gluon 0.11.2

A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
extern crate http;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate native_tls;
extern crate tokio_tcp;
extern crate tokio_tls;

use crate::real_std::{
    fmt, fs,
    sync::{Arc, Mutex},

use self::{http::StatusCode, hyper::service::Service, hyper::Chunk, hyper::Server};

use futures::{
    future::{self, Either},
    Async, Future, Stream,

use self::http::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue};

use crate::base::types::{ArcType, Type};

use crate::vm::{
        generic, Collect, Eff, Function, Getable, OpaqueValue, PushAsRef, Pushable, VmType, WithVM,
    thread::{ActiveThread, RootedThread, Thread},
    ExternModule, Variants,

macro_rules! try_future {
    ($e:expr) => {
        try_future!($e, Box::new)
    ($e:expr, $f:expr) => {
        match $e {
            Ok(x) => x,
            Err(err) => return $f(::futures::future::err(err.into())),

struct HttpEffect;
impl VmType for HttpEffect {
    type Type = Self;
    fn make_type(vm: &Thread) -> ArcType {
        let r = generic::R::make_type(vm);
                .map(|alias| alias.into_type())
                .unwrap_or_else(|_| Type::hole()),

type Handler<T> = Eff<HttpEffect, T>;

struct Headers(HeaderMap);

impl VmType for Headers {
    type Type = Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>;

    fn make_type(vm: &Thread) -> ArcType {
        Vec::<(String, Vec<u8>)>::make_type(vm)

impl<'vm> Pushable<'vm> for Headers {
    fn push(self, context: &mut ActiveThread<'vm>) -> vm::Result<()> {
                .map(|(name, value)| (name.as_str(), value.as_bytes())),

impl<'vm, 'value> Getable<'vm, 'value> for Headers {
    fn from_value(vm: &'vm Thread, value: Variants<'value>) -> Self {
            Collect::from_value(vm, value)
                // TODO Error somehow on invalid headers
                .filter_map(|(name, value): (&str, &[u8])| {
                    match (HeaderName::from_bytes(name.as_bytes()), HeaderValue::from_bytes(value)) {
                        (Ok(name), Ok(value)) => Some((name, value)),
                        _ => None,

// By implementing `Userdata` on `Body` it can be automatically pushed and retrieved from gluon
// threads
#[gluon(crate_name = "::vm")]
// Representation of a http body that is in the prograss of being read
pub struct Body(Arc<Mutex<Box<Stream<Item = PushAsRef<Chunk, [u8]>, Error = vm::Error> + Send>>>);

// Types implementing `Userdata` requires a `std::fmt::Debug` implementation so it can be displayed
impl fmt::Debug for Body {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "hyper::Body")

// Since `Body` implements `Userdata` gluon will automatically marshal the gluon representation
// into `&Body` argument
fn read_chunk(
    body: &Body,
) -> impl Future<Item = IO<Option<PushAsRef<Chunk, [u8]>>>, Error = vm::Error> {
    use futures::future::poll_fn;

    let body = body.0.clone();
    poll_fn(move || {
        let mut stream = body.lock().unwrap();

// A http body that is being written
#[gluon(crate_name = "::vm")]
pub struct ResponseBody(Arc<Mutex<Option<hyper::body::Sender>>>);

impl fmt::Debug for ResponseBody {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "hyper::Response")

fn write_response(
    response: &ResponseBody,
    bytes: &[u8],
) -> impl Future<Item = IO<()>, Error = vm::Error> {
    use futures::future::poll_fn;

    // Turn `bytes´ into a `Chunk` which can be sent to the http body
    let mut unsent_chunk = Some(bytes.to_owned().into());
    let response = response.0.clone();
    poll_fn(move || {
        info!("Starting response send");
        let mut sender = response.lock().unwrap();
        let sender = sender
            .expect("Sender has been dropped while still in use");
        let chunk = unsent_chunk
            .expect("Attempt to poll after chunk is sent");
        match sender.poll_ready() {
            Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
                unsent_chunk = Some(chunk);
                return Ok(Async::NotReady);
            Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => (),
            Err(err) => {
                info!("Could not send http response {}", err);
                return Ok(IO::Exception(err.to_string()).into());
        match sender.send_data(chunk) {
            Ok(()) => Ok(Async::Ready(IO::Value(()))),
            Err(chunk) => {
                unsent_chunk = Some(chunk);
                Ok(IO::Exception("Could not send http response".into()).into())

#[derive(Debug, Userdata)]
#[gluon(crate_name = "::vm")]
struct Uri(http::Uri);

// Next we define some record types which are marshalled to and from gluon. These have equivalent
// definitions in http_types.glu
field_decl! { http, method, uri, status, body, request, response, headers }

type Request = record_type! {
    method => String,
    uri => Uri,
    body => Body

type Response = record_type! {
    status => u16,
    headers => Headers

type HttpState = record_type! {
    request => Request,
    response => ResponseBody

#[derive(Getable, VmType)]
#[gluon(crate_name = "::vm")]
struct Settings<'a> {
    port: u16,
    tls_cert: Option<&'a Path>,

fn listen(
    settings: Settings,
    value: WithVM<OpaqueValue<RootedThread, Handler<Response>>>,
) -> impl Future<Item = IO<()>, Error = vm::Error> + Send + 'static {
    let WithVM {
        value: handler,
        vm: thread,
    } = value;

    let thread = match thread.new_thread() {
        Ok(thread) => thread,
        Err(err) => return Either::A(future::err(err)),

