glib 0.18.5

Rust bindings for the GLib library
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
//! `IMPL` Object wrapper implementation and `Object` binding.

use std::{cmp, fmt, hash, marker::PhantomData, mem, mem::ManuallyDrop, ops, pin::Pin, ptr};

use crate::{
    subclass::{prelude::*, signal::SignalQuery, SignalId},
    Closure, IntoGStr, PtrSlice, RustClosure, SignalHandlerId, Type, Value,

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Implemented by types representing `glib::Object` and subclasses of it.
pub unsafe trait ObjectType:
    + Into<ObjectRef>
    + StaticType
    + fmt::Debug
    + Clone
    + PartialEq
    + Eq
    + PartialOrd
    + Ord
    + hash::Hash
    + crate::value::ValueType
    + crate::value::ToValue
    + crate::value::ToValueOptional
    + crate::value::FromValueOptional<'static>
    + for<'a> ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut <Self as ObjectType>::GlibType>
    + IntoGlibPtr<*mut <Self as ObjectType>::GlibType>
    + 'static
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// type of the FFI Instance structure.
    type GlibType: 'static;
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// type of the FFI Class structure.
    type GlibClassType: 'static;

    fn as_object_ref(&self) -> &ObjectRef;
    fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut Self::GlibType;

    unsafe fn from_glib_ptr_borrow<'a>(ptr: *const *const Self::GlibType) -> &'a Self;

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Declares the "is a" relationship.
/// `Self` is said to implement `T`.
/// For instance, since originally `GtkWidget` is a subclass of `GObject` and
/// implements the `GtkBuildable` interface, `gtk::Widget` implements
/// `IsA<glib::Object>` and `IsA<gtk::Buildable>`.
/// The trait can only be implemented if the appropriate `ToGlibPtr`
/// implementations exist.
pub unsafe trait IsA<T: ObjectType>:
    ObjectType + Into<T> + AsRef<T> + std::borrow::Borrow<T>

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Upcasting and downcasting support.
/// Provides conversions up and down the class hierarchy tree.
pub trait Cast: ObjectType {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Upcasts an object to a superclass or interface `T`.
    /// *NOTE*: This statically checks at compile-time if casting is possible. It is not always
    /// known at compile-time, whether a specific object implements an interface or not, in which case
    /// `upcast` would fail to compile. `dynamic_cast` can be used in these circumstances, which
    /// is checking the types at runtime.
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// let button = gtk::Button::new();
    /// let widget = button.upcast::<gtk::Widget>();
    /// ```
    fn upcast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> T
        Self: IsA<T>,
        unsafe { self.unsafe_cast() }

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Upcasts an object to a reference of its superclass or interface `T`.
    /// *NOTE*: This statically checks at compile-time if casting is possible. It is not always
    /// known at compile-time, whether a specific object implements an interface or not, in which case
    /// `upcast` would fail to compile. `dynamic_cast` can be used in these circumstances, which
    /// is checking the types at runtime.
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// let button = gtk::Button::new();
    /// let widget = button.upcast_ref::<gtk::Widget>();
    /// ```
    fn upcast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> &T
        Self: IsA<T>,
        unsafe { self.unsafe_cast_ref() }

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Tries to downcast to a subclass or interface implementor `T`.
    /// Returns `Ok(T)` if the object is an instance of `T` and `Err(self)`
    /// otherwise.
    /// *NOTE*: This will check at compile-time if `T` is lower down the
    /// inheritance tree of `Self`, but also check at runtime if downcasting
    /// is indeed possible.
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// let button = gtk::Button::new();
    /// let widget = button.upcast::<gtk::Widget>();
    /// assert!(widget.downcast::<gtk::Button>().is_ok());
    /// ```
    fn downcast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Result<T, Self>
        Self: MayDowncastTo<T>,
        if<T>() {
            Ok(unsafe { self.unsafe_cast() })
        } else {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Tries to downcast to a reference of its subclass or interface implementor `T`.
    /// Returns `Some(T)` if the object is an instance of `T` and `None`
    /// otherwise.
    /// *NOTE*: This will check at compile-time if `T` is lower down the
    /// inheritance tree of `Self`, but also check at runtime if downcasting
    /// is indeed possible.
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// let button = gtk::Button::new();
    /// let widget = button.upcast::<gtk::Widget>();
    /// assert!(widget.downcast_ref::<gtk::Button>().is_some());
    /// ```
    fn downcast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T>
        Self: MayDowncastTo<T>,
        if<T>() {
            Some(unsafe { self.unsafe_cast_ref() })
        } else {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Tries to cast to an object of type `T`. This handles upcasting, downcasting
    /// and casting between interface and interface implementors. All checks are performed at
    /// runtime, while `upcast` will do many checks at compile-time already. `downcast` will
    /// perform the same checks at runtime as `dynamic_cast`, but will also ensure some amount of
    /// compile-time safety.
    /// It is not always known at compile-time, whether a specific object implements an interface or
    /// not, and checking has to be performed at runtime.
    /// Returns `Ok(T)` if the object is an instance of `T` and `Err(self)`
    /// otherwise.
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// let button = gtk::Button::new();
    /// let widget = button.dynamic_cast::<gtk::Widget>();
    /// assert!(widget.is_ok());
    /// let widget = widget.unwrap();
    /// assert!(widget.dynamic_cast::<gtk::Button>().is_ok());
    /// ```
    fn dynamic_cast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Result<T, Self> {
        if !<T>() {
        } else {
            Ok(unsafe { self.unsafe_cast() })

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Tries to cast to reference to an object of type `T`. This handles upcasting, downcasting
    /// and casting between interface and interface implementors. All checks are performed at
    /// runtime, while `downcast` and `upcast` will do many checks at compile-time already.
    /// It is not always known at compile-time, whether a specific object implements an interface or
    /// not, and checking has to be performed at runtime.
    /// Returns `Some(T)` if the object is an instance of `T` and `None`
    /// otherwise.
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// let button = gtk::Button::new();
    /// let widget = button.dynamic_cast_ref::<gtk::Widget>();
    /// assert!(widget.is_some());
    /// let widget = widget.unwrap();
    /// assert!(widget.dynamic_cast_ref::<gtk::Button>().is_some());
    /// ```
    fn dynamic_cast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        if !<T>() {
        } else {
            // This cast is safe because all our wrapper types have the
            // same representation except for the name and the phantom data
            // type. IsA<> is an unsafe trait that must only be implemented
            // if this is a valid wrapper type
            Some(unsafe { self.unsafe_cast_ref() })

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Casts to `T` unconditionally.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if compiled with `debug_assertions` and the instance doesn't implement `T`.
    /// # Safety
    /// If not running with `debug_assertions` enabled, the caller is responsible
    /// for ensuring that the instance implements `T`
    unsafe fn unsafe_cast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> T {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Casts to `&T` unconditionally.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if compiled with `debug_assertions` and the instance doesn't implement `T`.
    /// # Safety
    /// If not running with `debug_assertions` enabled, the caller is responsible
    /// for ensuring that the instance implements `T`
    unsafe fn unsafe_cast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> &T {
        // This cast is safe because all our wrapper types have the
        // same representation except for the name and the phantom data
        // type. IsA<> is an unsafe trait that must only be implemented
        // if this is a valid wrapper type
        &*(self as *const Self as *const T)

impl<T: ObjectType> Cast for T {}

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Convenience trait mirroring `Cast`, implemented on `Option<Object>` types.
/// # Warning
/// Inveitably this trait will discard informations about a downcast failure:
/// you don't know if the object was not of the expected type, or if it was `None`.
/// If you need to handle the downcast error, use `Cast` over a `glib::Object`.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// let widget: Option<Widget> = list_item.child();
/// // Without using `CastNone`
/// let label = widget.unwrap().downcast::<gtk::Label>().unwrap();
/// // Using `CastNone` we can avoid the first `unwrap()` call
/// let label = widget.and_downcast::<gtk::Label>().unwrap();
/// ````
pub trait CastNone: Sized {
    type Inner;
    fn and_downcast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Option<T>
        Self::Inner: MayDowncastTo<T>;
    fn and_downcast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T>
        Self::Inner: MayDowncastTo<T>;
    fn and_upcast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Option<T>
        Self::Inner: IsA<T>;
    fn and_upcast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T>
        Self::Inner: IsA<T>;
    fn and_dynamic_cast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Result<T, Self>;
    fn and_dynamic_cast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T>;
impl<I: ObjectType + Sized> CastNone for Option<I> {
    type Inner = I;

    fn and_downcast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Option<T>
        Self::Inner: MayDowncastTo<T>,
        self.and_then(|i| i.downcast().ok())

    fn and_downcast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T>
        Self::Inner: MayDowncastTo<T>,
        self.as_ref().and_then(|i| i.downcast_ref())

    fn and_upcast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Option<T>
        Self::Inner: IsA<T>,
    {|i| i.upcast())

    fn and_upcast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T>
        Self::Inner: IsA<T>,
        self.as_ref().map(|i| i.upcast_ref())

    fn and_dynamic_cast<T: ObjectType>(self) -> Result<T, Self> {
            .and_then(|i| i.dynamic_cast().map_err(|e| Some(e)))

    fn and_dynamic_cast_ref<T: ObjectType>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        self.as_ref().and_then(|i| i.dynamic_cast_ref())

