hikaru 0.1.2

Download all games from Chess.com


Hikaru provides Rust bindings to the Chess.com API, specifically for downloading all of a player's games. It is named after Grand Master Hikaru Nakamura (unless he objects, in which case I'll change the name). JSON parsing is done via SereE; reqwest is used to get data from the API.

How to Use

All you have to do is feed Hikaru a list of usernames, and you get back a Vec<[GameData]>

use hikaru::GameData;

let user_names = vec!["hikaru","GMHikaruOnTwitch"];
let games = GameData::download(user_names);

// Check out Hikaru's first game on Chess.com:

Future plans

Create a stockfish wrapper so that you can analyze all your games. The game data include all the moves made in those games, so this can be fed into the engine for a variety of analyses.