histo_fp 0.2.1

Simple histograms with configurable floating point buckets and floating point samples
//! Histograms with a configurable number of buckets, and a terminal-friendly
//! `Display`.
//! This crate provides a `Histogram` type that allows configuration of the
//! number of buckets that will be used, regardless of the range of input
//! samples. This is useful when displaying a `Histogram` (for example, when
//! printing it to a terminal) but it sacrifices fancy tracking of precision and
//! significant figures.
//! It uses O(n) memory.
//! ```
//! extern crate histo_fp;
//! use histo_fp::Histogram;
//! # fn main() {
//! // Create a histogram that will have 10 buckets.
//! let mut histogram = Histogram::with_buckets(10, Some(2));
//! // Adds some samples to the histogram.
//! for sample in 0..100 {
//!     histogram.add(sample as f64);
//!     histogram.add((sample * sample) as f64);
//! }
//! // Iterate over buckets and do stuff with their range and count.
//! for bucket in histogram.buckets() {
//! #   let do_stuff = |_, _, _| {};
//!     do_stuff(bucket.start(), bucket.end(), bucket.count());
//! }
//! // And you can also `Display` a histogram!
//! println!("{}", histogram);
//! // Prints:
//! //
//! // ```
//! // # Number of samples = 200
//! // # Min = 0
//! // # Max = 9801
//! // #
//! // # Mean = 1666.5000000000005
//! // # Standard deviation = 2641.2281518263426
//! // # Variance = 6976086.1499999985
//! // #
//! // # Each ∎ is a count of 2
//! // #
//! //    0 ..  980 [ 132 ]: ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
//! //  980 .. 1960 [  13 ]: ∎∎∎∎∎∎
//! // 1960 .. 2940 [  10 ]: ∎∎∎∎∎
//! // 2940 .. 3920 [   8 ]: ∎∎∎∎
//! // 3920 .. 4900 [   7 ]: ∎∎∎
//! // 4900 .. 5880 [   7 ]: ∎∎∎
//! // 5880 .. 6860 [   6 ]: ∎∎∎
//! // 6860 .. 7840 [   6 ]: ∎∎∎
//! // 7840 .. 8820 [   5 ]: ∎∎
//! // 8820 .. 9800 [   6 ]: ∎∎∎
//! // ```
//! # }
//! ```

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "quickcheck"))]
extern crate quickcheck;
extern crate stats;
extern crate rand;

use std::cmp;
use std::fmt;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::btree_map::Range;
use noisy_float::prelude::*;

/// A histogram is a collection of samples, sorted into buckets.
/// See the crate level documentation for more details.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Histogram {
    num_buckets: u64,
    precision: u32,
    float_samples: BTreeMap<R64, u64>,
    minmax: stats::MinMax<f64>,
    stats: stats::OnlineStats,

impl Histogram {
    /// Construct a new histogram with the given number of buckets.
    /// ## Panics
    /// Panics if the number of buckets is zero.
    pub fn with_buckets(num_buckets: u64, precision: Option<u32>) -> Histogram {
        assert!(num_buckets > 0);

        Histogram {
            precision: precision.unwrap_or(2),
            float_samples: Default::default(),
            stats: Default::default(),
            minmax: Default::default()

    /// Add a new float sample to this histogram
    pub fn add (&mut self, sample: f64) {
        let safe_sample = r64(sample);
        *self.float_samples.entry(safe_sample.clone()).or_insert(0) += 1;

    /// Get an iterator over this histogram's buckets.
    pub fn buckets(&self) -> Buckets {
        Buckets {
            histogram: self,
            index: 0,


impl fmt::Display for Histogram {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use std::fmt::Write;

        let num_samples: u64 = self.float_samples.values().sum();
        writeln!(f, "# Number of samples = {}", num_samples)?;
        if num_samples == 0 {
            return Ok(());

        let min = self.minmax.min().unwrap();
        let max = self.minmax.max().unwrap();

        writeln!(f, "# Min = {}", min)?;
        writeln!(f, "# Max = {}", max)?;
        writeln!(f, "#")?;

        let mean = self.stats.mean();
        let dev = self.stats.stddev();
        let var = self.stats.variance();

        writeln!(f, "# Mean = {}", mean)?;
        writeln!(f, "# Standard deviation = {}", dev)?;
        writeln!(f, "# Variance = {}", var)?;
        writeln!(f, "#")?;

        let max_bucket_count = self.buckets().map(|b| b.count()).fold(0, cmp::max);

        const WIDTH: u64 = 50;
        let count_per_char = cmp::max(max_bucket_count / WIDTH, 1);

        writeln!(f, "# Each ∎ is a count of {}", count_per_char)?;
        writeln!(f, "#")?;

        let mut count_str = String::new();

        let widest_count = self.buckets().fold(0, |n, b| {
            write!(&mut count_str, "{}", b.count()).unwrap();
            cmp::max(n, count_str.len())

        let mut end_str = String::new();
        let widest_range = self.buckets().fold(0, |n, b| {
            write!(&mut end_str, "{}", b.end()).unwrap();
            cmp::max(n, end_str.len())

        let mut start_str = String::with_capacity(widest_range);

        for bucket in self.buckets() {
            write!(&mut start_str, "{}", bucket.start()).unwrap();
            for _ in 0..widest_range - start_str.len() {
                start_str.insert(0, ' ');

            write!(&mut end_str, "{}", bucket.end()).unwrap();
            for _ in 0..widest_range - end_str.len() {
                end_str.insert(0, ' ');

            write!(&mut count_str, "{}", bucket.count()).unwrap();
            for _ in 0..widest_count - count_str.len() {
                count_str.insert(0, ' ');

            write!(f, "{} .. {} [ {} ]: ", start_str, end_str, count_str)?;
            for _ in 0..bucket.count() / count_per_char {
                write!(f, "")?;


