graphplan 0.6.1

Implementation of the Graphplan planning algorithm from Avrim L. Blum and Merrick L. Furst in Rust
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, BTreeSet, VecDeque};
use log::{debug};
use crate::proposition::Proposition;
use crate::action::{Action, ActionType};
use crate::pairset::{pairs_from_sets};
use crate::layer::{MutexPairs, Layer};
use crate::plangraph::{PlanGraph, Solution};

pub trait GraphPlanSolver<'a,
                          ActionId: Hash + Ord + Clone + Debug,
                          PropositionId: Hash + Ord + Clone + Debug + Display> {
    /// Searches a plangraph for a sequence of collection of actions
    /// that satisfy the goals
    fn search<'b>(plangraph: &'b PlanGraph<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>) -> Option<Solution<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>;

pub struct SimpleSolver;

type GoalIndex = usize;
type Attempts<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> = HashMap<usize, BTreeSet<&'a Action<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>>;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct ActionCombination<'a,
                         ActionId: Hash + PartialEq + Clone + Debug ,
                         PropositionId: Hash + Eq + PartialEq + Clone + Debug + Display>(
    HashMap<GoalIndex, &'a Action<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct GoalSetActionGenerator<'a,
                              ActionId: Debug + Hash + Clone + Eq + Ord,
                              PropositionId: Debug + Display + Hash + Clone + Eq + Ord> {
    goals: BTreeSet<&'a Proposition<PropositionId>>,
    actions: BTreeSet<&'a Action<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>,
    mutexes: Option<MutexPairs<&'a Action<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>>,

     ActionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug,
     PropositionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug + Display>
    GoalSetActionGenerator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> {
    pub fn new(goals: BTreeSet<&'a Proposition<PropositionId>>,
               actions: BTreeSet<&'a Action<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>,
               mutexes: Option<MutexPairs<&'a Action<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>>,)
               -> GoalSetActionGenerator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> {
        GoalSetActionGenerator {goals, actions, mutexes}

     ActionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug,
     PropositionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug + Display>
    IntoIterator for GoalSetActionGenerator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> {
    type Item = ActionCombination<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>;
    type IntoIter = ActionCombinationIterator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct ActionCombinationIterator<'a,
                                 ActionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug,
                                 PropositionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug + Display> {
    meta: GoalSetActionGenerator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>, // defines goals we are trying achieve
    attempts: Attempts<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>, // previous attempts to meet a goal
    goals_met: bool, // flag indicating all goals are met or restart
    accum: HashMap<GoalIndex, &'a Action<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>> // combination of actions

     ActionId: Ord + Debug + Hash + Clone,
     PropositionId: Ord + Debug + Display + Hash + Clone>
    ActionCombinationIterator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> {
    pub fn new(action_combinations: GoalSetActionGenerator<ActionId, PropositionId>) -> ActionCombinationIterator<ActionId, PropositionId> {
        ActionCombinationIterator {
            meta: action_combinations,
            attempts: Attempts::new(),
            goals_met: false,
            accum: HashMap::new(),

     ActionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug + PartialEq,
     PropositionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug + Display + PartialEq>
    Iterator for ActionCombinationIterator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> {
    type Item = ActionCombination<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let goals = Vec::from_iter(&self.meta.goals);
        let actions = &self.meta.actions;
        let goal_len = goals.len();

        let mut stack = VecDeque::new();

        // If the goals have already been met, we need to look for a
        // new combination that also meets the goals
        if self.goals_met {
            // Remove the previous action used to satisfy the last
            // goal and start the loop from the last goal. This will
            // yield a new combination or recursively back track.
            self.goals_met = false;
            let goal_idx = goal_len - 1;
        } else {

        while let Some(goal_idx) = stack.pop_front() {
            let available_actions = if let Some(acts) = self.attempts.get(&goal_idx) {
            } else {
                let goal = &goals[goal_idx];
                debug!("Working on goal {:?}", goal);

                let mut available = BTreeSet::new();
                let accum = &self.accum;

                // Only actions that produce the goal and are not
                // mutex with any other actions and have not
                // already been attempted in combination with the
                // other attempted actions and are not mutex with
                // any other action
                for a in actions {
                    // Early continue since the later checks are
                    // more expensive
                    if !a.effects.contains(*goal) {

                    // Early break if we already know this action
                    // works for the goal from previous attempts
                    if accum.get(&goal_idx).map(|i| i == a).unwrap_or(false) {