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Marker trait for the statically known possibility of downcasting from `Self` to `T`.
pub trait MayDowncastTo<T> {}

impl<Super: IsA<Super>, Sub: IsA<Super>> MayDowncastTo<Sub> for Super {}

// Manual implementation of glib_shared_wrapper! because of special cases
pub struct ObjectRef {
    inner: ptr::NonNull<gobject_ffi::GObject>,

impl Clone for ObjectRef {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        unsafe {
            Self {
                inner: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(gobject_ffi::g_object_ref(self.inner.as_ptr())),

impl Drop for ObjectRef {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

impl fmt::Debug for ObjectRef {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let type_ = unsafe {
            let klass = (*self.inner.as_ptr()).g_type_instance.g_class as *const ObjectClass;

            .field("inner", &self.inner)
            .field("type", &type_)

impl PartialOrd for ObjectRef {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {

impl Ord for ObjectRef {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {

impl PartialEq for ObjectRef {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.inner == other.inner

impl Eq for ObjectRef {}

impl hash::Hash for ObjectRef {
    fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
        H: hash::Hasher,

impl GlibPtrDefault for ObjectRef {
    type GlibType = *mut gobject_ffi::GObject;

impl<'a> ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut gobject_ffi::GObject> for ObjectRef {
    type Storage = PhantomData<&'a ObjectRef>;

    fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> Stash<'a, *mut gobject_ffi::GObject, Self> {
        Stash(self.inner.as_ptr(), PhantomData)

    fn to_glib_full(&self) -> *mut gobject_ffi::GObject {
        unsafe { gobject_ffi::g_object_ref(self.inner.as_ptr()) }

impl FromGlibPtrNone<*mut gobject_ffi::GObject> for ObjectRef {
    unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject) -> Self {
        debug_assert_ne!((*ptr).ref_count, 0);

        // Attention: This takes ownership of floating references!
        Self {
            inner: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(gobject_ffi::g_object_ref_sink(ptr)),

impl FromGlibPtrNone<*const gobject_ffi::GObject> for ObjectRef {
    unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *const gobject_ffi::GObject) -> Self {
        // Attention: This takes ownership of floating references!
        from_glib_none(ptr as *mut gobject_ffi::GObject)

impl FromGlibPtrFull<*mut gobject_ffi::GObject> for ObjectRef {
    unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject) -> Self {
        debug_assert_ne!((*ptr).ref_count, 0);

        Self {
            inner: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),

impl FromGlibPtrBorrow<*mut gobject_ffi::GObject> for ObjectRef {
    unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject) -> Borrowed<Self> {
        debug_assert_ne!((*ptr).ref_count, 0);

        Borrowed::new(Self {
            inner: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),

impl FromGlibPtrBorrow<*const gobject_ffi::GObject> for ObjectRef {
    unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *const gobject_ffi::GObject) -> Borrowed<Self> {
        from_glib_borrow(ptr as *mut gobject_ffi::GObject)

pub struct TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    inner: ObjectRef,
    imp: PhantomData<T>,
    parent: PhantomData<P>,

impl<T, P> TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    pub unsafe fn new(obj: ObjectRef) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: obj,
            imp: PhantomData,
            parent: PhantomData,

    pub fn into_inner(self) -> ObjectRef {

impl<T, P> Clone for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: self.inner.clone(),
            imp: PhantomData,
            parent: PhantomData,

impl<T, P> ops::Deref for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    type Target = ObjectRef;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl<T, P> fmt::Debug for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let type_ = unsafe {
            let klass = (*self.inner.inner.as_ptr()).g_type_instance.g_class as *const ObjectClass;

            .field("inner", &self.inner.inner)
            .field("type", &type_)

impl<T, P> PartialOrd for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {

impl<T, P> Ord for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {

impl<T, P> PartialEq for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.inner == other.inner

impl<T, P> Eq for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {}

impl<T, P> hash::Hash for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {
    fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
        H: hash::Hasher,

unsafe impl<T: Send + Sync, P: Send + Sync> Send for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {}
unsafe impl<T: Send + Sync, P: Send + Sync> Sync for TypedObjectRef<T, P> {}

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// ObjectType implementations for Object types. See `wrapper!`.
macro_rules! glib_object_wrapper {
    (@generic_impl [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type:ty, $parent_type:ty, $ffi_name:ty, $ffi_class_name:ty, @type_ $get_type_expr:expr) => {
        $visibility struct $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? {
            inner: $crate::object::TypedObjectRef<$impl_type, $parent_type>,
            phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<($($($generic),+)?)>,

        // Always implement Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, and Debug for object types.
        // Due to inheritance and up/downcasting we must implement these by pointer or otherwise they
        // would potentially give different results for the same object depending on the type we
        // currently know for it.
        // Implement them manually rather than generating #[derive] macros since so that when generics
        // are specified, these traits are not required.

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::clone::Clone for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn clone(&self) -> Self {
                Self {
                    inner: std::clone::Clone::clone(&self.inner),
                    phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::hash::Hash for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
                H: std::hash::Hasher
                std::hash::Hash::hash(&self.inner, state);

        impl<OT: $crate::object::ObjectType $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> std::cmp::PartialEq<OT> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn eq(&self, other: &OT) -> bool {
                std::cmp::PartialEq::eq(&*self.inner, $crate::object::ObjectType::as_object_ref(other))

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::cmp::Eq for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {}

        impl<OT: $crate::object::ObjectType $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> std::cmp::PartialOrd<OT> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &OT) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
                std::cmp::PartialOrd::partial_cmp(&*self.inner, $crate::object::ObjectType::as_object_ref(other))

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::cmp::Ord for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
                std::cmp::Ord::cmp(&*self.inner, $crate::object::ObjectType::as_object_ref(other))

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::fmt::Debug for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
                f.debug_struct(stringify!($name)).field("inner", &self.inner).finish()

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? From<$name $(<$($generic),+>)?> for $crate::object::ObjectRef {
            fn from(s: $name $(<$($generic),+>)?) -> $crate::object::ObjectRef {

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::UnsafeFrom<$crate::object::ObjectRef> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn unsafe_from(t: $crate::object::ObjectRef) -> Self {
                $name {
                    inner: $crate::object::TypedObjectRef::new(t),
                    phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::GlibPtrDefault for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type GlibType = *mut $ffi_name;

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::TransparentPtrType for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {}

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::ObjectType for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type GlibType = $ffi_name;
            type GlibClassType = $ffi_class_name;

            fn as_object_ref(&self) -> &$crate::object::ObjectRef {

            fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut Self::GlibType {
                unsafe { *(self as *const Self as *const *const $ffi_name) as *mut $ffi_name }

            unsafe fn from_glib_ptr_borrow<'a>(ptr: *const *const Self::GlibType) -> &'a Self {
                &*(ptr as *const Self)

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? AsRef<$crate::object::ObjectRef> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &$crate::object::ObjectRef {

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? AsRef<Self> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &Self {

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::IsA<Self> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::subclass::types::FromObject for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type FromObjectType = Self;

            fn from_object(obj: &Self::FromObjectType) -> &Self {

        impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Storage = <$crate::object::ObjectRef as
                $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut $crate::gobject_ffi::GObject>>::Storage;

            fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> $crate::translate::Stash<'a, *const $ffi_name, Self> {
                let stash = $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(&*self.inner);
                $crate::translate::Stash(stash.0 as *const _, stash.1)

            fn to_glib_full(&self) -> *const $ffi_name {
                $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_full(&*self.inner) as *const _

        impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Storage = <$crate::object::ObjectRef as
                $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut $crate::gobject_ffi::GObject>>::Storage;

            fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> $crate::translate::Stash<'a, *mut $ffi_name, Self> {
                let stash = $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(&*self.inner);
                $crate::translate::Stash(stash.0 as *mut _, stash.1)

            fn to_glib_full(&self) -> *mut $ffi_name {
                $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_full(&*self.inner) as *mut _

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::IntoGlibPtr<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn into_glib_ptr(self) -> *mut $ffi_name {
                let s = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self);
                $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_none(&*s).0 as *mut _

