Module google_docs1::api

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  • A ParagraphElement representing a spot in the text that’s dynamically replaced with content that can change over time, like a page number.
  • Represents the background of a document.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Background have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, the Backgound has a new suggested value.
  • Request message for BatchUpdateDocument.
  • Response message from a BatchUpdateDocument request.
  • The document body. The body typically contains the full document contents except for headers, footers, and footnotes.
  • Describes the bullet of a paragraph.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Bullet have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A solid color.
  • A ParagraphElement representing a column break. A column break makes the subsequent text start at the top of the next column.
  • Creates a Footer. The new footer is applied to the SectionStyle at the location of the SectionBreak if specified, otherwise it is applied to the DocumentStyle. If a footer of the specified type already exists, a 400 bad request error is returned.
  • The result of creating a footer.
  • Creates a Footnote segment and inserts a new FootnoteReference to it at the given location. The new Footnote segment will contain a space followed by a newline character.
  • The result of creating a footnote.
  • Creates a Header. The new header is applied to the SectionStyle at the location of the SectionBreak if specified, otherwise it is applied to the DocumentStyle. If a header of the specified type already exists, a 400 bad request error is returned.
  • The result of creating a header.
  • Creates a NamedRange referencing the given range.
  • The result of creating a named range.
  • Creates bullets for all of the paragraphs that overlap with the given range. The nesting level of each paragraph will be determined by counting leading tabs in front of each paragraph. To avoid excess space between the bullet and the corresponding paragraph, these leading tabs are removed by this request. This may change the indices of parts of the text. If the paragraph immediately before paragraphs being updated is in a list with a matching preset, the paragraphs being updated are added to that preceding list.
  • The crop properties of an image. The crop rectangle is represented using fractional offsets from the original content’s 4 edges. - If the offset is in the interval (0, 1), the corresponding edge of crop rectangle is positioned inside of the image’s original bounding rectangle. - If the offset is negative or greater than 1, the corresponding edge of crop rectangle is positioned outside of the image’s original bounding rectangle. - If all offsets and rotation angle are 0, the image is not cropped.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base CropProperties have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • Deletes content from the document.
  • Deletes a Footer from the document.
  • Deletes a Header from the document.
  • Deletes a NamedRange.
  • Deletes bullets from all of the paragraphs that overlap with the given range. The nesting level of each paragraph will be visually preserved by adding indent to the start of the corresponding paragraph.
  • Deletes a PositionedObject from the document.
  • Deletes a column from a table.
  • Deletes a row from a table.
  • A magnitude in a single direction in the specified units.
  • Central instance to access all Docs related resource activities
  • A Google Docs document.
  • Applies one or more updates to the document. Each request is validated before being applied. If any request is not valid, then the entire request will fail and nothing will be applied. Some requests have replies to give you some information about how they are applied. Other requests do not need to return information; these each return an empty reply. The order of replies matches that of the requests. For example, suppose you call batchUpdate with four updates, and only the third one returns information. The response would have two empty replies, the reply to the third request, and another empty reply, in that order. Because other users may be editing the document, the document might not exactly reflect your changes: your changes may be altered with respect to collaborator changes. If there are no collaborators, the document should reflect your changes. In any case, the updates in your request are guaranteed to be applied together atomically.
  • Creates a blank document using the title given in the request. Other fields in the request, including any provided content, are ignored. Returns the created document.
  • Gets the latest version of the specified document.
  • A builder providing access to all methods supported on document resources. It is not used directly, but through the Docs hub.
  • The style of the document.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base DocumentStyle have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • The properties of an embedded drawing and used to differentiate the object type. An embedded drawing is one that’s created and edited within a document. Note that extensive details are not supported.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedDrawingProperties have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • An embedded object in the document.
  • A border around an EmbeddedObject.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedObjectBorder have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedObject have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • Location at the end of a body, header, footer or footnote. The location is immediately before the last newline in the document segment.
