holochain_websocket 0.3.3

Holochain utilities for serving and connection with websockets
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Holochain utilities for websocket serving and connecting.

To establish an outgoing connection, use [connect] which will return a tuple ([WebsocketSender], [WebsocketReceiver])

To open a listening socket, use [WebsocketListener::bind] which will give you a [WebsocketListener] which is an async Stream whose items resolve to that same tuple ( WebsocketSender, WebsocketReceiver ).

If you want to be able to shutdown the stream use [WebsocketListener::bind_with_handle] which will give you a tuple ([ListenerHandle], [ListenerStream]). You can use [ListenerHandle::close] to close immediately or [ListenerHandle::close_on] to close on a future completing.


use holochain_serialized_bytes::prelude::*;
use holochain_websocket::*;

use std::convert::TryInto;
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
use url2::prelude::*;

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, SerializedBytes, Debug)]
struct TestMessage(pub String);

// Create a new server listening for connections
let mut server = WebsocketListener::bind(

// Get the address of the server
let binding = server.local_addr().clone();

tokio::task::spawn(async move {
    // Handle new connections
    while let Some(Ok((_send, mut recv))) = server.next().await {
        tokio::task::spawn(async move {
            // Receive a message and echo it back
            if let Some((msg, resp)) = recv.next().await {
                // Deserialize the message
                let msg: TestMessage = msg.try_into().unwrap();
                // If this message is a request then we can respond
                if resp.is_request() {
                    let msg = TestMessage(format!("echo: {}", msg.0));

// Connect the client to the server
let (mut send, _recv) = connect(binding, std::sync::Arc::new(WebsocketConfig::default()))

let msg = TestMessage("test".to_string());
// Make a request and get the echoed response
let rsp: TestMessage = send.request(msg).await.unwrap();

assert_eq!("echo: test", &rsp.0,);


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License: Apache-2.0