grid_pathfinding 0.1.1

Pathfinding using JPS and connected components on a grid.
/// This module implements a variant of
/// [pathfinding's astar function](
/// which enables the JPS implementation to generate successors based on the parent if there is one
/// as it should.
use indexmap::map::Entry::{Occupied, Vacant};
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use num_traits::Zero;

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

use std::hash::Hash;

struct SmallestCostHolder<K> {
    estimated_cost: K,
    cost: K,
    index: usize,

impl<K: PartialEq> Eq for SmallestCostHolder<K> {}

impl<K: PartialEq> PartialEq for SmallestCostHolder<K> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.estimated_cost.eq(&other.estimated_cost) && self.cost.eq(&other.cost)

impl<K: Ord> PartialOrd for SmallestCostHolder<K> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl<K: Ord> Ord for SmallestCostHolder<K> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
        match other.estimated_cost.cmp(&self.estimated_cost) {
            Ordering::Equal => self.cost.cmp(&other.cost),
            s => s,
fn reverse_path<N, V, F>(parents: &IndexMap<N, V>, mut parent: F, start: usize) -> Vec<N>
    N: Eq + Hash + Clone,
    F: FnMut(&V) -> usize,
    let path = itertools::unfold(start, |i| {
        parents.get_index(*i).map(|(node, value)| {
            *i = parent(value);
    // Collecting the going through the vector is needed to revert the path because the
    // unfold iterator is not double-ended due to its iterative nature.

pub fn astar_jps<N, C, FN, IN, FH, FS>(
    start: &N,
    mut successors: FN,
    mut heuristic: FH,
    mut success: FS,
) -> Option<(Vec<N>, C)>
    N: Eq + Hash + Clone,
    C: Zero + Ord + Copy,
    FN: FnMut(&Option<&N>, &N) -> IN,
    IN: IntoIterator<Item = (N, C)>,
    FH: FnMut(&N) -> C,
    FS: FnMut(&N) -> bool,
    let mut to_see = BinaryHeap::new();
    to_see.push(SmallestCostHolder {
        estimated_cost: Zero::zero(),
        cost: Zero::zero(),
        index: 0,
    let mut parents: IndexMap<N, (usize, C)> = IndexMap::new();
    parents.insert(start.clone(), (usize::max_value(), Zero::zero()));
    while let Some(SmallestCostHolder { cost, index, .. }) = to_see.pop() {
        let successors = {
            let (node, &(parent_index, c)) = parents.get_index(index).unwrap();
            if success(node) {
                let path = reverse_path(&parents, |&(p, _)| p, index);
                return Some((path, cost));
            // We may have inserted a node several time into the binary heap if we found
            // a better way to access it. Ensure that we are currently dealing with the
            // best path and discard the others.
            if cost > c {
            let optional_parent_node = parents.get_index(parent_index).map(|x| x.0);
            successors(&optional_parent_node, node)
        for (successor, move_cost) in successors {
            let new_cost = cost + move_cost;
            let h; // heuristic(&successor)
            let n; // index for successor
            match parents.entry(successor) {
                Vacant(e) => {
                    h = heuristic(e.key());
                    n = e.index();
                    e.insert((index, new_cost));
                Occupied(mut e) => {
                    if e.get().1 > new_cost {
                        h = heuristic(e.key());
                        n = e.index();
                        e.insert((index, new_cost));
                    } else {

            to_see.push(SmallestCostHolder {
                estimated_cost: new_cost + h,
                cost: new_cost,
                index: n,