heed 0.20.0

A fully typed LMDB wrapper with minimum overhead
name = "heed"
version = "0.20.0"
authors = ["Kerollmops <renault.cle@gmail.com>"]
description = "A fully typed LMDB wrapper with minimum overhead"
license = "MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/Kerollmops/heed"
keywords = ["lmdb", "database", "storage", "typed"]
categories = ["database", "data-structures"]
readme = "../README.md"
edition = "2021"

bitflags = { version = "2.3.3", features = ["serde"] }
byteorder = { version = "1.4.3", default-features = false }
heed-traits = { version = "0.20.0", path = "../heed-traits" }
heed-types = { version = "0.20.0", default-features = false, path = "../heed-types" }
libc = "0.2.139"
lmdb-master-sys = { version = "0.2.0", path = "../lmdb-master-sys" }
once_cell = "1.16.0"
page_size = "0.6.0"
serde = { version = "1.0.151", features = ["derive"], optional = true }
synchronoise = "1.0.1"

serde = { version = "1.0.151", features = ["derive"] }
tempfile = "3.3.0"

url = "2.3.1"

# The `serde` feature makes some types serializable,
# like the `EnvOpenOptions` struct.
default = ["serde", "serde-bincode", "serde-json"]
serde = ["bitflags/serde", "dep:serde"]

# The #MDB_NOTLS flag is automatically set on Env opening,
# RoTxn and RoCursors implements the Send trait. This allows the
# user to move RoTxns and RoCursors between threads as read transactions
# will no more use thread local storage and will tie reader locktable
# slots to #MDB_txn objects instead of to threads.
# According to the LMDB documentation, when this feature is not enabled:
# A thread can only use one transaction at a time, plus any child
# transactions. Each transaction belongs to one thread. [...]
# The #MDB_NOTLS flag changes this for read-only transactions.
# And a #MDB_BAD_RSLOT error will be thrown when multiple read
# transactions exists on the same thread
read-txn-no-tls = []

# Enable the serde en/decoders for bincode, serde_json, or rmp_serde
serde-bincode = ["heed-types/serde-bincode"]
serde-json = ["heed-types/serde-json"]
serde-rmp = ["heed-types/serde-rmp"]

# serde_json features
preserve_order = ["heed-types/preserve_order"]
arbitrary_precision = ["heed-types/arbitrary_precision"]
raw_value = ["heed-types/raw_value"]
unbounded_depth = ["heed-types/unbounded_depth"]

# Whether to tell LMDB to use POSIX semaphores during compilation
# (instead of the default, which are System V semaphores).
# POSIX semaphores are required for Apple's App Sandbox on iOS & macOS,
# and are possibly faster and more appropriate for single-process use.
# There are tradeoffs for both POSIX and SysV semaphores; which you
# should look into before enabling this feature. Also, see here:
# <https://github.com/LMDB/lmdb/blob/3947014aed7ffe39a79991fa7fb5b234da47ad1a/libraries/liblmdb/lmdb.h#L46-L69>
posix-sem = ["lmdb-master-sys/posix-sem"]

# These features configure the MDB_IDL_LOGN macro, which determines
# the size of the free and dirty page lists (and thus the amount of memory
# allocated when opening an LMDB environment in read-write mode).
# Each feature defines MDB_IDL_LOGN as the value in the name of the feature.
# That means these features are mutually exclusive, and you must not specify
# more than one at the same time (or the crate will fail to compile).
# For more information on the motivation for these features (and their effect),
# see https://github.com/mozilla/lmdb/pull/2.
mdb_idl_logn_8 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_8"]
mdb_idl_logn_9 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_9"]
mdb_idl_logn_10 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_10"]
mdb_idl_logn_11 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_11"]
mdb_idl_logn_12 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_12"]
mdb_idl_logn_13 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_13"]
mdb_idl_logn_14 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_14"]
mdb_idl_logn_15 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_15"]
mdb_idl_logn_16 = ["lmdb-master-sys/mdb_idl_logn_16"]

name = "rmp-serde"
required-features = ["serde-rmp"]