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::IntoGlibPtr<*const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn into_glib_ptr(self) -> *const $ffi_name {
                let s = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self);
                $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_none(&*s).0 as *const _

        impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Storage = (std::marker::PhantomData<&'a [Self]>, Option<Vec<*mut $ffi_name>>);

            fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*mut *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
                let mut v_ptr = Vec::with_capacity(t.len() + 1);
                unsafe {
                    let ptr = v_ptr.as_mut_ptr();
                    std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(t.as_ptr() as *mut *mut $ffi_name, ptr, t.len());
                    std::ptr::write(ptr.add(t.len()), std::ptr::null_mut());
                    v_ptr.set_len(t.len() + 1);

                (v_ptr.as_ptr() as *mut *mut $ffi_name, (std::marker::PhantomData, Some(v_ptr)))

            fn to_glib_container_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*mut *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
                let v_ptr = unsafe {
                    let v_ptr = $crate::ffi::g_malloc(std::mem::size_of::<*mut $ffi_name>() * (t.len() + 1)) as *mut *mut $ffi_name;

                    std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(t.as_ptr() as *mut *mut $ffi_name, v_ptr, t.len());
                    std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(t.len()), std::ptr::null_mut());


                (v_ptr, (std::marker::PhantomData, None))

            fn to_glib_full_from_slice(t: &[Self]) -> *mut *mut $ffi_name {
                unsafe {
                    let v_ptr = $crate::ffi::g_malloc(std::mem::size_of::<*mut $ffi_name>() * (t.len() + 1)) as *mut *mut $ffi_name;

                    for (i, s) in t.iter().enumerate() {
                        std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(i), $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_full(s));
                    std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(t.len()), std::ptr::null_mut());


        impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *const *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Storage = (std::marker::PhantomData<&'a [Self]>, Option<Vec<*mut $ffi_name>>);

            fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*const *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
                let (ptr, stash) = $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice::<'a, *mut *mut $ffi_name>::to_glib_none_from_slice(t);
                (ptr as *const *mut $ffi_name, stash)

            fn to_glib_container_from_slice(_: &'a [Self]) -> (*const *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
                // Can't have consumer free a *const pointer

            fn to_glib_full_from_slice(_: &[Self]) -> *const *mut $ffi_name {
                // Can't have consumer free a *const pointer

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> Self {
                debug_assert!($crate::types::instance_of::<Self>(ptr as *const _));
                $name {
                    inner: $crate::object::TypedObjectRef::new($crate::translate::from_glib_none(ptr as *mut _)),
                    phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> Self {
                debug_assert!($crate::types::instance_of::<Self>(ptr as *const _));
                $name {
                    inner: $crate::object::TypedObjectRef::new($crate::translate::from_glib_none(ptr as *mut _)),
                    phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrFull<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> Self {
                debug_assert!($crate::types::instance_of::<Self>(ptr as *const _));
                $name {
                    inner: $crate::object::TypedObjectRef::new($crate::translate::from_glib_full(ptr as *mut _)),
                    phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrBorrow<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> $crate::translate::Borrowed<Self> {
                debug_assert!($crate::types::instance_of::<Self>(ptr as *const _));
                    $name {
                        inner: $crate::object::TypedObjectRef::new($crate::translate::from_glib_borrow::<_, $crate::object::ObjectRef>(ptr as *mut _).into_inner()),
                        phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrBorrow<*const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> $crate::translate::Borrowed<Self> {
                $crate::translate::from_glib_borrow::<_, Self>(ptr as *mut $ffi_name)

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
                if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() {
                    return Vec::new();

                let mut res = Vec::<Self>::with_capacity(num);
                let res_ptr = res.as_mut_ptr();
                for i in 0..num {
                    ::std::ptr::write(res_ptr.add(i), $crate::translate::from_glib_none(std::ptr::read(ptr.add(i))));

            unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
                let res = $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr, num);
                $crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);

            unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
                if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() {
                    $crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);
                    return Vec::new();

                let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(num);
                let res_ptr = res.as_mut_ptr();
                ::std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr as *mut Self, res_ptr, num);
                $crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
                $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr, $crate::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr))

            unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
                $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr, $crate::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr))

            unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
                $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr, $crate::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr))

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *const *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *const *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
                $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr as *mut *mut _, num)

            unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name, _: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
                // Can't free a *const

            unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name, _: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
                // Can't free a *const

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *const *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *const *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
                $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr as *mut *mut _)

            unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
                // Can't free a *const

            unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
                // Can't free a *const

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::types::StaticType for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn static_type() -> $crate::types::Type {
                unsafe { $crate::translate::from_glib($get_type_expr) }

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ValueType for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Type = $name $(<$($generic),+>)?;

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ValueTypeOptional for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

        unsafe impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::value::FromValue<'a> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Checker = $crate::object::ObjectValueTypeChecker<Self>;

            unsafe fn from_value(value: &'a $crate::Value) -> Self {
                let ptr = $crate::gobject_ffi::g_value_dup_object($crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(value).0);
                debug_assert_ne!((*ptr).ref_count, 0);
                <Self as $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrFull<*mut $ffi_name>>::from_glib_full(ptr as *mut $ffi_name)

        unsafe impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::value::FromValue<'a> for &'a $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Checker = $crate::object::ObjectValueTypeChecker<Self>;

            unsafe fn from_value(value: &'a $crate::Value) -> Self {
                debug_assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<Self>(), std::mem::size_of::<$crate::ffi::gpointer>());
                let value = &*(value as *const $crate::Value as *const $crate::gobject_ffi::GValue);
                debug_assert_ne!((*([0].v_pointer as *const $crate::gobject_ffi::GObject)).ref_count, 0);
                <$name $(<$($generic),+>)? as $crate::object::ObjectType>::from_glib_ptr_borrow(&[0].v_pointer as *const $crate::ffi::gpointer as *const *const $ffi_name)

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ToValue for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn to_value(&self) -> $crate::Value {
                unsafe {
                    let mut value = $crate::Value::from_type_unchecked(<Self as $crate::StaticType>::static_type());
                        $crate::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0,
                        $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*mut $ffi_name>::to_glib_full(self) as *mut _,

            fn value_type(&self) -> $crate::Type {
                <Self as $crate::StaticType>::static_type()

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? ::std::convert::From<$name $(<$($generic),+>)?> for $crate::Value {
            fn from(o: $name $(<$($generic),+>)?) -> Self {
                unsafe {
                    let mut value = $crate::Value::from_type_unchecked(<$name $(<$($generic),+>)? as $crate::StaticType>::static_type());
                        $crate::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0,
                        $crate::translate::IntoGlibPtr::<*mut $ffi_name>::into_glib_ptr(o) as *mut _,

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ToValueOptional for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn to_value_optional(s: Option<&Self>) -> $crate::Value {
                let mut value = $crate::Value::for_value_type::<Self>();
                unsafe {
                        $crate::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0,
                        $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*mut $ffi_name>::to_glib_full(&s) as *mut _,


        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@weak_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?);

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::HasParamSpec for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type ParamSpec = $crate::ParamSpecObject;
            type SetValue = Self;
            type BuilderFn = fn(&str) -> $crate::ParamSpecObjectBuilder<Self>;

            fn param_spec_builder() -> Self::BuilderFn {
                |name| Self::ParamSpec::builder(name)

    (@weak_impl $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?) => {
        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::clone::Downgrade for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Weak = $crate::object::WeakRef<Self>;

            fn downgrade(&self) -> Self::Weak {
                <Self as $crate::object::ObjectExt>::downgrade(&self)

    (@munch_impls $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, ) => { };

    (@munch_impls $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $super_name:path) => {
        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::IsA<$super_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? From<$name $(<$($generic),+>)?> for $super_name {
            fn from(v: $name $(<$($generic),+>)?) -> Self {
                <$name $(::<$($generic),+>)? as $crate::Cast>::upcast(v)

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? AsRef<$super_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &$super_name {

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::borrow::Borrow<$super_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn borrow(&self) -> &$super_name {

    (@munch_impls $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $super_name:path, $($implements:tt)*) => {
        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $super_name);
        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $($implements)*);

    // If there is no parent class, i.e. only glib::Object
    (@munch_first_impl $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, ) => {
        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, );
        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::ParentClassIs for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Parent = $crate::object::Object;

    // If there is only one parent class
    (@munch_first_impl $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $super_name:path) => {
        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $super_name);
        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::ParentClassIs for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Parent = $super_name;

    // If there is more than one parent class
    (@munch_first_impl $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $super_name:path, $($implements:tt)*) => {
        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $super_name);
        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::ParentClassIs for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Parent = $super_name;
        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $($implements)*);