  • A ParagraphElement representing an equation.
  • A document footer.
  • A document footnote.
  • A ParagraphElement representing a footnote reference. A footnote reference is the inline content rendered with a number and is used to identify the footnote.
  • A document header.
  • A ParagraphElement representing a horizontal line.
  • The properties of an image.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ImageProperties have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • An object that appears inline with text. An InlineObject contains an EmbeddedObject such as an image.
  • A ParagraphElement that contains an InlineObject.
  • Properties of an InlineObject.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base InlineObjectProperties have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • Inserts an InlineObject containing an image at the given location.
  • The result of inserting an inline image.
  • The result of inserting an embedded Google Sheets chart.
  • Inserts a page break followed by a newline at the specified location.
  • Inserts a section break at the given location. A newline character will be inserted before the section break.
  • Inserts an empty column into a table.
  • Inserts a table at the specified location. A newline character will be inserted before the inserted table.
  • Inserts an empty row into a table.
  • Inserts text at the specified location.
  • A reference to another portion of a document or an external URL resource.
  • A reference to the external linked source content.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base LinkedContentReference have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A List represents the list attributes for a group of paragraphs that all belong to the same list. A paragraph that’s part of a list has a reference to the list’s ID in its bullet.
  • The properties of a list that describe the look and feel of bullets belonging to paragraphs associated with a list.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ListProperties have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A particular location in the document.
  • Merges cells in a Table.
  • A collection of Ranges with the same named range ID. Named ranges allow developers to associate parts of a document with an arbitrary user-defined label so their contents can be programmatically read or edited later. A document can contain multiple named ranges with the same name, but every named range has a unique ID. A named range is created with a single Range, and content inserted inside a named range generally expands that range. However, certain document changes can cause the range to be split into multiple ranges. Named ranges are not private. All applications and collaborators that have access to the document can see its named ranges.
  • A collection of all the NamedRanges in the document that share a given name.
  • A named style. Paragraphs in the document can inherit their TextStyle and ParagraphStyle from this named style when they have the same named style type.
  • A suggestion state of a NamedStyle message.
  • The named styles. Paragraphs in the document can inherit their TextStyle and ParagraphStyle from these named styles.
  • The suggestion state of a NamedStyles message.
  • Contains properties describing the look and feel of a list bullet at a given level of nesting.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base NestingLevel have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A collection of object IDs.
  • A color that can either be fully opaque or fully transparent.
  • A ParagraphElement representing a page break. A page break makes the subsequent text start at the top of the next page.
  • A StructuralElement representing a paragraph. A paragraph is a range of content that’s terminated with a newline character.
  • A border around a paragraph.
  • A ParagraphElement describes content within a Paragraph.
  • Styles that apply to a whole paragraph. Inherited paragraph styles are represented as unset fields in this message. A paragraph style’s parent depends on where the paragraph style is defined: * The ParagraphStyle on a Paragraph inherits from the paragraph’s corresponding named style type. * The ParagraphStyle on a named style inherits from the normal text named style. * The ParagraphStyle of the normal text named style inherits from the default paragraph style in the Docs editor. * The ParagraphStyle on a Paragraph element that’s contained in a table may inherit its paragraph style from the table style. If the paragraph style does not inherit from a parent, unsetting fields will revert the style to a value matching the defaults in the Docs editor.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ParagraphStyle have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A person or email address mentioned in a document. These mentions behave as a single, immutable element containing the person’s name or email address.
  • Properties specific to a linked Person.
  • Updates the number of pinned table header rows in a table.
  • An object that’s tethered to a Paragraph and positioned relative to the beginning of the paragraph. A PositionedObject contains an EmbeddedObject such as an image.
  • The positioning of a PositionedObject. The positioned object is positioned relative to the beginning of the Paragraph it’s tethered to.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base PositionedObjectPositioning have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • Properties of a PositionedObject.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base PositionedObjectProperties have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • Specifies a contiguous range of text.
