glsp-stdlib 0.2.0

Implementation detail for the glsp crate
use glsp::{
	arr, Arr, bail, bail_at, Callable, DequeAccess, DequeOps, 
	ensure, EnvMode, error, FromVal, GResult, macro_no_op, 
	Rest, RGlobal, Root, Span, Sym, stock_syms::*, str, Val
use glsp_proc_macros::{backquote};
use smallvec::{SmallVec};
use std::{fs};
use std::collections::{HashMap, hash_map::Entry::{Occupied, Vacant}, HashSet};
use std::default::{Default};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use super::{Std};
use super::pat::{
	AssignStrategy, Matcher, MismatchStrategy, Pat, pat_from_forms, PlaceStrategy, SetStrategy

pub fn init(sandboxed: bool) -> GResult<()> {
	if !sandboxed {
		glsp::bind_rfn_macro("include", &include)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("+", &add)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("-", &sub)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("*", &mul)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("/", &div)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("min", &min)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("max", &max)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("bitand", &bitand)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("bitor", &bitor)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("bitxor", &bitxor)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("def", &def)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("defn", &defn)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("defmacro", &defmacro)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("with-global", &with_global)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("global", &global)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("global=", &set_global)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("macro", &get_macro)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("macro=", &set_macro)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("access", &access)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("access=", &set_access)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("del!", &del)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("remove!", &remove)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("call-met", &call_met)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("ensure", &ensure)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("dbg", &dbg)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("todo", &todo)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("try", &try_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("try-verbose", &try_verbose)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("when", &when)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("unless", &unless)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("while", &while_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("until", &until)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("cond", &cond)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("and", &and)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("or", &or)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("do-0", &do_0)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("cond==", &cond_num_eq)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("cond-same?", &cond_same)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("cond-eq?", &cond_eq)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("backquote", &backquote)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("let", &let_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("let-fn", &let_fn)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("match", &match_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("matches?", &matchesp)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("when-let", &when_let)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("fn", &fn_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("%met-fn", &met_fn)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("fn0", &fn0)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("fn1", &fn1)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("->", &arrow_first)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("->>", &arrow_last)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("?", &question_mark)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("tab", &tab)?;

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("for", &for_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("forn", &forn)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("forni", &forni)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("break", &break_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("continue", &continue_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("loop", &loop_)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("yield-from", &yield_from)?;

	//setters and in-place mutation
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("defplace", &defplace)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn("bind-place!", &bind_place)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("=", &set)?;
	static SETTERS: [(&str, &str, Option<bool>); 7] = [
		("access", "access=", None),
		("access-opt", "access-opt=", None),
		("access-slice", "access-slice=", None),
		("global", "global=", None),
		("macro", "macro=", None),
		("gc-value", "gc-value=", None),
		("atsign", "atsign=", Some(false))

	static OPT_SETTERS: [(&str, &str, Option<bool>); 1] = [
		("atsign", "atsign-opt=", Some(false))

	let mut std = Std::borrow_mut();

	for (accessor, setter, memoize_args) in &SETTERS {
		let memoize_args = memoize_args.unwrap_or(true);
		std.setters.insert(glsp::sym(accessor)?, (glsp::sym(setter)?, memoize_args));

	for (accessor, setter, memoize_args) in &OPT_SETTERS {
		let memoize_args = memoize_args.unwrap_or(true);
		std.opt_setters.insert(glsp::sym(accessor)?, (glsp::sym(setter)?, memoize_args));

	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("inc!", &inc_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("dec!", &dec_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("mul!", &mul_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("div!", &div_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("div-euclid!", &div_euclid_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("rem!", &rem_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("rem-euclid!", &rem_euclid_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("abs!", &abs_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("neg!", &neg_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("seek!", &seek_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("antiseek!", &antiseek_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("clamp!", &clamp_assign)?;
	glsp::bind_rfn_macro("swap!", &swap_assign)?;


fn is_splay_form(val: &Val) -> bool {
	match val {
		Val::Arr(arr) => arr.len() >= 1 && arr.get::<Val>(0).unwrap() == Val::Sym(SPLAY_SYM),
		_ => false

"binarization" converts certain calls into a chain of nested two-argument calls, so that they 
will be compiled to OpSomething instructions rather than the more-expensive CallX instructions

"constant folding" detects when a numeric operation's arguments are all constants, and if so
attempts to perform the operation at compile time. on success, the result is emitted in place
of the form itself.

(+ a b c d) -> (+ (+ (+ a b) c) d)
(+ a) -> (+ 0 a)
(+ 1 2) -> 3

some special cases:
- calls with at least one (splay ...) argument are not binarized
- unary negation is not binarized, because (- 0 0.0) is not the same as (- 0.0)

fn binarize(
	callee: Sym, 
	identity_val: Option<Val>, 
	replaceable: bool, 
	args: &[Val]
) -> Option<Val> {

	//calls with at least one (splay ...) argument are not binarized
	for arg in args {
		if is_splay_form(arg) {
			return None

	match args.len() {
		0 => {
			//for example, (+) can be replaced with the literal 1
			if replaceable {
			} else {

		1 => {
			//for example, (- 8) can be replaced with (- 0 8)
			if let Some(identity_val) = identity_val {
				Some(Val::Arr(arr![callee, identity_val, &args[0]]))
			} else {

		2 => {

		_ => {
			let result = arr![..args];
			while result.len() > 2 {
				let first: Val = result.pop_start().unwrap();
				let second: Val = result.pop_start().unwrap();
				result.push_start(arr![callee, first, second]).unwrap();



fn ternarize_setter(setter: Sym, accessor: Sym, raw_args: &[Val]) -> Option<Val> {
	if raw_args.len() <= 3 {
		return None

