[][src]Crate http_api_problem


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A library to create HTTP response content for APIs based on RFC7807.

** Breaking changes! This crate now uses http::StatusCode instead of the own custom one **


Get the latest version for your Cargo.toml from crates.io.

Add this to your crate root:

extern crate http_api_problem;


HttpApiProblem implements Serialize and Deserialize for HttpApiProblem.


use http_api_problem::*;

let p = HttpApiProblem::with_title_and_type_from_status(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)
    .set_detail("detailed explanation")

assert_eq!(Some("https://httpstatuses.com/404".to_string()), p.type_url);
assert_eq!(Some(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND), p.status);
assert_eq!("Not Found".to_string(), p.title);
assert_eq!(Some("detailed explanation".to_string()), p.detail);
assert_eq!(Some("/on/1234/do/something".to_string()), p.instance);

There is also From<u16> implemented for StatusCode:

use http_api_problem::*;

let p = HttpApiProblem::with_title_and_type_from_status(StatusCode::PRECONDITION_REQUIRED)
    .set_detail("detailed explanation")

assert_eq!(Some("https://httpstatuses.com/428".to_string()), p.type_url);
assert_eq!(Some(StatusCode::PRECONDITION_REQUIRED), p.status);
assert_eq!("Precondition Required".to_string(), p.title);
assert_eq!(Some("detailed explanation".to_string()), p.detail);
assert_eq!(Some("/on/1234/do/something".to_string()), p.instance);



There is a conversion between irons StatusCode and StatusCode back and forth.

The HttpApiProblem provides a method to_iron_response which constructs an iron Response. If the status field of the HttpApiProblem is None 500 - Internal Server Error is the default.

From<HttpApiProblem for iron::response::Response will also be there. It simply calls to_iron_response.

Additionally there will be a function into_iron_response which converts anything into an iron::response::Response that can be converted into a HttpApiProblem.


There is a conversion between hyperss StatusCode and StatusCode back and forth.

The HttpApiProblem provides a method to_hyper_response which constructs a hyper Response. If the status field of the HttpApiProblem is None 500 - Internal Server Error is the default.

From<HttpApiProblem for hyper::Response will also be there. It simply calls to_hyper_response.

Additionally there will be a function into_iron_response which converts anything into a hyper::Response that can be converted into a HttpApiProblem.


There is a conversion between reqwests StatusCode and StatusCode back and forth.


http-api-problem is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Copyright (c) 2017 Christian Douven.



Description of a problem that can be returned by an HTTP API based on RFC7807


An HTTP status code (status-code in RFC 7230 et al.).



The recommended media type when serialized to JSON