/// An iterator over the buckets in a histogram.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Buckets<'a> {
    histogram: &'a Histogram,
    index: u64,

impl<'a> Iterator for Buckets<'a> {
    type Item = Bucket<'a>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.index >= self.histogram.num_buckets {
            return None;

        let (min, max) = match (self.histogram.minmax.min(), self.histogram.minmax.max()) {
            (Some(&min), Some(&max)) => (min, max),
            _ => return None,

        let range = (max - min) as f64;
        let range = range + (range as u64 % self.histogram.num_buckets) as f64;

        // TODO this has to be f64
        let bucket_size = range / self.histogram.num_buckets as f64;
        // let bucket_size = cmp::max(1, bucket_size);

        let start = min + (self.index as f64 * bucket_size) as f64;
        let end = min + ((self.index + 1) as f64 * bucket_size) as f64;

        self.index += 1;

        Some(Bucket {
            range: if self.index == self.histogram.num_buckets {
                self.histogram.float_samples.range(r64(start) ..)
                // self.histogram.samples.range(start..)
            } else {
                self.histogram.float_samples.range(r64(start).. r64(end))
                // self.histogram.samples.range(start..end)

/// A bucket is a range of samples and their count.
pub struct Bucket<'a> {
    start: f64,
    end: f64,
    // range: Range<'a, u64, u64>,
    range: Range<'a, R64, u64>

impl<'a> Bucket<'a> {
    /// The number of samples in this bucket's range.
    pub fn count(&self) -> u64 {
        self.range.clone().map(|(_, count)| count).sum()

    /// The start of this bucket's range.
    pub fn start(&self) -> f64 {

    /// The end of this bucket's range.
    pub fn end(&self) -> f64 {

impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Bucket<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Bucket {{ {}..{} }}", self.start, self.end)

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use rand::prelude::*;

    fn num_buckets() {
        let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(10, None);
        for i in 0..100 {
            // histo.add_float(Float{number: i as f64});
            histo.add(i as f64);
        assert_eq!(histo.buckets().count(), 10);

    fn bucket_count() {
        let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(1, None);
        for i in 0..10 {
            histo.add(i as f64);
        assert_eq!(histo.buckets().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(histo.buckets().next().unwrap().count(), 10);

    fn bucket_count_one() {
        let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(1, None);
        assert_eq!(histo.buckets().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(histo.buckets().next().unwrap().count(), 1);

    fn overflow_panic() {
        use std::string::ToString;

        let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(1, None);

    fn add() {
        let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(5, Some(2));
        let numsamples = 100;
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

        for i in 0..numsamples {
            // prepare random sample to add to histogram
            let sample: f64 = rng.gen::<f64>() * i as f64;

        for (i, bucket) in histo.buckets().enumerate() {
            println!("bucket {} from:{} to:{} count:{}", i, bucket.start(), bucket.end(), bucket.count());
        println!("stats: {:?}", histo.stats);
        println!("min,max: {:?}", histo.minmax);
        println!("samples: {:?}", histo.float_samples);
        println!("histo: {}", histo);

        assert_eq!(numsamples, histo.stats.len(), "stats.len() should be correct");
        assert_eq!(numsamples, histo.minmax.len(), "minmax.len() should be correct");

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "quickcheck"))]
mod quickchecks {
    use super::*;
    use std::cmp;

    quickcheck! {
        fn sum_of_bucket_counts_is_total_count(buckets: u64, samples: Vec<u64>) -> () {
            if buckets == 0 {

            let len = samples.len();
            let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(buckets, None);
            for s in samples {
                histo.add(s as f64);

            assert_eq!(len, histo.stats.len(), "stats.len() should be correct");
            assert_eq!(len, histo.minmax.len(), "minmax.len() should be correct");
            assert_eq!(len as u64,
                       "samples.values() count should be correct");
            assert_eq!(len as u64,
                       histo.buckets().map(|b| b.count()).sum::<u64>(),
                       "sum of buckets counts should be correct");

        fn actual_buckets_should_be_less_than_or_equal_num_buckets(
            buckets: u64,
            samples: Vec<u64>
        ) -> () {
            if buckets == 0 {

            let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(buckets, None);
            for s in samples {
                histo.add(s as f64);

            assert!(histo.buckets().count() as u64 <= buckets,
                    "should never have more than expected number of buckets");

        fn bucket_ranges_should_be_correct(buckets: u64, samples: Vec<u64>) -> () {
            if buckets == 0 {

            let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(buckets, None);
            for s in samples {
                histo.add(s as f64);

                .fold(None, |minmax, bucket| {
                    let bucket_range = bucket.end() - bucket.start();
                    let (min, max) = minmax.unwrap_or((bucket_range, bucket_range));
                    let min = cmp::min(min, bucket_range);
                    let max = cmp::max(max, bucket_range);
                    assert!(max - min <= 1f64);
                    Some((min, max))

        fn formatting_should_never_panic(buckets: u64, samples: Vec<u64>) -> () {
            use std::string::ToString;

            if buckets == 0 {

            let mut histo = Histogram::with_buckets(buckets, None);
            for s in samples {
                histo.add(s as f64);