	//calls with at least one (splay ...) argument are not ternarized
	for arg in raw_args {
		if let Val::Arr(ref arr) = *arg {
			if arr.len() >= 1 && arr.get::<Val>(0).unwrap() == Val::Sym(SPLAY_SYM) {
				return None

	let args = arr![..raw_args];
	let new_val = args.pop::<Val>().unwrap();
	let last_index = args.pop::<Val>().unwrap();

	Some(Val::Arr(arr![setter, arr![accessor, ..args], last_index, new_val]))

fn constant_fold(callee: Sym, args: &[Val]) -> Option<Val> {
	if !args.iter().all(|arg| arg.is_num()) {
		return None

	if !glsp::has_global(callee).unwrap() {
		return None

	let callable = match glsp::global::<_, Callable>(callee) {
		Ok(callable) => callable,
		_ => return None

	match glsp::try_call(false, &callable, args) {
		Ok(val) => Some(val),
		Err(_) => None

macro_rules! arithmetic_macro {
	($name:ident, $callee:expr, $identity_val:expr, $replaceable:expr) => (
		fn $name(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
			if let Some(result) = constant_fold($callee, &args) {
				return Ok(result)

			if let Some(result) = binarize($callee, $identity_val, $replaceable, &args) {
				return Ok(result)


arithmetic_macro!(add, ADD_SYM, Some(Val::Int(0)), true);

fn sub(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some(result) = constant_fold(SUB_SYM, &args) {
		return Ok(result)

	if let Some(result) = binarize(SUB_SYM, None, false, &args) {
		return Ok(result)


arithmetic_macro!(mul, MUL_SYM, Some(Val::Int(1)), true);
arithmetic_macro!(div, DIV_SYM, Some(Val::Int(1)), false);
arithmetic_macro!(min, MIN_SYM, None, false);
arithmetic_macro!(max, MAX_SYM, None, false);
arithmetic_macro!(bitand, BITAND_SYM, Some(Val::Int(-1)), true);
arithmetic_macro!(bitor, BITOR_SYM, Some(Val::Int(0)), true);
arithmetic_macro!(bitxor, BITXOR_SYM, Some(Val::Int(0)), true);

fn include(path: &str) -> GResult<Val> {
	let content_str = match fs::read_to_string(&path) {
		Ok(content_str) => content_str,
		Err(err) => {
			let msg = error!("unable to read file '{}'", path);
			return Err(msg.with_source(err))

	let mut vals = glsp::parse_all(&content_str, Some(path))?;

	if vals.len() == 1 {
	} else {
		Ok(Val::Arr(arr![SPLICE_SYM, ..vals]))

fn def(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	match expand_let_like(DEF_SYM, PlaceStrategy::Global, &args)? {
		Some(expanded) => Ok(expanded),
		None => {
			match args.len() {
				0 => Ok(Val::Nil),
				1 | 2 => {
					let name = Sym::from_val(&args[0])?;
					let init = args.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or(Val::Nil);

					Ok(backquote!("(bind-global! '~name ~init)"))
				_ => unreachable!()

fn defn(name: Sym, params: Root<Arr>, body: Rest<Val>) -> Val {
		(bind-global! '~name (fn &name ~name ~params ~..body))

fn defmacro(name: Sym, params: Root<Arr>, body: Rest<Val>) -> Val {
		(bind-macro! '~name (fn &name ~name ~params ~..body))

fn with_global(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	match expand_let_like(WITH_GLOBAL_SYM, PlaceStrategy::Global, &args)? {
		Some(expanded) => Ok(expanded),
		None => {
			match args.len() {
				0 => Ok(Val::Nil),
				1 | 2 => {
					let name = Sym::from_val(&args[0])?;
					let init = args.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or(Val::Nil);

						  (let inner_value# ~init)
						  (let outer_value# (global '~name))
						  (global= '~name inner_value#)
						    (global= '~name outer_value#))
						      (= inner_value# (global '~name))
						      (global= '~name outer_value#))
						      (= outer_value# (global '~name))
						      (global= '~name inner_value#)))
				_ => unreachable!()

//we generalise handling of (? x) optional arguments, and `x : y` slice arguments, to several
//different macro-rfns (global, global=, access, access=, remove!, del!, call-met). they
//expand to their something-opt or something-slice variants, respectively.

fn unwrap_question_mark(val: Val) -> GResult<Option<Val>> {
	match val {
		Val::Arr(arr) => {
			if arr.len() >= 1 && arr.get::<Val>(0).unwrap() == Val::Sym(QUESTION_MARK_SYM) {
				ensure!(arr.len() == 2, "? expects 1 argument, but received {}", arr.len() - 1);

				let arg = arr.get::<Val>(1).unwrap();
				ensure!(!is_splay_form(&arg), "the argument to ? cannot be splayed");

			} else {
		_ => Ok(None)

fn unwrap_slice_args(rest: &[Val]) -> GResult<Option<(Val, Val)>> {
	let to_from = match &*rest {
		&[Val::Sym(COLON_SYM)] => Some((Val::Nil, Val::Nil)),
		&[ref from, Val::Sym(COLON_SYM)] => Some((from.clone(), Val::Nil)),
		&[Val::Sym(COLON_SYM), ref to] => Some((Val::Nil, to.clone())),
		&[ref from, Val::Sym(COLON_SYM), ref to] => Some((from.clone(), to.clone())),
		_ => {
			ensure!(!rest.contains(&Val::Sym(COLON_SYM)), "invalid slice arguments");

	if let Some((to, from)) = &to_from {
		ensure!(!is_splay_form(to) && !is_splay_form(from), "slice arguments cannot be splayed");


fn global(name: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some(opt_name) = unwrap_question_mark(name)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(global-opt ~opt_name)"))


fn set_global(name: Val, new_val: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some(opt_name) = unwrap_question_mark(name)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(global-opt= ~opt_name ~new_val)"))


fn get_macro(name: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some(opt_name) = unwrap_question_mark(name)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(macro-opt ~opt_name)"))


