hdk 0.0.134

The Holochain HDK
use crate::prelude::*;

/// Create capability claims on the local source chain.
/// Wraps the [`create`] HDK function with system type parameters set.
/// This guards against sending application entry data or setting the wrong entry type.
/// Capability claims are grant _secrets_ that have been received from someone else.
/// The grant entry is never sent, only the associated secret.
/// The claim should be created on the local source chain so that it can be retrieved for later use.
/// Grantees of [`CapGrant`] secrets use [`CapClaim`] entries to save the secret.
/// The [`CapClaim`] contains the secret, tag and issuing agent.
/// Only the secret should ever be sent back to the issuing agent, everything else is only for local
/// administering, querying and filtering.
/// There is no guarantee that any [`CapClaim`] is currently usable without trying it.
/// The author of the corresponding CapGrant can revoke it at any time or be unreachable on the network.
/// Any [`crate::p2p::call_remote`] will return a [`ZomeCallResponse::Unauthorized`] when the grantor considers the
/// secret invalid for the call. The caller is expected to handle this gracefully.
/// If the author of the [`CapGrant`] is reachable on the network and has not revoked the grant they will allow any
/// agent with a valid secret and pubkey to [`crate::p2p::call_remote`] externs on the grant author's machine.
/// Commits to the grantor's source chain will be signed by the grantor, even if initiated.
/// by a claimant.
/// Delegating agency to grantee claimants is a serious responsibility!
pub fn create_cap_claim(cap_claim_entry: CapClaimEntry) -> ExternResult<HeaderHash> {

/// Create a capability grant.
/// Wraps the [`create`] HDK function with system type parameters set.
/// This guards against sending application entry data or setting the wrong entry type.
/// Capability grants are explicit entries in the local source chain that grant access to functions running in the current conductor.
/// The grant must be sent (e.g. with a [` crate::p2p::call_remote `]) to the grantees so they can commit a claim and then call back with it in the future.
/// When an agent wants to expose zome functions to be called remotely by other agents they need to select
/// a security model and probably generate a secret.
/// The input needs to evalute to a [`ZomeCallCapGrant`] struct which defines the tag, access and
/// granted zome/function pairs. The access is a [`CapAccess`] enum with variants [`CapAccess::Unrestricted`],
/// [`CapAccess::Transferable`], and [`CapAccess::Assigned`].
/// The tag is an arbitrary [`String`] that developers or users can use to categorise and administer
/// grants committed to the chain. The tag should also match the [`CapClaim`] tags committed on the
/// recipient chain when a [`CapGrant`] is committed and shared. The tags are not checked or compared
/// in any security sensitive contexts.
/// Provided the grant author agent is reachable on the network:
/// - [`CapAccess::Unrestricted`] access means any external agent can call the extern
/// - [`CapAccess::Transferable`] access means any external agent with a valid secret can call the extern
/// - [`CapAccess::Assigned`] access means only explicitly approved agents with a valid secret can call the extern
/// The authoring agent itself always has an implicit capability which grants access to its own externs,
/// and needs no special capability grant.
/// All logic runs on the author agent's machine against their own source chain:
/// - New entries are committed to the author's chain with the author's signature
/// - Signals are emmitted to the author's system and GUI
/// - The author must be online from the perspective of the caller
/// - The author can chain `call_remote` back to the caller or any other agent
/// The happ developer needs to plan carefully to ensure auditability and accountability is
/// maintained for all writes and network calls if this is important to the integrity of the happ.
/// Multiple [`CapGrant`] entries can be relevant to a single attempted zome call invocation.
/// The most specific and strict [`CapGrant`] that validates will be used. For example, if a user
/// provided a valid transferable secret to a function that is currently unrestricted, the zome
/// call will be executed with the stricter transferable access.
/// @todo this is more relevant when partial application exists in the future
/// @todo predictably disambiguate multiple CapGrants of the same specificity
///       (also potentially not needed when we enforce uniqueness - see below)
/// [`CapGrant`] entries can be updated and deleted in the same way as standard app entries.
/// The CRUD model for [`CapGrant`] is much simpler than app entries:
/// - versions are always local to a single source chain so partitions can never happen
/// - updates function like delete+create so that old grants are immediately revoked by a new grant
/// - deletes immediately revoke the referenced grant
/// - version histories are linear so there can never be a branching history of updates and deletes
/// @todo ensure linear history in sys validation
/// Secrets must be unique across all grants and claims in a source chain and should be generated
/// using the [`generate_cap_secret`] function that sources the correct number of cryptographically
/// strong random bytes from the host.
/// @todo ensure uniqueness of secrets in sys validation
/// If _any_ [`CapGrant`] is valid for a zome call invocation it will execute. Given that secrets must
/// be unique across all grants and claims this is easy to ensure for assigned and transferable
/// access. Special care is required for Unrestricted grants as several may apply to a single
/// extern at one time, or may apply in addition to a stricter grant. In this case, revoking a
/// stricter grant, or failing to revoke all Unrestricted grants will leave the function open.
/// @todo administration functions to query active grants
/// There is an apparent "chicken or the egg" situation where [`CapGrant`] are required for remote
/// agents to call externs, so how does an agent request a grant in the first place?
/// The simplest pattern is for agents to create an extern dedicated to assess incoming grant
/// requests and to apply [`CapAccess::Unrestricted`] access to it during the zome's `init` callback.
/// If Alice wants access to Bob's `foo` function she first grants Bob `Assigned` access to her own
/// `accept_foo_grant` extern and sends her grant's secret to Bob's `issue_foo_grant` function. Bob
/// receives Alice's request and, if he is willing to grant Alice access, he commits Alice's secret
/// as a [`CapClaim`] to his chain. Bob then generates a new secret and commits it in a [`CapGrant`]
/// for `foo`, most likely explicitly `Assigned` to Alice, and sends his secret and Alice's secret
/// to Alice's `accept_foo_grant` extern. Alice checks her grant, which matches Bob's public key
/// and the secret Bob received from her, then she commits a new CapClaim including the secret that
/// Bob generated. Now Alice can call `foo` on Bob's machine any time he is online, and because all
/// the secrets are [`CapAccess::Assigned`] Bob can track and update exactly who has access to his externs.
pub fn create_cap_grant(cap_grant_entry: CapGrantEntry) -> ExternResult<HeaderHash> {