    // Retrieve the `handle` function from the http module which we use to evaluate values of type
    // `Handler Response`
    type ListenFn = fn(OpaqueValue<RootedThread, Handler<Response>>, HttpState) -> IO<Response>;
    let handle: Function<RootedThread, ListenFn> = thread
        .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("{}", err));

    struct Listen {
        handle: Function<RootedThread, ListenFn>,
        handler: OpaqueValue<RootedThread, Handler<Response>>,

    impl Service for Listen {
        type ReqBody = hyper::Body;
        type ResBody = hyper::Body;
        type Error = vm::Error;
        type Future =
            Box<Future<Item = http::Response<hyper::Body>, Error = Self::Error> + Send + 'static>;

        fn call(&mut self, request: http::Request<hyper::Body>) -> Self::Future {
            let (parts, body) = request.into_parts();
            let gluon_request = record_no_decl! {
                method => parts.method.as_str().to_owned(),
                uri => Uri(parts.uri),
                // Since `Body` implements `Userdata` it can be directly pushed to gluon
                body => Body(Arc::new(Mutex::new(Box::new(body
                    .map_err(|err| vm::Error::Message(format!("{}", err)))
                    // `PushAsRef` makes the `body` parameter act as a `&[u8]` which means it is
                    // marshalled to `Array Byte` in gluon
                    .map(PushAsRef::<_, [u8]>::new)))))
            let (response_sender, response_body) = hyper::Body::channel();
            let response_sender = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(response_sender)));
            let http_state = record_no_decl! {
                request => gluon_request,
                response => ResponseBody(response_sender.clone())

            let child_thread = try_future!(self.handle.vm().new_thread());
            let mut handle = try_future!(self.handle.re_root(child_thread));

                handle.call_async(self.handler.clone(), http_state).then(
                    move |result| match result {
                        Ok(value) => {
                            match value {
                                IO::Value(record_p! { status, headers }) => {
                                    // Drop the sender to so that it the receiver stops waiting for
                                    // more chunks
                                    *response_sender.lock().unwrap() = None;

                                    let status = StatusCode::from_u16(status)
                                    let mut response = http::Response::builder()
                                    *response.headers_mut() = headers.0;
                                IO::Exception(err) => {
                                    info!("{}", err);
                        Err(err) => {
                            info!("{}", err);

    let addr = format!("{}", settings.port).parse().unwrap();

    if let Some(cert_path) = settings.tls_cert {
        let identity = try_future!(
            fs::read(cert_path).map_err(|err| vm::Error::Message(format!(
                "Unable to open certificate `{}`: {}",

        let identity = try_future!(
            native_tls::Identity::from_pkcs12(&identity, "")
                .map_err(|err| vm::Error::Message(err.to_string())),
        let acceptor = tokio_tls::TlsAcceptor::from(try_future!(
                .map_err(|err| vm::Error::Message(err.to_string())),

        let http = hyper::server::conn::Http::new();
        let listener = try_future!(
            tokio_tcp::TcpListener::bind(&addr).map_err(|err| vm::Error::Message(err.to_string())),
        let incoming = listener
            .map(move |stream| {
                acceptor.accept(stream).map(Some).or_else(|err| {
                    info!("Unable to accept TLS connection: {}", err);
            .filter_map(|opt_tls_stream| opt_tls_stream);

        let future = http
            .serve_incoming(incoming, move || -> Result<_, hyper::Error> {
                Ok(Listen {
                    handle: handle.clone(),
                    handler: handler.clone(),
            .and_then(|connecting| connecting)
            .for_each(|connection| {
                hyper::rt::spawn(connection.map_err(|err| info!("{}", err)));
            .map(|_| IO::Value(()))
            .map_err(|err| vm::Error::from(format!("Server error: {}", err)));
        return Either::B(Either::A(future));

            .serve(move || -> Result<_, hyper::Error> {
                Ok(Listen {
                    handle: handle.clone(),
                    handler: handler.clone(),
            .map_err(|err| vm::Error::from(format!("Server error: {}", err)))
            .map(|_| IO::Value(())),

// To let the `http_types` module refer to `Body` and `ResponseBody` we register these types in a
// separate function which is called before loading `http_types`
pub fn load_types(vm: &Thread) -> vm::Result<ExternModule> {
    vm.register_type::<Body>("std.http.types.Body", &[])?;
    vm.register_type::<ResponseBody>("std.http.types.ResponseBody", &[])?;
    vm.register_type::<Uri>("std.http.types.Uri", &[])?;

        record! {
            // Define the types so that they can be used from gluon
            type Body => Body,
            type ResponseBody => ResponseBody,
            type Uri => Uri,
            type std::http::Method => String,
            type std::http::StatusCode => u16,
            type std::http::Request => Request,
            type std::http::Response => Response,
            type std::http::Headers => Headers,
            type std::http::HttpState => HttpState

macro_rules! uri_binds {
    ($($id: ident)*) => {
                $id => primitive!(1, concat!("std.http.prim.uri.", stringify!($id)), |u: &Uri| (u.0).$id())

mod std {
    pub(crate) mod http {
        pub(crate) use crate::http as prim;

pub fn load(vm: &Thread) -> vm::Result<ExternModule> {
        record! {
            listen => primitive!(2, async fn std::http::prim::listen),
            read_chunk => primitive!(1, async fn std::http::prim::read_chunk),
            write_response => primitive!(2, async fn std::http::prim::write_response),
            port => primitive!(1, "std.http.prim.uri.port", |u: &Uri| (u.0).port_part().map(|p| p.as_u16())),
            uri => uri_binds!(path host query to_string)