fn set_macro(name: Val, new_val: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some(opt_name) = unwrap_question_mark(name)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(macro-opt= ~opt_name ~new_val)"))


fn access(coll: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some((from, to)) = unwrap_slice_args(&rest)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(access-slice ~coll ~from ~to)"))

	if rest.len() >= 1 {
		if let Some(opt_index) = unwrap_question_mark(rest[0].clone())? {
			ensure!(rest.len() == 1, "too many arguments to [coll (? idx)] form");
			return Ok(backquote!("(access-opt ~coll ~opt_index)"))


fn set_access(coll: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	if rest.len() == 0 {

	let new_val = rest.last().unwrap().clone();
	let args = &rest[ - 1];

	if let Some((from, to)) = unwrap_slice_args(args)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(access-slice= ~coll ~from ~to ~new_val)"))

	if args.len() >= 1 {
		if let Some(opt_index) = unwrap_question_mark(args[0].clone())? {
			ensure!(args.len() == 1, "too many arguments to (= [coll (? idx)] new-val) form");
			return Ok(backquote!("(access-opt= ~coll ~opt_index ~new_val)"))


fn remove(coll: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some((from, to)) = unwrap_slice_args(&rest)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(remove-slice! ~coll ~from ~to)"))

	ensure!(rest.len() == 1, "argument mismatch: expected 2 arguments, \
	        received {}", rest.len() + 1);

	if let Some(opt_index) = unwrap_question_mark(rest[0].clone())? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(remove-opt! ~coll ~opt_index)"))


fn del(coll: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Some((from, to)) = unwrap_slice_args(&rest)? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(del-slice! ~coll ~from ~to)"))

	ensure!(rest.len() == 1, "argument mismatch: expected 2 arguments, \
	        received {}", rest.len());

	if let Some(opt_index) = unwrap_question_mark(rest[0].clone())? {
		return Ok(backquote!("(del-opt! ~coll ~opt_index)"))


fn call_met(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	if args.len() == 0 {

	if let Some(opt_met_name) = unwrap_question_mark(args[0].clone())? {
		let rest = &args[1..];
		Ok(backquote!("(call-met-opt ~opt_met_name"))
	} else {

fn ensure(test: Val, error_args: Rest<Val>) -> Val {
	if error_args.len() == 0 {
		let message = str!("(ensure {}) failed", &test);
		backquote!("(if ~test #n (bail ~message))")
	} else {
		backquote!("(if ~test #n (bail ~..error_args))")

//todo: support splayed arguments to (dbg)
fn dbg(forms: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Root<Arr>> {
	let result = arr![DO_SYM];
	for form in &forms {
		let form_name = glsp::gensym();
		let stringified_form = str!["{:?}", form];

		let clause: Val = backquote!(r#"
			  (let ~form_name ~form)
			  (eprn (if (str? ~form_name)
			  	(str "[" (file-location) "] " ~&stringified_form " = \"" ~form_name "\"")
			  	(str "[" (file-location) "] " ~&stringified_form " = " ~form_name))))


fn todo(forms: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
	if forms.len() == 0 {
		backquote!(r#"(bail "not yet implemented")"#)
	} else {
		backquote!(r#"(bail "not yet implemented: " ~..forms)"#)

fn try_(body: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
	backquote!("(try-call 'brief (fn () ~..body))")

fn try_verbose(body: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
	backquote!("(try-call 'verbose (fn () ~..body))")

fn when(cond_clause: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
	let then_clause = match rest.len() {
		0 => Val::Nil,
		1 => rest[0].clone(),
		_ => backquote!("(do")

	backquote!("(if ~cond_clause ~then_clause #n)")

fn unless(cond_clause: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
	let then_clause = match rest.len() {
		0 => Val::Nil,
		1 => rest[0].clone(),
		_ => backquote!("(do")

	backquote!("(if ~cond_clause #n ~then_clause)")

fn while_(cond_clause: Val, body: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
		(block LOOP
		  (if ~cond_clause
		      (restart-block LOOP))

fn until(cond_clause: Val, body: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
		(block LOOP
		  (if ~cond_clause
		      (restart-block LOOP))))

fn cond(clauses: Rest<Root<Arr>>) -> GResult<Val> {
	let mut result = Val::Nil;

	for (rev_i, clause) in clauses.iter().rev().enumerate() {
		ensure!(clause.len() >= 1, "empty `cond` clause");

		let predicate = clause.get::<Val>(0)?;
		let body = glsp::arr_from_iter(clause.iter().skip(1))?;

		if predicate == Val::Sym(ELSE_SYM) {
			ensure!(rev_i == 0, "`else` must be the last clause in the `cond` form");
			result = backquote!("(do ~..body)");
		} else {
			if body.len() == 0 {
				//clauses which are just (predicate) with no body should evaluate to the result of
				//the predicate when it's non-nil and non-false, for consistency with other lisps.
				result = backquote!(r#"
					  (let predicate-name# ~predicate)
					  (if predicate-name# predicate-name# ~result))
			} else {
				result = backquote!("(if ~predicate (do ~..body) ~result)");


fn and(forms: Rest<Val>) -> Val {
	if forms.len() == 0 {
	} else {
		let mut result = forms.last().unwrap().clone();

		for form in forms.iter().rev().skip(1) {
			result = backquote!("(if ~form ~result #f)");


fn or(forms: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	if forms.len() == 0 {
	} else {
		let mut result = forms.last().unwrap().clone();

		for form in forms.iter().rev().skip(1) {
			result = backquote!(r#"
				  (let form-name# ~form)
				  (if form-name# form-name# ~result))


fn do_0(first: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> Val {
		  (let first-name# ~first)

fn cond_num_eq(test_form: Val, clauses: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	cond_with_comparator(NUM_EQ_SYM, test_form, &clauses)

fn cond_same(test_form: Val, clauses: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	cond_with_comparator(SAMEP_SYM, test_form, &clauses)

