    let aris : &mut Aris = &mut U64Map::new();
    for (fid, fun) in funs.data.drain(0..).enumerate() {
      if let Some(fun) = fun {
        self.funs.insert(fid as u64, fun);
    for (fid, nam) in nams.data.iter().enumerate() {
      if let Some(nam) = nam {
        self.nams.insert(fid as u64, nam.clone());
    for (fid, smp) in &book.id_to_smap {
      self.aris.insert(*fid as u64, smp.len() as u64);

  pub fn add_function(&mut self, name: String, function: Function) {

pub fn get_var(heap: &Heap, term: Ptr, var: &RuleVar) -> Ptr {
  let RuleVar { param, field, erase: _ } = var;
  match field {
    Some(i) => take_arg(heap, load_arg(heap, term, *param), *i),
    None    => take_arg(heap, term, *param),

pub fn alloc_body(heap: &Heap, prog: &Program, tid: usize, term: Ptr, vars: &[RuleVar], body: &RuleBody) -> Ptr {
  fn cell_to_ptr(heap: &Heap, lvar: &LocalVars, aloc: &[AtomicU64], term: Ptr, vars: &[RuleVar], cell: &RuleBodyCell) -> Ptr {
    unsafe {
      match cell {
        RuleBodyCell::Val { value } => {
        RuleBodyCell::Var { index } => {
          get_var(heap, term, vars.get_unchecked(*index as usize))
        RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value, targ, slot } => {
          let mut val = value + *aloc.get_unchecked(*targ as usize).as_mut_ptr() + slot;
          // should be changed if the pointer format changes
          if get_tag(*value) <= DP1 {
            val += (*lvar.dups.as_mut_ptr() & 0xFFF_FFFF) * EXT;
  // FIXME: verify the use of get_unchecked
  unsafe {
    let (cell, nodes, dupk) = body;
    let aloc = &heap.aloc[tid];
    let lvar = &heap.lvar[tid];
    for i in 0 .. nodes.len() {
      *aloc.get_unchecked(i).as_mut_ptr() = alloc(heap, tid, (*nodes.get_unchecked(i)).len() as u64);
    if *lvar.dups.as_mut_ptr() + dupk >= (1 << 28) {
      *lvar.dups.as_mut_ptr() = 0;
    for i in 0 .. nodes.len() {
      let host = *aloc.get_unchecked(i).as_mut_ptr() as usize;
      for j in 0 .. (*nodes.get_unchecked(i)).len() {
        let cell = (*nodes.get_unchecked(i)).get_unchecked(j);
        let ptr = cell_to_ptr(heap, lvar, aloc, term, vars, cell);
        if let RuleBodyCell::Var { .. } = cell {
          link(heap, (host + j) as u64, ptr);
        } else {
          *heap.node.get_unchecked(host + j).as_mut_ptr() = ptr;
    let done = cell_to_ptr(heap, lvar, aloc, term, vars, cell);
    *lvar.dups.as_mut_ptr() += dupk;
    //println!("result: {}\n{}\n", show_ptr(done), show_term(heap, prog, done, 0));
    return done;

pub fn get_global_name_misc(name: &str) -> Option<u64> {
  if !name.is_empty() && name.starts_with(&"$") {
    if name.starts_with(&"$0") {
      return Some(DP0);
    } else if name.starts_with(&"$1") {
      return Some(DP1);
    } else {
      return Some(VAR);
  return None;

// todo: "dups" still needs to be moved out on `alloc_body` etc.
pub fn build_function(book: &language::rulebook::RuleBook, fn_name: &str, rules: &[language::syntax::Rule]) -> Function {
  let hoas = fn_name.starts_with("F$");
  let dynrules = rules.iter().filter_map(|rule| {
    if let language::syntax::Term::Ctr { ref name, ref args } = *rule.lhs {
      let mut cond = Vec::new();
      let mut vars = Vec::new();
      let mut inps = Vec::new();
      let mut free = Vec::new();
      for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
        match &**arg {
          language::syntax::Term::Ctr { name, args } => {
            cond.push(Ctr(*book.name_to_id.get(&*name).unwrap_or(&0), 0));
            free.push((i as u64, args.len() as u64));
            for (j, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
              if let language::syntax::Term::Var { ref name } = **arg {
                vars.push(RuleVar { param: i as u64, field: Some(j as u64), erase: name == "*" });
              } else {
                panic!("sorry, left-hand sides can't have nested constructors yet.");
          language::syntax::Term::U6O { numb } => {
            cond.push(U6O(*numb as u64));
          language::syntax::Term::F6O { numb } => {
            cond.push(F6O(*numb as u64));
          language::syntax::Term::Var { name } => {
            vars.push(RuleVar { param: i as u64, field: None, erase: name == "*" });
          _ => {
            panic!("invalid left-hand side.");

      let core = term_to_core(book, &rule.rhs, &inps);
      let body = build_body(&core, vars.len() as u64);