  • Replaces all instances of text matching a criteria with replace text.
  • The result of replacing text.
  • Replaces an existing image with a new image. Replacing an image removes some image effects from the existing image in order to mirror the behavior of the Docs editor.
  • Replaces the contents of the specified NamedRange or NamedRanges with the given replacement content. Note that an individual NamedRange may consist of multiple discontinuous ranges. In this case, only the content in the first range will be replaced. The other ranges and their content will be deleted. In cases where replacing or deleting any ranges would result in an invalid document structure, a 400 bad request error is returned.
  • A single update to apply to a document.
  • A single response from an update.
  • An RGB color.
  • A link to a Google resource (such as a file in Drive, a YouTube video, or a Calendar event).
  • Properties specific to a RichLink.
  • A StructuralElement representing a section break. A section is a range of content that has the same SectionStyle. A section break represents the start of a new section, and the section style applies to the section after the section break. The document body always begins with a section break.
  • Properties that apply to a section’s column.
  • The styling that applies to a section.
  • The shading of a paragraph.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Shading have been changed in this suggested change. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A reference to a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base SheetsChartReference have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • A width and height.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Size have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, the Size has a new suggested value.
  • A StructuralElement describes content that provides structure to the document.
  • A criteria that matches a specific string of text in the document.
  • A suggested change to a Bullet.
  • A suggested change to the DocumentStyle.
  • A suggested change to InlineObjectProperties.
  • A suggested change to ListProperties.
  • A suggested change to the NamedStyles.
  • A suggested change to a ParagraphStyle.
  • A suggested change to PositionedObjectProperties.
  • A suggested change to a TableCellStyle.
  • A suggested change to a TableRowStyle.
  • A suggested change to a TextStyle.
  • A tab stop within a paragraph.
  • A StructuralElement representing a table.
  • The contents and style of a cell in a Table.
  • A border around a table cell. Table cell borders cannot be transparent. To hide a table cell border, make its width 0.
  • Location of a single cell within a table.
  • The style of a TableCell. Inherited table cell styles are represented as unset fields in this message. A table cell style can inherit from the table’s style.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TableCellStyle have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • The properties of a column in a table.
  • A StructuralElement representing a table of contents.
  • A table range represents a reference to a subset of a table. It’s important to note that the cells specified by a table range do not necessarily form a rectangle. For example, let’s say we have a 3 x 3 table where all the cells of the last row are merged together. The table looks like this: [ ] A table range with table cell location = (table_start_location, row = 0, column = 0), row span = 3 and column span = 2 specifies the following cells: x x [ x x x ]
  • The contents and style of a row in a Table.
  • Styles that apply to a table row.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TableRowStyle have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • Styles that apply to a table.
  • A ParagraphElement that represents a run of text that all has the same styling.
  • Represents the styling that can be applied to text. Inherited text styles are represented as unset fields in this message. A text style’s parent depends on where the text style is defined: * The TextStyle of text in a Paragraph inherits from the paragraph’s corresponding named style type. * The TextStyle on a named style inherits from the normal text named style. * The TextStyle of the normal text named style inherits from the default text style in the Docs editor. * The TextStyle on a Paragraph element that’s contained in a table may inherit its text style from the table style. If the text style does not inherit from a parent, unsetting fields will revert the style to a value matching the defaults in the Docs editor.
  • A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TextStyle have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there’s a new suggested value.
  • Unmerges cells in a Table.
  • Updates the DocumentStyle.
  • Update the styling of all paragraphs that overlap with the given range.
  • Updates the SectionStyle.
  • Updates the style of a range of table cells.
  • Updates the TableColumnProperties of columns in a table.
  • Updates the TableRowStyle of rows in a table.
  • Update the styling of text.
  • Represents a font family and weight of text.
  • Provides control over how write requests are executed.