fn cond_eq(test_form: Val, clauses: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	cond_with_comparator(EQP_SYM, test_form, &clauses)

fn cond_with_comparator(comparator: Sym, test_form: Val, clauses: &[Val]) -> GResult<Val> {
	let test_name = glsp::gensym();

	let cond_form = glsp::arr_with_capacity(clauses.len() + 1);

	for clause in clauses {
		ensure!(clause.is_arr(), "invalid cond clause {}", &clause);
		let clause = Root::<Arr>::from_val(&clause)?;
		ensure!(clause.len() >= 1, "invalid cond clause {}", &clause);
		let first = clause.get::<Val>(0)?;

		if first == Val::Sym(ELSE_SYM) {
		} else if first == Val::Sym(ANY_OF_SYM) {
			ensure!(clause.len() >= 2 && clause.get::<Val>(1)?.is_arr(), "invalid any-of clause");
			let candidates = clause.get::<Root<Arr>>(1)?;

			let or_form = glsp::arr_with_capacity(candidates.len() + 1);

			for candidate in candidates.iter() {
				or_form.push::<Val>(backquote!("(~comparator ~candidate ~test_name)"))?;

			let rest = glsp::arr_from_iter(clause.iter().skip(2))?;
		} else {
			let rest = glsp::arr_from_iter(clause.iter().skip(1))?;
			cond_form.push::<Val>(backquote!("((~comparator ~first ~test_name)"))?;

		  (let ~test_name ~test_form) 

fn backquote(arg: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	let mut auto_gensyms = HashMap::new();
	let val = backquote_impl(arg, &mut auto_gensyms)?;

	if auto_gensyms.len() == 0 {
	} else {
		let result = arr![DO_SYM];
		for (original_sym, local_sym) in auto_gensyms {
			let original_str =;
			let tag = &original_str[0 .. original_str.len() - 1];
			let let_form: Val = backquote!("(let ~local_sym (gensym ~tag))");


fn backquote_impl(arg: Val, auto_gensyms: &mut HashMap<Sym, Sym>) -> GResult<Val> {
	//for auto-gensym, we just detect each unique sym which ends with #, emit a local variable
	//and initialize it to a gensym, and replace the # sym with the local variable's name.
	//we don't recursively match the same auto-gensym for nested backquote forms.
	match arg {
		Val::Arr(arr) if arr.len() == 0 => {

		Val::Arr(arr) if arr.get::<Val>(0)? == Val::Sym(UNQUOTE_SYM) => {
			ensure!(arr.len() == 2, "invalid `unquote` form");

		Val::Arr(arr) if arr.get::<Val>(0)? == Val::Sym(BACKQUOTE_SYM) => {

		Val::Arr(arr) => {
			let result = glsp::arr_with_capacity(arr.len() + 1);

			//backquote "passes through" its Spans, making it transparent for error-reporting

			for item in arr.iter() {
				result.push(backquote_impl(item, auto_gensyms)?)?;


		Val::Sym(sym) if"#") => {
			let local_name = match auto_gensyms.entry(sym) {
				Occupied(entry) => *entry.get(),
				Vacant(entry) => *entry.insert(glsp::gensym_with_tag("auto-gensym")?)


		_ => {
			Ok(backquote!("(quote ~arg)"))

//the common pathway for handling patterns in (let), (def) and (with-global). either expands
//to something like (splice (let a #n) (let b init-form)), or returns None if the input is
//already simple.
fn expand_let_like(
	let_name: Sym,
	place_strategy: PlaceStrategy,
	args: &[Val]
) -> GResult<Option<Val>> {

	//parse the leading pattern, if any
	if args.len() == 0 {
		return Ok(None)

	let (pat, forms_consumed) = pat_from_forms(args, false, Span::default())?;
	let mut rest_args = &args[forms_consumed..];

	//check for trivial cases
	if forms_consumed == 1 && && pat.pred.is_none() {
		match args {
			&[] => unreachable!(),
			&[Val::Sym(UNDERSCORE_SYM)] => return Ok(Some(backquote!("(~let_name)"))),
			&[Val::Sym(UNDERSCORE_SYM), ref init_val] => {
				return Ok(Some(backquote!("(do ~init_val #n)")))
			&[Val::Sym(name)] => return Ok(Some(backquote!("(~let_name ~name #n)"))),
			&[Val::Sym(_name), ref _init_val] => return Ok(None),
			&[Val::Sym(name), ref init_val, ref rest @ ..] => {
				return Ok(Some(backquote!("
					  (~let_name ~name ~init_val)
			_ => ()

	//emit (splice {pattern-handling code} (let
	let init_form: Option<Val> = if rest_args.len() > 0 {
		let init_form = rest_args[0].clone();
		rest_args = &rest_args[1..];
	} else {

	//todo: a fast path for (let [a b c] ...). the current codegen is a little bloated.
	//also check whether a special path for (let (a b c) ...) would generate nicer bytecode,
	//bearing in mind that the (arr?) check is not optional.

	//the generic path which can handle any pattern. we wrap the pattern's codegen in a (do) so 
	//that any temporary local variables don't reserve a register for any longer than necessary.
	let splice_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("(splice)");

	let mut names = HashSet::new();
	pat.names(&mut names, false);

	for name in names {
		let to_push: Val = backquote!("(~let_name ~name #n)");

	if let Some(init_form) = init_form {
		let init_name = glsp::gensym();
		let do_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("(do (let ~init_name ~init_form))");

		let set_strategy = SetStrategy(place_strategy, AssignStrategy::Set);
		pat.codegen(init_name, &do_form, set_strategy, MismatchStrategy::Bail)?;


	if rest_args.len() > 0 {
		let to_push: Val = backquote!("(~let_name ~..rest_args)");


fn let_(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	match expand_let_like(LET_SYM, PlaceStrategy::Local, &args)? {
		Some(expanded) => Ok(expanded),
		None => {
			if args.len() == 0 {
			} else {