      Some(Rule { hoas, cond, vars, core, body, free })
    } else {

  let fnid = book.name_to_id.get(fn_name).unwrap();
  let smap = book.id_to_smap.get(fnid).unwrap().clone().into_boxed_slice();

  let strict_map = smap.to_vec();
  let mut strict_idx = Vec::new();
  for (i, is_strict) in smap.iter().enumerate() {
    if *is_strict {
      strict_idx.push(i as u64);

  Function::Interpreted {
    visit: VisitObj { strict_map, strict_idx },
    apply: ApplyObj { rules: dynrules },

pub fn hash<T: std::hash::Hash>(t: &T) -> u64 {
  use std::hash::Hasher;
  let mut s = std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher::new();
  t.hash(&mut s);

pub fn gen_functions(book: &language::rulebook::RuleBook) -> U64Map<Function> {
  let mut funs: U64Map<Function> = U64Map::new();
  for (name, rules_info) in &book.rule_group {
    let fnid = book.name_to_id.get(name).unwrap_or(&0);
    let func = build_function(book, &name, &rules_info.1);
    funs.insert(*fnid, func);

pub fn gen_names(book: &language::rulebook::RuleBook) -> U64Map<String> {
  return U64Map::from_hashmap(&mut book.id_to_name.clone());

/// converts a language term to a runtime term
pub fn term_to_core(book: &language::rulebook::RuleBook, term: &language::syntax::Term, inps: &[String]) -> Core {
  fn convert_oper(oper: &language::syntax::Oper) -> u64 {
    match oper {
      language::syntax::Oper::Add => ADD,
      language::syntax::Oper::Sub => SUB,
      language::syntax::Oper::Mul => MUL,
      language::syntax::Oper::Div => DIV,
      language::syntax::Oper::Mod => MOD,
      language::syntax::Oper::And => AND,
      language::syntax::Oper::Or  => OR,
      language::syntax::Oper::Xor => XOR,
      language::syntax::Oper::Shl => SHL,
      language::syntax::Oper::Shr => SHR,
      language::syntax::Oper::Ltn => LTN,
      language::syntax::Oper::Lte => LTE,
      language::syntax::Oper::Eql => EQL,
      language::syntax::Oper::Gte => GTE,
      language::syntax::Oper::Gtn => GTN,
      language::syntax::Oper::Neq => NEQ,

  fn convert_term(
    term: &language::syntax::Term,
    book: &language::rulebook::RuleBook,
    depth: u64,
    vars: &mut Vec<String>,
  ) -> Core {
    match term {
      language::syntax::Term::Var { name } => {
        if let Some((idx, _)) = vars.iter().enumerate().rev().find(|(_, var)| var == &name) {
          Core::Var { bidx: idx as u64 }
        } else {
          match get_global_name_misc(name) {
            Some(VAR) => Core::Glo { glob: hash(name), misc: VAR },
            Some(DP0) => Core::Glo { glob: hash(&name[2..].to_string()), misc: DP0 },
            Some(DP1) => Core::Glo { glob: hash(&name[2..].to_string()), misc: DP1 },
            _ => panic!("Unexpected error."),
      language::syntax::Term::Dup { nam0, nam1, expr, body } => {
        let eras = (nam0 == "*", nam1 == "*");
        let glob = if get_global_name_misc(nam0).is_some() { hash(&nam0[2..].to_string()) } else { 0 };
        let expr = Box::new(convert_term(expr, book, depth + 0, vars));
        let body = Box::new(convert_term(body, book, depth + 2, vars));
        Core::Dup { eras, glob, expr, body }
      language::syntax::Term::Sup { val0, val1 } => {
        let val0 = Box::new(convert_term(val0, book, depth + 0, vars));
        let val1 = Box::new(convert_term(val1, book, depth + 0, vars));
        Core::Sup { val0, val1 }
      language::syntax::Term::Lam { name, body } => {
        let glob = if get_global_name_misc(name).is_some() { hash(name) } else { 0 };
        let eras = name == "*";
        let body = Box::new(convert_term(body, book, depth + 1, vars));
        Core::Lam { eras, glob, body }
      language::syntax::Term::Let { name, expr, body } => {
        let expr = Box::new(convert_term(expr, book, depth + 0, vars));
        let body = Box::new(convert_term(body, book, depth + 1, vars));
        Core::Let { expr, body }
      language::syntax::Term::App { func, argm } => {
        let func = Box::new(convert_term(func, book, depth + 0, vars));
        let argm = Box::new(convert_term(argm, book, depth + 0, vars));
        Core::App { func, argm }
      language::syntax::Term::Ctr { name, args } => {
        let term_func = *book.name_to_id.get(name).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("unbound symbol: {}", name));
        let term_args = args.iter().map(|arg| convert_term(arg, book, depth + 0, vars)).collect();
        if *book.ctr_is_fun.get(name).unwrap_or(&false) {
          Core::Fun { func: term_func, args: term_args }
        } else {
          Core::Ctr { func: term_func, args: term_args }
      language::syntax::Term::U6O { numb } => Core::U6O { numb: *numb },
      language::syntax::Term::F6O { numb } => Core::F6O { numb: *numb },
      language::syntax::Term::Op2 { oper, val0, val1 } => {
        let oper = convert_oper(oper);
        let val0 = Box::new(convert_term(val0, book, depth + 0, vars));
        let val1 = Box::new(convert_term(val1, book, depth + 1, vars));
        Core::Op2 { oper, val0, val1 }

