hdk_crud 0.4.4

A library to help quickly and easily create a consistent set of create-read-update-delete functions for an Entry type in Holochain, complete with signaling options
version = "1.5.0"

version = "0.4.19"

optional = true
version = "0.0.6"

version = "0.0.109"

features = ["encoding"]
version = "0.0.8"

optional = true
version = "0.0.9"

version = "0.9"

optional = true
version = "0.2.0"

version = "1.0.5"

version = "1.0.123"

version = "1"
version = "0.7"

version = "0.18.0"

version = "0.18.0"

mock = ["hdk/mock", "hdk/test_utils", "fixt", "mockall_double", "holochain_types"]
test_utils = ["fixt"]

authors = ["Connor Turland <connor@sprillow.com>"]
description = "A library to help quickly and easily create a consistent set of create-read-update-delete functions for an Entry type in Holochain, complete with signaling options"
edition = "2018"
license = "CAL-1.0"
name = "hdk_crud"
repository = "https://github.com/lightningrodlabs/hdk_crud"
version = "0.4.4"