fn let_fn(name: Sym, params: Root<Arr>, body: Rest<Val>) -> Val {
		  (let ~name #n)
		  (= ~name (fn &name ~name ~params ~..body)))

fn match_(input_form: Val, clauses: Rest<Root<Arr>>) -> GResult<Val> {
	//(match) is implemented in terms of (when-let)
	let block_name = glsp::gensym();
	let input_name = glsp::gensym();
	let block_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("
		(block ~block_name
		  (let ~input_name ~input_form))

	for clause in clauses {
		let clause_forms = SmallVec::<[Val; 16]>::from_iter(clause.iter());

		let (_, forms_consumed) = pat_from_forms(&clause_forms[..], false, clause.span())?;
		let clause_pat = &clause_forms[..forms_consumed];
		let clause_body = &clause_forms[forms_consumed..];

		let when_let_form: Val = backquote!("
			(when-let ~..clause_pat ~input_name
			  (finish-block ~block_name (do ~..clause_body)))



fn matchesp(input_form: Val, pat_forms: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	//emit a (bool (block name {pattern-matching code} #t)), where the pattern-matching code 
	//mismatches with (finish-block name #n).
	let (pat, forms_consumed) = pat_from_forms(&pat_forms, false, Span::default())?;
	ensure!(forms_consumed == pat_forms.len(), "unexpected end of pattern in (matches?)");

	let block_name = glsp::gensym();
	let input_name = glsp::gensym();
	let block_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("
		(block ~block_name
		  (let ~input_name ~input_form))

		SetStrategy(PlaceStrategy::Local, AssignStrategy::Discard),


	Ok(backquote!("(bool ~block_form)"))

fn when_let(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	//emit a (block name {pattern-matching code} ..body), where the pattern-matching code 
	//mismatches with (finish-block name #n).
	let (pat, forms_consumed) = pat_from_forms(&args, false, Span::default())?;
	ensure!(args.len() >= forms_consumed + 1, "(when-let) is missing an initializer");

	let init_form = args[forms_consumed].clone();
	let body = &args[forms_consumed + 1..];

	let block_name = glsp::gensym();
	let input_name = glsp::gensym();
	let block_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("
		(block ~block_name
		  (let ~input_name ~init_form))

	let mut names = HashSet::new();
	pat.names(&mut names, false);
	for name in names {
		let to_push: Val = backquote!("(let ~name #n)");

		SetStrategy(PlaceStrategy::Local, AssignStrategy::Set),

	if body.len() == 0 {
	} else {
		for body_form in body {


(fn) is implemented in terms of (let). we have three possible strategies for how to expand 
any particular fn, say (fn (pat0 _ (? pat1 init) ..pat2) body)

	(fn (pat0 gs0 (? pat1 init) ..pat2)

	(fn (gs0 gs1 (? gs2 init) ..gs3)
	  (let pat0 gs0)
	  (let b gs2)
	  (let c gs3)

	(fn &arg-limits 2 #n (..gs0)
	  (let (pat0 _ (? pat1) ..pat2) gs0)

the Complex strategy is valid in all cases. everything else is just a (very significant!) 
performance optimization.

we currently use the Trivial strategy when all patterns are _ or symbols, all opt-param
initializers are trivial (anything which has no possibility of referring to the name of another
parameter, e.g. 5 or 'hello), and any rest param is at the end.

we use the Simple strategy when normal arguments are something other than _ or a symbol, but the
opt/rest params are still _ or symbols, and opt initializers are still trivial, and the rest param
is still at the end. it's not as register-hungry as it looks, because can detect when a 
local variable is renamed, and reuse its register.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum FnStrategy {

fn fn_(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	fn_common(&args, false)

the (%met-fn) macro is exactly like (fn), except that @-bindings are permitted in param patterns.
`@param` is handled as though it was `param`. this saves us from needing to write a transformation 
pass to change (fn (@a @b (? @c)) ..) into (fn (a b (? c)) ...).

fn met_fn(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	fn_common(&args, true)

fn fn_common(args: &[Val], atsign_params: bool) -> GResult<Val> {
	//detect the params array and any flags
	let (params_i, params_arr) = {
		let mut i = 0;
		loop {
			ensure!(i < args.len(), "unexpected end of (fn) form");

			match args[i] {
				Val::Sym(FLAG_NAME_SYM) => i += 2,
				Val::Sym(FLAG_ARG_LIMITS_SYM) => i += 3,
				Val::Arr(ref arr) => break (i, arr.clone()),
				ref arg => bail!("unexpected form {} in (fn)", arg)

	let flags = &args[..params_i];
	let body = &args[params_i + 1..];

	//parse the params array as a collection of patterns
	if params_arr.len() == 0 {
		if atsign_params == false {
		} else {
			//convert %met-fn into fn
			return Ok(backquote!("(fn ~..flags () ~..body)"))

	let (params_pat, _) = pat_from_forms(

	let pats = match &params_pat.matcher {
		Matcher::Arr(pats) => pats.clone(),
		_ => bail_at!(params_arr.span(), "in (fn), {} is not a valid array pattern", params_arr)

