holochain_zome_types 0.0.15

Holochain zome types
use crate::cell::CellId;
use crate::prelude as zt;
use crate::zome::FunctionName;
use crate::zome::ZomeName;
use holo_hash::AgentPubKey;
use holochain_serialized_bytes::prelude::*;

/// All wasm shared I/O types need to share the same basic behaviours to cross the host/guest
/// boundary in a predictable way.
macro_rules! wasm_io_types {
    ( $( fn $f:ident ( $in_arg:ty ) -> $out_arg:ty; )* ) => {
        pub trait HostFnApiT {
                fn $f(&self, _: $in_arg) -> Result<$out_arg, HostFnApiError>;

// Every externed function that the zome developer exposes to holochain returns `ExternIO`.
// The zome developer can expose callbacks in a "sparse" way based on names and the functions
// can take different input (e.g. validation vs. hooks like init, etc.).
// All we can say is that some SerializedBytes are being received and returned.
// In the case of ZomeExtern functions exposed to a client, the data input/output is entirely
// arbitrary so we can't say anything at all. In this case the happ developer must BYO
// deserialization context to match the client, either directly or via. the HDK.
// Note though, that _unlike_ zome externs, the host _does_ know exactly the guest should be
// returning for callbacks, it's just that the unpacking of the return happens in two steps:
// - first the sparse callback is triggered with SB input/output
// - then the guest inflates the expected input or the host the expected output based on the
//   callback flavour

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ExternIO(#[serde(with = "serde_bytes")] pub Vec<u8>);

impl ExternIO {
    pub fn encode<I>(input: I) -> Result<Self, SerializedBytesError>
        I: serde::Serialize + std::fmt::Debug,
    pub fn decode<O>(&self) -> Result<O, SerializedBytesError>
        O: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + std::fmt::Debug,

    pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {

impl AsRef<[u8]> for ExternIO {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {

impl From<Vec<u8>> for ExternIO {
    fn from(v: Vec<u8>) -> Self {

impl From<ExternIO> for Vec<u8> {
    fn from(extern_io: ExternIO) -> Self {

wasm_io_types! {

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // These definitions can be copy-pasted into the ribosome's HostFnApi
    // when updated

    // Attempt to accept a preflight request.
    fn accept_countersigning_preflight_request(zt::countersigning::PreflightRequest) -> zt::countersigning::PreflightRequestAcceptance;

    // Info about the calling agent.
    fn agent_info (()) -> zt::info::AgentInfo;

    // @todo
    fn app_info (()) -> zt::info::AppInfo;

    // @todo
    fn dna_info (()) -> zt::info::DnaInfo;

    // @todo
    fn call_info (()) -> zt::info::CallInfo;

    // Header hash of the DeleteLink element.
    fn call_remote (Vec<zt::call_remote::CallRemote>) -> Vec<zt::ZomeCallResponse>;

    fn call (Vec<zt::call::Call>) -> Vec<zt::ZomeCallResponse>;

    // @todo List all the local capability claims.
    fn capability_claims (()) -> ();

    // @todo List all the local capability grants.
    fn capability_grants (()) -> ();

    // @todo Get the capability for the current zome call.
    fn capability_info (()) -> ();

    // Returns HeaderHash of the newly created element.
    fn create (zt::entry::CreateInput) -> holo_hash::HeaderHash;

    // Create a link between two entries.
    fn create_link (zt::link::CreateLinkInput) -> holo_hash::HeaderHash;

    fn create_x25519_keypair(()) -> zt::x_salsa20_poly1305::x25519::X25519PubKey;

    // The debug host import takes a TraceMsg to output wherever the host wants to display it.
    // TraceMsg includes line numbers. so the wasm tells the host about it's own code structure.
    fn trace (zt::trace::TraceMsg) -> ();

    // Header hash of the CreateLink element.
    fn delete_link (zt::link::DeleteLinkInput) -> holo_hash::HeaderHash;

    // Delete an element.
    fn delete (zt::entry::DeleteInput) -> holo_hash::HeaderHash;