    // This case is only for glib::Object itself below. All other cases have glib::Object in its
    // parent class list
    (@object [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type:ty, $parent_type:ty, $ffi_name:ty, @ffi_class $ffi_class_name:ty, @type_ $get_type_expr:expr) => {
            @generic_impl [$($attr)*] $visibility $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type, $parent_type, $ffi_name, $ffi_class_name,
            @type_ $get_type_expr);

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::IsClass for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

    (@object [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type:ty, $parent_type:ty, $ffi_name:ty,
     @type_ $get_type_expr:expr, @extends [$($extends:tt)*], @implements [$($implements:tt)*]) => {
            @object [$($attr)*] $visibility $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type, $parent_type, $ffi_name, @ffi_class std::os::raw::c_void,
            @type_ $get_type_expr, @extends [$($extends)*], @implements [$($implements)*]

    (@object [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type:ty, $parent_type:ty, $ffi_name:ty, @ffi_class $ffi_class_name:ty,
     @type_ $get_type_expr:expr, @extends [$($extends:tt)*], @implements [$($implements:tt)*]) => {
            @generic_impl [$($attr)*] $visibility $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type, $parent_type, $ffi_name, $ffi_class_name,
            @type_ $get_type_expr

        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_first_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $($extends)*);

        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $($implements)*);

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? AsRef<$crate::object::Object> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &$crate::object::Object {

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::borrow::Borrow<$crate::object::Object> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn borrow(&self) -> &$crate::object::Object {

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? From<$name $(<$($generic),+>)?> for $crate::object::Object {
            fn from(v: $name $(<$($generic),+>)?) -> Self {
                <$name $(::<$($generic),+>)? as $crate::Cast>::upcast(v)

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::IsA<$crate::object::Object> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::IsClass for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

    // FIXME: Workaround for `glib::Object` not being `Send+Sync` but subclasses of it being both
    // if the impl struct is.
    (@object_subclass [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $subclass:ty,
     @extends [], @implements [$($implements:tt)*]) => {
            @object [$($attr)*] $visibility $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?,
            $subclass, (),
            <$subclass as $crate::subclass::types::ObjectSubclass>::Instance,
            @ffi_class <$subclass as $crate::subclass::types::ObjectSubclass>::Class,
            @type_ $crate::translate::IntoGlib::into_glib(<$subclass as $crate::subclass::types::ObjectSubclassType>::type_()),
            @extends [], @implements [$($implements)*]

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::ObjectSubclassIs for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Subclass = $subclass;

    (@object_subclass [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $subclass:ty,
     @extends [$($extends:tt)+], @implements [$($implements:tt)*]) => {
            @object [$($attr)*] $visibility $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?,
            $subclass, <$subclass as $crate::subclass::types::ObjectSubclass>::ParentType,
            <$subclass as $crate::subclass::types::ObjectSubclass>::Instance,
            @ffi_class <$subclass as $crate::subclass::types::ObjectSubclass>::Class,
            @type_ $crate::translate::IntoGlib::into_glib(<$subclass as $crate::subclass::types::ObjectSubclassType>::type_()),
            @extends [$($extends)*], @implements [$($implements)*]

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::ObjectSubclassIs for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            type Subclass = $subclass;

    (@interface [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type:ty, $ffi_name:ty,
     @type_ $get_type_expr:expr, @requires [$($requires:tt)*]) => {
            @interface [$($attr)*] $visibility $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type, $ffi_name, @ffi_class std::os::raw::c_void,
            @type_ $get_type_expr, @requires [$($requires)*]

    (@interface [$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type:ty, $ffi_name:ty, @ffi_class $ffi_class_name:ty,
     @type_ $get_type_expr:expr, @requires [$($requires:tt)*]) => {
            @generic_impl [$($attr)*] $visibility $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $impl_type, (), $ffi_name, $ffi_class_name,
            @type_ $get_type_expr
        $crate::glib_object_wrapper!(@munch_impls $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $($requires)*);

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? AsRef<$crate::object::Object> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &$crate::object::Object {

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::borrow::Borrow<$crate::object::Object> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
            fn borrow(&self) -> &$crate::object::Object {

        impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? From<$name $(<$($generic),+>)?> for $crate::object::Object {
            fn from(v: $name $(<$($generic),+>)?) -> Self {
                <$name $(::<$($generic),+>)? as $crate::Cast>::upcast(v)

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::IsA<$crate::object::Object> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

        unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::object::IsInterface for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }

    [doc = "The base class in the object hierarchy."]
    pub Object, *mut std::os::raw::c_void, (), gobject_ffi::GObject, @ffi_class gobject_ffi::GObjectClass, @type_ gobject_ffi::g_object_get_type()
pub type ObjectClass = Class<Object>;

impl Object {
    pub const NONE: Option<&'static Object> = None;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Create a new instance of an object with the default property values.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the object is not instantiable.
    pub fn new<T: IsA<Object> + IsClass>() -> T {
        let object = Object::with_type(T::static_type());
        unsafe { object.unsafe_cast() }

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Create a new instance of an object with the default property values.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the object is not instantiable.
    pub fn with_type(type_: Type) -> Object {
        Object::with_mut_values(type_, &mut [])

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Create a new instance of an object of the given type with the given properties as mutable
    /// values.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the object is not instantiable, doesn't have all the given properties or
    /// property values of the wrong type are provided.
    pub fn with_mut_values(type_: Type, properties: &mut [(&str, Value)]) -> Object {
        #[cfg(feature = "gio")]
        unsafe {
            let iface_type = from_glib(gio_ffi::g_initable_get_type());
            if type_.is_a(iface_type) {
                panic!("Can't instantiate type '{type_}' implementing `gio::Initable`. Use `gio::Initable::new()`");
            let iface_type = from_glib(gio_ffi::g_async_initable_get_type());
            if type_.is_a(iface_type) {
                panic!("Can't instantiate type '{type_}' implementing `gio::AsyncInitable`. Use `gio::AsyncInitable::new()`");

        unsafe { Object::new_internal(type_, properties) }

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Create a new instance of an object of the given type with the given properties.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the object is not instantiable, doesn't have all the given properties or
    /// property values of the wrong type are provided.
    /// Unlike the other constructors this does not panic if the object is implementing
    /// `gio::Initable` or `gio::AsyncInitable` and it might be unsafe to use the returned object
    /// without using the API of those interfaces first.
    pub unsafe fn new_internal(type_: Type, properties: &mut [(&str, Value)]) -> Object {
        if !type_.is_a(Object::static_type()) {
            panic!("Can't instantiate non-GObject type '{type_}'");

        if gobject_ffi::g_type_test_flags(
        ) == ffi::GFALSE
            panic!("Can't instantiate type '{type_}'");

        if gobject_ffi::g_type_test_flags(type_.into_glib(), gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT)
            != ffi::GFALSE
            panic!("Can't instantiate abstract type '{type_}'");

        let mut property_names = smallvec::SmallVec::<[_; 16]>::with_capacity(properties.len());
        let mut property_values = smallvec::SmallVec::<[_; 16]>::with_capacity(properties.len());

        if !properties.is_empty() {
            let klass = ObjectClass::from_type(type_)
                .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Can't retrieve class for type '{type_}'"));
            let pspecs = klass.list_properties();

            for (idx, (name, value)) in properties.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                let pspec = pspecs
                    .find(|p| == *name)
                    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Can't find property '{name}' for type '{type_}'"));

                if (pspec.flags().contains(crate::ParamFlags::CONSTRUCT)
                    || pspec.flags().contains(crate::ParamFlags::CONSTRUCT_ONLY))
                    && property_names[0..idx]
                        .any(|other_name| == *other_name)
                    panic!("Can't set construct property '{name}' for type '{type_}' twice");

                // FIXME: With GLib 2.74 and GParamSpecClass::value_is_valid() it is possible to
                // not require mutable values here except for when LAX_VALIDATION is provided and a
                // change is needed, or a GObject value needs it's GType changed.
                validate_property_type(type_, true, pspec, value);


        let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_object_new_with_properties(
            properties.len() as u32,
            mut_override(property_names.as_ptr() as *const *const _),

        if ptr.is_null() {
            panic!("Can't instantiate object for type '{type_}'");
        } else if type_.is_a(InitiallyUnowned::static_type()) {
            // Attention: This takes ownership of the floating reference
        } else {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Create a new object builder for a specific type.
    pub fn builder<'a, O: IsA<Object> + IsClass>() -> ObjectBuilder<'a, O> {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Create a new object builder for a specific type.
    pub fn builder_with_type<'a>(type_: Type) -> ObjectBuilder<'a, Object> {

