goblin 0.0.8

An impish, cross-platform binary parsing and loading crate

libgoblin Build Status

say the right words




Goblin requires rustc 1.15.

Add to your Cargo.toml

goblin = "0.7.0"


  • awesome crate name
  • the best, most feature complete ELF64/32 implementation, ever - now with auto type punning!
  • PE 32-bit support for binary analysis (raw writers are in the works)
  • many cfg options - it will make your head spin, and make you angry when reading the source!
  • slowly adding mach-o, mostly because it's boring and it's just a port of rdr
  • goblins (TBA)
  • tests

libgoblin aims to be your one-stop shop for binary parsing, loading, and analysis. Eventually, at some future date, once the holy trinity is finished (ELF, mach, PE), writers for the various binary formats are planned.


Here are some things you could do with this crate (or help to implement so they could be done):

  1. write a compiler and use it to generate binaries (all ELF32/64 have Pwrite derived)
  2. write a binary analysis tool which loads, parses, and analyzes various binary formats, e.g., panopticon
  3. write a semi-functioning dynamic linker
  4. write a kernel and load binaries using no_std cfg. I.e., it is essentially just struct and const defs (like a C header) - no fd, no output, no std.
  5. write a bin2json tool (http://github.com/m4b/bin2json), because why shouldn't binary formats be in JSON?


libgoblin is designed to be massively configurable. The current flags are:

  • elf64 - 64-bit elf binaries
  • elf32 - 32-bit elf binaries
  • pe32 - 32-bit PE binary parser
  • archive - a Unix Archive parser
  • endian_fd - parses according to the endianness in the binary
  • std - to allow no_std environments
  • pe64 - wip
  • mach64 - wip
  • mach32 - wip