                    // Check if this action is mutex with any of
                    // the other accumulated actions
                    let acts = accum.values().into_iter().map(|i| *i).collect();
                    let pairs = pairs_from_sets(hashset!{*a}, acts);
                    debug!("Checking pairs: {:?} against mutexes: {:?}", &pairs, &self.meta.mutexes);

                    if let Some(muxes) = &self.meta.mutexes {
                        if muxes.intersection(&pairs).next().is_none() {

            if available_actions.is_empty() {
                if goal_idx == 0 {
                    // Complete fail
                debug!("Unable to find actions for goal {:?}. Going back to previous goal...", goal_idx);
                // Clear attempts for this goal so finding an action
                // can be retried with a new set of actions
                // Backtrack to the previous goal
                stack.push_front(goal_idx - 1);
            } else {
                let next_action = available_actions.iter().next().unwrap();
                // TODO only add the action if the goal isn't met yet
                self.accum.insert(goal_idx, next_action.clone());

                // Add to previous attempts in case we need to backtrack
                let mut remaining_actions = available_actions.clone();
                self.attempts.insert(goal_idx, remaining_actions);

                // TODO Implement minimal action sets i.e handle if
                // this action staisfies more than one
                // goal. Otherwise, the speed of finding a solution is
                // dependent on the ordering of goals
                // From the paper: no action can be
                // removed from A so that the add effects of the
                // actions remaining still contain G

                // Proceed to the next goal
                if goal_idx < goal_len - 1 {
                    stack.push_front(goal_idx + 1);
                } else {
                    self.goals_met = true;

        if self.goals_met {
        } else {

mod goal_set_action_generator_test {
    use super::*;

    fn single_goal() {
        let p1 = Proposition::from("coffee");
        let p2 = Proposition::from("caffeinated");
        let goals = btreeset!{&p2};

        let mut actions = BTreeSet::new();
        let a1 = Action::new(
            String::from("drink coffee"),

        let mutexes = Some(MutexPairs::new());
        let expected = ActionCombination(hashmap!{0usize => &a1});
        let actual = GoalSetActionGenerator::new(goals, actions, mutexes)
        assert_eq!(expected, actual);

    fn multiple_goals() {
        let p1 = Proposition::from("coffee");
        let p2 = Proposition::from("caffeinated");
        let p3 = Proposition::from("breakfast");
        let p4 = Proposition::from("full");

        let a1 = Action::new(
            String::from("drink coffee"),

        let a2 = Action::new(
            String::from("eat breakfast"),

        let actions = btreeset!{&a1, &a2};
        let goals = btreeset!{&p2, &p4};

        let mutexes = Some(MutexPairs::new());
        let expected = ActionCombination(hashmap!{0usize => &a1, 1usize => &a2});
        let actual = GoalSetActionGenerator::new(goals, actions, mutexes)
        assert_eq!(expected, actual);

    fn yields_all() {
        let p1 = Proposition::from("tea");
        let p2 = Proposition::from("coffee");
        let p3 = Proposition::from("caffeinated");
        let p4 = Proposition::from("scone");
        let p5 = Proposition::from("muffin");
        let p6 = Proposition::from("full");

        let a1 = Action::new("drink coffee", hashset!{&p2}, hashset!{&p3});
        let a2 = Action::new("drink tea", hashset!{&p1}, hashset!{&p3});
        let a3 = Action::new("eat scone", hashset!{&p4}, hashset!{&p6});
        let a4 = Action::new("eat muffin", hashset!{&p5}, hashset!{&p6});

        let actions = btreeset!{&a1, &a2, &a3, &a4};
        let goals = btreeset!{&p3, &p6};

        let mutexes = Some(MutexPairs::new());
        let expected = vec![
            vec![&a1, &a4],
            vec![&a1, &a3],
            vec![&a2, &a4],
            vec![&a2, &a3],
        let generator = GoalSetActionGenerator::new(goals, actions, mutexes);
        let actual: Vec<Vec<&Action<_, _>>> = generator.into_iter()
            .map(|combo| {
                let mut out = combo.0.values()
                    .map(|i| *i)
                    .collect::<Vec<&Action<&str, &str>>>();

        assert_eq!(expected, actual);

type SearchStack<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> = VecDeque<(usize, BTreeSet<&'a Proposition<PropositionId>>, Option<ActionCombinationIterator<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>>)>;

     ActionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug,
     PropositionId: Ord + Clone + Hash + Debug + Display>
    GraphPlanSolver<'a, ActionId, PropositionId> for SimpleSolver {
    fn search<'b>(plangraph: &'b PlanGraph<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>) -> Option<Solution<'a, ActionId, PropositionId>> {
        let mut success = false;
        let mut plan = Vec::new();
        // HashSets are not Hash so we can't use them here. However,
        // BTreeSets are Hash so we can use that here
        let mut failed_goals_memo: HashSet<(usize, BTreeSet<&Proposition<PropositionId>>)> = HashSet::new();

        // Initialize the loop
        let mut stack: SearchStack<ActionId, PropositionId> = VecDeque::new();
        let init_goals = BTreeSet::from_iter(plangraph.goals.clone());
        let init_layer_idx = plangraph.layers.len() - 1;
        let init_action_gen = None;

        stack.push_front((init_layer_idx, init_goals, init_action_gen));

        while let Some((idx, goals, action_gen)) = stack.pop_front() {
            debug!("Working on layer {:?} with goals {:?}", idx, goals);
            // HashSets are not Hash so we convert goals into a BTreeSet
            let goals_as_btree = BTreeSet::from_iter(goals.clone());
            // Check if the goal set is unsolvablpe at level idx
            if failed_goals_memo.contains(&(idx, goals_as_btree.clone())) {
                // Continue to previous layer (the next element in the queue)

            // Note: This is a btreeset so ordering is guaranteed
            // which makes the plans yielded deterministic
            let actions = plangraph.layers.get(idx - 1).map_or(
                Err(format!("Layer {} does not exist", idx - 1)),
                |layer| {
                    match layer {
                        Layer::ActionLayer(actions) => {
                            let acts = actions
                        Layer::PropositionLayer(_) => {
                            Err(format!("Tried to get actions from proposition layer {}",
                                        idx - 1))
            ).expect("Failed to get actions");

            let mutexes = plangraph.mutex_actions.get(&(idx - 1)).cloned();
            let mut gen = action_gen
                .or_else(|| Some(GoalSetActionGenerator::new(goals.clone(),

            if let Some(goal_actions) = {
                debug!("Actions: {:?} for goals: {:?}", goal_actions, goals);
                // If we are are on the second to last proposition
                // layer, we are done
                let goal_action_set = goal_actions.0.values()
                    // Don't include maintenance actions in Solution
                    .filter(|a| match {
                        ActionType::Action(_) => true,
                        ActionType::Maintenance(_) => false
                    .map(|i| *i)
                    .collect::<HashSet<&'a Action<ActionId, PropositionId>>>();
                if (idx - 2) == 0 {
                    debug!("Found plan! {:?}", plan);
                    success = true;
                } else {
                    let next_goals = goal_action_set.iter()
                        .flat_map(|action| action.reqs.clone())

                    // Add this layer back into the queue incase we need to backtrack
                    stack.push_front((idx, goals, Some(gen)));
                    stack.push_front((idx - 2, next_goals, None));
            } else {
                debug!("Unable to find actions for goals {:?} from actions {:?}",
                       goals, actions);
                // Record the failed goals at level idx
                failed_goals_memo.insert((idx, goals_as_btree));
                // Remove the last step in the plan from which this
                // set of goals comes from
                // Backtrack to previous layer and goalset or nothing
                // (the next element in the queue)

        if success {
            // Since this solver goes from the last layer to the
            // first, we need to reverse the plan
        } else {

mod simple_solver_test {
    use super::*;

    fn solver_works() {
        let p1 = Proposition::from("tired");
        let not_p1 = p1.negate();
        let p2 = Proposition::from("dog needs to pee");
        let not_p2 = p2.negate();

        let a1 = Action::new(

        let a2 = Action::new(
            String::from("walk dog"),
            hashset!{&p2, &not_p1},

        let a3 = Action::new_maintenance(&p1);
        let a4 = Action::new_maintenance(&not_p1);
        let a5 = Action::new_maintenance(&p2);
        let a6 = Action::new_maintenance(&not_p2);

        let initial_props = hashset!{&p1, &p2};
        let goals = hashset!{&not_p1, &not_p2};
        let actions = hashset!{&a1, &a2, &a3, &a4, &a5, &a6};

        let mut pg = PlanGraph::new(

        let expected = vec![hashset!{&a1}, hashset!{&a2}];
        let actual = SimpleSolver::search(&pg).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(expected, actual);

/// Prove that BTreeSet preserves ordering
mod btreeset_test {
    use std::collections::BTreeSet;

    fn is_sorted () {
        let mut b = BTreeSet::new();
        assert_eq!(b.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![1, 2, 3]);

        let mut b = BTreeSet::new();
        assert_eq!(b.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![1, 2, 3]);