gotham 0.4.0

A flexible web framework that promotes stability, safety, security and speed.
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use hyper::server::conn::Http;
use log::info;
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::executor;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::runtime::TaskExecutor;

use super::{handler::NewHandler, service::GothamService};
use super::{new_runtime, tcp_listener};

pub mod test;

/// Starts a Gotham application on plain, unsecured HTTP.
pub fn start<NH, A>(addr: A, new_handler: NH)
    NH: NewHandler + 'static,
    A: ToSocketAddrs + 'static,
    start_with_num_threads(addr, new_handler, num_cpus::get())

/// Starts a Gotham application with a designated number of threads.
pub fn start_with_num_threads<NH, A>(addr: A, new_handler: NH, threads: usize)
    NH: NewHandler + 'static,
    A: ToSocketAddrs + 'static,
    let runtime = new_runtime(threads);
    start_on_executor(addr, new_handler, runtime.executor());

/// Starts a Gotham application with a designated backing `TaskExecutor`.
/// This function can be used to spawn the server on an existing `Runtime`.
pub fn start_on_executor<NH, A>(addr: A, new_handler: NH, executor: TaskExecutor)
    NH: NewHandler + 'static,
    A: ToSocketAddrs + 'static,
    executor.spawn(init_server(addr, new_handler));

/// Returns a `Future` used to spawn an Gotham application.
/// This is used internally, but exposed in case the developer intends on doing any
/// manual wiring that isn't supported by the Gotham API. It's unlikely that this will
/// be required in most use cases; it's mainly exposed for shutdown handling.
pub fn init_server<NH, A>(addr: A, new_handler: NH) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = ()>
    NH: NewHandler + 'static,
    A: ToSocketAddrs + 'static,
    let listener = tcp_listener(addr);
    let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap();

    target: "gotham::start",
    " Gotham listening on http://{}",

    bind_server(listener, new_handler)

fn bind_server<NH>(listener: TcpListener, new_handler: NH) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = ()>
    NH: NewHandler + 'static,
    let protocol = Arc::new(Http::new());
    let gotham_service = GothamService::new(new_handler);

        .map_err(|e| panic!("socket error = {:?}", e))
        .for_each(move |socket| {
            let addr = socket.peer_addr().unwrap();
            let service = gotham_service.connect(addr);
            let handler = protocol.serve_connection(socket, service).then(|_| Ok(()));

