hierarchical_pathfinding 0.5.0

Quickly approximate Paths on a Grid
use crate::{
    graph::{self, Node, NodeList},
    path::{AbstractPath, Cost, Path, PathSegment},

use std::marker::PhantomData;

// a Macro to log::trace the time since $timer, and restart $timer
#[cfg(feature = "log")]
macro_rules! re_trace {
    ($msg: literal, $timer: ident) => {
        let now = std::time::Instant::now();
        log::trace!(concat!("time to ", $msg, ": {:?}"), now - $timer);
        let $timer = now;
#[cfg(not(feature = "log"))]
macro_rules! re_trace {
    // does nothing without log feature
    ($msg: literal, $timer: ident) => {};

mod cache_config;
pub use cache_config::PathCacheConfig;

mod chunk;
use chunk::Chunk;

enum CostFnWrapper<F1, F2>
    F1: Sync + Fn(Point) -> isize,
    F2: FnMut(Point) -> isize,
    Sequential(F2, PhantomData<F1>), // F1 has to appear in the enum even if `parallel` is disabled
    #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]

/// A struct to store the Hierarchical Pathfinding information.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PathCache<N: Neighborhood> {
    width: usize,
    height: usize,
    chunks: Vec<Chunk>,
    num_chunks: (usize, usize),
    nodes: NodeList,
    neighborhood: N,
    config: PathCacheConfig,

impl<N: Neighborhood + Sync> PathCache<N> {
    /// Creates a new PathCache
    /// ## Arguments
    /// - `(width, height)` - the size of the Grid
    /// - `get_cost` - get the cost for walking over a Tile. (Cost < 0 means solid Tile)
    /// - `neighborhood` - the Neighborhood to use. (See [`Neighborhood`])
    /// - `config` - optional config for creating the cache. (See [`PathCacheConfig`])
    /// `get_cost((x, y))` should return the cost for walking over the Tile at (x, y).
    /// Costs below 0 are solid Tiles.
    /// ## Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// // create and initialize Grid
    /// // 0 = empty, 1 = swamp, 2 = wall
    /// let mut grid = [
    ///     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    ///     [0, 2, 2, 2, 0],
    ///     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    ///     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    ///     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// ];
    /// let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// type Grid = [[usize; 5]; 5];
    /// const COST_MAP: [isize; 3] = [1, 10, -1];
    /// fn cost_fn(grid: &Grid) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    ///     move |(x, y)| COST_MAP[grid[y][x]]
    /// }
    /// let mut pathfinding = PathCache::new(
    ///     (width, height), // the size of the Grid
    ///     cost_fn(&grid), // get the cost for walking over a Tile
    ///     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height), // the Neighborhood
    ///     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3), // config
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn new<F: Sync + Fn(Point) -> isize>(
        (width, height): (usize, usize),
        get_cost: F,
        neighborhood: N,
        config: PathCacheConfig,
    ) -> PathCache<N> {
        #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
            PathCache::new_internal::<F, fn(Point) -> isize>(
                (width, height),
        #[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
            PathCache::new_internal::<fn(Point) -> isize, F>(
                (width, height),
                CostFnWrapper::Sequential(get_cost, PhantomData),

    /// Same as [`new`](PathCache::new), but doesn't use threads to allow [`FnMut`].
    /// Equivalent to `new` if `parallel` feature is disabled.
    /// Note that this is _**way**_ slower than `new` with `parallel`.
    pub fn new_with_fn_mut<F: FnMut(Point) -> isize>(
        (width, height): (usize, usize),
        get_cost: F,
        neighborhood: N,
        config: PathCacheConfig,
    ) -> PathCache<N> {
        PathCache::new_internal::<fn(Point) -> isize, F>(
            (width, height),
            CostFnWrapper::Sequential(get_cost, Default::default()),

    /// Same as [`new`](PathCache::new), ~~but uses multiple threads.~~
    /// Note that `get_cost` has to be `Fn` instead of `FnMut`.
    #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
    #[deprecated(since = "0.5.0", note = "`new` is automatically parallel")]
    pub fn new_parallel<F: Sync + Fn(Point) -> isize>(
        (width, height): (usize, usize),
        get_cost: F,
        neighborhood: N,
        config: PathCacheConfig,
    ) -> PathCache<N> {
        PathCache::new_internal::<F, fn(Point) -> isize>(
            (width, height),

    fn new_internal<F1, F2>(
        (width, height): (usize, usize),
        get_cost: CostFnWrapper<F1, F2>,
        neighborhood: N,
        config: PathCacheConfig,
    ) -> PathCache<N>
        F1: Sync + Fn(Point) -> isize,
        F2: FnMut(Point) -> isize,
        #[cfg(feature = "log")]
        let (outer_timer, timer) = (std::time::Instant::now(), std::time::Instant::now());

