grandma 0.3.1

A lock-free, eventually consistent, concurrent covertree.
* Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

//! # The Node
//! This is the workhorse of the library. Each node
use crate::errors::{GrandmaError, GrandmaResult};
use crate::plugins::{NodePlugin, NodePluginSet, labels::NodeLabelSummary};
use crate::query_tools::{RoutingQueryHeap, SingletonQueryHeap};
use crate::tree_file_format::*;
use crate::NodeAddress;

use pointcloud::*;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// The node children. This is a separate struct from the `CoverNode` to use the rust compile time type checking and
/// `Option` data structure to ensure that all nodes with children are valid and cover their nested child.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct NodeChildren {
    nested_scale: i32,
    addresses: SmallVec<[NodeAddress; 10]>,

/// The actual cover node. The fields can be separated into three piles. The first two consist of node `address` for testing and reference
/// when working and the `radius`, `cover_count`, and `singles_summary` for a query various properties of the node.
/// Finally we have the children and singleton pile. The singletons are saved in a `SmallVec` directly attached to the node. This saves a
/// memory redirect for the first 20 singleton children. The children are saved in a separate struct also consisting of a `SmallVec`
/// (though, this is only 10 wide before we allocate on the heap), and the scale index of the nested child.
pub struct CoverNode<D: PointCloud> {
    /// Node address
    address: NodeAddress,
    /// Query caches
    radius: f32,
    cover_count: usize,
    /// Children
    children: Option<NodeChildren>,
    singles_indexes: SmallVec<[PointIndex; 20]>,
    plugins: NodePluginSet,
    metic: PhantomData<D>,

impl<D: PointCloud> Clone for CoverNode<D> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            address: self.address,
            radius: self.radius,
            cover_count: self.cover_count,
            children: self.children.clone(),
            singles_indexes: self.singles_indexes.clone(),
            plugins: NodePluginSet::new(),
            metic: PhantomData,

impl<D: PointCloud + LabeledCloud> CoverNode<D> {
    /// If the node has a summary attached, this returns the summary.
    pub fn label_summary(&self) -> Option<&D::LabelSummary> {
        self.plugins.get::<NodeLabelSummary<D::LabelSummary>>().map(|c| c.summary.as_ref())

impl<D: PointCloud> CoverNode<D> {
    /// Creates a new blank node
    pub fn new(address: NodeAddress) -> CoverNode<D> {
        CoverNode {
            radius: 0.0,
            cover_count: 0,
            children: None,
            singles_indexes: SmallVec::new(),
            plugins: NodePluginSet::new(),
            metic: PhantomData,

    /// Verifies that this is a leaf by checking there's no nested child
    pub fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {

    /// This is currently inconsistent on inserts to children of this node
    pub fn radius(&self) -> f32 {

    /// Number of decendents of this node 
    pub fn cover_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Add a nested child and converts the node from a leaf to a routing node.
    /// Throws an error if the node is already a routing node with a nested node.
    pub fn insert_nested_child(&mut self, scale_index: i32, coverage: usize) -> GrandmaResult<()> {
        self.cover_count += coverage;
        if self.children.is_some() {
        } else {
            self.children = Some(NodeChildren {
                nested_scale: scale_index,
                addresses: SmallVec::new(),

    /// Reads the contents of a plugin, due to the nature of the plugin map we have to access it with a
    /// closure.
    pub fn get_plugin_and<T: Send + Sync + 'static, F, S>(&self, transform_fn: F) -> Option<S>
        F: FnOnce(&T) -> S,

    /// Removes all children and returns them to us.
    pub(crate) fn remove_children(&mut self) -> Option<NodeChildren> {

    /// The number of singleton points attached to the node
    pub fn singletons_len(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn singletons(&self) -> &[PointIndex] {

    pub fn center_index(&self) -> &PointIndex {

    pub fn scale_index(&self) -> &i32 {

    pub fn children_len(&self) -> usize {
        match &self.children {
            Some(children) => children.addresses.len() + 1,
            None => 0,

    /// If the node is not a leaf this unpacks the child struct to a more publicly consumable format.
    pub fn children(&self) -> Option<(i32, &[NodeAddress])> {
            .map(|c| (c.nested_scale, &c.addresses[..]))

