html2md 0.2.14

Library and binary to convert simple html documents into markdown
extern crate html2md;

use html2md::parse_html;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;

fn test_image_native_simple() {
    let md = parse_html("<img src=\"\" alt=\"image of Linus holding his laptop\" title=\"Daddy Linus\" />");
    assert_eq!(md, "![image of Linus holding his laptop]( \"Daddy Linus\")")

fn test_image_native_without_title() {
    let md = parse_html("<img src=\"\" alt=\"image of usual kill -9 sequence\" />");
    assert_eq!(md, "![image of usual kill -9 sequence](")

fn test_image_embedded_html() {
    let md = parse_html("<img src=\"\" alt=\"comics about Mac and GNU/Linux\" title=\"Look at me, brother\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\" />");
    assert_eq!(md, "<img alt=\"comics about Mac and GNU/Linux\" src=\"\" title=\"Look at me, brother\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\" />")

fn test_image_embedded_with_unsupported_html() {
    // srcset is unsupported in Markdown
    let md = parse_html("<img src=\"\" alt=\"HACKERMAN\" title=\"When you reboot instead of exiting vim\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\" srcset=\"image1 image2\" align=\"center\" />");
    assert_eq!(md, "<img alt=\"HACKERMAN\" src=\"\" title=\"When you reboot instead of exiting vim\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\" align=\"center\" />")

fn test_image_src_issue() {
    let md = parse_html("<img src=\"\" width=\"auto\" height=\"500\" >");
    assert_eq!(md, "<img src=\"\" height=\"500\" width=\"auto\" />")

fn test_image_with_space_issue() {
    let md = parse_html("<img src=\" 52x7f h611.png\" alt=\"image of usual kill -9 sequence\" />");
    assert_eq!(md, "![image of usual kill -9 sequence](")

fn test_image_with_query_issue() {
    let md = parse_html("<img src=\"\" style=\"width: 494px;\">");
    assert_eq!(md, "![](")