/// Delete a capability grant.
/// Wraps the [`delete`] HDK function with system type parameters set.
/// This guards against deleting application entries or setting the wrong entry type.
/// Capability grants can be deleted like other entries.
/// Unlike most other entries, deleting a grant is linear, there is no branching tree of CRUD history because only grants on the local source chain can be deleted.
/// Once a capability grant is deleted any incoming function call requests with associated capability claims will immediately begin to fail as [`ZomeCallResponse::Unauthorized`].
/// There is no `undo` for deletes, a new grant must be created and distributed to reinstate access after a grant deletion.
/// Immediately means after the wasm successfully completes with no errors or rollbacks as extern calls are transactional/atomic.
/// The input to [`delete_cap_grant`] is the [`HeaderHash`] of the [`CapGrant`] element to delete and optionally an argument to
/// specify the [`ChainTopOrdering`]. Refer to [`DeleteInput`] for details.
/// Deletes can reference both [`CapGrant`] creates and updates.
pub fn delete_cap_grant<I, E>(delete_input: I) -> ExternResult<HeaderHash>
    DeleteInput: TryFrom<I, Error = E>,
    WasmError: From<E>,

/// Generate secrets for capability grants.
/// Wraps the [`random_bytes`] HDK function with appropriate parameters set.
/// Generates 512 bits of cryptographic strength randomness to form the secret for a capability grant.
/// It is strongly recommended to always use this function for generating capability grant secrets.
/// There is negligible benefit to decreasing or increasing the bits of entropy, or changing the algorithm.
/// There may be security risks in shortening the secret or changing its generation logic.
/// Capability secrets must be unique within and across all chains.
/// Using this function consistently guarantees uniqueness.
/// If an attacker can guess a secret to masquerade as another agent and execute [`CapAccess::Transferable`] code.
/// Re-using secrets is forbidden within and across all claims and grants.
pub fn generate_cap_secret() -> ExternResult<CapSecret> {
    random_bytes(CAP_SECRET_BYTES as u32).map(|bytes| {
        // Always a fatal error if our own bytes generation has the wrong number of bytes.
        assert_eq!(CAP_SECRET_BYTES, bytes.len());
        let mut inner = [0; CAP_SECRET_BYTES];

/// Update a capability grant.
/// Wraps the [`update`] HDK function with system type parameters set.
/// This guards against updating application entries or setting the wrong entry types.
/// Capability grant updates work exactly as a delete+create of the old+new grant entries.
/// The first argument is the header hash of the old grant being deleted as per [`delete_cap_grant`].
/// The second argument is the entry value of the new grant to create as per [`create_cap_grant`].
pub fn update_cap_grant(
    old_grant_header_hash: HeaderHash,
    new_grant_value: CapGrantEntry,
) -> ExternResult<HeaderHash> {