hunspell-sys 0.3.1

Bindings to the hunspell C API.


Crate version Documentation Build Status

Rust bindings for the hunspell C API.


By default hunspell-sys searches for a hunspell library installation with pkg-config. By default the linkage is dynamic, if static is required use static

Optionally, the bundled code of hunspell can be compiled with the cc crate and will be linked statically when the bundled feature is present. The feature static is not required for this, the bundled feature will always link the produced hunspell artifact statically.

hunspell-sys = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["bundled"] }

musl targets

If compiling for/on musl systems, libclang as used by bindgen-rs must be linked statically as well, which can be achieved with feature static_libclang.

hunspell-sys = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["bundled", "static_libclang"] }