#[must_use = "builder doesn't do anything unless built"]
pub struct ObjectBuilder<'a, O> {
    type_: Type,
    properties: smallvec::SmallVec<[(&'a str, Value); 16]>,
    phantom: PhantomData<O>,

impl<'a, O: IsA<Object> + IsClass> ObjectBuilder<'a, O> {
    fn new(type_: Type) -> Self {
        ObjectBuilder {
            properties: smallvec::SmallVec::new(),
            phantom: PhantomData,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the type of this builder.
    pub fn type_(&self) -> Type {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Set property `name` to the given value `value`.
    pub fn property(self, name: &'a str, value: impl Into<Value>) -> Self {
        let ObjectBuilder {
            mut properties,
        } = self;
        properties.push((name, value.into()));

        ObjectBuilder {
            phantom: PhantomData,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Build the object with the provided properties.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the object is not instantiable, doesn't have all the given properties or
    /// property values of the wrong type are provided.
    pub fn build(mut self) -> O {
        let object = Object::with_mut_values(self.type_, &mut;
        unsafe { object.unsafe_cast::<O>() }

#[must_use = "if unused the property notifications will immediately be thawed"]
pub struct PropertyNotificationFreezeGuard(ObjectRef);

impl Drop for PropertyNotificationFreezeGuard {
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_thaw_notify")]
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { gobject_ffi::g_object_thaw_notify(self.0.to_glib_none().0) }

pub trait ObjectExt: ObjectType {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Returns `true` if the object is an instance of (can be cast to) `T`.
    fn is<T: StaticType>(&self) -> bool;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Returns the type of the object.
    #[doc(alias = "get_type")]
    fn type_(&self) -> Type;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Returns the [`ObjectClass`] of the object.
    /// This is equivalent to calling `obj.class().upcast_ref::<ObjectClass>()`.
    #[doc(alias = "get_object_class")]
    fn object_class(&self) -> &ObjectClass;

    /// Returns the class of the object.
    #[doc(alias = "get_class")]
    fn class(&self) -> &Class<Self>
        Self: IsClass;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Returns the class of the object in the given type `T`.
    /// `None` is returned if the object is not a subclass of `T`.
    #[doc(alias = "get_class_of")]
    fn class_of<T: IsClass>(&self) -> Option<&Class<T>>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Returns the interface `T` of the object.
    /// `None` is returned if the object does not implement the interface `T`.
    #[doc(alias = "get_interface")]
    fn interface<T: IsInterface>(&self) -> Option<InterfaceRef<T>>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Sets the property `property_name` of the object to value `value`.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the property does not exist, if the type of the property is different than
    /// the provided value, or if the property is not writable.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_set_property")]
    fn set_property(&self, property_name: &str, value: impl Into<Value>);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Sets the property `property_name` of the object to value `value`.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the property does not exist, the type of the property is different than the
    /// provided value, or if the property is not writable.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_set_property")]
    fn set_property_from_value(&self, property_name: &str, value: &Value);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Sets multiple properties of the object at once.
    /// # Panics
    /// This does not set any properties if one or more properties don't exist, values of the wrong
    /// type are provided, or if any of the properties is not writable.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_set")]
    fn set_properties(&self, property_values: &[(&str, &dyn ToValue)]);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Sets multiple properties of the object at once.
    /// # Panics
    /// This does not set any properties if one or more properties don't exist, values of the wrong
    /// type are provided, or if any of the properties is not writable.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_set")]
    fn set_properties_from_value(&self, property_values: &[(&str, Value)]);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the property `property_name` of the object and cast it to the type V.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the property doesn't exist or is not readable or of a different type than V.
    #[doc(alias = "get_property")]
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_get_property")]
    fn property<V: for<'b> FromValue<'b> + 'static>(&self, property_name: &str) -> V;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the property `property_name` of the object.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the property does not exist or is not writable.
    #[doc(alias = "get_property")]
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_get_property")]
    fn property_value(&self, property_name: &str) -> Value;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Check if the object has a property `property_name` of the given `type_`.
    /// If no type is provided then only the existence of the property is checked.
    fn has_property(&self, property_name: &str, type_: Option<Type>) -> bool;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the type of the property `property_name` of this object.
    /// This returns `None` if the property does not exist.
    #[doc(alias = "get_property_type")]
    fn property_type(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<Type>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the [`ParamSpec`](crate::ParamSpec) of the property `property_name` of this object.
    fn find_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<crate::ParamSpec>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Return all [`ParamSpec`](crate::ParamSpec) of the properties of this object.
    fn list_properties(&self) -> PtrSlice<crate::ParamSpec>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Freeze all property notifications until the return guard object is dropped.
    /// This prevents the `notify` signal for all properties of this object to be emitted.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_freeze_notify")]
    fn freeze_notify(&self) -> PropertyNotificationFreezeGuard;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Set arbitrary data on this object with the given `key`.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function doesn't store type information
    unsafe fn set_qdata<QD: 'static>(&self, key: Quark, value: QD);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Return previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given `key`.
    /// # Safety
    /// The returned pointer can become invalid by a call to
    /// `set_qdata`, `steal_qdata`, `set_data` or `steal_data`.
    /// The caller is responsible for ensuring the returned value is of a suitable type
    #[doc(alias = "get_qdata")]
    unsafe fn qdata<QD: 'static>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<ptr::NonNull<QD>>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Retrieve previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given `key`.
    /// The data is not set on the object anymore afterwards.
    /// # Safety
    /// The caller is responsible for ensuring the returned value is of a suitable type
    unsafe fn steal_qdata<QD: 'static>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<QD>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Set arbitrary data on this object with the given `key`.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function doesn't store type information
    unsafe fn set_data<QD: 'static>(&self, key: &str, value: QD);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Return previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given `key`.
    /// # Safety
    /// The returned pointer can become invalid by a call to
    /// `set_qdata`, `steal_qdata`, `set_data` or `steal_data`.
    /// The caller is responsible for ensuring the returned value is of a suitable type
    #[doc(alias = "get_data")]
    unsafe fn data<QD: 'static>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<ptr::NonNull<QD>>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Retrieve previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given `key`.
    /// The data is not set on the object anymore afterwards.
    /// # Safety
    /// The caller is responsible for ensuring the returned value is of a suitable type
    unsafe fn steal_data<QD: 'static>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<QD>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Block a given signal handler.
    /// It will not be called again during signal emissions until it is unblocked.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_handler_block")]
    fn block_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Unblock a given signal handler.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_handler_unblock")]
    fn unblock_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Stop emission of the currently emitted signal.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_stop_emission")]
    fn stop_signal_emission(&self, signal_id: SignalId, detail: Option<Quark>);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Stop emission of the currently emitted signal by the (possibly detailed) signal name.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_stop_emission_by_name")]
    fn stop_signal_emission_by_name(&self, signal_name: &str);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the signal `signal_name` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the signal does not exist.
    fn connect<F>(&self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the signal `signal_id` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// Same as [`Self::connect`] but takes a `SignalId` instead of a signal name.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the signal does not exist.
    fn connect_id<F>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the signal `signal_name` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// Same as [`Self::connect`] but takes a non-`Send+Sync` closure. If the signal is emitted from a
    /// different thread than it was connected to then the signal emission will panic.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the signal does not exist.
    fn connect_local<F>(&self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the signal `signal_id` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// Same as [`Self::connect_id`] but takes a non-`Send+Sync` closure. If the signal is emitted from a
    /// different thread than it was connected to then the signal emission will panic.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the signal does not exist.
    fn connect_local_id<F>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the signal `signal_name` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// Same as [`Self::connect`] but takes a non-`Send+Sync` and non-`'static'` closure. No runtime checks
    /// are performed for ensuring that the closure is called correctly.
    /// # Safety
    /// The provided closure must be valid until the signal handler is disconnected, and it must
    /// be allowed to call the closure from the threads the signal is emitted from.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the signal does not exist.
    unsafe fn connect_unsafe<F>(
        signal_name: &str,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the signal `signal_id` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// Same as [`Self::connect_id`] but takes a non-`Send+Sync` and non-`'static'` closure. No runtime checks
    /// are performed for ensuring that the closure is called correctly.
    /// # Safety
    /// The provided closure must be valid until the signal handler is disconnected, and it must
    /// be allowed to call the closure from the threads the signal is emitted from.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the signal does not exist.
    unsafe fn connect_unsafe_id<F>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect a closure to the signal `signal_name` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// This panics if the signal does not exist.
    /// A recurring case is connecting a handler which will be automatically disconnected
    /// when an object it refers to is destroyed, as it happens with `g_signal_connect_object`
    /// in C. This can be achieved with a closure that watches an object: see the documentation
    /// of the [`closure!`](crate::closure!) macro for more details.
    /// Same as [`Self::connect`] but takes a [`Closure`](crate::Closure) instead of a `Fn`.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_connect_closure")]
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_connect_object")]
    fn connect_closure(
        signal_name: &str,
        after: bool,
        closure: RustClosure,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect a closure to the signal `signal_id` on this object.
    /// If `after` is set to `true` then the callback will be called after the default class
    /// handler of the signal is emitted, otherwise before.
    /// This panics if the signal does not exist.
    /// Same as [`Self::connect_closure`] but takes a
    /// [`SignalId`](crate::subclass::signal::SignalId) instead of a signal name.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_connect_closure_by_id")]
    fn connect_closure_id(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        closure: RustClosure,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Limits the lifetime of `closure` to the lifetime of the object. When
    /// the object's reference count drops to zero, the closure will be
    /// invalidated. An invalidated closure will ignore any calls to
    /// [`invoke_with_values`](crate::closure::Closure::invoke_with_values), or
    /// [`invoke`](crate::closure::RustClosure::invoke) when using Rust closures.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_watch_closure")]
    fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Emit signal by signal id.
    /// If the signal has a return value then this is returned here.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the wrong number of arguments is provided, or arguments of the wrong types
    /// were provided.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_emitv")]
    fn emit<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[&dyn ToValue]) -> R;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Same as [`Self::emit`] but takes `Value` for the arguments.
    fn emit_with_values(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[Value]) -> Option<Value>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Emit signal by its name.
    /// If the signal has a return value then this is returned here.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the signal does not exist, the wrong number of arguments is provided, or
    /// arguments of the wrong types were provided.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_emit_by_name")]
    fn emit_by_name<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(
        signal_name: &str,
        args: &[&dyn ToValue],
    ) -> R;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Emit signal by its name.
    /// If the signal has a return value then this is returned here.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the signal does not exist, the wrong number of arguments is provided, or
    /// arguments of the wrong types were provided.
    fn emit_by_name_with_values(&self, signal_name: &str, args: &[Value]) -> Option<Value>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Emit signal by its name with details.
    /// If the signal has a return value then this is returned here.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the wrong number of arguments is provided, or arguments of the wrong types
    /// were provided.
    fn emit_by_name_with_details<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(
        signal_name: &str,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[&dyn ToValue],
    ) -> R;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Emit signal by its name with details.
    /// If the signal has a return value then this is returned here.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the wrong number of arguments is provided, or arguments of the wrong types
    /// were provided.
    fn emit_by_name_with_details_and_values(
        signal_name: &str,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[Value],
    ) -> Option<Value>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Emit signal by signal id with details.
    /// If the signal has a return value then this is returned here.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the wrong number of arguments is provided, or arguments of the wrong types
    /// were provided.
    fn emit_with_details<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[&dyn ToValue],
    ) -> R;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Emit signal by signal id with details.
    /// If the signal has a return value then this is returned here.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the wrong number of arguments is provided, or arguments of the wrong types
    /// were provided.
    fn emit_with_details_and_values(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[Value],
    ) -> Option<Value>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Disconnect a previously connected signal handler.
    #[doc(alias = "g_signal_handler_disconnect")]
    fn disconnect(&self, handler_id: SignalHandlerId);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the `notify` signal of the object.
    /// This is emitted whenever a property is changed. If `name` is provided then the signal
    /// handler is only called for this specific property.
    fn connect_notify<F: Fn(&Self, &crate::ParamSpec) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
        name: Option<&str>,
        f: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the `notify` signal of the object.
    /// This is emitted whenever a property is changed. If `name` is provided then the signal
    /// handler is only called for this specific property.
    /// This is like `connect_notify` but doesn't require a `Send+Sync` closure. Signal emission
    /// will panic if the signal is emitted from the wrong thread.
    fn connect_notify_local<F: Fn(&Self, &crate::ParamSpec) + 'static>(
        name: Option<&str>,
        f: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Connect to the `notify` signal of the object.
    /// This is emitted whenever a property is changed. If `name` is provided then the signal
    /// handler is only called for this specific property.
    /// This is like `connect_notify` but doesn't require a `Send+Sync` or `'static` closure. No
    /// runtime checks for wrongly calling the closure are performed.
    /// # Safety
    /// The provided closure must be valid until the signal handler is disconnected, and it must
    /// be allowed to call the closure from the threads the signal is emitted from.
    unsafe fn connect_notify_unsafe<F: Fn(&Self, &crate::ParamSpec)>(
        name: Option<&str>,
        f: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Notify that the given property has changed its value.
    /// This emits the `notify` signal.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_notify")]
    fn notify(&self, property_name: &str);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Notify that the given property has changed its value.
    /// This emits the `notify` signal.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_notify_by_pspec")]
    fn notify_by_pspec(&self, pspec: &crate::ParamSpec);

