gluon 0.11.2

A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
//! Module containing bindings to the `regex` library.

extern crate regex;

use crate::real_std::error::Error as StdError;

use crate::vm::{self, api::Collect, thread::Thread, ExternModule};

#[derive(Debug, Userdata)]
#[gluon(crate_name = "vm")]
struct Regex(regex::Regex);

#[derive(Debug, Userdata)]
#[gluon(crate_name = "vm")]
struct Error(regex::Error);

fn new(re: &str) -> Result<Regex, Error> {
    match regex::Regex::new(re) {
        Ok(r) => Ok(Regex(r)),
        Err(e) => Err(Error(e)),

fn is_match(re: &Regex, text: &str) -> bool {
    let &Regex(ref re) = re;

#[derive(Pushable, VmType)]
#[gluon(vm_type = "std.regex.types.Match")]
#[gluon(crate_name = "vm")]
struct Match<'a> {
    start: usize,
    end: usize,
    text: &'a str,

impl<'a> Match<'a> {
    fn new(m: regex::Match<'a>) -> Self {
        Match {
            start: m.start(),
            end: m.end(),
            text: m.as_str(),

fn find<'a>(re: &Regex, text: &'a str) -> Option<Match<'a>> {
    let &Regex(ref re) = re;

fn captures<'a>(
    re: &Regex,
    text: &'a str,
) -> Option<Collect<impl Iterator<Item = Option<Match<'a>>>>> {
    let &Regex(ref re) = re;
        .map(|c| (0..c.len()).map(move |i| c.get(i).map(Match::new)))

fn error_to_string(err: &Error) -> &str {
    let &Error(ref err) = err;

mod std {
    pub mod regex {
        pub use crate::regex_bind as prim;

pub fn load(vm: &Thread) -> vm::Result<ExternModule> {
    use self::std;

    vm.register_type::<Regex>("std.regex.Regex", &[])?;
    vm.register_type::<Error>("std.regex.Error", &[])?;

        record! {
            type Error => Error,
            type Regex => Regex,
            type Match => Match,

            new => primitive!(1, std::regex::prim::new),
            is_match => primitive!(2, std::regex::prim::is_match),
            find => primitive!(2, std::regex::prim::find),
            captures => primitive!(2, std::regex::prim::captures),
            error_to_string => primitive!(1, std::regex::prim::error_to_string)