human-repr 0.3.0

Generate beautiful human representations of bytes, durations and even throughputs!


Generate beautiful human representations of bytes, durations and even throughputs!

License: MIT Docs

What it does

Easily generate human-readable descriptions directly on primitive numbers, of several kinds:

  • counts, supporting SI prefixes k, M, G, T, P, E, Z, and Y (optional IEC standard);
  • durations, supporting nanos (ns), millis (ms), micros (µs), seconds (s), and even hour-minute-seconds (HH:MM:SS);
  • throughputs, supporting per-day (/d), per-hour (/h), per-month (/m), and per-sec (/s).

It is also blazingly fast, taking only ~80 ns to generate a representation, and well-tested. Does not use any dependencies.

They work on all Rust primitive number types: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize, f32, f64, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize.

The what parameter some methods refer to means the entity you're dealing with, like bytes, actions, iterations, errors, whatever! Just send that text, and you're good to go! Bytes have dedicated methods for convenience.


use human_repr::HumanRepr;

// counts (bytes or anything)
assert_eq!("43.2 MB", 43214321_u32.human_count_bytes());
assert_eq!("123.5 kPackets", 123456_u64.human_count("Packets"));

// durations
assert_eq!("15.6 µs", 0.0000156.human_duration());
assert_eq!("10 ms", 0.01.human_duration());
assert_eq!("1:14:48", 4488.395.human_duration());

// throughputs (bytes or anything)
assert_eq!("1.2 MB/s", (1234567. / 1.).human_throughput_bytes());
assert_eq!("6.1 tests/m", (10. / 99.).human_throughput("tests"));
assert_eq!("9 errors/d", (125. / 1200000.).human_throughput("errors"));

How to use it

Add this dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

human-repr = "0"

Use the trait:

use human_repr::HumanRepr;

That's it! You can now call on any number:

# use human_repr::HumanRepr;
# let num = 123;



Rust features:

According to the SI standard, there are 1000 bytes in a kilobyte. There is another standard called IEC that has 1024 bytes in a kibibyte, but this is only useful when measuring things that are naturally a power of two, e.g. a stick of RAM.

Be careful to not render IEC quantities with SI units, which would be incorrect. But I still support it, if you really want to ;)

By default, human-repr will use SI with 1000 quantities, with the prefixes: k, M, G, T, P, E, Z, and Y. You can modify this by:

  • iec => enable to use IEC prefixes: Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti, Pi, Ei, Zi, Yi (implies 1024)
  • 1024 => enable to use 1024 quantities only, with prefixes: K, M, G, T, P, E, Z, and Y (note the upper 'K')
  • nospace => enable to remove the space between values and units everywhere: 15.6µs instead of 15.6 µs

Changelog highlights

  • 0.3.x Jun 01, 2022: support for a new group of prefixes for 1024 only (without iec)
  • 0.2.x Jun 01, 2022: more flexible API (impl AsRef<str>), greatly improved documentation
  • 0.1.x Jun 01, 2022: first release, include readme, method and module docs, describe features already implemented


This software is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

Maintaining an open source project is hard and time-consuming, and I've put much ❤️ and effort into this.

If you've appreciated my work, you can back me up with a donation! Thank you 😊