    /// Performs the `singleton_knn` and `child_knn` with a provided query heap. If you have the distance
    /// from the query point to this you can pass it to save a distance calculation.
    pub fn knn<'a, P: Into<PointRef<'a>>, T: SingletonQueryHeap + RoutingQueryHeap>(
        dist_to_center: Option<f32>,
        point: P,
        point_cloud: &D,
        query_heap: &mut T,
    ) -> GrandmaResult<()> {
        let point: PointRef<'a> = point.into();
        self.singleton_knn(point, point_cloud, query_heap)?;

        let dist_to_center =
            dist_to_center.unwrap_or(point_cloud.distances_to_point(point, &[self.address.1])?[0]);
        self.child_knn(Some(dist_to_center), point, point_cloud, query_heap)?;

        if self.children.is_none() {
            query_heap.push_outliers(&[self.address.1], &[dist_to_center]);

    /// Performs a brute force knn against just the singleton children with a provided query heap.
    pub fn singleton_knn<'a, P: Into<PointRef<'a>>, T: SingletonQueryHeap>(
        point: P,
        point_cloud: &D,
        query_heap: &mut T,
    ) -> GrandmaResult<()> {
        let point: PointRef<'a> = point.into();
        let distances = point_cloud.distances_to_point(point, &self.singles_indexes[..])?;
        query_heap.push_outliers(&self.singles_indexes[..], &distances[..]);

    /// Performs a brute force knn against the children of the node with a provided query heap. Does nothing if this is a leaf node.
    /// If you have the distance from the query point to this you can pass it to save a distance calculation.
    pub fn child_knn<'a, P: Into<PointRef<'a>>, T: RoutingQueryHeap>(
        dist_to_center: Option<f32>,
        point: P,
        point_cloud: &D,
        query_heap: &mut T,
    ) -> GrandmaResult<()> {
        let point: PointRef<'a> = point.into();
        let dist_to_center =
            dist_to_center.unwrap_or(point_cloud.distances_to_point(point, &[self.address.1])?[0]);

        if let Some(children) = &self.children {
                &[(children.nested_scale, self.address.1)],
            let children_indexes: Vec<PointIndex> =
                children.addresses.iter().map(|(_si, pi)| *pi).collect();
            let distances = point_cloud.distances_to_point(point, &children_indexes[..])?;
            query_heap.push_nodes(&children.addresses[..], &distances, Some(self.address));

    /// Gives the closest routing node to the query point.
    pub fn nearest_covering_child<'a, P: Into<PointRef<'a>>>(
        scale_base: f32,
        dist_to_center: f32,
        point: P,
        point_cloud: &D,
    ) -> GrandmaResult<Option<(f32, NodeAddress)>> {
        let point: PointRef<'a> = point.into();
        if let Some(children) = &self.children {
            let children_indexes: Vec<PointIndex> =
                children.addresses.iter().map(|(_si, pi)| *pi).collect();
            let distances = point_cloud.distances_to_point(point, &children_indexes[..])?;
            let (min_index, min_dist) = distances
                .min_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap())
                .unwrap_or((0, &std::f32::MAX));
            if dist_to_center < *min_dist {
                if dist_to_center < scale_base.powi(children.nested_scale) {
                        (children.nested_scale, self.address.1),
                } else {
            } else if *min_dist < scale_base.powi(children.addresses[min_index].0) {
                Ok(Some((*min_dist, children.addresses[min_index])))
            } else {
        } else {

    /// Gives the child that the point would be inserted into if the
    /// point just happened to never be picked as a center. This is the first child node that covers
    /// the point.
    pub fn covering_child<'a, P: Into<PointRef<'a>>>(
        scale_base: f32,
        dist_to_center: f32,
        point: P,
        point_cloud: &D,
    ) -> GrandmaResult<Option<(f32, NodeAddress)>> {
        let point: PointRef<'a> = point.into();
        if let Some(children) = &self.children {
            if dist_to_center < scale_base.powi(children.nested_scale) {
                return Ok(Some((
                    (children.nested_scale, self.address.1),
            let children_indexes: Vec<PointIndex> =
                children.addresses.iter().map(|(_si, pi)| *pi).collect();
            let distances = point_cloud.distances_to_point(point, &children_indexes[..])?;
            for (ca, d) in children.addresses.iter().zip(distances) {
                if d < scale_base.powi(ca.0) {
                    return Ok(Some((d, *ca)));

    /// Inserts a routing child into the node. Make sure the child node is also in the tree or you get a dangling reference
    pub(crate) fn insert_child(
        &mut self,
        address: NodeAddress,
        coverage: usize,
    ) -> GrandmaResult<()> {
        self.cover_count += coverage;
        if let Some(children) = &mut self.children {
        } else {

    /// Inserts a `vec` of singleton children into the node.
    pub(crate) fn insert_singletons(&mut self, addresses: Vec<PointIndex>) {
        self.cover_count += addresses.len();
    /// Inserts a single singleton child into the node.
    pub(crate) fn insert_singleton(&mut self, pi: PointIndex) {
        self.cover_count += 1;

    /// Inserts a single singleton child into the node.
    pub(crate) fn insert_plugin<T: NodePlugin<D> + 'static>(&mut self, plugin: T) {