        // calculate chunk size
        let (num_chunks_w, last_width) = {
            let w = width / config.chunk_size;
            let remain = width - w * config.chunk_size;
            if remain > 0 {
                (w + 1, remain)
            } else {
                (w, config.chunk_size)
        let (num_chunks_h, last_height) = {
            let h = height / config.chunk_size;
            let remain = height - h * config.chunk_size;
            if remain > 0 {
                (h + 1, remain)
            } else {
                (h, config.chunk_size)

        let mut nodes = NodeList::new();

        // create chunks
        let chunks = match get_cost {
            CostFnWrapper::Sequential(mut get_cost, _) => {
                let mut chunks: Vec<Chunk> = Vec::with_capacity(num_chunks_w * num_chunks_h);
                for y in 0..num_chunks_h {
                    let h = if y == num_chunks_h - 1 {
                    } else {

                    for x in 0..num_chunks_w {
                        let w = if x == num_chunks_w - 1 {
                        } else {

                            (x * config.chunk_size, y * config.chunk_size),
                            (w, h),
                            (width, height),
                            &mut get_cost,
                            &mut nodes,

                re_trace!("create chunks", timer);

            #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
            CostFnWrapper::Parallel(get_cost) => {
                use rayon::prelude::*;

                let (mut chunks, node_lists): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = (0..num_chunks_h * num_chunks_w)
                    .map(|index| {
                        let x = index % num_chunks_w;
                        let y = index / num_chunks_w;

                        let w = if x == num_chunks_w - 1 {
                        } else {

                        let h = if y == num_chunks_h - 1 {
                        } else {

                        let mut node_list = NodeList::new();

                        let chunk = Chunk::new(
                            (x * config.chunk_size, y * config.chunk_size),
                            (w, h),
                            (width, height),
                            &mut node_list,

                        (chunk, node_list)

                re_trace!("create raw chunks", timer);

                    .map(|(mut chunk, new_nodes)| {
                        chunk.nodes = nodes.absorb(new_nodes);

                re_trace!("absorb nodes", timer);


        let mut cache = PathCache {
            num_chunks: (num_chunks_w, num_chunks_h),

        // connect neighboring Nodes across Chunk borders

        re_trace!("connect nodes", timer);
        re_trace!("total time", outer_timer);


    /// Calculates the Path from `start` to `goal` on the Grid.
    /// If no Path could be found, `None` is returned.
    /// `get_cost((x, y))` should return the cost for walking over the Tile at (x, y).
    /// Costs below 0 are solid Tiles.
    /// ## Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// let pathfinding: PathCache<_> = // ...
    /// # PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// let start = (0, 0);
    /// let goal = (4, 4);
    /// // find_path returns Some(Path) on success
    /// let path = pathfinding.find_path(
    ///     start,
    ///     goal,
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// );
    /// assert!(path.is_some());
    /// let path = path.unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(path.cost(), 12);
    /// ```
    /// The return Value gives the total Cost of the Path using `cost()` and allows to iterate over
    /// the Points in the Path.
    /// **Note**: Setting [`config.cache_paths`](PathCacheConfig::cache_paths) to `false` means
    /// that the Paths need to be recalculated as needed. This means that for any sections of the
    /// Path that are not present, [`safe_next`](AbstractPath::safe_next) needs to be called to supply the Cost function.
    /// Calling `next` in that scenario would lead to a Panic.
    /// Using the Path:
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// # let pathfinding = PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// # struct Player{ pos: (usize, usize) }
    /// # impl Player {
    /// #     pub fn move_to(&mut self, pos: (usize, usize)) {
    /// #         self.pos = pos;
    /// #     }
    /// # }
    /// #
    /// let mut player = Player {
    ///     pos: (0, 0),
    ///     //...
    /// };
    /// let goal = (4, 4);
    /// let mut path = pathfinding.find_path(
    ///     player.pos,
    ///     goal,
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// player.move_to(path.next().unwrap());
    /// assert_eq!(player.pos, (0, 1));
    /// // wait for next turn or whatever
    /// player.move_to(path.next().unwrap());
    /// assert_eq!(player.pos, (0, 2));
    /// ```
    /// If the Grid changes, any Path objects still in use may become invalid. You can still
    /// use them if you are certain that nothing in relation to that Path changed, but it is
    /// discouraged and can lead to undefined behavior or panics.
    /// Obtaining the entire Path:
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// # let pathfinding = PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// # let start = (0, 0);
    /// # let goal = (4, 4);
    /// # let path = pathfinding.find_path(
    /// #     start,
    /// #     goal,
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// # );
    /// // ...
    /// let path = path.unwrap();
    /// let points: Vec<(usize, usize)> = path.collect();
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     points,
    ///     vec![(0, 1),  (0, 2),  (0, 3),  (0, 4),  (1, 4),  (2, 4),
    ///          (2, 3),  (2, 2),  (3, 2),  (4, 2),  (4, 3),  (4, 4)],
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn find_path(
        start: Point,
        goal: Point,
        mut get_cost: impl FnMut(Point) -> isize,
    ) -> Option<AbstractPath<N>> {
        #[cfg(feature = "log")]
        let (outer_timer, timer) = (std::time::Instant::now(), std::time::Instant::now());

