grammers-client 0.4.0

A high level client to interact with Telegram's API.
// Copyright 2020 - developers of the `grammers` project.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use super::net::connect_sender;
use super::Client;
use crate::types::{LoginToken, PasswordToken, TermsOfService, User};
use crate::utils;
use grammers_crypto::two_factor_auth::{calculate_2fa, check_p_and_g};
pub use grammers_mtsender::{AuthorizationError, InvocationError};
use grammers_tl_types as tl;
use std::fmt;

/// The error type which is returned when signing in fails.
pub enum SignInError {
    SignUpRequired {
        terms_of_service: Option<TermsOfService>,

impl fmt::Display for SignInError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        use SignInError::*;
        match self {
            SignUpRequired {
                terms_of_service: tos,
            } => write!(f, "sign in error: sign up required: {:?}", tos),
            PasswordRequired(_password) => write!(f, "2fa password required"),
            InvalidCode => write!(f, "sign in error: invalid code"),
            InvalidPassword => write!(f, "invalid password"),
            Other(e) => write!(f, "sign in error: {}", e),

impl std::error::Error for SignInError {}

/// Method implementations related with the authentication of the user into the API.
/// Most requests to the API require the user to have authorized their key, stored in the session,
/// before being able to use them.
impl Client {
    /// Returns `true` if the current account is authorized. Otherwise,
    /// logging in will be required before being able to invoke requests.
    /// This will likely be the first method you want to call on a connected [`Client`]. After you
    /// determine if the account is authorized or not, you will likely want to use either
    /// [`Client::bot_sign_in`] or [`Client::request_login_code`].
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # async fn f(client: grammers_client::Client) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// if client.is_authorized().await? {
    ///     println!("Client is not authorized, you will need to sign_in!");
    /// } else {
    ///     println!("Client already authorized and ready to use!")
    /// }
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub async fn is_authorized(&self) -> Result<bool, InvocationError> {
        match self.invoke(&tl::functions::updates::GetState {}).await {
            Ok(_) => Ok(true),
            Err(InvocationError::Rpc(_)) => Ok(false),
            Err(err) => Err(err),

    async fn complete_login(
        auth: tl::types::auth::Authorization,
    ) -> Result<User, InvocationError> {
        let user = User::from_raw(auth.user);


        match self.invoke(&tl::functions::updates::GetState {}).await {
            Ok(state) => {
            Err(_err) => {
                // In the extremely rare case where this happens, there's not much we can do.
                // `message_box` will try to correct its state as updates arrive.


    /// Signs in to the bot account associated with this token.
    /// This is the method you need to call to use the client under a bot account.
    /// It is recommended to save the [`Client::session()`] on successful login, and if saving
    /// fails, it is recommended to [`Client::sign_out`]. If the session cannot be saved, then the
    /// authorization will be "lost" in the list of logged-in clients, since it is unaccessible.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # async fn f(client: grammers_client::Client) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// // Note: these are example values and are not actually valid.
    /// //       Obtain your own with the developer's phone at
    /// const API_ID: i32 = 932939;
    /// const API_HASH: &str = "514727c32270b9eb8cc16daf17e21e57";
    /// // Note: this token is obviously fake as well.
    /// //       Obtain your own by talking to @BotFather via a Telegram app.
    /// const TOKEN: &str = "776609994:AAFXAy5-PawQlnYywUlZ_b_GOXgarR3ah_yq";
    /// let user = match client.bot_sign_in(TOKEN, API_ID, API_HASH).await {
    ///     Ok(user) => user,
    ///     Err(err) => {
    ///         println!("Failed to sign in as a bot :(\n{}", err);
    ///         return Err(err.into());
    ///     }
    /// };
    /// println!("Signed in as {}!", user.first_name());
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub async fn bot_sign_in(
        token: &str,
        api_id: i32,
        api_hash: &str,
    ) -> Result<User, AuthorizationError> {
        // TODO api id and hash are in the config yet we ask them here again (and other sign in methods)
        //      use the values from config instead
        let request = tl::functions::auth::ImportBotAuthorization {
            flags: 0,
            api_hash: api_hash.to_string(),
            bot_auth_token: token.to_string(),