    /// Updates the radius
    pub(crate) fn set_radius(&mut self, radius: f32) {
        self.radius = radius;

    pub(crate) fn load(scale_index: i32, node_proto: &NodeProto) -> CoverNode<D> {
        let singles_indexes = node_proto
            .map(|i| *i as PointIndex)
        let radius = node_proto.get_radius();
        let address = (scale_index, node_proto.get_center_index() as usize);
        let cover_count = node_proto.get_cover_count() as usize;
        let children = if node_proto.get_is_leaf() {
        } else {
            let nested_scale = node_proto.get_nested_scale_index() as i32;
            let addresses = node_proto
                .map(|(si, pi)| (*si as i32, *pi as PointIndex))
            Some(NodeChildren {
        CoverNode {
            plugins: NodePluginSet::new(),
            metic: PhantomData,

    pub(crate) fn save(&self) -> NodeProto {
        let mut proto = NodeProto::new();
        proto.set_cover_count(self.cover_count as u64);
        proto.set_center_index(self.address.1 as u64);
        proto.set_outlier_point_indexes(self.singles_indexes.iter().map(|pi| *pi as u64).collect());

        match &self.children {
            Some(children) => {
                    children.addresses.iter().map(|(si, _pi)| *si).collect(),
                        .map(|(_si, pi)| *pi as u64)
            None => proto.set_is_leaf(true),

    /// Brute force verifies that the children are separated by at least the scale provided.
    /// The scale provided should be b^(s-1) where s is this node's scale index.
    pub fn check_seperation(&self, scale: f32, point_cloud: &D) -> GrandmaResult<bool> {
        let mut nodes = self.singles_indexes.clone();
        if let Some(children) = &self.children {
            nodes.extend(children.addresses.iter().map(|(_si, pi)| *pi));
        let adj = point_cloud.adjacency_matrix(&nodes)?;
        Ok(scale > adj.min())

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::env;

    use crate::query_tools::knn_query_heap::tests::clone_unvisited_nodes;
    use crate::query_tools::query_items::QueryAddress;
    use crate::query_tools::KnnQueryHeap;
    use crate::tree::tests::build_mnist_tree;

    fn create_test_node<D: PointCloud>() -> CoverNode<D> {
        let children = Some(NodeChildren {
            nested_scale: 0,
            addresses: smallvec![(-4, 1), (-4, 2), (-4, 3)],

        CoverNode {
            address: (0, 0),
            radius: 1.0,
            cover_count: 8,
            singles_indexes: smallvec![4, 5, 6],
            plugins: NodePluginSet::new(),
            metic: PhantomData,

    fn create_test_leaf_node<D: PointCloud>() -> CoverNode<D> {
        CoverNode {
            address: (0, 0),
            radius: 1.0,
            cover_count: 8,
            children: None,
            singles_indexes: smallvec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
            plugins: NodePluginSet::new(),
            metic: PhantomData,

    fn knn_node_children_mixed() {
        // Tests the mixed uppacking
        let data = vec![0.0, 0.49, 0.48, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3];
        let labels = vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1];
        let point_cloud = DefaultLabeledCloud::<L2>::new_simple(data, 1, labels);

        let test_node = create_test_node();
        let mut heap = KnnQueryHeap::new(5, 2.0);
        let point = [0.494f32];
            .knn(None, &point, &point_cloud, &mut heap)
        println!("{:?}", heap);
        println!("There shoud be 4 node addresses on the heap here");
        assert!(heap.node_len() == 4);
        println!("There shoud be only 3 singleton indexes on the heap");
        assert!(heap.len() == 5);
        let results = heap.unpack();
        println!("There should be 5 results, {:?}", results);
        assert!(results.len() == 5);
        println!("The first result should be 1 but is {:?}", results[0].1);
        assert!(results[0].1 == 1);
        println!("The first result should be 3 but is {:?}", results[1].1);
        assert!(results[1].1 == 3);

    fn knn_node_children_only() {
        let data = vec![0.0, 0.49, 0.48, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3];
        let labels = vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1];
        let point_cloud = DefaultLabeledCloud::<L2>::new_simple(data, 1, labels);

        let test_node = create_test_node();
        let mut heap = KnnQueryHeap::new(5, 2.0);
        let point = [0.494f32];
            .knn(None, &point, &point_cloud, &mut heap)
        println!("{:?}", heap);
        println!("There shoud be 4 node addresses on the heap here");
        assert!(heap.node_len() == 4);
        println!("There shoud be only 3 singleton indexes on the heap");
        assert!(heap.len() == 5);
        let results = heap.unpack();
        println!("There should be 5 results, {:?}", results);
        assert!(results.len() == 5);
        println!("The first result should be 1 but is {:?}", results[0].1);
        assert!((results[0].1) == 1);
        println!("The first result should be 3 but is {:?}", results[1].1);
        assert!((results[1].1) == 3);