        if get_cost(start) < 0 {
            // cannot start on a wall
            return None;

        let neighborhood = self.neighborhood.clone();

        if start == goal {
            return Some(AbstractPath::from_known_path(
                Path::from_slice(&[start, start], 0),

        let (start_id, start_path) =
            if let Some(s) = self.find_nearest_node(start, &mut get_cost, false) {
            } else {
                // no path from start to any Node => start is in cave within chunk
                // => hope that goal is in the same cave
                return self
                    .find_path(start, goal, get_cost, &neighborhood)
                    .map(|path| AbstractPath::from_known_path(neighborhood, path));

        // try-operator: see above, but we know that start is not in a cave
        let (goal_id, goal_path) = self.find_nearest_node(goal, &mut get_cost, true)?;

        re_trace!("find nodes", timer);

        // size hint for number of visited nodes in graph::a_star_search:
        //     percentage of total area visited (heuristic / max_heuristic)
        //     as the percentage of nodes visited ( * self.nodes.len())
        let heuristic = neighborhood.heuristic(start, goal);
        let max_heuristic = neighborhood.heuristic((0, 0), (self.width - 1, self.height - 1));
        let max_size = self.nodes.len();
        let size_hint = heuristic as f32 / max_heuristic as f32 * max_size as f32;

        let path = graph::a_star_search(
            size_hint as usize,

        re_trace!("graph::a_star_search", timer);

        if path.len() == 2 || (self.config.a_star_fallback && path.len() <= 4) {
            // 2: start_id == goal_id
            // <= 4: start_id X X goal_id
            let res = self
                .grid_a_star(start, goal, get_cost)
                .map(|path| AbstractPath::from_known_path(neighborhood, path));

            re_trace!("A* fallback", timer);
            re_trace!("total time", outer_timer);

            return res;

        let mut paths = NodeIDMap::default();
        paths.insert(goal_id, path);

        let res = self
                &[(goal, goal_id, goal_path)],
            .map(|(_, path)| path);

        re_trace!("resolve_paths", timer);
        re_trace!("total time", outer_timer);


    /// Calculates the Paths from one `start` to several `goals` on the Grid.
    /// This is equivalent to [`find_path`](PathCache::find_path), except that it is optimized to handle multiple Goals
    /// at once. However, it is slower for very few goals, since it does not use a heuristic like
    /// [`find_path`](PathCache::find_path) does.
    /// Instead of returning a single Option, it returns a Hashmap, where the position of the Goal
    /// is the key, and the Value is a Tuple of the Path and the Cost of that Path.
    /// `get_cost((x, y))` should return the cost for walking over the Tile at (x, y).
    /// Costs below 0 are solid Tiles.
    /// See [`find_path`](PathCache::find_path) for more details on how to use the returned Paths.
    /// ## Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// let pathfinding: PathCache<_> = // ...
    /// # PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// let start = (0, 0);
    /// let goals = [(4, 4), (2, 0)];
    /// // find_paths returns a HashMap<goal, Path> for all successes
    /// let paths = pathfinding.find_paths(
    ///     start,
    ///     &goals,
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// );
    /// // (4, 4) is reachable
    /// assert!(paths.contains_key(&goals[0]));
    /// // (2, 0) is not reachable
    /// assert!(!paths.contains_key(&goals[1]));
    /// ```
    /// The returned Path is always equivalent to the one returned by [`find_path`](PathCache::find_path):
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// # let pathfinding = PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// let start = (0, 0);
    /// let goal = (4, 4);
    /// let paths = pathfinding.find_paths(
    ///     start,
    ///     &[goal],
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// );
    /// let dijkstra_path: Vec<_> = paths[&goal].clone().collect();
    /// let a_star_path: Vec<_> = pathfinding.find_path(
    ///     start,
    ///     goal,
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// ).unwrap().collect();
    /// assert_eq!(dijkstra_path, a_star_path);
    /// ```
    pub fn find_paths(
        start: Point,
        goals: &[Point],
        get_cost: impl FnMut(Point) -> isize,
    ) -> PointMap<AbstractPath<N>> {
        self.find_paths_internal(start, goals, get_cost, false)