        let result = match self.invoke(&request).await {
            Ok(x) => x,
            Err(InvocationError::Rpc(err)) if"USER_MIGRATE") => {
                let dc_id = err.value.unwrap() as i32;
                let (sender, request_tx) = connect_sender(dc_id, &self.0.config).await?;
                *self.0.sender.lock("client.bot_sign_in").await = sender;
                *self.0.request_tx.lock("client.bot_sign_in") = request_tx;
                *self.0.dc_id.lock("client.bot_sign_in") = dc_id;
            Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),

        match result {
            tl::enums::auth::Authorization::Authorization(x) => {
            tl::enums::auth::Authorization::SignUpRequired(_) => {
                panic!("API returned SignUpRequired even though we're logging in as a bot");

    /// Requests the login code for the account associated to the given phone
    /// number via another Telegram application or SMS.
    /// This is the method you need to call before being able to sign in to a user account.
    /// After you obtain the code and it's inside your program (e.g. ask the user to enter it
    /// via the console's standard input), you will need to [`Client::sign_in`] to complete the
    /// process.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # async fn f(client: grammers_client::Client) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// // Note: these are example values and are not actually valid.
    /// //       Obtain your own with the developer's phone at
    /// const API_ID: i32 = 932939;
    /// const API_HASH: &str = "514727c32270b9eb8cc16daf17e21e57";
    /// // Note: this phone number is obviously fake as well.
    /// //       The phone used here does NOT need to be the same as the one used by the developer
    /// //       to obtain the API ID and hash.
    /// const PHONE: &str = "+1 415 555 0132";
    /// if !client.is_authorized().await? {
    ///     // We're not logged in, so request the login code.
    ///     client.request_login_code(PHONE, API_ID, API_HASH).await?;
    /// }
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub async fn request_login_code(
        phone: &str,
        api_id: i32,
        api_hash: &str,
    ) -> Result<LoginToken, AuthorizationError> {
        let request = tl::functions::auth::SendCode {
            phone_number: phone.to_string(),
            api_hash: api_hash.to_string(),
            settings: tl::types::CodeSettings {
                allow_flashcall: false,
                current_number: false,
                allow_app_hash: false,
                allow_missed_call: false,
                logout_tokens: None,

        let sent_code: tl::types::auth::SentCode = match self.invoke(&request).await {
            Ok(x) => x.into(),
            Err(InvocationError::Rpc(err)) if"PHONE_MIGRATE") => {
                // Since we are not logged in (we're literally requesting for
                // the code to login now), there's no need to export the current
                // authorization and re-import it at a different datacenter.
                // Just connect and generate a new authorization key with it
                // before trying again.
                let dc_id = err.value.unwrap() as i32;
                let (sender, request_tx) = connect_sender(dc_id, &self.0.config).await?;
                *self.0.sender.lock("client.request_login_code").await = sender;
                *self.0.request_tx.lock("client.request_login_code") = request_tx;
                *self.0.dc_id.lock("client.request_login_code") = dc_id;
            Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),

        Ok(LoginToken {
            phone: phone.to_string(),
            phone_code_hash: sent_code.phone_code_hash,

