grep-printer 0.1.6

An implementation of the grep crate's Sink trait that provides standard printing of search results, similar to grep itself.
This crate provides featureful and fast printers that interoperate with the

# Brief overview

The [`Standard`](struct.Standard.html) printer shows results in a human
readable format, and is modeled after the formats used by standard grep-like
tools. Features include, but are not limited to, cross platform terminal
coloring, search & replace, multi-line result handling and reporting summary

The [`JSON`](struct.JSON.html) printer shows results in a machine readable
format. To facilitate a stream of search results, the format uses
[JSON Lines](
by emitting a series of messages as search results are found.

The [`Summary`](struct.Summary.html) printer shows *aggregate* results for a
single search in a human readable format, and is modeled after similar formats
found in standard grep-like tools. This printer is useful for showing the total
number of matches and/or printing file paths that either contain or don't
contain matches.

# Example

This example shows how to create a "standard" printer and execute a search.

use std::error::Error;

use grep_regex::RegexMatcher;
use grep_printer::Standard;
use grep_searcher::Searcher;

const SHERLOCK: &'static [u8] = b"\
For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock
Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always
be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes
can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash;
but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted,
and exhibited clearly, with a label attached.

# fn main() { example().unwrap(); }
fn example() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
    let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Sherlock")?;
    let mut printer = Standard::new_no_color(vec![]);
    Searcher::new().search_slice(&matcher, SHERLOCK, printer.sink(&matcher))?;

    // into_inner gives us back the underlying writer we provided to
    // new_no_color, which is wrapped in a termcolor::NoColor. Thus, a second
    // into_inner gives us back the actual buffer.
    let output = String::from_utf8(printer.into_inner().into_inner())?;
    let expected = "\
1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock
3:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes
    assert_eq!(output, expected);


pub use crate::color::{
    default_color_specs, ColorError, ColorSpecs, UserColorSpec,
#[cfg(feature = "serde1")]
pub use crate::json::{JSONBuilder, JSONSink, JSON};
pub use crate::standard::{Standard, StandardBuilder, StandardSink};
pub use crate::stats::Stats;
pub use crate::summary::{Summary, SummaryBuilder, SummaryKind, SummarySink};
pub use crate::util::PrinterPath;

// The maximum number of bytes to execute a search to account for look-ahead.
// This is an unfortunate kludge since PCRE2 doesn't provide a way to search
// a substring of some input while accounting for look-ahead. In theory, we
// could refactor the various 'grep' interfaces to account for it, but it would
// be a large change. So for now, we just let PCRE2 go looking a bit for a
// match without searching the entire rest of the contents.
// Note that this kludge is only active in multi-line mode.
const MAX_LOOK_AHEAD: usize = 128;

mod macros;

mod color;
mod counter;
#[cfg(feature = "serde1")]
mod json;
#[cfg(feature = "serde1")]
mod jsont;
mod standard;
mod stats;
mod summary;
mod util;