graph-oauth 0.2.1

Microsoft Graph api oauth client for the graph-rs project
//! OAuth client for the graph-rs project.
//! See the project on [GitHub](
//! # OAuth
//! An authorization and access token client for Microsoft Graph and the OAuth 2.0 authorization
//! framework. This project is specifically meant to be used for the Microsoft Graph Api.
//! # Disclaimer
//! Using this API for other resource owners besides Microsoft may work but
//! functionality will more then likely be limited.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use graph_oauth::oauth::OAuth;
//! let mut oauth = OAuth::new();
//! oauth
//!     .client_id("<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>")
//!     .client_secret("<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>")
//!     .add_scope("")
//!     .add_scope("files.readwrite")
//!     .add_scope("")
//!     .add_scope("files.readwrite.all")
//!     .add_scope("offline_access")
//!     .redirect_uri("http://localhost:8000/redirect")
//!     .authorize_url("")
//!     .access_token_url("")
//!     .refresh_token_url("")
//!     .response_type("code")
//!     .logout_url("")
//!     .post_logout_redirect_uri("http://localhost:8000/redirect");
//! ```
//! Get the access code for the authorization code grant by sending the user to
//! log in using their browser.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! # use graph_oauth::oauth::OAuth;
//! # let mut oauth = OAuth::new();
//! let mut request =;
//! let _ = request.browser_authorization().open();
//! ```
//! The access code will be appended to the url on redirect. Pass
//! this code to the OAuth instance:
//! ```
//! # use graph_oauth::oauth::OAuth;
//! # let mut oauth = OAuth::new();
//! oauth.access_code("<ACCESS CODE>");
//! ```
//! Perform an authorization code grant request for an access token:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! # use graph_oauth::oauth::OAuth;
//! # let mut oauth = OAuth::new();
//! let mut request =;
//! let access_token = request.access_token().send().unwrap();
//! println!("{:#?}", access_token);
//! ```

extern crate serde;
extern crate strum;

mod accesstoken;
mod auth;
mod discovery;
mod grants;
mod idtoken;
pub mod jwt;
mod oautherror;

pub mod oauth {
    pub use crate::accesstoken::AccessToken;
    pub use crate::auth::GrantSelector;
    pub use crate::auth::OAuth;
    pub use crate::auth::OAuthCredential;
    pub use crate::discovery::graphdiscovery;
    pub use crate::discovery::jwtkeys;
    pub use crate::discovery::wellknown;
    pub use crate::grants::GrantRequest;
    pub use crate::grants::GrantType;
    pub use crate::idtoken::IdToken;
    pub use crate::oautherror::OAuthError;
    pub use crate::strum::IntoEnumIterator;