    /// Signs in to the user account.
    /// You must call [`Client::request_login_code`] before using this method in order to obtain
    /// necessary login token, and also have asked the user for the login code.
    /// It is recommended to save the [`Client::session()`] on successful login, and if saving
    /// fails, it is recommended to [`Client::sign_out`]. If the session cannot be saved, then the
    /// authorization will be "lost" in the list of logged-in clients, since it is unaccessible.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use grammers_client::SignInError;
    ///  async fn f(client: grammers_client::Client) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # const API_ID: i32 = 0;
    /// # const API_HASH: &str = "";
    /// # const PHONE: &str = "";
    /// fn ask_code_to_user() -> String {
    ///     unimplemented!()
    /// }
    /// let token = client.request_login_code(PHONE, API_ID, API_HASH).await?;
    /// let code = ask_code_to_user();
    /// let user = match client.sign_in(&token, &code).await {
    ///     Ok(user) => user,
    ///     Err(SignInError::PasswordRequired(_token)) => panic!("Please provide a password"),
    ///     Err(SignInError::SignUpRequired { terms_of_service: tos }) => panic!("Sign up required"),
    ///     Err(err) => {
    ///         println!("Failed to sign in as a user :(\n{}", err);
    ///         return Err(err.into());
    ///     }
    /// };
    /// println!("Signed in as {}!", user.first_name());
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub async fn sign_in(&self, token: &LoginToken, code: &str) -> Result<User, SignInError> {
        match self
            .invoke(&tl::functions::auth::SignIn {
                phone_code_hash: token.phone_code_hash.clone(),
                phone_code: Some(code.to_string()),
                email_verification: None,
            Ok(tl::enums::auth::Authorization::Authorization(x)) => {
            Ok(tl::enums::auth::Authorization::SignUpRequired(x)) => {
                Err(SignInError::SignUpRequired {
            Err(err) if"SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED") => {
                let password_token = self.get_password_information().await;
                match password_token {
                    Ok(token) => Err(SignInError::PasswordRequired(token)),
                    Err(e) => Err(SignInError::Other(e)),
            Err(err) if"PHONE_CODE_*") => Err(SignInError::InvalidCode),
            Err(error) => Err(SignInError::Other(error)),

    /// Extract information needed for the two-factor authentication
    /// It's called automatically when we get SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED error during sign in.
    async fn get_password_information(&self) -> Result<PasswordToken, InvocationError> {
        let request = tl::functions::account::GetPassword {};

        let password: tl::types::account::Password = self.invoke(&request).await?.into();


    /// Sign in using two-factor authentication (user password).
    /// [`PasswordToken`] can be obtained from [`SignInError::PasswordRequired`] error after the
    /// [`Client::sign_in`] method fails.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use grammers_client::SignInError;
    /// # async fn f(client: grammers_client::Client) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # const API_ID: i32 = 0;
    /// # const API_HASH: &str = "";
    /// # const PHONE: &str = "";
    /// fn get_user_password(hint: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
    ///     unimplemented!()
    /// }
    /// # let token = client.request_login_code(PHONE, API_ID, API_HASH).await?;
    /// # let code = "";
    /// // ... enter phone number, request login code ...
    /// let user = match client.sign_in(&token, &code).await {
    ///     Err(SignInError::PasswordRequired(password_token) ) => {
    ///         let mut password = get_user_password(password_token.hint().unwrap());
    ///         client
    ///             .check_password(password_token, password)
    ///             .await.unwrap()
    ///     }
    ///     Ok(user) => user,
    ///     Ok(_) => panic!("Sign in required"),
    ///     Err(err) => {
    ///         panic!("Failed to sign in as a user :(\n{err}");
    ///     }
    /// };
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub async fn check_password(
        password_token: PasswordToken,
        password: impl AsRef<[u8]>,
    ) -> Result<User, SignInError> {
        let mut password_info = password_token.password;
        let current_algo = password_info.current_algo.unwrap();
        let mut params = utils::extract_password_parameters(&current_algo);

        // Telegram sent us incorrect parameters, trying to get them again
        if !check_p_and_g(params.2, params.3) {
            password_info = self
            params =
            if !check_p_and_g(params.2, params.3) {
                panic!("Failed to get correct password information from Telegram")

        let (salt1, salt2, g, p) = params;

        let g_b = password_info.srp_b.unwrap();
        let a: Vec<u8> = password_info.secure_random;

        let (m1, g_a) = calculate_2fa(salt1, salt2, g, p, g_b, a, password);

        let check_password = tl::functions::auth::CheckPassword {
            password: tl::enums::InputCheckPasswordSrp::Srp(tl::types::InputCheckPasswordSrp {
                srp_id: password_info.srp_id.unwrap(),
                a: g_a,

        match self.invoke(&check_password).await {
            Ok(tl::enums::auth::Authorization::Authorization(x)) => {
            Ok(tl::enums::auth::Authorization::SignUpRequired(_x)) => panic!("Unexpected result"),
            Err(err) if"PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID") => Err(SignInError::InvalidPassword),
            Err(error) => Err(SignInError::Other(error)),

