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A library to create HTTP response content for APIs based on RFC7807.


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Add this to your crate root:

use http_api_problem;


HttpApiProblem implements Serialize and Deserialize for HttpApiProblem.


use http_api_problem::*;

let p = HttpApiProblem::new(StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
    .title("You do not have enough credit.")
    .detail("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.")

assert_eq!(Some(StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY), p.status);
assert_eq!(Some("You do not have enough credit."), p.title.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50."), p.detail.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit"), p.type_url.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("/account/12345/msgs/abc"), p.instance.as_deref());

There is also TryFrom<u16> implemented for StatusCode:

use http_api_problem::*;

let p = HttpApiProblem::try_new(422).unwrap()
    .title("You do not have enough credit.")
    .detail("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.")

assert_eq!(Some(StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY), p.status);
assert_eq!(Some("You do not have enough credit."), p.title.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50."), p.detail.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit"), p.type_url.as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some("/account/12345/msgs/abc"), p.instance.as_deref());

Status Codes

The specification does not require the HttpApiProblem to contain a status code. Nevertheless this crate supports creating responses for web frameworks. Responses require a status code. If no status code was set on the HttpApiProblem 500 - Internal Server Error will be used as a fallback. This can be easily avoided by only using those constructor functions which require a StatusCode.



The feature json-schema enables a derived implementation for JsonSchema, via schemars.

Web Frameworks

There are multiple features to integrate with web frameworks:

  • warp
  • hyper
  • actix-web
  • salvo
  • tide
  • rocket (v0.5.0-rc1)

These mainly convert the HttpApiProblem to response types of the frameworks and implement traits to integrate with the frameworks error handling.

Additionally, the feature rocket-okapi (which implies the features rocket and json-schema) implements rocket_okapi’s OpenApiResponder for the json schema generated by the json-schema feature.


The feature api-error enables a structure which can be return from “api handlers” that generate responses and can be converted into an HttpApiProblem.


http-api-problem is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Copyright (c) 2017 Christian Douven.


An error that should be returned from an API handler of a web service.

Description of a problem that can be returned by an HTTP API based on RFC7807

A possible error value when converting a StatusCode from a u16 or &str

An HTTP status code (status-code in RFC 7230 et al.).


The recommended media type when serialized to JSON




Creates an hyper::Response from something that can become an HttpApiProblem.

Creates an rocket::Response from something that can become an HttpApiProblem.

Creates a [salvo::Response] from something that can become an HttpApiProblem.

Creates a tide::Response from something that can become an HttpApiProblem.

Derive Macros