    /// Finds the closest from a list of goals.
    /// Returns a tuple of the goal and the Path to that goal, or `None` if none of the goals are
    /// reachable.
    /// Similar to [`find_paths`](PathCache::find_paths) in performance and search strategy, but
    /// stops after the first goal is found.
    /// ## Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// let pathfinding: PathCache<_> = // ...
    /// # PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// let start = (0, 0);
    /// let goals = [(4, 4), (2, 0), (2, 2)];
    /// // find_closest_goal returns Some((goal, Path)) on success
    /// let (goal, path) = pathfinding.find_closest_goal(
    ///     start,
    ///     &goals,
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(goal, goals[2]);
    /// let naive_closest = pathfinding
    ///     .find_paths(start, &goals, cost_fn(&grid))
    ///     .into_iter()
    ///     .min_by_key(|(_, path)| path.cost())
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(goal, naive_closest.0);
    /// let path: Vec<_> = path.collect();
    /// let naive_path: Vec<_> = naive_closest.1.collect();
    /// assert_eq!(path, naive_path);
    /// ```
    /// Comparison with [`find_paths`](PathCache::find_paths):
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// # let pathfinding = PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// # let start = (0, 0);
    /// # let goals = [(4, 4), (2, 0), (2, 2)];
    /// let (goal, path) = pathfinding.find_closest_goal(
    ///     start,
    ///     &goals,
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// let naive_closest = pathfinding
    ///     .find_paths(start, &goals, cost_fn(&grid))
    ///     .into_iter()
    ///     .min_by_key(|(_, path)| path.cost())
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(goal, naive_closest.0);
    /// let path: Vec<_> = path.collect();
    /// let naive_path: Vec<_> = naive_closest.1.collect();
    /// assert_eq!(path, naive_path);
    /// ```
    pub fn find_closest_goal(
        start: Point,
        goals: &[Point],
        get_cost: impl FnMut(Point) -> isize,
    ) -> Option<(Point, AbstractPath<N>)> {
        self.find_paths_internal(start, goals, get_cost, true)

    fn find_paths_internal(
        start: Point,
        goals: &[Point],
        mut get_cost: impl FnMut(Point) -> isize,
        only_closest_goal: bool,
    ) -> PointMap<AbstractPath<N>> {
        if get_cost(start) < 0 || goals.is_empty() {
            return PointMap::default();

        if goals.len() == 1 {
            let goal = goals[0];
            return self
                .find_path(start, goal, get_cost)
                .map(|path| (goal, path))

        let neighborhood = self.neighborhood.clone();

        let (start_id, start_path) =
            if let Some(s) = self.find_nearest_node(start, &mut get_cost, false) {
            } else {
                // no path from start to any Node => start is in cave within chunk
                // => find all goals in the same cave
                return self
                    .find_paths(start, goals, get_cost, &neighborhood)
                    .map(|(goal, path)| {
                            AbstractPath::from_known_path(neighborhood.clone(), path),

        let mut goal_data = Vec::with_capacity(goals.len());
        let mut goal_ids = Vec::with_capacity(goals.len());

        let mut ret = PointMap::default();
        let mut heuristic = 0;

        for goal in goals.iter().copied() {
            if goal == start {
                let path = AbstractPath::from_known_path(
                    Path::from_slice(&[start, start], 0),
                ret.insert(goal, path);

            let (goal_id, goal_path) =
                if let Some(g) = self.find_nearest_node(goal, &mut get_cost, true) {
                } else {

            goal_data.push((goal, goal_id, goal_path));
            if only_closest_goal {
                heuristic = heuristic.min(self.neighborhood.heuristic(start, goal));
            } else {
                heuristic = heuristic.max(self.neighborhood.heuristic(start, goal));

        let max_heuristic = neighborhood.heuristic((0, 0), (self.width - 1, self.height - 1));
        let max_size = self.nodes.len();
        let size_hint = heuristic as f32 / max_heuristic as f32 * max_size as f32;

        let paths = graph::dijkstra_search(
            size_hint as usize,

        self.resolve_paths(start, start_path, &goal_data, &paths, get_cost)

    /// Notifies the PathCache that the Grid changed.
    /// This Method updates any internal Paths that might have changed when the Grid changed. This
    /// is an expensive operation and should only be performed if the change affected the walking
    /// cost of a tile and the PathCache is needed again. If possible, try to bundle as many
    /// changes as possible into a single call to `tiles_changed` to avoid unnecessary
    /// recalculations.
    /// Side note: if anybody has a way to improve this method, open a GitHub Issue / Pull Request.
    /// ## Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// let mut pathfinding: PathCache<_> = // ...
    /// # PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// let (start, goal) = ((0, 0), (2, 0));
    /// let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));
    /// assert!(path.is_none());
    /// grid[1][2] = 0;
    /// grid[3][2] = 2;
    /// assert_eq!(grid, [
    ///     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    ///     [0, 2, 0, 2, 2],
    ///     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    ///     [0, 1, 2, 2, 0],
    ///     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// ]);
    /// pathfinding.tiles_changed(
    ///     &[(2, 1), (2, 3)],
    ///     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// );
    /// let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));
    /// assert!(path.is_some());
    /// ```
    pub fn tiles_changed<F: Sync + Fn(Point) -> isize>(&mut self, tiles: &[Point], get_cost: F) {
        #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
            self.tiles_changed_internal::<F, fn(Point) -> isize>(
        #[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
            self.tiles_changed_internal::<fn(Point) -> isize, F>(
                CostFnWrapper::Sequential(get_cost, PhantomData),

