has_fields 0.1.1

Some macros helpful for processing forms with optional fields


Some macros helpful for processing forms with optional fields.


For instance, if you got a form like this:

let form = MyForm {
    id: 1,
    name: Some("name".to_string()),
    email: Some("email@example.com".to_string()),
    phone: None,

Here are some macros that might help you:

  1. has_fields::has_fields!: Check if a struct has some fields. Returns a boolean.

    has_fields!(form, "name", "email") // true
  2. has_fields::require_fields: Check if a struct has some fields. Returns a Result<(), Vec<&'static str>>.

    require_fields!(form, "name", "email") // Ok(())
    require_fields!(form, "name", "email", "phone") // Err(vec!["phone"])

Moreover, you can derive HasFields trait for your struct, and use these methods:

  1. num_fields: Get the number of Some(...) or non-optional fields in a struct.

    form.num_fields() // 2


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