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Downgrade this object to a weak reference.
    fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakRef<Self>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Add a callback to be notified when the Object is disposed.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_weak_ref")]
    #[doc(alias = "connect_drop")]
    fn add_weak_ref_notify<F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<Self>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Add a callback to be notified when the Object is disposed.
    /// This is like [`add_weak_ref_notify`][`ObjectExt::add_weak_ref_notify`] but doesn't require the closure to be [`Send`].
    /// Object dispose will panic if the object is disposed from the wrong thread.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_weak_ref")]
    #[doc(alias = "connect_drop")]
    fn add_weak_ref_notify_local<F: FnOnce() + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<Self>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Bind property `source_property` on this object to the `target_property` on the `target` object.
    /// This allows keeping the properties of both objects in sync.
    /// The binding can be unidirectional or bidirectional and optionally it is possible to
    /// transform the property values before they're passed to the other object.
    fn bind_property<'a, 'f, 't, O: ObjectType>(
        &'a self,
        source_property: &'a str,
        target: &'a O,
        target_property: &'a str,
    ) -> BindingBuilder<'a, 'f, 't>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Returns the strong reference count of this object.
    fn ref_count(&self) -> u32;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Runs the dispose mechanism of the object.
    /// This will dispose of any references the object has to other objects, and among other things
    /// will disconnect all signal handlers.
    /// # Safety
    /// Theoretically this is safe to run and afterwards the object is simply in a non-functional
    /// state, however many object implementations in C end up with memory safety issues if the
    /// object is used after disposal.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_run_dispose")]
    unsafe fn run_dispose(&self);

impl<T: ObjectType> ObjectExt for T {
    fn is<U: StaticType>(&self) -> bool {

    fn type_(&self) -> Type {

    fn object_class(&self) -> &ObjectClass {
        unsafe {
            let obj: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject = self.as_object_ref().to_glib_none().0;
            let klass = (*obj).g_type_instance.g_class as *const ObjectClass;

    fn class(&self) -> &Class<Self>
        Self: IsClass,
        unsafe {
            let obj: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject = self.as_object_ref().to_glib_none().0;
            let klass = (*obj).g_type_instance.g_class as *const Class<Self>;

    fn class_of<U: IsClass>(&self) -> Option<&Class<U>> {
        if !<U>() {
            return None;

        unsafe {
            let obj: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject = self.as_object_ref().to_glib_none().0;
            let klass = (*obj).g_type_instance.g_class as *const Class<U>;

    fn interface<U: IsInterface>(&self) -> Option<InterfaceRef<U>> {

    fn set_property(&self, property_name: &str, value: impl Into<Value>) {
        let pspec = self.find_property(property_name).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "property '{property_name}' of type '{}' not found",

        let mut property_value = value.into();
        validate_property_type(self.type_(), false, &pspec, &mut property_value);
        unsafe {
       as *const _,

    fn set_property_from_value(&self, property_name: &str, value: &Value) {
        let pspec = match self.find_property(property_name) {
            Some(pspec) => pspec,
            None => {
                    "property '{property_name}' of type '{}' not found",