    /// Same as [`tiles_changed`](PathCache::tiles_changed), but doesn't use threads to allow [`FnMut`].
    /// Equivalent to `tiles_changed` if `parallel` feature is disabled.
    /// Note that this is _**way**_ slower than `tiles_changed` with `parallel`.
    pub fn tiles_changed_with_fn_mut<F: FnMut(Point) -> isize>(
        &mut self,
        tiles: &[Point],
        get_cost: F,
    ) {
        self.tiles_changed_internal::<fn(Point) -> isize, F>(
            CostFnWrapper::Sequential(get_cost, PhantomData),

    fn tiles_changed_internal<F1, F2>(
        &mut self,
        tiles: &[Point],
        mut get_cost: CostFnWrapper<F1, F2>,
    ) where
        F1: Sync + Fn(Point) -> isize,
        F2: FnMut(Point) -> isize,
        let size = self.config.chunk_size;

        #[cfg(feature = "log")]
        let (outer_timer, timer) = (std::time::Instant::now(), std::time::Instant::now());

        let mut dirty = PointMap::default();
        for &p in tiles {
            let chunk_pos = self.get_chunk_pos(p);

        #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
        enum Renew {

        // map of chunk_pos => array: [Renew; 4] where array[side] says if chunk[side] needs to be renewed
        let mut renew = PointMap::default();

        for (&cp, positions) in dirty.iter() {
            let chunk = self.get_chunk(cp);
            // for every changed tile in the chunk
            for &p in positions {
                // check every side that this tile is on
                for dir in Dir::all().filter(|dir| chunk.sides[dir.num()] && chunk.at_side(p, *dir))
                    // if there is a chunk in that direction
                    let other_pos = jump_in_dir(cp, dir, size, (0, 0), (self.width, self.height))
                        .expect("Internal Error #2 in PathCache. Please report this");

                    // mark the current and other side
                    let own = &mut renew.entry(cp).or_insert([Renew::No; 4])[dir.num()];
                    let old = *own;
                    if chunk.is_corner(p) {
                        if old == Renew::No || old == Renew::Inner {
                            *own = Renew::Corner(p);
                        } else if let Renew::Corner(p2) = old {
                            if p2 != p {
                                *own = Renew::All;
                        } else if old != Renew::All {
                            *own = Renew::Corner(p)
                    } else {
                        // All > Corner > Inner > No, and we don't want to override anything greater than Inner
                        if *own == Renew::No {
                            *own = Renew::Inner;
                    let other =
                        &mut renew.entry(other_pos).or_insert([Renew::No; 4])[dir.opposite().num()];
                    if *other == Renew::No {
                        *other = Renew::Inner;

        re_trace!("establish renew", timer);

        // remove all nodes of sides in renew

        for (&cp, sides) in renew.iter() {
            let chunk_index = self.get_chunk_index(cp);
            let chunk = &self.chunks[chunk_index];
            let removed = chunk
                .filter(|id| {
                    let pos = self.nodes[**id].pos;
                    let corner = chunk.is_corner(pos);
                    Dir::all().any(|dir| match sides[dir.num()] {
                            Renew::No => false,
                            Renew::Inner => !corner,
                            Renew::Corner(c) => !corner || c == pos,
                            Renew::All => true,
                        } && chunk.at_side(pos, dir))

            let chunk = &mut self.chunks[chunk_index];

            for id in removed {

        re_trace!("remove nodes of sides in renew", timer);

        let mut changed_nodes = NodeIDSet::default();

        // remove all Paths in changed chunks
        for cp in dirty.keys() {
            let chunk_index = self.get_chunk_index(*cp);
            let chunk = &self.chunks[chunk_index];
            for id in chunk.nodes.iter() {

            let mut get_cost: &mut dyn FnMut(Point) -> isize = match &mut get_cost {
                CostFnWrapper::Sequential(get_cost, _) => get_cost,
                #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
                CostFnWrapper::Parallel(get_cost) => get_cost,

            // recreate sides in renew
            for (&cp, sides) in renew.iter() {
                let mut candidates = PointSet::default();
                let chunk_index = self.get_chunk_index(cp);
                let chunk = &self.chunks[chunk_index];

                for dir in Dir::all() {
                    if sides[dir.num()] != Renew::No {
                            (self.width, self.height),
                            &mut get_cost,
                            &mut candidates,

