green-barrel 0.12.24

ORM-like API MongoDB for Rust.
green-barrel-0.12.24 has been yanked.


Green Barrel

ORM-like API MongoDB for Rust

To simulate fields of type ForeignKey and ManyToMany, a simplified alternative (Dynamic Widgets) is used. For examples of how to add fields to the Model, see tests. For maximum convenience use Actix-Greenpanel.


MongoDB version 4.4

MongoDB Rust Driver version 1.2.5 is used.

Actix-Greenpanel is the recommended part of the entire ecosystem ( Green Barrel, Metamorphose, Actix-Greenpanel ). For those who use Actix-Greenpanel - Follow our updates.


Model parameters

( all parameters are optional )

Parameter: Default: Description:
db_client_name empty string Used to connect to a MongoDB cluster.
db_query_docs_limit 1000 limiting query results.
is_add_docs true Create documents in the database. false - Alternatively, use it to validate data from web forms.
is_up_docs true Update documents in the database.
is_del_docs true Delete documents from the database.
ignore_fields empty string Fields that are not included in the database (separated by commas).
is_use_add_valid false Allows additional validation - impl AdditionalValidation for ModelName.
is_use_hooks false Allows hooks methods - impl Hooks for ModelName.
is_use_custom_html false Allows the ability to customization html code for web forms - impl GenerateHtml for ModelName.

Match field types and widget types

Field type: Widget type:
Option< bool > "checkBox"
- -
Option< String > "inputSlug"
- -
Option< String > "inputColor"
Option< String > "inputDate"
Option< String > "inputDateTime"
Option< String > "inputEmail"
Option< String > "inputPassword"
Option< String > "inputPhone"
Option< String > "inputText"
Option< String > "inputUrl"
Option< String > "inputIP"
Option< String > "inputIPv4"
Option< String > "inputIPv6"
- -
Option< String > "textArea"
- -
Option< String > "inputFile"
Option< String > "inputImage"
- -
Option< i32 > "numberI32"
Option< u32 > "numberU32"
Option< i64 > "numberI64"
Option< f64 > "numberF64"
- -
Option< String > "radioText"
Option< i32 > "radioI32"
Option< u32 > "radioU32"
Option< i64 > "radioI64"
Option< f64 > "radioF64"
- -
Option< i32 > "rangeI32"
Option< u32 > "rangeU32"
Option< i64 > "rangeI64"
Option< f64 > "rangeF64"
- -
Option< String > "selectText"
Option< String > "selectTextDyn"
Option< Vec< String > > "selectTextMult"
Option< Vec< String > > "selectTextMultDyn"
Option< i32 > "selectI32"
Option< i32 > "selectI32Dyn"
Option< Vec< i32 > > "selectI32Mult"
Option< Vec< i32 > > "selectI32MultDyn"
Option< u32 > "selectU32"
Option< u32 > "selectU32Dyn"
Option< Vec< u32 > > "selectU32Mult"
Option< Vec< u32 > > "selectU32MultDyn"
Option< i64 > "selectI64"
Option< i64 > "selectI64Dyn"
Option< Vec< i64 > > "selectI64Mult"
Option< Vec< i64 > > "selectI64MultDyn"
Option< f64 > "selectF64"
Option< f64 > "selectF64Dyn"
Option< Vec< f64 > > "selectF64Mult"
Option< Vec< f64 > > "selectF64MultDyn"
- -
Option< String > "hiddenText"
Option< i32 > "hiddenI32"
Option< u32 > "hiddenU32"
Option< i64 > "hiddenI64"
Option< f64 > "hiddenF64"

Field attributes

( all attributes are optional )