        // FIXME: With GLib 2.74 and GParamSpecClass::value_is_valid() it is possible to
        // not require mutable values here except for when LAX_VALIDATION is provided and a
        // change is needed, or a GObject value needs it's GType changed.
        let mut property_value = value.clone();
        validate_property_type(self.type_(), false, &pspec, &mut property_value);
        unsafe {
       as *const _,

    fn set_properties(&self, property_values: &[(&str, &dyn ToValue)]) {
        let pspecs = self.list_properties();

        let params = property_values
            .map(|&(name, value)| {
                let pspec = pspecs.iter().find(|p| == name).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                    panic!("Can't find property '{name}' for type '{}'", self.type_());

                let mut value = value.to_value();
                validate_property_type(self.type_(), false, pspec, &mut value);
                (, value)
            .collect::<smallvec::SmallVec<[_; 10]>>();

        for (name, value) in params {
            unsafe {
                    name as *const _,

    fn set_properties_from_value(&self, property_values: &[(&str, Value)]) {
        let pspecs = self.list_properties();

        let params = property_values
            .map(|(name, value)| {
                let pspec = pspecs
                    .find(|p| == *name)
                    .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        panic!("Can't find property '{name}' for type '{}'", self.type_());

                let mut value = value.clone();
                validate_property_type(self.type_(), false, pspec, &mut value);
                (, value)
            .collect::<smallvec::SmallVec<[_; 10]>>();

        for (name, value) in params {
            unsafe {
                    name as *const _,

    fn property<V: for<'b> FromValue<'b> + 'static>(&self, property_name: &str) -> V {
        let prop = self.property_value(property_name);
        let v = prop
            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to get cast value to a different type {e}"));


    fn property_value(&self, property_name: &str) -> Value {
        let pspec = self.find_property(property_name).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "property '{property_name}' of type '{}' not found",

        if !pspec.flags().contains(crate::ParamFlags::READABLE) {
                "property '{property_name}' of type '{}' is not readable",

        unsafe {
            let mut value = Value::from_type_unchecked(pspec.value_type());
       as *const _,

            // This can't really happen unless something goes wrong inside GObject
            if !value.type_().is_valid() {
                    "Failed to get property value for property '{property_name}' of type '{}'",


    fn has_property(&self, property_name: &str, type_: Option<Type>) -> bool {
        self.object_class().has_property(property_name, type_)

    fn property_type(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<Type> {

    fn find_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<crate::ParamSpec> {

    fn list_properties(&self) -> PtrSlice<crate::ParamSpec> {

    fn freeze_notify(&self) -> PropertyNotificationFreezeGuard {
        unsafe { gobject_ffi::g_object_freeze_notify(self.as_object_ref().to_glib_none().0) };

    unsafe fn set_qdata<QD: 'static>(&self, key: Quark, value: QD) {
        unsafe extern "C" fn drop_value<QD>(ptr: ffi::gpointer) {
            let value: Box<QD> = Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut QD);

        let ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(value)) as ffi::gpointer;

    unsafe fn qdata<QD: 'static>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<ptr::NonNull<QD>> {
        ) as *mut QD)

    unsafe fn steal_qdata<QD: 'static>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<QD> {
        let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_object_steal_qdata(
        if ptr.is_null() {
        } else {
            let value: Box<QD> = Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut QD);

    unsafe fn set_data<QD: 'static>(&self, key: &str, value: QD) {
        self.set_qdata::<QD>(Quark::from_str(key), value)

    unsafe fn data<QD: 'static>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<ptr::NonNull<QD>> {

    unsafe fn steal_data<QD: 'static>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<QD> {

    fn block_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId) {
        unsafe {

    fn unblock_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId) {
        unsafe {

    fn stop_signal_emission(&self, signal_id: SignalId, detail: Option<Quark>) {
        unsafe {

    fn stop_signal_emission_by_name(&self, signal_name: &str) {
        unsafe {
            signal_name.run_with_gstr(|signal_name| {

    fn connect<F>(&self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        unsafe { self.connect_unsafe(signal_name, after, callback) }

    fn connect_id<F>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        unsafe { self.connect_unsafe_id(signal_id, details, after, callback) }

    fn connect_local<F>(&self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static,
        let callback = crate::thread_guard::ThreadGuard::new(callback);

        unsafe {
            self.connect_unsafe(signal_name, after, move |values| {

    fn connect_local_id<F>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static,
        let callback = crate::thread_guard::ThreadGuard::new(callback);

        unsafe {
            self.connect_unsafe_id(signal_id, details, after, move |values| {

    unsafe fn connect_unsafe<F>(
        signal_name: &str,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>,
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let (signal_id, details) = SignalId::parse_name(signal_name, type_, true)
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' not found"));
        self.connect_unsafe_id(signal_id, details, after, callback)

    unsafe fn connect_unsafe_id<F>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        callback: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId
        F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>,
        let signal_query = signal_id.query();
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let return_type: Type = signal_query.return_type().into();
        let signal_name =;
        let signal_query_type = signal_query.type_();

        let closure = if return_type == Type::UNIT {
            Closure::new_unsafe(move |values| {
                let ret = callback(values);
                if let Some(ret) = ret {
                        "Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' required no return value but got value of type '{}'",
        } else {
            Closure::new_unsafe(move |values| {
                let mut ret = callback(values).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        "Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' required return value of type '{}' but got None",
                let valid_type: bool = from_glib(gobject_ffi::g_type_check_value_holds(

                if valid_type {
                    return Some(ret);

                if let Err(got) = coerce_object_type(&mut ret, return_type) {
                        "Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' required return value of type '{return_type}' but got '{got}'",

            "Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' but got type '{signal_query_type}'",

        let handler = gobject_ffi::g_signal_connect_closure_by_id(

        if handler == 0 {
            panic!("Failed to connect to signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}'",);


    fn connect_closure(
        signal_name: &str,
        after: bool,
        closure: RustClosure,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId {
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let (signal_id, details) = SignalId::parse_name(signal_name, type_, true)
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' not found"));
        self.connect_closure_id(signal_id, details, after, closure)

    fn connect_closure_id(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Option<Quark>,
        after: bool,
        closure: RustClosure,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId {
        let signal_query = signal_id.query();
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let signal_name =;

        let signal_query_type = signal_query.type_();
            "Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' but got type '{signal_query_type}'",

        unsafe {
            let handler = gobject_ffi::g_signal_connect_closure_by_id(

            if handler == 0 {
                panic!("Failed to connect to signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}'",);


    fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>) {
        let closure = closure.as_ref();
        unsafe {

    fn emit<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[&dyn ToValue]) -> R {
        let signal_query = signal_id.query();
        unsafe {
            let type_ = self.type_();

            let self_v = {
                let mut v = Value::uninitialized();
                gobject_ffi::g_value_init(v.to_glib_none_mut().0, self.type_().into_glib());

            let mut args = Iterator::chain(
            .collect::<smallvec::SmallVec<[_; 10]>>();

            validate_signal_arguments(type_, &signal_query, &mut args[1..]);

            let mut return_value = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {
            let return_value_ptr = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {

                mut_override(args.as_ptr()) as *mut gobject_ffi::GValue,

                Some(return_value).filter(|r| r.type_().is_valid() && r.type_() != Type::UNIT),

    fn emit_with_values(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[Value]) -> Option<Value> {
        unsafe {
            let type_ = self.type_();

            let signal_query = signal_id.query();

            let self_v = {
                let mut v = Value::uninitialized();
                gobject_ffi::g_value_init(v.to_glib_none_mut().0, self.type_().into_glib());

            let mut args = Iterator::chain(std::iter::once(self_v), args.iter().cloned())
                .collect::<smallvec::SmallVec<[_; 10]>>();

            validate_signal_arguments(type_, &signal_query, &mut args[1..]);

            let mut return_value = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {
            let return_value_ptr = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {

                mut_override(args.as_ptr()) as *mut gobject_ffi::GValue,

            Some(return_value).filter(|r| r.type_().is_valid() && r.type_() != Type::UNIT)

    fn emit_by_name<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(
        signal_name: &str,
        args: &[&dyn ToValue],
    ) -> R {
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let signal_id = SignalId::lookup(signal_name, type_).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            panic!("Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' not found");
        self.emit(signal_id, args)

    fn emit_by_name_with_values(&self, signal_name: &str, args: &[Value]) -> Option<Value> {
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let signal_id = SignalId::lookup(signal_name, type_).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            panic!("Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' not found");
        self.emit_with_values(signal_id, args)

    fn emit_by_name_with_details<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(
        signal_name: &str,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[&dyn ToValue],
    ) -> R {
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let signal_id = SignalId::lookup(signal_name, type_)
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' not found"));
        self.emit_with_details(signal_id, details, args)

    fn emit_by_name_with_details_and_values(
        signal_name: &str,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[Value],
    ) -> Option<Value> {
        let type_ = self.type_();
        let signal_id = SignalId::lookup(signal_name, type_)
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' not found"));
        self.emit_with_details_and_values(signal_id, details, args)

    fn emit_with_details<R: TryFromClosureReturnValue>(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[&dyn ToValue],
    ) -> R {
        let signal_query = signal_id.query();

        unsafe {
            let type_ = self.type_();

            let self_v = {
                let mut v = Value::uninitialized();
                gobject_ffi::g_value_init(v.to_glib_none_mut().0, self.type_().into_glib());

            let mut args = Iterator::chain(
            .collect::<smallvec::SmallVec<[_; 10]>>();