                // Only include nodes that aren't already part of the map
                candidates.retain(|&pos| self.nodes.id_at(pos).is_none());

                if candidates.is_empty() {

                let all_nodes = &mut self.nodes;
                let nodes = candidates
                    .map(|p| all_nodes.add_node(p, get_cost(p) as usize))

                let chunk = &mut self.chunks[chunk_index];
                if !dirty.contains_key(&cp) {
                    for node in nodes.iter() {
                        &mut get_cost,
                        &mut self.nodes,
                } else {
                    for id in nodes {

        re_trace!("recreates sides in renew", timer);

        match get_cost {
            CostFnWrapper::Sequential(mut get_cost, _) => {
                for cp in dirty.keys() {
                    let chunk_index = self.get_chunk_index(*cp);
                    let chunk = &mut self.chunks[chunk_index];
                    let nodes = chunk.nodes.iter().copied().to_vec();

                    for node in nodes.iter() {

                        &mut get_cost,
                        &mut self.nodes,
                re_trace!("recreate Paths", timer);
            #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
            CostFnWrapper::Parallel(get_cost) => {
                use rayon::prelude::*;
                let dirty_indices: hashbrown::HashSet<usize> = dirty
                    .map(|(x, y)| self.get_chunk_index((*x, *y)))

                let paths: Vec<_> = {
                    let neighborhood = &self.neighborhood;
                    let all_nodes = &self.nodes;
                    let cache_paths = self.config.cache_paths;

                        .filter(|(chunk_index, _)| dirty_indices.contains(chunk_index))
                        .map(|(_, chunk)| {

                re_trace!("get paths", timer);

                for (id, other_id, path) in paths.into_iter().flatten() {
                    self.nodes.add_edge(id, other_id, path);

                for chunk_index in dirty_indices.iter() {
                    for node in self.chunks[*chunk_index].nodes.iter() {

                re_trace!("update edges", timer);

        // re-establish cross-chunk connections

        re_trace!("connect nodes", timer);
        re_trace!("total time", outer_timer);

    /// Allows for debugging and visualizing the PathCache
    /// The returned object gives read-only access to the current state of the PathCache, mainly the
    /// Nodes and how they are connected to each other
    /// ## Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```
    /// # use hierarchical_pathfinding::prelude::*;
    /// # let mut grid = [
    /// #     [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    /// #     [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
    /// #     [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    /// # ];
    /// # let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
    /// # fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Sync + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
    /// #     move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
    /// # }
    /// let pathfinding: PathCache<_> = // ...
    /// # PathCache::new(
    /// #     (width, height),
    /// #     cost_fn(&grid),
    /// #     ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
    /// #     PathCacheConfig::with_chunk_size(3),
    /// # );
    /// // only draw the connections between Nodes once
    /// # use std::collections::HashSet;
    /// let mut visited = HashSet::new();
    /// for node in pathfinding.inspect_nodes() {
    ///     let pos = node.pos();
    ///     // draw Node at x: pos.0, y: pos.1
    ///     visited.insert(node.id());
    ///     for (neighbor, cost) in node.connected().filter(|(n, _)| !visited.contains(&n.id())) {
    ///         let other_pos = neighbor.pos();
    ///         // draw Line from pos to other_pos, colored by cost
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn inspect_nodes(&self) -> CacheInspector<N> {

    /// Prints all Nodes
    fn print_nodes(&self) {
        for node in self.inspect_nodes() {
            print!("{} at {:?}: ", node.id(), node.pos());

            for (neighbor, cost) in node.connected() {
                print!("{:?}({}), ", neighbor.pos(), cost);


    fn get_chunk_pos(&self, point: Point) -> Point {
        let size = self.config.chunk_size;
        ((point.0 / size) * size, (point.1 / size) * size)

    fn get_chunk(&self, point: Point) -> &Chunk {
        let index = self.get_chunk_index(point);

    fn get_chunk_index(&self, point: Point) -> usize {
        let size = self.config.chunk_size;
        let (x, y) = ((point.0 / size), (point.1 / size));
        y * self.num_chunks.0 + x

    fn same_chunk(&self, a: Point, b: Point) -> bool {
        let size = self.config.chunk_size;
        a.0 / size == b.0 / size && a.1 / size == b.1 / size

    fn node_at(&self, pos: Point) -> Option<NodeID> {

    /// Returns the config used to create this PathCache
    pub fn config(&self) -> &PathCacheConfig {

    fn find_nearest_node(
        pos: Point,
        get_cost: impl FnMut(Point) -> isize,
        reverse: bool,
    ) -> Option<(NodeID, Option<Path<Point>>)> {
        if let Some(id) = self.node_at(pos) {
            return Some((id, None));
            .nearest_node(&self.nodes, pos, get_cost, &self.neighborhood, reverse)
            .map(|(id, path)| (id, Some(path)))

    fn grid_a_star(
        start: Point,
        goal: Point,
        get_cost: impl FnMut(Point) -> isize,
    ) -> Option<Path<Point>> {
        let heuristic = self.neighborhood.heuristic(start, goal);
        let max_heuristic = self
            .heuristic((0, 0), (self.width - 1, self.height - 1));
        let max_size = self.width * self.height;
        let size_hint = heuristic as f32 / max_heuristic as f32 * max_size as f32;

