glommio 0.4.1

A set of utilities to allow one to write thread per core applications
//! Provides a [`NopSubmitter`] which can be used to submit nop operations to
//! the ring. This is mainly useful for benchmarking Glommio.
use std::{
    rc::{Rc, Weak},

use crate::{parking::Reactor, Local};

/// Submit no-op operations to io_uring.
/// This is mainly useful for benchmarking Glommio.
pub struct NopSubmitter {
    reactor: Weak<Reactor>,

impl NopSubmitter {
    /// Construct a new [`NopSubmitter`].
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let reactor = Local::get_reactor();
        let reactor = Rc::downgrade(&reactor);
        Self { reactor }

    /// Submit a no-op io_uring operation, and wait for completion.
    pub async fn run_nop(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
        let reactor = self.reactor.upgrade().unwrap();
        let source = reactor.nop();