hpo 0.9.1

Human Phenotype Ontology Similarity
//! Genes and Diseases are linked to HPO terms and make up secondary annotations
//! This module contains structs to represent [`Gene`]s and [`OmimDisease`]s
//! and iterators.
//! The underlying principle for all annotations is the same:
//! - Each record (gene or disease) has a unique numerical identifier.
//! - Each record holds information about which HPO terms it is related to
//! - Records can be grouped in Sets
//! For more information check out the individual sections for [`Gene`] and [`OmimDisease`]

mod gene;
pub use gene::{Gene, GeneId, GeneIterator, Genes};

mod omim_disease;
pub use omim_disease::{OmimDisease, OmimDiseaseId, OmimDiseaseIterator, OmimDiseases};

/// All annotations ([`Gene`]s, [`OmimDisease`]s) are defined by a unique ID that is constrained by this trait
/// The ID must be unique only within the annotation type, i.e. a gene and a disease
/// can have the same ID.
pub trait AnnotationId {
    /// Return the integer representation of the annotation ID
    fn as_u32(&self) -> u32;

    /// Returns the memory representation of the inner integer as a byte array in big-endian (network) byte order.
    fn to_be_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 4] {