graphene 0.1.4

A general purpose, extensible Graph Theory data type and algorithm library for Rust.

# graphene
[![Build Status](](

A general purpose, extensible [Graph Theory](
data type and algorithm library for Rust.

This project is still in early design and development stage and is still changing a lot.
A good public API is not the focus of the project yet, documentation may be scarce, and bugs may be rampant.

### License

Dual-licensed under the MIT license or the [UNLICENSE]( at your option.

All content in this repository is licensed under these licenses at your option. Any file with its own license
header is also licensed under the above licenses, at your option. If the header specifies a different
license than the above, it must be seen as an additional choice of license and any of the above licenses
or the header license can be chosen at your option.

Any intentional contribution to this repository is licensed under the above licenses in addition
to any contribution specific license without exception.