gnuplot 0.0.10

Rust gnuplot controller
if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then
	echo Starting gh-pages upload...

	cp -r doc $HOME/doc

	# Go to home and setup git
	cd $HOME
	git config --global ""
	git config --global "Travis"

	# Clone gh-pages branch
	git clone --quiet --branch=gh-pages https://${GH_TOKEN} gh-pages > /dev/null

	# Copy over the documentation
	cd gh-pages
	rm -rf doc
	cp -r $HOME/doc .

	# Add, commit and push files
	git add -f --all .
	git commit -m "Update docs from Travis build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
	git push -fq origin gh-pages > /dev/null

	echo Done uploading documentation to gh-pages!