hektor 0.2.1

A library for hekkin vectors.
![Minimum Rust Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/Min%20Rust-1.36-green.svg)

CI coverage:
* Builds on: `x86`, `x86_64`, `wasm32`, `armv7`, `aarch64`, `thumbv7neon`
* Tests on: `x86`, `x86_64`, `wasm32`

If you're a CI pro, please submit a PR that gives even more CI coverage!

# hektor

A library for hekkin vectors.

* `f32` Vectors of dimension 2, 3, and 4.
* `f32` Matrices with one vector per column (aka "column-major"). This is
  optimal for uploading into OpenGL or Vulkan with a GLSL shader.
* `f32` Quaternions.


## Code Organization Details

Code is largely organized with one type per module. These modules are made part
of the crate by having `lib.rs` do the following for each one:

mod foo;
pub use foo::*;

The combination of a private module and a `pub use` of the content of said
module causes the outside world see all of the content of the `foo` module as
being _directly_ within the crate's top level module. This is easiest on end
users, without forcing us to literally put the entire crate in a single file.

Tests are organized as one test file per operation group. This is a lot easier
to keep track of when adding one operation at a time and checking that it's
implemented for each appropriate type.

## Inline Policy

* Any "accessor" and "view" style methods are marked `#[inline(always)]`.
* Most other methods are simply marked `#[inline]`.
* Formatting methods are not even marked for inlining.
* If it can be shown that insufficent inlines are the cause of a slowdown
  then we can upgrade a particular method to be `#[inline(always)]`, but
  there must first be some sort of benchmark demonstrating the issue.