http-api-problem 0.53.0

A library to create HTTP error response content for APIs based on RFC 7807


A library to create HTTP response content for APIs based on

## Usage

Get the latest version for your `Cargo.toml` from

## Serde

`HttpApiProblem` implements `Serialize` and `Deserialize`.

## Examples

use http_api_problem::*;
let p = HttpApiProblem::new(StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
    .title("You do not have enough credit.")
    .detail("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.")

assert_eq!(Some(StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY), p.status);
assert_eq!(Some("You do not have enough credit."), p.title.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50."), p.detail.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some(""), p.type_url.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("/account/12345/msgs/abc"), p.instance.as_deref());

There is also `TryFrom<u16>` implemented for [StatusCode]:

use http_api_problem::*;
let p = HttpApiProblem::try_new(422).unwrap()
    .title("You do not have enough credit.")
    .detail("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.")

assert_eq!(Some(StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY), p.status);
assert_eq!(Some("You do not have enough credit."), p.title.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50."), p.detail.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some(""), p.type_url.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("/account/12345/msgs/abc"), p.instance.as_deref());

## Features

### Web Frameworks

There are multiple features to integrate with web frameworks:

* `warp`
* `hyper`
* `actix-web`
* `salvo`
* `tide`
* `rocket`

These mainly convert the `HttpApiProblem` to response types of
the frameworks and implement traits to integrate with the frameworks
error handling

### ApiError

The feature `api-error` enables a structure which can be
return from "api handlers" that generate responses and can be 
converted into an `HttpApiProblem`.

## Thank you

A big "thank you" for contributions and inspirations goes to the
following GitHub users:

* panicbit
* thomaseizinger
* SohumB

## License

`http-api-problem` is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT
license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Copyright (c) 2017 Christian Douven.

License: Apache-2.0/MIT