            |_| true,
            size_hint as usize,

    fn resolve_paths(
        start: Point,
        start_path: Option<Path<Point>>,
        goal_data: &[(Point, NodeID, Option<Path<Point>>)],
        paths: &NodeIDMap<Path<NodeID>>,
        mut get_cost: impl FnMut(Point) -> isize,
    ) -> PointMap<AbstractPath<N>> {
        let mut start_path_map = PointMap::default();
        let mut ret = PointMap::default();

        for (goal, goal_id, goal_path) in goal_data {
            let path = if let Some(path) = paths.get(goal_id) {
            } else {

            let mut start_path = start_path.as_ref();
            let mut skip_first = false;
            let mut skip_last = false;
            if start_path.is_some() {
                let after_start = self.nodes[path[1]].pos;
                if self.same_chunk(start, after_start) {
                    start_path = Some(start_path_map.entry(after_start).or_insert_with(|| {
                        // this is contained within a chunk, because start_path is contained and
                        // (start_id, after_start) must be contained:
                        // Direct paths between nodes are only added in chunk::(connect/add)_nodes,
                        // or in the cross-chunk connect_nodes
                            .find_path(start, after_start, &mut get_cost, &self.neighborhood)
                            .expect("Inconsistency in Pathfinding")
                    skip_first = true;

            // path: ... -> before_goal (len-2) -> goal_id (len-1) (-> actual goal (would be next))
            // check if direct connection of before_goal -> actual goal is feasible
            let before_goal = self.nodes[path[path.len() - 2]].pos;
            if goal_path.is_some() && self.same_chunk(*goal, before_goal) {
                skip_last = true;

            let mut final_path = if let Some(path) = start_path {
                AbstractPath::from_known_path(self.neighborhood.clone(), path.clone())
            } else {
                AbstractPath::new(self.neighborhood.clone(), start)

            for (i, (a, b)) in path.iter().zip(path.iter().skip(1)).enumerate() {
                if (skip_first && i == 0) || (skip_last && i == path.len() - 2) {
                    // len() - 2 because skip(1) already removes one

            if skip_last {
                    // reasoning for chunk containment: see start_path equivalent
                        .find_path(before_goal, *goal, &mut get_cost, &self.neighborhood)
                        .expect("Inconsistency in Pathfinding"),
            } else if let Some(path) = goal_path {
            ret.insert(*goal, final_path);

    fn connect_nodes(&mut self, ids: Option<NodeIDSet>) {
        let ids = ids.unwrap_or_else(|| self.nodes.keys().collect());
        let mut target = vec![];
        for id in ids {
            let (pos, cost) = {
                let node = &self.nodes[id];
                (node.pos, node.walk_cost)
            self.neighborhood.get_all_neighbors(pos, &mut target);
            for &other_pos in target.iter() {
                if let Some(other_id) = self.node_at(other_pos) {
                            Path::from_slice(&[pos, other_pos], cost),

/// Allows for debugging and visualizing a PathCache.
/// See [`inspect_nodes`](PathCache::inspect_nodes) for details and an example.
/// Allows iteration over all Nodes and specific lookup with [`get_node`](CacheInspector::get_node)
pub struct CacheInspector<'a, N: Neighborhood> {
    src: &'a PathCache<N>,
    inner: std::vec::IntoIter<NodeID>,

impl<'a, N: Neighborhood> CacheInspector<'a, N> {
    /// Creates a new CacheInspector
    /// Same as calling [`.inspect_nodes()`](PathCache::inspect_nodes) on the cache
    pub fn new(src: &'a PathCache<N>) -> Self {
        CacheInspector {
            inner: src.nodes.keys().to_vec().into_iter(),

    /// Provides the handle to a specific Node.
    /// It is recommended to use the `Iterator` implementation instead
    pub fn get_node(&self, id: NodeID) -> NodeInspector<N> {
        NodeInspector::new(self.src, id)

impl<'a, N: Neighborhood> Iterator for CacheInspector<'a, N> {
    type Item = NodeInspector<'a, N>;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.inner.next().map(|id| NodeInspector::new(self.src, id))

/// Allows for debugging and visualizing a Node
/// See [`inspect_nodes`](PathCache::inspect_nodes) for details and an example.
/// Can be obtained by iterating over a [`CacheInspector`] or from [`get_node`](CacheInspector::get_node).
/// Gives basic info about the Node and an Iterator over all connected Nodes
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct NodeInspector<'a, N: Neighborhood> {
    src: &'a PathCache<N>,
    node: &'a Node,

impl<'a, N: Neighborhood> NodeInspector<'a, N> {
    fn new(src: &'a PathCache<N>, id: NodeID) -> Self {
        NodeInspector {
            node: &src.nodes[id],

    /// The position of the Node on the Grid
    pub fn pos(&self) -> (usize, usize) {

    /// The internal unique ID
    /// IDs are unique at any point in time, but may be reused if Nodes are deleted.
    pub fn id(&self) -> NodeID {

