Function heron::rapier_plugin::rapier::ncollide::query::closest_points_line_line_parameters_eps[][src]

pub fn closest_points_line_line_parameters_eps<N>(
    orig1: &Point<N, U3>,
    dir1: &Matrix<N, U3, U1, <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<N, U3, U1>>::Buffer>,
    orig2: &Point<N, U3>,
    dir2: &Matrix<N, U3, U1, <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<N, U3, U1>>::Buffer>,
    eps: N
) -> (N, N, bool) where
    N: RealField

Closest points between two lines with a custom tolerance epsilon.

The result, say res, is such that the closest points between both lines are orig1 + dir1 * res.0 and orig2 + dir2 * res.1. If the lines are parallel then res.2 is set to true and the returned closest points are orig1 and its projection on the second line.