gnuplot 0.0.31

Rust gnuplot controller
// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 by SiegeLord
// All rights reserved. Distributed under LGPL 3.0. For full terms see the file LICENSE.

pub use self::AlignType::*;
pub use self::ArrowheadType::*;
pub use self::AutoOption::*;
pub use self::BorderLocation2D::*;
pub use self::ContourStyle::*;
pub use self::DashType::*;
pub use self::FillRegionType::*;
pub use self::LabelOption::*;
pub use self::LegendOption::*;
pub use self::MarginSide::*;
pub use self::PaletteType::*;
pub use self::PlotOption::*;
pub use self::Tick::*;
pub use self::TickOption::*;
use crate::util::OneWayOwned;

/// An enumeration of plot options you can supply to plotting commands, governing
/// things like line width, color and others
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum PlotOption<T>
	/// Sets the symbol used for points. The valid characters are as follows:
	/// * `.` - dot
	/// * `+` - plus
	/// * `x` - cross
	/// * `*` - star
	/// * `s` - empty square
	/// * `S` - filled square
	/// * `o` - empty circle
	/// * `O` - filled circle
	/// * `t` - empty triangle
	/// * `T` - filled triangle
	/// * `d` - empty del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `D` - filled del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `r` - empty rhombus
	/// * `R` - filled rhombus
	/// Sets the size of the points. The size acts as a multiplier, with 1.0 being the default.
	/// Sets the caption of the plot element. Set to empty to hide it from the legend.
	/// Sets the width of lines.
	/// Sets the color of the plot element. The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white). This specifies the fill color of a filled plot.
	/// Sets the color of the border of a filled plot (if it has one). The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white).
	/// Sets the style of the line. Note that not all gnuplot terminals support dashed lines. See DashType for the available styles.
	/// Sets the transparency of a filled plot. `0.0` - fully transparent, `1.0` - fully opaque
	/// Sets the fill region. See FillRegion for the available regions.
	/// Sets what an arrowhead looks like
	/// Sets the size of the arrowhead. This is specified in the units of graph (i.e. `1.0` would make the arrow as big as the graph).
	/// Width of the whisker bars (as a fraction of the box width) for box and whisker plots.

impl<'l> OneWayOwned for PlotOption<&'l str>
	type Output = PlotOption<String>;
	fn to_one_way_owned(&self) -> Self::Output
		match *self
			PointSymbol(v) => PointSymbol(v),
			PointSize(v) => PointSize(v),
			Caption(v) => Caption(v.into()),
			LineWidth(v) => LineWidth(v),
			Color(v) => Color(v.into()),
			BorderColor(v) => BorderColor(v.into()),
			LineStyle(v) => LineStyle(v),
			FillAlpha(v) => FillAlpha(v),
			FillRegion(v) => FillRegion(v),
			ArrowType(v) => ArrowType(v),
			ArrowSize(v) => ArrowSize(v),
			WhiskerBars(v) => WhiskerBars(v),

/// An enumeration of possible fill regions
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum FillRegionType

/// An enumeration of possible text and label alignments
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum AlignType

/// An enumeration of possible dash styles
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DashType

impl DashType
	pub fn to_int(&self) -> i32
		match *self
			Solid => 1,
			SmallDot => 0,
			Dash => 2,
			Dot => 3,
			DotDash => 4,
			DotDotDash => 5,

/// An enumeration of possible arrow head styles
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ArrowheadType
	/// An arrow head shaped like a 'V'
	/// An arrow head shaped like an outlined triangle
	/// An arrow head shaped like a filled triangle
	/// No arrow head

/// An enumeration of something that can either be fixed (e.g. the maximum of X values),
/// or automatically determined
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum AutoOption<T>
	/// Fixes the value to a specific value
	/// Lets the value scale automatically

impl<T> AutoOption<T>
	/// Same as `Option::map`
	pub fn map<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, f: F) -> AutoOption<U>
		match self
			Fix(v) => Fix(f(v)),
			Auto => Auto,

impl<'l> OneWayOwned for AutoOption<&'l str>
	type Output = AutoOption<String>;
	fn to_one_way_owned(&self) -> Self::Output
		match *self
			Fix(v) => Fix(v.into()),
			Auto => Auto,

/// An enumeration of label options that control label attributes
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum LabelOption<T>
	/// Sets the offset of the label in characters
	TextOffset(f64, f64),
	/// Sets the font of the label. The string specifies the font type (e.g. "Arial") and the number specifies the size (the units are terminal dependent, but are often points)
	Font(T, f64),
	/// Sets the color of the label text. The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white)
	/// Rotates the label by a certain number of degrees
	/// Sets the horizontal alignment of the label text (default is left alignment). See AlignType.
	/// Sets a marker for the label. By default no marker is drawn. The valid characters are as follows:
	/// * `.` - dot
	/// * `+` - plus
	/// * `x` - cross
	/// * `*` - star
	/// * `s` - empty square
	/// * `S` - filled square
	/// * `o` - empty circle
	/// * `O` - filled circle
	/// * `t` - empty triangle
	/// * `T` - filled triangle
	/// * `d` - empty del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `D` - filled del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `r` - empty rhombus
	/// * `R` - filled rhombus
	/// Sets the color of the marker. The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white)
	/// Sets the size of the marker. The size acts as a multiplier, with 1.0 being the default.