    // Header hash of the newly committed element.
    // Emit a Signal::App to subscribers on the interface
    fn emit_signal (zt::signal::AppSignal) -> ();

    fn get_agent_activity (zt::agent_activity::GetAgentActivityInput) -> zt::query::AgentActivity;

    fn get_details (Vec<zt::entry::GetInput>) -> Vec<Option<zt::metadata::Details>>;

    fn get_link_details (Vec<zt::link::GetLinksInput>) -> Vec<zt::link::LinkDetails>;

    // Get links by entry hash from the cascade.
    fn get_links (Vec<zt::link::GetLinksInput>) -> Vec<Vec<zt::link::Link>>;

    // Attempt to get a live entry from the cascade.
    fn get (Vec<zt::entry::GetInput>) -> Vec<Option<zt::element::Element>>;

    // Hash an entry on the host.
    fn hash_entry (zt::entry::Entry) -> holo_hash::EntryHash;

    // Retreive an element from the DHT or short circuit.
    fn must_get_valid_element (zt::entry::MustGetValidElementInput) -> zt::element::Element;

    // Retreive a entry from the DHT or short circuit.
    fn must_get_entry (zt::entry::MustGetEntryInput) -> zt::entry::EntryHashed;

    // Retrieve a header from the DHT or short circuit.
    fn must_get_header (zt::entry::MustGetHeaderInput) -> zt::SignedHeaderHashed;

    // Query the source chain for data.
    fn query (zt::query::ChainQueryFilter) -> Vec<crate::Element>;

    // the length of random bytes to create
    fn random_bytes (u32) -> zt::bytes::Bytes;

    // Remotely signal many agents without waiting for responses
    fn remote_signal (zt::signal::RemoteSignal) -> ();

    // // @todo
    // fn send (()) -> ();

    // Schedule a schedulable function if it is not already.
    fn schedule (String) -> ();

    // @todo
    fn sleep (core::time::Duration) -> ();

    // @todo
    fn version (()) -> zt::version::ZomeApiVersion;

    // Attempt to have the keystore sign some data
    // The pubkey in the input needs to be found in the keystore for this to work
    fn sign (zt::signature::Sign) -> zt::signature::Signature;

    fn sign_ephemeral (zt::signature::SignEphemeral) -> zt::signature::EphemeralSignatures;

    // Current system time, in the opinion of the host, as a `Timestamp`.
    fn sys_time (()) -> zt::timestamp::Timestamp;

    // Same as  but also takes the HeaderHash of the updated element.
    fn update (zt::entry::UpdateInput) -> holo_hash::HeaderHash;

    fn verify_signature (zt::signature::VerifySignature) -> bool;

    fn x_salsa20_poly1305_encrypt(
    ) -> zt::x_salsa20_poly1305::encrypted_data::XSalsa20Poly1305EncryptedData;

    fn x_salsa20_poly1305_decrypt(
    ) -> Option<zt::x_salsa20_poly1305::data::XSalsa20Poly1305Data>;

    // Sender, Recipient, Data.
    fn x_25519_x_salsa20_poly1305_encrypt(zt::x_salsa20_poly1305::X25519XSalsa20Poly1305Encrypt) -> zt::x_salsa20_poly1305::encrypted_data::XSalsa20Poly1305EncryptedData;

    // Recipient, Sender, Encrypted data.
    fn x_25519_x_salsa20_poly1305_decrypt(zt::x_salsa20_poly1305::X25519XSalsa20Poly1305Decrypt) -> Option<zt::x_salsa20_poly1305::data::XSalsa20Poly1305Data>;

    // The zome and agent info are constants specific to the current zome and chain.
    // All the information is provided by core so there is no input value.
    // These are constant for the lifetime of a zome call.
    fn zome_info (()) -> zt::info::ZomeInfo;

/// Anything that can go wrong while calling a HostFnApi method
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum HostFnApiError {
    #[error("Error from within host function implementation: {0}")]
    RibosomeError(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),

/// Response to a zome call.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, SerializedBytes, PartialEq)]
pub enum ZomeCallResponse {
    /// Arbitrary response from zome fns to the outside world.
    /// Something like a 200 http response.
    /// Cap grant failure.
    /// Something like a 401 http response.
    Unauthorized(CellId, ZomeName, FunctionName, AgentPubKey),
    /// This was a zome call made remotely but
    /// something has failed on the network
    /// A countersigning session has failed to start.