  let mut vars = inps.to_vec();
  convert_term(term, book, 0, &mut vars)

pub fn build_body(term: &Core, free_vars: u64) -> RuleBody {
  fn link(nodes: &mut [RuleBodyNode], targ: u64, slot: u64, elem: RuleBodyCell) {
    nodes[targ as usize][slot as usize] = elem;
    if let RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value, targ: var_targ, slot: var_slot } = elem {
      let tag = get_tag(value);
      if tag <= VAR {
        nodes[var_targ as usize][(var_slot + (tag & 0x01)) as usize] = RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Arg(0), targ, slot };
  fn alloc_lam(lams: &mut std::collections::HashMap<u64, u64>, nodes: &mut Vec<RuleBodyNode>, glob: u64) -> u64 {
    if let Some(targ) = lams.get(&glob) {
    } else {
      let targ = nodes.len() as u64;
      nodes.push(vec![RuleBodyCell::Val { value: 0 }; 2]);
      link(nodes, targ, 0, RuleBodyCell::Val { value: Era() });
      if glob != 0 {
        lams.insert(glob, targ);
      return targ;
  fn alloc_dup(dups: &mut HashMap<u64, (u64,u64)>, nodes: &mut Vec<RuleBodyNode>, links: &mut Vec<(u64, u64, RuleBodyCell)>, dupk: &mut u64, glob: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
    if let Some(got) = dups.get(&glob) {
      return got.clone();
    } else {
      let dupc = *dupk;
      let targ = nodes.len() as u64;
      *dupk += 1;
      nodes.push(vec![RuleBodyCell::Val { value: 0 }; 3]);
      links.push((targ, 0, RuleBodyCell::Val { value: Era() }));
      links.push((targ, 1, RuleBodyCell::Val { value: Era() }));
      if glob != 0 {
        dups.insert(glob, (targ, dupc));
      return (targ, dupc);
  fn gen_elems(
    term: &Core,
    dupk: &mut u64,
    vars: &mut Vec<RuleBodyCell>,
    lams: &mut HashMap<u64, u64>,
    dups: &mut HashMap<u64, (u64,u64)>,
    nodes: &mut Vec<RuleBodyNode>,
    links: &mut Vec<(u64, u64, RuleBodyCell)>,
  ) -> RuleBodyCell {
    match term {
      Core::Var { bidx } => {
        if *bidx < vars.len() as u64 {
          vars[*bidx as usize]
        } else {
          panic!("unbound variable.");
      Core::Glo { glob, misc } => {
        match *misc {
          VAR => {
            let targ = alloc_lam(lams, nodes, *glob);
            return RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Var(0), targ, slot: 0 };
          DP0 => {
            let (targ, dupc) = alloc_dup(dups, nodes, links, dupk, *glob);
            return RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Dp0(dupc, 0), targ, slot: 0 };
          DP1 => {
            let (targ, dupc) = alloc_dup(dups, nodes, links, dupk, *glob);
            return RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Dp1(dupc, 0), targ, slot: 0 };
          _ => {
            panic!("Unexpected error.");
      Core::Dup { eras: _, glob, expr, body } => {
        let (targ, dupc) = alloc_dup(dups, nodes, links, dupk, *glob);
        let expr = gen_elems(expr, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 2, expr));
        //let dupc = 0; // FIXME remove
        vars.push(RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Dp0(dupc, 0), targ, slot: 0 });
        vars.push(RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Dp1(dupc, 0), targ, slot: 0 });
        let body = gen_elems(body, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
      Core::Sup { val0, val1 } => {
        let dupc = *dupk;
        let targ = nodes.len() as u64;
        *dupk += 1;
        nodes.push(vec![RuleBodyCell::Val { value: 0 }; 2]);
        let val0 = gen_elems(val0, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 0, val0));
        let val1 = gen_elems(val1, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 1, val1));
        //let dupc = 0; // FIXME remove
        RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Sup(dupc, 0), targ, slot: 0 }
      Core::Let { expr, body } => {
        let expr = gen_elems(expr, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        let body = gen_elems(body, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
      Core::Lam { eras: _, glob, body } => {
        let targ = alloc_lam(lams, nodes, *glob);
        let var = RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Var(0), targ, slot: 0 };
        let body = gen_elems(body, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 1, body));
        RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Lam(0), targ, slot: 0 }
      Core::App { func, argm } => {
        let targ = nodes.len() as u64;
        nodes.push(vec![RuleBodyCell::Val { value: 0 }; 2]);
        let func = gen_elems(func, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 0, func));
        let argm = gen_elems(argm, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 1, argm));
        RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: App(0), targ, slot: 0 }
      Core::Fun { func, args } => {
        if !args.is_empty() {
          let targ = nodes.len() as u64;
          nodes.push(vec![RuleBodyCell::Val { value: 0 }; args.len() as usize]);
          for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
            let arg = gen_elems(arg, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
            links.push((targ, i as u64, arg));
          RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Fun(*func, 0), targ, slot: 0 }
        } else {
          RuleBodyCell::Val { value: Fun(*func, 0) }
      Core::Ctr { func, args } => {
        if !args.is_empty() {
          let targ = nodes.len() as u64;
          nodes.push(vec![RuleBodyCell::Val { value: 0 }; args.len() as usize]);
          for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
            let arg = gen_elems(arg, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
            links.push((targ, i as u64, arg));
          RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Ctr(*func, 0), targ, slot: 0 }
        } else {
          RuleBodyCell::Val { value: Ctr(*func, 0) }
      Core::U6O { numb } => RuleBodyCell::Val { value: U6O(*numb as u64) },
      Core::F6O { numb } => RuleBodyCell::Val { value: F6O(*numb as u64) },
      Core::Op2 { oper, val0, val1 } => {
        let targ = nodes.len() as u64;
        nodes.push(vec![RuleBodyCell::Val { value: 0 }; 2]);
        let val0 = gen_elems(val0, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 0, val0));
        let val1 = gen_elems(val1, dupk, vars, lams, dups, nodes, links);
        links.push((targ, 1, val1));
        RuleBodyCell::Ptr { value: Op2(*oper, 0), targ, slot: 0 }