	//inspect each pattern to select a FnStrategy
	let mut strategy = FnStrategy::Trivial;

	fn matcher_is_trivial(matcher: &Matcher) -> bool {
		match matcher {
			Matcher::Underscore | Matcher::Sym(_) | Matcher::AtsignSym(_) => true,
			Matcher::Opt(sub_matcher, _) | Matcher::Rest(sub_matcher) => {
				match &**sub_matcher {
					Matcher::Underscore | Matcher::Sym(_) | Matcher::AtsignSym(_) => true,
					_ => false
			_ => false

	for (pat_i, pat) in pats.iter().enumerate() {

		//conditions for a pattern to be trivial: the matcher is trivial. if it's a rest, it's at
		//the end. if it's an opt with an initializer then its initializer is trivial.
		let opt_with_nontrivial_initializer = match &pat.matcher {
			Matcher::Opt(_, Some(val)) => {
				match val {
					Val::Nil | Val::Bool(_) | Val::Int(_) | Val::Flo(_) |
					Val::Char(_) | Val::Str(_) | Val::Tab(_) => false,
					Val::Arr(arr) if arr.len() == 0 => false,
					Val::Arr(arr) if arr.len() == 2 && 
					               arr.get::<Val>(0)? == Val::Sym(QUOTE_SYM) => false,
					_ => true
			_ => false

		let nonterminal_rest = match &pat.matcher {
			Matcher::Rest(_) => pat_i != pats.len() - 1,
			_ => false

		if ||
		   pat.pred.is_some() ||
		   !matcher_is_trivial(&pat.matcher) || 
		   nonterminal_rest || 
		   opt_with_nontrivial_initializer {
		   	if strategy == FnStrategy::Trivial {
				strategy = FnStrategy::Simple;
		} else {

		//conditions for a non-trivial pattern to be simple rather than complex: opt initializers
		//are all trivial. rest param is at the end. all opt or rest params have trivial matchers.
		let nontrivial_opt_or_rest = match &pat.matcher {
			Matcher::Opt(sub_matcher, _) | Matcher::Rest(sub_matcher) => { ||
		  		pat.pred.is_some() ||
			_ => false

		if nontrivial_opt_or_rest || 
		   nonterminal_rest ||
		   opt_with_nontrivial_initializer {
			strategy = FnStrategy::Complex;

	//branch based on the selected FnStrategy
	match strategy {
		FnStrategy::Trivial => {
			//to avoid an endless loop, we need to macro_no_op when the input is already Trivial
			let mut to_no_op = true;
			for pat in &pats {
				assert!( && pat.pred.is_none());

				match &pat.matcher {
					Matcher::Underscore | Matcher::AtsignSym(_) => {
						to_no_op = false;
					_ => ()

			if to_no_op && !atsign_params {

			//Trivial strategy is almost a no-op, except that we need to replace any _ forms with 
			//a gensym, and any @name forms with name. the easiest way to achieve that is by 
			//serializing the Pats back into forms.
			fn trivial_matcher_to_form(matcher: &Matcher) -> Val {
				match matcher {
					Matcher::Sym(name) | Matcher::AtsignSym(name) => Val::Sym(*name),
					Matcher::Underscore => Val::Sym(glsp::gensym()),
					Matcher::Opt(sub_matcher, None) => {
					Matcher::Opt(sub_matcher, Some(init_val)) => {
					Matcher::Rest(sub_matcher) => {
					_ => panic!()

			let trivial_params = glsp::arr_from_iter(pats.iter().map(|pat| {

			Ok(backquote!("(fn ~..flags ~trivial_params ~..body)"))
		FnStrategy::Simple => {
			//every parameter is replaced with a trivial gensym. we then codegen the equivalent of
			//(let pat gsN) for each gensym.
			let simple_params = glsp::arr();
			let pats_body = glsp::arr();

			let mut names = HashSet::new();
			for pat in &pats {
				pat.names(&mut names, false);
			for name in names {
				let to_push: Val = backquote!("(let ~name #n)");

			for pat in &pats {
				let simple_name = glsp::gensym();

				let (simple_form, simple_pat) = match &pat.matcher {
					Matcher::Opt(sub_matcher, None) => {
						(Val::Arr(arr![QUESTION_MARK_SYM, simple_name]), 
						Some(Pat {
							matcher: (**sub_matcher).clone(),
					Matcher::Opt(sub_matcher, Some(init_val)) => {
						(Val::Arr(arr![QUESTION_MARK_SYM, simple_name, init_val.clone()]), 
						Some(Pat {
							matcher: (**sub_matcher).clone(),
					Matcher::Rest(sub_matcher) => {
						if let Matcher::Underscore = **sub_matcher {
							(Val::Arr(arr![SPLAY_SYM, UNDERSCORE_SYM]), None)
						} else {
							(Val::Arr(arr![SPLAY_SYM, simple_name]),
							Some(Pat {
								matcher: (**sub_matcher).clone(),
					_ => (Val::Sym(simple_name), Some(pat.clone()))

				if let Some(simple_pat) = simple_pat {
						SetStrategy(PlaceStrategy::Local, AssignStrategy::Set),

			Ok(backquote!("(fn ~..flags ~simple_params ~..pats_body ~..body)"))
		FnStrategy::Complex => {
			//this is relatively straightforward
			let arg_name = glsp::gensym();
			let pat_body = glsp::arr();

			let mut names = HashSet::new();
			params_pat.names(&mut names, false);
			for name in names {
				let to_push: Val = backquote!("(let ~name #n)");

				SetStrategy(PlaceStrategy::Local, AssignStrategy::Set),

			let (min_args, max_args) = params_pat.matcher.arg_limits();
			ensure!(!flags.contains(&Val::Sym(FLAG_ARG_LIMITS_SYM)), "unexpected &arg-limits flag");

				(fn &arg-limits ~min_args ~max_args ~..flags (..~arg_name) ~..pat_body ~..body)

fn fn0(body: Rest<Val>) -> Root<Arr> {
	backquote!("(fn () ~..body)")

fn fn1(body: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Root<Arr>> {
	fn replace_underscores(src: Val, replacement: Sym) -> GResult<Val> {
		// `src` is fully-expanded, so the only forms we need to skip are the first argument to
		// `let`, and anything within a nested `fn` or a `quote`.
		match src {
			Val::Arr(ref arr) if arr.len() > 0 => {
				let cloned = glsp::arr_from_iter(arr.iter())?;

				let head = cloned.get::<Val>(0)?;
				if head != Val::Sym(FN_SYM) && head != Val::Sym(QUOTE_SYM) {
					let start_i = if head == Val::Sym(LET_SYM) { 2 } else { 0 };
					for i in start_i .. cloned.len() {
						let child_form = cloned.get::<Val>(i)?;
						if child_form == Val::Sym(UNDERSCORE_SYM) {
							cloned.set(i, replacement)?;
						} else {
							cloned.set(i, replace_underscores(child_form, replacement)?)?;