Attribute: Default: Description:
id empty string The value is determined automatically. Format: "model-name--field-name".
label empty string Web form field name.
widget "inputText" Widget name.
input_type "text" The value is determined automatically.
name empty string The value is determined automatically.
value empty string Default value.
accept empty string Example: "image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif".
placeholder empty string Displays prompt text.
pattern empty string Validating a field using a client-side regex.
minlength 0 The minimum number of characters allowed in the text.
maxlength 256 The maximum number of characters allowed in the text.
required false Mandatory field.
checked false A pre-activated radio button or checkbox.
unique false The unique value of a field in a collection.
disabled false Blocks access and modification of the element.
readonly false Specifies that the field cannot be modified by the user.
step "1" Increment step for numeric fields.
min empty string The lower value for entering a number or date.
max empty string The top value for entering a number or date.
options empty array Example: r#"[[1,"Volvo"], [2,"Saab"]]"#.
thumbnails empty array From one to four inclusive. Example: r#"[["xs",150],["sm",300],["md",600],["lg",1200]]"#. Hint: An Intel i7-4770 processor or better is recommended.
slug_sources empty array Example: r#"["title"]"# or r#"["hash", "username"]"# or r#"["email", "first_name", "last_name"]"#.
is_hide false Hide field from user.
other_attrs empty string Example: r# "autofocus tabindex="some number" size="some number""#.
css_classes empty string Example: "class-name-1 class-name-2".
hint empty string Additional explanation for the user.
warning empty string The value is determined automatically.
error empty string The value is determined automatically.
alert empty string Alert message for the entire web form. The value is determined automatically.

Install mongodb (if not installed)

### Ubuntu, Mint:
$ sudo apt install mongodb
## OR
### Ubuntu 20.04, Mint 20.x:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install dirmngr gnupg apt-transport-https ca-certificates
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse'
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mongodb-org
$ sudo systemctl enable --now mongod
# For check
$ mongod --version
$ mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({ connectionStatus: 1 })'
$ reboot
### Configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
### Systemd:
$ sudo systemctl status mongod
$ sudo systemctl start mongod
$ sudo systemctl stop mongod
$ sudo systemctl restart mongod
$ sudo systemctl enable mongod
$ sudo systemctl disable mongod
### Uninstall:
$ sudo systemctl stop mongod
$ sudo systemctl disable mongod
$ sudo apt --purge remove mongodb\*  # OR (for mongodb-org) - $ sudo apt --purge remove mongodb-org\**
$ sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb
$ sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb
$ sudo rm -f /etc/mongod.conf
$ sudo apt-add-repository --remove 'deb [arch=amd64] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse' # for mongodb-org
$ sudo apt update

Example Usage:


green_barrel = "0.12"
metamorphose = "0.7"
regex = "1.5.6"
serde_json = "1.0.81"

default-features = false
features = ["sync"]
version = "1.2.5"

features = ["derive"]
version = "1.0.137"


// General settings for the project.
// Project name.
// Hint: PROJECT_NAM it is recommended not to change.
// Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
// Max size: 21
// First character: a-z A-Z
pub const PROJECT_NAME: &str = "store";

// Unique project key.
// Hint: UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY it is recommended not to change.
// Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9
// Size: 8-16
// Example: "7rzgacfqQB3B7q7T"
// To generate a key:
pub const UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY: &str = "Ugav2731BO7lJz8k";

// Settings for user accounts.
pub mod users {
    // Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
    // Max size: 31
    // First character: a-z A-Z
    pub const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "accounts";
    // Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
    // Max size: 21
    // First character: a-z A-Z
    pub const DATABASE_NAME: &str = "accounts";
    pub const DB_CLIENT_NAME: &str = "default";
    pub const DB_QUERY_DOCS_LIMIT: u32 = 1000;


use green_barrel::{Main, Monitor, MONGODB_CLIENT_STORE};
use crate::{models, settings};

// Migration Service `Mango`.
pub fn mango_migration() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Caching MongoDB clients.
        let mut client_store = MONGODB_CLIENT_STORE.write()?;
    // Monitor initialization.
    let monitor = Monitor {
        project_name: settings::PROJECT_NAME,
        unique_project_key: settings::UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY,
        // Register models.
        models: vec![models::UserProfile::meta()?],
    // Run migration


use green_barrel::*;
use metamorphose::Model;
use regex::RegexBuilder;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::settings::{