    /// Signs up a new user account to Telegram.
    /// This method should be used after [`Client::sign_in`] fails with
    /// [`SignInError::SignUpRequired`]. This is also the only way to know if a certain phone
    /// number is already reigstered on Telegram or not, by trying and failing to login.
    /// It is recommended to save the [`Client::session()`] on successful sign up, and if saving
    /// fails, it is recommended to [`Client::sign_out`]. If the session cannot be saved, then the
    /// authorization will be "lost" in the list of logged-in clients, since it is unaccessible.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    ///  async fn f(client: grammers_client::Client) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let token = client.request_login_code("", 0, "").await?;
    /// # let code = "".to_string();
    /// use grammers_client::SignInError;
    /// let user = match client.sign_in(&token, &code).await {
    ///     Ok(_user) => {
    ///         println!("Can't create a new account because one already existed!");
    ///         return Err("account already exists".into());
    ///     }
    ///     Err(SignInError::PasswordRequired(_password_information)) => {
    ///         println!("Can't create a new account because one already existed!");
    ///         return Err("account already exists".into());
    ///     }
    ///     Err(SignInError::SignUpRequired { terms_of_service }) => {
    ///         println!("Signing up! You must agree to these TOS: {:?}", terms_of_service);
    ///         client.sign_up(&token, "My first name", "(optional last name)").await?
    ///     }
    ///     Err(err) => {
    ///         println!("Something else went wrong... {}", err);
    ///         return Err(err.into());
    ///     }
    /// };
    /// println!("Signed up as {}!", user.first_name());
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub async fn sign_up(
        token: &LoginToken,
        first_name: &str,
        last_name: &str,
    ) -> Result<User, AuthorizationError> {
        // TODO accept tos? maybe accept method in the tos object?
        match self
            .invoke(&tl::functions::auth::SignUp {
                phone_code_hash: token.phone_code_hash.clone(),
                first_name: first_name.to_string(),
                last_name: last_name.to_string(),
            Ok(tl::enums::auth::Authorization::Authorization(x)) => {
            Ok(tl::enums::auth::Authorization::SignUpRequired(_)) => {
                panic!("API returned SignUpRequired even though we just invoked SignUp");
            Err(error) => Err(error.into()),

    /// Signs out of the account authorized by this client's session.
    /// If the client was not logged in, this method returns false.
    /// The client is not disconnected after signing out.
    /// Note that after using this method you will have to sign in again. If all you want to do
    /// is disconnect, simply [`drop`] the [`Client`] instance.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # async fn f(client: grammers_client::Client) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// if client.sign_out().await.is_ok() {
    ///     println!("Signed out successfully!");
    /// } else {
    ///     println!("No user was signed in, so nothing has changed...");
    /// }
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub async fn sign_out(&self) -> Result<tl::enums::auth::LoggedOut, InvocationError> {
        self.invoke(&tl::functions::auth::LogOut {}).await

    /// Synchronize all state to the session file and provide mutable access to it.
    /// You can use this to temporarily access the session and save it wherever you want to.
    /// Panics if the type parameter does not match the actual session type.
    pub fn session(&self) -> &grammers_session::Session {

    /// Calls [`Client::sign_out`] and disconnects.
    /// The client will be disconnected even if signing out fails.
    pub async fn sign_out_disconnect(&self) -> Result<(), InvocationError> {
        let _res = self.invoke(&tl::functions::auth::LogOut {}).await;
        panic!("disconnect now only works via dropping");