  let mut links: Vec<(u64, u64, RuleBodyCell)> = Vec::new();
  let mut nodes: Vec<RuleBodyNode> = Vec::new();
  let mut lams: HashMap<u64, u64> = HashMap::new();
  let mut dups: HashMap<u64, (u64,u64)> = HashMap::new();
  let mut vars: Vec<RuleBodyCell> = (0..free_vars).map(|i| RuleBodyCell::Var { index: i }).collect();
  let mut dupk: u64 = 0;

  let elem = gen_elems(term, &mut dupk, &mut vars, &mut lams, &mut dups, &mut nodes, &mut links);
  for (targ, slot, elem) in links {
    link(&mut nodes, targ, slot, elem);

  (elem, nodes, dupk)

pub fn alloc_closed_core(heap: &Heap, prog: &Program, tid: usize, term: &Core) -> u64 {
  let host = alloc(heap, tid, 1);
  let body = build_body(term, 0);
  let term = alloc_body(heap, prog, tid, 0, &[], &body);
  link(heap, host, term);

pub fn alloc_term(heap: &Heap, prog: &Program, tid: usize, book: &language::rulebook::RuleBook, term: &language::syntax::Term) -> u64 {
  alloc_closed_core(heap, prog, tid, &term_to_core(book, term, &vec![]))

pub fn make_string(heap: &Heap, tid: usize, text: &str) -> Ptr {
  let mut term = Ctr(STRING_NIL, 0);
  for chr in text.chars().rev() { // TODO: reverse
    let ctr0 = alloc(heap, tid, 2);
    link(heap, ctr0 + 0, U6O(chr as u64));
    link(heap, ctr0 + 1, term);
    term = Ctr(STRING_CONS, ctr0);
  return term;