// User profiles
    is_del_docs = false,
    is_use_add_valid = true,
    is_use_hooks = true,
    //is_use_custom_html = true,
    ignore_fields = "confirm_password"
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct UserProfile {
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "Username",
        placeholder = "Enter your username",
        unique = true,
        required = true,
        maxlength = 150,
        hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ @ + .<br>Max size: 150"
    pub username: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputSlug",
        label = "Slug",
        unique = true,
        readonly = true,
        is_hide = true,
        hint = "To create a human readable url",
        slug_sources = r#"["hash", "username"]"#
    pub slug: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "First name",
        placeholder = "Enter your First name",
        maxlength = 150
    pub first_name: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "Last name",
        placeholder = "Enter your Last name",
        maxlength = 150
    pub last_name: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputEmail",
        label = "E-mail",
        placeholder = "Please enter your email",
        required = true,
        unique = true,
        maxlength = 320,
        hint = "Your actual E-mail"
    pub email: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPhone",
        label = "Phone number",
        placeholder = "Please enter your phone number",
        unique = true,
        maxlength = 30,
        hint = "Your actual phone number"
    pub phone: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPassword",
        label = "Password",
        placeholder = "Enter your password",
        required = true,
        minlength = 8,
        hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 @ # $ % ^ & + = * ! ~ ) (<br>Min size: 8"
    pub password: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPassword",
        label = "Confirm password",
        placeholder = "Repeat your password",
        required = true,
        minlength = 8,
        hint = "Repeat your password"
    pub confirm_password: Option<String>,
        widget = "checkBox",
        label = "is staff?",
        checked = true,
        hint = "User can access the admin site?"
    pub is_staff: Option<bool>,
        widget = "checkBox",
        label = "is active?",
        checked = true,
        hint = "Is this an active account?"
    pub is_active: Option<bool>,

// Model parameter: is_use_add_valid = true
impl AdditionalValidation for UserProfile {
    fn add_validation<'a>(
    ) -> Result<std::collections::HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        // Hint: error_map.insert("field_name", "Error message.")
        let mut error_map: std::collections::HashMap<&'a str, &'a str> =

        // Get clean data
        let hash = self.hash.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let password = self.password.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let confirm_password = self.confirm_password.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let username = self.username.clone().unwrap_or_default();

        // Fields validation
        if hash.is_empty() && password != confirm_password {
            error_map.insert("confirm_password", "Password confirmation does not match.");
        if !RegexBuilder::new(r"^[a-z\d_@+.]+$")
                "Invalid characters present.<br>\
                    Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ @ + .",

// Model parameter: is_use_hooks = true
impl Hooks for UserProfile {
    fn pre_create(&self) {
        println!("!!!Pre Create!!!");
    fn post_create(&self) {
        println!("!!!Post Create!!!");
    fn pre_update(&self) {
        println!("!!!Pre Update!!!");
    fn post_update(&self) {
        println!("!!!Post Update!!!");
    fn pre_delete(&self) {
        println!("!!!Pre Delet!!!");
    fn post_delete(&self) {
        println!("!!!Post Delet!!!");

// Model parameter: is_use_custom_html = true
// See documentation: green-barrel > widgets > generate_html_code > GenerateHtmlCode > generate_html() > source
impl GenerateHtml for UserProfile {
        fn generate_html(&self) {
            Add your custom code...


mod migration;
mod models;
mod settings;

use green_barrel::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Run migration.

    // Convert Model.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //println!("{:?}", models::UserProfile::to_wig()?);
    //println!("{}", models::UserProfile::to_json()?);
        "Html code:\n{}",

    // Create model instance.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    let mut user = models::UserProfile {
        username: Some("user_1".to_string()),
        email: Some("".to_string()),
        password: Some("12345678".to_string()),
        confirm_password: Some("12345678".to_string()),
        is_staff: Some(false),

    // Check model.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    let output_data = user.check(None)?;
    println!("Boolean: {}", output_data.is_valid());
    println!("Hash: {}", output_data.hash());
    println!("Object Id: {:?}", output_data.object_id());
    println!("Created at: {}", user.get_created_at());
    println!("Updated at: {}", user.get_updated_at());
    // Printing errors to the console ( for development ).
    if !output_data.is_valid() {
    //println!("Slug: {}\n\n", output_data.to_wig().get("slug").unwrap().value);
    //println!("bson::Document:\n{:?}\n\n", output_data.get_doc());
    //println!("Widget map:\n{:?}\n\n", output_data.to_wig());
    //println!("Json:\n{}\n\n", output_data.to_json()?);