impl<'l> OneWayOwned for LabelOption<&'l str>
	type Output = LabelOption<String>;
	fn to_one_way_owned(&self) -> Self::Output
		match *self
			TextOffset(v1, v2) => TextOffset(v1, v2),
			Font(v1, v2) => Font(v1.into(), v2),
			TextColor(v) => TextColor(v.into()),
			Rotate(v) => Rotate(v),
			TextAlign(v) => TextAlign(v),
			MarkerSymbol(v) => MarkerSymbol(v),
			MarkerColor(v) => MarkerColor(v.into()),
			MarkerSize(v) => MarkerSize(v),

/// An enumeration of axis tick options
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TickOption<T>
	/// Specifies whether the ticks are drawn at the borders of the plot, or on the axis
	/// If the axes are drawn on the border, this specifies whether to draw the ticks on the opposite border as well
	/// If the axes are drawn on the border, this specifies whether to draw the ticks pointing inward or outward
	/// Sets the scale of the minor ticks
	/// Sets the scale of the major ticks
	/// Format of the tick labels, e.g. "%.1f ms" will produces labels with "1 ms, 2 ms" etc.

impl<'l> OneWayOwned for TickOption<&'l str>
	type Output = TickOption<String>;
	fn to_one_way_owned(&self) -> Self::Output
		match *self
			OnAxis(v) => OnAxis(v),
			Mirror(v) => Mirror(v),
			Inward(v) => Inward(v),
			MinorScale(v) => MinorScale(v),
			MajorScale(v) => MajorScale(v),
			Format(v) => Format(v.into()),

/// Specifies a type of axis tick
pub enum Tick<T>
	/// Major ticks have position and an optional label. The label may have a single C-style format specifier which will be replaced by the location of the tick
	Major(T, AutoOption<String>),
	/// Minor ticks only have position

/// Plot border locations
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum BorderLocation2D
	Bottom = 1,
	Left = 2,
	Top = 4,
	Right = 8,

/// Plot margins
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum MarginSide

/// Legend options
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum LegendOption<T>
	/// Puts curve samples to the left of the label
	/// Displays legend entries in opposite order
	/// Makes the legend horizontal (default is vertical)
	/// Specifies the location of the legend. The first argument specifies the horizontal
	/// placement with respect to its position, and the second argument specifies the vertical placement
	Placement(AlignType, AlignType),
	/// Title of the legend
	/// Specifies the maximum number of rows, when the legend is vertical
	/// Specifies the maximum number of columns, when the legend is horizontal

impl<'l> OneWayOwned for LegendOption<&'l str>
	type Output = LegendOption<String>;
	fn to_one_way_owned(&self) -> Self::Output
		match *self
			Reverse => Reverse,
			Invert => Invert,
			Horizontal => Horizontal,
			Placement(v1, v2) => Placement(v1, v2),
			Title(v) => Title(v.into()),
			MaxRows(v) => MaxRows(v),
			MaxCols(v) => MaxCols(v),

/// Specifies how the contours are drawn
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ContourStyle
	/// Draw lines between points of equal value
	/// Draw somewhat smoother curves between points with equal value.
	/// The argument specifies the number of points to use to approximate the
	/// curve for the final drawing step (clamped to range from 2 to 100).
	/// Draw an even smoother curve, this time approximating the locations of
	/// points with equal value (clamped to range from 2 to 100).
	/// The first argument specifies the number of points to use to approximate
	/// the curve for the final drawing step. The second argument specifies the
	/// order of the polynomial (clamped to range from 2 to 10).
	Spline(u32, u32),

/// Specifies what sort of palette to use
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum PaletteType
	/// Use a gray palette with a specified gamma
	/// Use a palette with that uses a predefined formula for each color component.
	/// Each formula is identified by an integer between [-36, 36]. See gnuplot documentation, or use the pre-defined constants.
	Formula(i32, i32, i32),
	/// Use a cube helix palette, with a certain start (in radians), cycles, saturation and gamma.
	CubeHelix(f32, f32, f32, f32),

/// A gray palette
pub const GRAY: PaletteType = Gray(1.0);
/// Default Gnuplot palette
pub const COLOR: PaletteType = Formula(3, 11, 16);
/// Classic rainbow palette with terrible perceptual properties
pub const RAINBOW: PaletteType = Formula(33, 13, 10);
/// A black body palette
pub const HOT: PaletteType = Formula(34, 35, 36);
/// A nice default for a cube helix
pub const HELIX: PaletteType = CubeHelix(0.5, -0.8, 2.0, 1.0);

/// Gnuplot version identifier. This is used to handle version-specific
/// features.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct GnuplotVersion
	pub major: i32,
	pub minor: i32,