ht16k33-async 0.0.2

An async driver for the Holtek HT16K33 "RAM Mapping 16*8 LED Controller Driver with keyscan"


Version info Documentation pipeline status

ht16k33-async is an async driver for the Holtek HT16K33 "RAM Mapping 16*8 LED Controller Driver with keyscan".

Currently, only the 28-pin SOP package type is supported.


  • Uses the embedded-hal-async hardware abstraction.
  • Supports no_std for embedded devices.
  • Supports all 20/24/28-pin SOP package types.
  • Displays all 128 LEDs.
  • Support dimming.
  • Reads keyscan.
  • Manages interrupts.


The examples are written using embassy for Raspberry Pi Pico. As the Pico is a 3.3V device, you will need to use an I2C level shifter like the TCA9517 to talk to the HT16K33.


For questions, issues, feature requests, and other changes, please file an issue in the gitlab project.


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