glommio 0.4.1

A set of utilities to allow one to write thread per core applications
// Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed
// under the MIT/Apache-2.0 License, at your convenience
// This product includes software developed at Datadog ( Copyright 2020 Datadog, Inc.
use core::fmt::Debug;
use std::{rc::Rc, time::Duration};

/// The SharesManager allows the user to implement dynamic shares for a
/// [`TaskQueue`]
/// In terms of behavior, a [`TaskQueue`] with static shares is the same as a
/// `SharesManager` managed queue that always return the same value. However
/// this is a bit more expensive to compute because it needs to be reevaluated
/// constantly.
/// The difference is akin to a constant versus variable in your favorite
/// programming language.
/// [`TaskQueue`]: struct.Task.html#method.create_task_queue
pub trait SharesManager {
    /// The amount of shares that this [`TaskQueue`] should receive in the next
    /// adjustment period
    /// [`TaskQueue`]: struct.Task.html#method.create_task_queue
    fn shares(&self) -> usize;

    /// How often to recompute the amount of shares for this [`TaskQueue`]
    /// [`TaskQueue`]: struct.Task.html#method.create_task_queue
    fn adjustment_period(&self) -> Duration {

impl Debug for dyn SharesManager {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
            "Shares Manager: adjusting every {:#?}. Now: {}",

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Represents how many shares a [`TaskQueue`] should receive.
/// Glommio's scheduler doesn't work with priorities, but rather shares. That
/// means that if there is only one active task queue in the system, it will
/// always receive 100 % of the resources.
/// As soon as two or more task queues are active, resources will be split
/// between them proportionally to their shares: a queue with more shares will
/// receive more resources.
/// Be careful when trying to reason about percentages of utilization as they
/// will depend on the active task queues: The percentage of resources assigned
/// to a task queue should be close to `shares(i) / sum(shares(i) for i in t)`.
/// For example, if all task queues have 1000 shares (the default), when two of
/// them are active they will have each 50% of the resources. As soon as a third
/// one activates, each now has 33%.
/// This can be far off if there are other heavy processes competing for
/// resources with your application in a way that glommio can't see. For best
/// results you should consider dedicating CPUs and storage devices to your
/// application.
/// Shares are enforced by the system to be between 1 and 1000. So if all
/// [`TaskQueue`]s want maximum resources they should all get similar fractions.
/// It is not possible for a [`TaskQueue`] to say it wants to use more than the
/// others: it is only possible for the other task queues to say they are okay
/// with using less (by reducing their shares)
/// [`TaskQueue`]: struct.Task.html#method.create_task_queue
pub enum Shares {
    /// Static shares never change over the course of a lifetime of the
    /// application, therefore they never have to be recomputed
    /// Dynamic shares can change and are periodically recomputed.
    Dynamic(Rc<dyn SharesManager>),

impl Default for Shares {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Shares {
    pub(crate) fn reciprocal_shares(&self) -> u64 {
        let shares = match self {
            Shares::Static(shares) => *shares,
            Shares::Dynamic(bm) => bm.shares(),
        let shares = std::cmp::max(shares, 1);
        let shares = std::cmp::min(shares, 1000);
        (1u64 << 22) / (shares as u64)