    // Create or update a document in the database ( check() + save() ).
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    let output_data =, None)?;
    println!("Boolean: {}", output_data.is_valid());
    println!("Hash: {}", output_data.hash());
    println!("Object Id: {:?}", output_data.object_id());
    println!("Created at: {}", user.get_created_at());
    println!("Updated at: {}", user.get_updated_at());
    // Printing errors to the console ( for development ).
    if !output_data.is_valid() {
    //println!("Slug: {}\n\n", output_data.to_wig().get("slug").unwrap().value);
    //println!("bson::Document:\n{:?}\n\n", output_data.get_doc());
    //println!("Widget map:\n{:?}\n\n", output_data.to_wig());
    //println!("Json:\n{}\n\n", output_data.to_json()?);

    // Remove document from collection in database.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    let output_data  = user.delete(None)?;
    if !output_data.is_valid() {
        println!("{}", output_data.err_msg());



  • v0.12.14 Fixed
  • v0.12.8 The db_update_dyn_widgets method has been renamed to update_dyn_wig and has been heavily modernized. See documentation: green-barrel > models > caching > Caching > update_dyn_wig.
  • v0.12.4 Made two critical fixes to the check method and updated unit tests.
  • v0.12.0 Deep modernization of the input_data module and related modules.
  • v0.11.4 output_data module moved from widgets directory to models.
  • v0.11.3 administrator module moved from db_query api directory to models.
  • v0.11.2 Renamed methods in trait Administrator - instance_for_admin to actix_instance_for_admin and result_for_admin to actix_result_for_admin.
  • v0.11.1 Added enum OutputDataAdmin for easier registration of Models in the administration panel.
  • v0.11.0 Added trait Administrator for easier registration of Models in the administration panel.
  • v0.10.100 Added new type UpdatePassword to enum OutputData. Updated documentation.
  • v0.10.97 Added field attribute check - pattern.
  • v0.10.95 For optimization, the output_data_to_html mediator function has been excluded.
  • v0.10.94 Added the ability to customize html code for web forms. See documentation: mango_orm > widgets > generate_html > GenerateHtml > generate_html() > source.
  • v0.10.93 Rename trait ToModel to Main.
  • v0.10.92 Added arguments for to_html methods. Arguments: url_action, http_method and enctype. See documentation: mango_orm > widgets > output_data > OutputData > to_html.
  • v0.10.90 For the OutputData enum, the output_data_to_html method is extended with the to_html alias.
  • v0.10.20 Removed the ability to change the created_at field of a model instance.
  • v0.10.0 The created_at and updated_at fields are automatically added to the Model. The widget type is inputDateTime and disabled = true, is_hide = true. Updated Updated documentation.
  • v0.9.4-v.0.9.15 Import optimized.
  • v0.9.0 Added hook methods. See documentation: mango_orm > models > hooks > Hooks.
  • v0.8.26 Add find_one_to_wig method. See documentation: mango_orm > models > db_query_api > commons > QCommons.
  • v0.8.0 Deep modernization of and modules. See documentation: mango_orm > models > db_query_api > commons > QCommons and mango_orm > models > output_data > Converters.
  • v0.7.4 Updated, added model attributes.
  • v0.7.0 *Added the ability to use the hash field in inputSlug - slug_sources: r#"["hash", "username"]"#*
  • v0.6.30 Renamed methods: wig(), json(), html() -> to_wig(), to_json(), to_html(). Updated Updated documentation. Updated versions of dependencies.
  • v0.6.16 Renamed the Forms module to Widgets.
  • v0.6.15 Updating by version of dependencies.
  • v0.6.10 Updated test for dynamic widgets.
  • v0.6.7 Removed hiddenSlug field.
  • v0.6.6 Added is_hide parameter for Widgets.
  • v0.6.5 In the check() method, errors are redirected to the console, for fields of hidden type.
  • v0.6.4 Fixes for fields of slug type.
  • v0.6 1) Added inputSlug and hiddenSlug fields. 2) Fix - Added fields of hidden type to migration.
  • v0.5.4 Optimization for creating thumbnails, for default images.
  • v0.5.3 Improved cleaning of orphaned files.
  • v0.5 Support for the Form macro has been removed.


This project is licensed under the MIT and Apache Version 2.0