			_ => Ok(src)

	let mut expanded = glsp::expand_multi(&body, Some(EnvMode::Copied))?;

	let param_name = glsp::gensym();
	for form in &mut expanded {
		*form = replace_underscores(form.clone(), param_name)?;

	Ok(backquote!("(fn (~param_name) ~..expanded)"))

fn arrow_first(first: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	arrow(ArrowPos::First, first, &rest)

fn arrow_last(first: Val, rest: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	arrow(ArrowPos::Last, first, &rest)

enum ArrowPos {

fn arrow(pos: ArrowPos, first: Val, rest: &[Val]) -> GResult<Val> {
	if rest.len() == 0 {
		return Ok(first)

	let mut result_name = glsp::gensym();
	let do_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("(do (let ~result_name ~first))");

	for (i, val) in rest.iter().enumerate() {
		let (val, splayed) = match val {
			Val::Arr(arr) if arr.len() == 2 && arr.get::<Val>(0).unwrap() == Val::Sym(SPLAY_SYM) => {
				(arr.get(1).unwrap(), true)
			val => (val.clone(), false)

		let result_form: Val = if splayed {
			backquote!("(splay ~result_name)")
		} else {

		let call_form: Root<Arr> = match val {
			Val::Sym(callee_name) => backquote!("(~callee_name ~result_form)"),
			Val::Arr(call_arr) if call_arr.len() >= 1 => {
				let callee: Val = call_arr.get(0)?;
				let args: Vec<Val> = Vec::from_iter(call_arr.iter().skip(1));

				let out_call_arr: Root<Arr> = match callee {
					Val::Sym(MET_NAME_SYM) | Val::Sym(QUESTION_MARK_SYM) | Val::Sym(ATSIGN_SYM) => {
						backquote!("(~&call_arr ~result_form)")
					callee => {
						match pos {
							ArrowPos::First => backquote!("(~callee ~result_form ~..args)"),
							ArrowPos::Last => backquote!("(~callee ~..args ~result_form)")

			val => bail!("expected a sym or a non-empty arr, received {}", val)

		result_name = glsp::gensym();
		let do_clause = if i == rest.len() - 1 {
		} else {
			backquote!("(let ~result_name ~call_form)")


fn question_mark(arg: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	if let Val::Arr(arr) = arg {
		if arr.len() == 2 {
			if let Val::Sym(ATSIGN_SYM) = arr.get(0).unwrap() {
				let second = arr.get::<Val>(1).unwrap();
				return Ok(backquote!("(atsign-opt ~second)"))


fn tab(clauses: Rest<Root<Arr>>) -> GResult<Root<Arr>> {
	if clauses.len() == 0 {

	let len = clauses.len();
	let tab_name = glsp::gensym();
	let set_forms = glsp::arr_with_capacity(len);

	for clause in clauses.iter() {
		ensure!(clause.len() == 2, "expected (tab (k0 v0) (k1 v1) ..base)");

		let (key_form, val_form): (Val, Val) = (clause.get(0)?, clause.get(1)?);

		if key_form == Val::Sym(SPLAY_SYM) {
			let set_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("(extend! ~tab_name ..~val_form)");
		} else {
			let set_form: Root<Arr> = backquote!("(access= ~tab_name ~key_form ~val_form)");

		  (let ~tab_name (tab))

fn for_(args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	let (_, forms_consumed) = pat_from_forms(&args, false, Span::default())?;
	ensure!(args.len() >= forms_consumed + 2 && args[forms_consumed] == Val::Sym(IN_SYM),
	        "invalid for loop: expected (for pattern in iterable ...)");
	let pat_forms = &args[..forms_consumed];
	let iterable = args[forms_consumed + 1].clone();
	let body = &args[forms_consumed + 2..];

		  (let iter# (iter ~iterable))
		  (block LOOP
		    (let item# (iter-next! iter#))
		    (when (iter-finished? iter#)
		      (finish-block LOOP))
		    (let ~..pat_forms item#)
		    (restart-block LOOP)))

fn forn(clause: Root<Arr>, body: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	ensure!(clause.len() >= 2 && clause.len() <= 4 && clause.get::<Val>(0)?.is_sym(), 
	        "invalid forn clause {}", &clause);

	let rest = clause.shallow_clone();
	let name: Sym = rest.pop_start()?;

		(for ~name in (rn

fn forni(clause: Root<Arr>, body: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	ensure!(clause.len() >= 2 && clause.len() <= 4 && clause.get::<Val>(0)?.is_sym(), 
	        "invalid forni clause {}", &clause);

	let rest = clause.shallow_clone();
	let name: Sym = rest.pop_start()?;

		(for ~name in (rni

fn break_(result: Option<Val>) -> Val {
	match result {
		Some(result) => backquote!("(finish-block LOOP ~result)"),
		None => backquote!("(finish-block LOOP)")

fn continue_() -> Val {
	backquote!("(restart-block LOOP)")

fn loop_(body: Rest<Val>) -> Val {
		(block LOOP
		  (restart-block LOOP))

fn yield_from(iterable: Val) -> Val {
		  (let iterable# ~iterable)
		    ((coro? iterable#)
		      (let result# (coro-run iterable#))
		      (while (eq? (coro-state iterable#) 'paused)
		      	(= result# (coro-run iterable# (yield result#))))
		      (for item# in iterable#
		        (yield item#)))))

fn defplace(accessor: Sym, setter: Sym, memoize_args: Option<bool>) -> Root<Arr> {
	match memoize_args {
		Some(memoize_args) => backquote!("(bind-place! '~accessor '~setter ~memoize_args)"),
		None => backquote!("(bind-place! '~accessor '~setter)")