    /// Provides an iterator over all connected Nodes with the Cost of the Path to that Node
    pub fn connected(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (NodeInspector<'a, N>, Cost)> + 'a {
            .map(move |(id, path)| (NodeInspector::new(self.src, *id), path.cost()))

mod tests {
    use crate::prelude::*;

    fn new() {
        let grid = [
            [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
            [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
        let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
        fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
            move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
        let pathfinding = PathCache::new(
            (width, height),
            ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),
        let start = (0, 0);
        let goal = (4, 4);
        let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));
        let path = path.unwrap();
        let points: Vec<(usize, usize)> = path.collect();
            vec![(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 3), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)],

    fn get_chunk_index() {
        let grid = [
            [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
            [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
        let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
        fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
            move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]
        let pathfinding = PathCache::new(
            (width, height),
            ManhattanNeighborhood::new(width, height),

        let point = (0, 0);
        assert_eq!(pathfinding.get_chunk_index(point), 0);

        let point = (4, 0);
        assert_eq!(pathfinding.get_chunk_index(point), 1);

        let point = (3, 2);
        assert_eq!(pathfinding.get_chunk_index(point), 1);

        let point = (4, 4);
        assert_eq!(pathfinding.get_chunk_index(point), 3);

        let point = (0, 4);
        assert_eq!(pathfinding.get_chunk_index(point), 2);

    fn update_path() {
        let mut grid = [
            [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 2, 2, 2, 2],
            [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 2, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
        let (width, height) = (grid.len(), grid[0].len());
        fn cost_fn(grid: &[[usize; 5]; 5]) -> impl '_ + Fn((usize, usize)) -> isize {
            move |(x, y)| [1, 10, -1][grid[y][x]]

        let mut pathfinding = PathCache::new(
            (width, height),
            MooreNeighborhood::new(width, height),

        let start = (0, 0);
        let goal = (4, 4);
        let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));
        let path = path.unwrap();
        let points: Vec<(usize, usize)> = path.collect();
            vec![(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)],

        grid[2][1] = 0;
        let changed_tiles = [(1, 2)];

        pathfinding.tiles_changed(&changed_tiles, cost_fn(&grid));

        let start = (0, 0);
        let goal = (4, 4);
        let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));
        let path = path.unwrap();
        let points: Vec<(usize, usize)> = path.collect();
            vec![(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)],

        // Add walls along chunk borders
        let start = (0, 0);
        let goal = (3, 4);
        let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));

        // Vertical wall
        let changed_tiles: Vec<_> = (0..grid.len()).map(|y| (2, y)).collect();
        grid.iter_mut().for_each(|row| row[2] = 2);
        pathfinding.tiles_changed(&changed_tiles, cost_fn(&grid));

        let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));

        let goal = (2, 4);
        let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));

        // Horizontal wall
        let mut changed_tiles = Vec::new();
            let y = 2;
            for x in 0..grid[y].len() {
                grid[y][x] = 2;
                changed_tiles.push((x, y));
        pathfinding.tiles_changed(&changed_tiles, cost_fn(&grid));

        let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn(&grid));

    // #[test]
    #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
    fn random_test() {
        use nanorand::Rng;
        use rayon::prelude::*;

        for &size in [8, 128, 1024].iter() {
            let mut grid = vec![vec![0; size]; size];
            grid.par_iter_mut().for_each(|row| {
                // let mut rng = StdRng::from_entropy();
                let mut rng = nanorand::tls_rng();
                row.fill_with(|| rng.generate_range(-2_isize..7));
            let cost_fn = |(x, y): (usize, usize)| grid[y][x];
            for &chunk_size in [8, 16, 64].iter() {
                println!("size: {}, chunk_size: {}", size, chunk_size);
                let pathfinding = PathCache::new(
                    (size, size),
                    ManhattanNeighborhood::new(size, size),
                // for _ in 0..100 {
                [0..100].par_iter().for_each(|_| {
                    let mut rng = nanorand::tls_rng();
                    let start = (rng.generate_range(0..size), rng.generate_range(0..size));
                    let goal = (rng.generate_range(0..size), rng.generate_range(0..size));
                    let a_star_path = pathfinding.grid_a_star(start, goal, cost_fn);
                    let path = pathfinding.find_path(start, goal, cost_fn);
                    if a_star_path.is_some() != path.is_some() {
                        use std::io::Write;
                        let mut out = std::fs::File::create("cache.txt").unwrap();
                        writeln!(out, "start: {:?},  goal: {:?}", start, goal).unwrap();
                        writeln!(out, "a_star_path: {:?}", a_star_path).unwrap();
                        writeln!(out, "our path: {:?}", path).unwrap();
                        writeln!(out, "{:#?}", pathfinding).unwrap();

                        let mut out = std::fs::File::create("grid.txt").unwrap();
                        for row in grid.iter() {
                            for cell in row.iter() {
                                write!(out, "{}", if *cell < 0 { '#' } else { ' ' }).unwrap();
                // }