    fn knn_node_leaf() {
        let data = vec![0.0, 0.49, 0.48, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3];
        let labels = vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1];
        let point_cloud = DefaultLabeledCloud::<L2>::new_simple(data, 1, labels);

        let test_node = create_test_leaf_node();
        let mut heap = KnnQueryHeap::new(5, 2.0);
        let point = [0.494f32];
            .knn(None, &point, &point_cloud, &mut heap)
        println!("{:?}", heap);
        println!("There shoudn't be any node addresses on the heap here");
        assert!(heap.node_len() == 0);
        println!("There shoud be only 2 singleton indexes on the heap");
        assert!(heap.len() == 5);
        let results = heap.unpack();
        println!("There should be 5 results");
        assert!(results.len() == 5);
        println!("The first result should be 1 but is {:?}", results[0].1);
        assert!(results[0].1 == 1);
        println!("The first result should be 3 but is {:?}", results[1].1);
        assert!(results[1].1 == 3);

    fn brute_test_knn_node<D: PointCloud>(node: &CoverNode<D>, point_cloud: &D) -> bool {
        let zeros: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0; 784];
        let mut heap = KnnQueryHeap::new(10000, 1.3);
        let dist_to_center = point_cloud
            .distances_to_point(&zeros, &[node.address.1])

        node.knn(Some(dist_to_center), &zeros, &point_cloud, &mut heap)

        // Complete KNN
        let mut all_children = Vec::from(node.singletons());
        if let Some(children) = &node.children {
            all_children.extend(children.addresses.iter().map(|(_si, pi)| *pi));
        let brute_knn = point_cloud
            .distances_to_point(&zeros, &all_children)
        let mut brute_knn: Vec<(f32, PointIndex)> = brute_knn
            .map(|(d, i)| (*d, i))
        brute_knn.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.partial_cmp(&b.0).unwrap());
        let brute_knn: Vec<PointIndex> = brute_knn.iter().map(|(_d, pi)| *pi).collect();

        // Children KNN
        let children = match &node.children() {
            Some((si, ca)) => {
                let mut c: Vec<NodeAddress> = ca.iter().cloned().collect();
                c.push((*si, *node.center_index()));
            None => vec![],
        let children_indexes: Vec<PointIndex> = children.iter().map(|(_si, pi)| *pi).collect();

        let children_dist = point_cloud
            .distances_to_point(&zeros, &children_indexes)

        let mut children_range_calc: Vec<QueryAddress> = children_dist
            .map(|(d, (si, pi))| QueryAddress {
                min_dist: (*d - (1.3f32).powi(si)).max(0.0),
                dist_to_center: *d,
                address: (si, pi),

        // Testing nearest covering child
        match (
                .min_by(|a, b| a.dist_to_center.partial_cmp(&b.dist_to_center).unwrap()),
            node.nearest_covering_child(1.3, dist_to_center, &zeros, &point_cloud)
        ) {
            (Some(query), Some((q_d, q_a))) => {
                println!("Expected {:?}", query);
                println!("Got {:?}", (q_d, q_a));
                assert_approx_eq!(query.dist_to_center, q_d);
                assert_eq!(query.address.1, q_a.1);
            (None, None) => {}
            (Some(query), None) => {
                assert!(query.min_dist > 0.0);
            _ => {
                assert!(false, "nearest_covering_child is broken");

        let children_range_calc: Vec<NodeAddress> =
            children_range_calc.iter().map(|a| a.address).collect();

        let heap_range: Vec<NodeAddress> = clone_unvisited_nodes(&heap)
            .map(|(_d, a)| *a)
        let heap_knn: Vec<PointIndex> = heap.unpack().iter().map(|(_d, pi)| *pi).collect();

        let mut correct = true;
        if correct {
            correct = heap_knn == brute_knn;
        if correct {
            correct = heap_range == children_range_calc;
        if !correct {
            println!("Node: {:?}", node);
            println!("Heap Range Calc: {:?}", heap_range);
            println!("Brute Range Calc: {:?}", children_range_calc);
            println!("Heap Knn: {:?}", heap_knn);
            println!("Brute Knn: {:?}", brute_knn);

    fn mnist_knn_node_on_level() {
        if env::var("TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION").is_err() {
            let tree = build_mnist_tree();
            let reader = tree.reader();
            println!("Testing Root");
                .get_node_and(reader.root_address(), |n| {
                    brute_test_knn_node(n, reader.point_cloud())

            let layer = reader.layer(reader.root_address().0 - 3);
            println!("Testing 3 layers below root, with {} nodes", layer.len());
            // Allowed 3 errors.
            let mut errors = 0;
            layer.for_each_node(|_, n| {
                if !brute_test_knn_node(n, reader.point_cloud()) {
                    errors += 1;
            assert!(errors < 3);