fn bind_place(
	std: &mut Std,
	accessor: Sym, 
	setter: Sym, 
	memoize_args: Option<bool>
) -> GResult<()> {

	match std.setters.entry(accessor) {
		Vacant(entry) => entry.insert((setter, memoize_args.unwrap_or(true))),
		Occupied(_) => bail!("duplicate setter {}", accessor)


fn set(std: &Std, args: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	ensure!(args.len() % 2 == 0, "= expects an even number of arguments");

	fn set_clause(std: &Std, place: Val, new_val_form: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
		ensure!(place.is_arr(), "invalid place {:?} passed to =", place);
		let place = place.unwrap_arr();

		ensure!(place.len() >= 1 && place.get::<Val>(0)?.is_sym(),
		        "invalid place {:?} passed to =", place);

		let callee: Sym = place.get(0)?;
		if callee == QUESTION_MARK_SYM {
			ensure!(place.len() == 2, "invalid place {:?} passed to =", place);
			let opt_place = place.get::<Val>(1)?;

			ensure!(opt_place.is_arr(), "invalid place {:?} passed to =", place);
			let opt_place = opt_place.unwrap_arr();

			ensure!(opt_place.len() >= 1 && opt_place.get::<Val>(0)?.is_sym(),
			        "invalid place {:?} passed to =", place);

			let opt_callee: Sym = opt_place.get(0)?;

			if let Some((opt_setter, _)) = std.opt_setters.get(&opt_callee) {
				let opt_args = glsp::arr_from_iter(opt_place.iter().skip(1))?;

				Ok(backquote!("(~opt_setter ~..opt_args ~new_val_form)"))
			} else {
				bail!("invalid place {:?} passed to =", place);
		} else {
			if let Some((setter, _)) = std.setters.get(&callee) {
				let args = glsp::arr_from_iter(place.iter().skip(1))?;

				Ok(backquote!("(~setter ~..args ~new_val_form)"))
			} else {
				bail!("invalid place {:?} passed to =", place);

	match args.len() {
		0 => Ok(Val::Nil),
		2 => {
			ensure!(!is_splay_form(&args[1]), "the second argument to = cannot be splayed");

			if args[0].is_sym() {

			set_clause(std, args[0].clone(), args[1].clone())
		_ => {
			let do_form = arr![DO_SYM];
			for pair in args.chunks_exact(2) {
				if pair[0].is_sym() {
					do_form.push(arr![ASSIGNMENT_SYM, ..pair])?;
				} else {
					do_form.push(set_clause(std, pair[0].clone(), pair[1].clone())?)?;


fn in_place<F>(place: Val, f: F) -> GResult<Val> 
	F: FnOnce(Val) -> GResult<Val>
	match place {
		Val::Sym(sym) => {

		Val::Arr(ref place) if place.len() >= 1 && place.get::<Val>(0)?.is_sym() => {
			let accessor = place.get::<Sym>(0)?;

			let std = Std::borrow();
			ensure!(std.setters.contains_key(&accessor), "unrecognized place form {:?}", place);

			let (_, memoize_args) = *std.setters.get(&accessor).unwrap();

			//under normal circumstances, we memoize each argument to the place into its own
			//local variable... for example, (inc! [ar (an-expensive-call)]) wouldn't evaluate
			//`ar` or (an-expensive-call) twice. however, we need to make an exception for macro
			//places like `atsign`, because the place's exact, un-memoized arguments might be 
			//semantically important.
			if memoize_args {
				let mut arg_lets = Vec::<Root<Arr>>::with_capacity(place.len() - 1);
				let mut arg_names = Vec::<Sym>::with_capacity(place.len() - 1);

				for arg_form in place.iter().skip(1) {
					let arg_name = glsp::gensym();

					arg_lets.push(backquote!("(let ~arg_name ~arg_form)"));

				let op_form = f(backquote!("(~accessor ~..arg_names)"))?;

			} else {

		_ => bail!("unrecognized place form {:?}", place)

fn inc_assign(place: Val, by: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	let by = if by.len() == 0 { &[Val::Int(1)] } else { &*by };
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (+ ~&place")))

fn dec_assign(place: Val, by: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	let by = if by.len() == 0 { &[Val::Int(1)] } else { &*by };
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (- ~&place")))

fn mul_assign(place: Val, by: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	ensure!(by.len() >= 1, "mul! expects a place and at least one additional argument");
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (* ~&place")))

fn div_assign(place: Val, by: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (/ ~&place")))

fn div_euclid_assign(place: Val, by: Rest<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (div-euclid ~&place")))

fn rem_assign(place: Val, by: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (% ~&place ~&by))")))

fn rem_euclid_assign(place: Val, by: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (rem-euclid ~&place ~&by))")))

fn abs_assign(place: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (abs ~&place))")))

fn neg_assign(place: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (- ~&place))")))

fn seek_assign(place: Val, target: Val, step_by: Option<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	match step_by {
		Some(step_by) => {
			in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("
				(= ~&place (seek ~&place ~&target ~&step_by))
		None => {
			in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("
				(= ~&place (seek ~&place ~&target))

fn antiseek_assign(place: Val, anti_target: Val, step_by: Option<Val>) -> GResult<Val> {
	match step_by {
		Some(step_by) => {
			in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("
				(= ~&place (antiseek ~&place ~&anti_target ~&step_by))
		None => {
			in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("
				(= ~&place (antiseek ~&place ~&anti_target))

fn clamp_assign(place: Val, min: Val, max: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place, |place| Ok(backquote!("(= ~&place (clamp ~&place ~&min ~&max))")))

fn swap_assign(place0: Val, place1: Val) -> GResult<Val> {
	in_place(place0, |place0| {
		in_place(place1, |place1| {
				  (let tmp-name# ~&place0)
				  (= ~&place0 ~&place1)
				  (= ~&place1 tmp-name#))