gmatlib 0.1.0

Simple linear algebra in Rust and beyond!

gmatlib - Grant's Matrix Algebra Library

Defines a Matrix<T> struct for numeric types and implements several useful functions for matrix algebra purposes. The source here contains a number of extern "C" functions for exposing the types and functions to other languages as well.

The Matrix<T> type is simple, consisting of one contiguous piece of memory to reduce indirection and reduce the number of allocations needed to construct the matrix.


use gmatlib::{Matrix, row_vec};

// Create a matrix with 3 columns
let a: Matrix<i32> = Matrix::from_vec(
    vec![1, 2, 3,
         4, 5, 6,
         7, 8, 9]

// Matrices support appropriate binary operations
let b = row_vec![0_i32, 1_i32, 0_i32] * (a * 3);

// ...and concise indexing 
    b[(0, 1)],