            validate_signal_arguments(type_, &signal_query, &mut args[1..]);

            let mut return_value = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {
            let return_value_ptr = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {

                mut_override(args.as_ptr()) as *mut gobject_ffi::GValue,

                Some(return_value).filter(|r| r.type_().is_valid() && r.type_() != Type::UNIT),

    fn emit_with_details_and_values(
        signal_id: SignalId,
        details: Quark,
        args: &[Value],
    ) -> Option<Value> {
        let signal_query = signal_id.query();

        unsafe {
            let type_ = self.type_();

            let self_v = {
                let mut v = Value::uninitialized();
                gobject_ffi::g_value_init(v.to_glib_none_mut().0, self.type_().into_glib());

            let mut args = Iterator::chain(std::iter::once(self_v), args.iter().cloned())
                .collect::<smallvec::SmallVec<[_; 10]>>();

            validate_signal_arguments(type_, &signal_query, &mut args[1..]);

            let mut return_value = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {
            let return_value_ptr = if signal_query.return_type() != Type::UNIT {
            } else {

                mut_override(args.as_ptr()) as *mut gobject_ffi::GValue,

            Some(return_value).filter(|r| r.type_().is_valid() && r.type_() != Type::UNIT)

    fn disconnect(&self, handler_id: SignalHandlerId) {
        unsafe {

    fn connect_notify<F: Fn(&Self, &crate::ParamSpec) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
        name: Option<&str>,
        f: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId {
        unsafe { self.connect_notify_unsafe(name, f) }

    fn connect_notify_local<F: Fn(&Self, &crate::ParamSpec) + 'static>(
        name: Option<&str>,
        f: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId {
        let f = crate::thread_guard::ThreadGuard::new(f);

        unsafe {
            self.connect_notify_unsafe(name, move |s, pspec| {
                (f.get_ref())(s, pspec);

    unsafe fn connect_notify_unsafe<F: Fn(&Self, &crate::ParamSpec)>(
        name: Option<&str>,
        f: F,
    ) -> SignalHandlerId {
        unsafe extern "C" fn notify_trampoline<P, F: Fn(&P, &crate::ParamSpec)>(
            this: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject,
            param_spec: *mut gobject_ffi::GParamSpec,
            f: ffi::gpointer,
        ) where
            P: ObjectType,
            let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);

        let signal_name = if let Some(name) = name {
        } else {

        let f: Box<F> = Box::new(f);
            signal_name.as_ptr() as *const _,
            Some(mem::transmute::<_, unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
                notify_trampoline::<Self, F> as *const (),

    fn notify(&self, property_name: &str) {
        unsafe {
            property_name.run_with_gstr(|property_name| {

    fn notify_by_pspec(&self, pspec: &crate::ParamSpec) {
        unsafe {

    fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakRef<T> {
        unsafe {
            let w = WeakRef(Box::pin(mem::zeroed()), PhantomData);

    fn add_weak_ref_notify<F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<T> {
        WeakRefNotify::new(self, f)

    fn add_weak_ref_notify_local<F: FnOnce() + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<T> {
        let callback = crate::thread_guard::ThreadGuard::new(f);

        WeakRefNotify::new(self, move || callback.into_inner()())

    fn bind_property<'a, 'f, 't, O: ObjectType>(
        &'a self,
        source_property: &'a str,
        target: &'a O,
        target_property: &'a str,
    ) -> BindingBuilder<'a, 'f, 't> {
        BindingBuilder::new(self, source_property, target, target_property)

    fn ref_count(&self) -> u32 {
        let stash = self.as_object_ref().to_glib_none();
        let ptr: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject = stash.0;

        unsafe { ffi::g_atomic_int_get(&(*ptr).ref_count as *const u32 as *const i32) as u32 }

    unsafe fn run_dispose(&self) {
        gobject_ffi::g_object_run_dispose(self.as_ptr() as *mut _);

// Helper struct to avoid creating an extra ref on objects inside closure watches. This is safe
// because `watch_closure` ensures the object has a ref when the closure is called.
pub struct WatchedObject<T: ObjectType>(ptr::NonNull<T::GlibType>);

unsafe impl<T: ObjectType + Send + Sync> Send for WatchedObject<T> {}

unsafe impl<T: ObjectType + Send + Sync> Sync for WatchedObject<T> {}

impl<T: ObjectType> WatchedObject<T> {
    pub fn new(obj: &T) -> Self {
        Self(unsafe { ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(obj.as_ptr()) })
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// # Safety
    /// This should only be called from within a closure that was previously attached to `T` using
    /// `Watchable::watch_closure`.
    pub unsafe fn borrow(&self) -> Borrowed<T>
        T: FromGlibPtrBorrow<*mut <T as ObjectType>::GlibType>,

pub trait Watchable<T: ObjectType> {
    fn watched_object(&self) -> WatchedObject<T>;
    fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>);

impl<T: ObjectType> Watchable<T> for T {
    fn watched_object(&self) -> WatchedObject<T> {
    fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>) {
        ObjectExt::watch_closure(self, closure)

impl<'a, T: ObjectType> Watchable<T> for BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
    fn watched_object(&self) -> WatchedObject<T> {
    fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>) {
        ObjectExt::watch_closure(&**self, closure)

impl<T: ObjectType> Watchable<T> for &T {
    fn watched_object(&self) -> WatchedObject<T> {
    fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>) {
        ObjectExt::watch_closure(*self, closure)

// Validate that the given property value has an acceptable type for the given property pspec
// and if necessary update the value
fn validate_property_type(
    type_: Type,
    allow_construct_only: bool,
    pspec: &crate::ParamSpec,
    property_value: &mut Value,
) {
    if !pspec.flags().contains(crate::ParamFlags::WRITABLE)
        || (!allow_construct_only && pspec.flags().contains(crate::ParamFlags::CONSTRUCT_ONLY))
            "property '{}' of type '{type_}' is not writable",

    unsafe {
        // While GLib actually allows all types that can somehow be transformed
        // into the property type, we're more restrictive here to be consistent
        // with Rust's type rules. We only allow the exact same type, or if the
        // value type is a subtype of the property type
        let valid_type: bool = from_glib(gobject_ffi::g_type_check_value_holds(

        if !valid_type {
            if let Err(got) = coerce_object_type(property_value, pspec.value_type()) {
                        "property '{}' of type '{type_}' can't be set from the given type (expected: '{}', got: '{got}')",

        let changed: bool = from_glib(gobject_ffi::g_param_value_validate(
        let change_allowed = pspec.flags().contains(crate::ParamFlags::LAX_VALIDATION);
        if changed && !change_allowed {
                "property '{}' of type '{type_}' can't be set from given value, it is invalid or out of range",

// If it's not directly a valid type but an object type, we check if the
// actual type of the contained object is compatible and if so create
// a properly typed Value (by mutating the existing Value).
// This can happen if the type field in the Value is set to a more
// generic type than the contained value.
fn coerce_object_type(property_value: &mut Value, type_: Type) -> Result<(), Type> {
    // return early if type coercion is not possible
    match property_value.get::<Option<Object>>() {
        Ok(Some(obj)) if !(obj.type_().is_a(type_)) => Err(obj.type_()),
        Ok(_) => {
            property_value.inner.g_type = type_.into_glib();
        Err(_) => Err(property_value.type_()),

fn validate_signal_arguments(type_: Type, signal_query: &SignalQuery, args: &mut [Value]) {
    let signal_name = signal_query.signal_name();

    if signal_query.n_params() != args.len() as u32 {
            "Incompatible number of arguments for signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' (expected {}, got {})",

    let param_types = Iterator::zip(args.iter_mut(), signal_query.param_types());

    for (i, (arg, param_type)) in param_types.enumerate() {
        let param_type: Type = (*param_type).into();
        if param_type != arg.type_() {
            coerce_object_type(arg, param_type).unwrap_or_else(|got|
                    "Incompatible argument type in argument {i} for signal '{signal_name}' of type '{type_}' (expected {param_type}, got {got})",

impl ObjectClass {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Check if the object class has a property `property_name` of the given `type_`.
    /// If no type is provided then only the existence of the property is checked.
    pub fn has_property(&self, property_name: &str, type_: Option<Type>) -> bool {
        let ptype = self.property_type(property_name);

        match (ptype, type_) {
            (None, _) => false,
            (Some(_), None) => true,
            (Some(ptype), Some(type_)) => ptype == type_,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the type of the property `property_name` of this object class.
    /// This returns `None` if the property does not exist.
    #[doc(alias = "get_property_type")]
    pub fn property_type(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<Type> {
            .map(|pspec| pspec.value_type())

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the [`ParamSpec`](crate::ParamSpec) of the property `property_name` of this object class.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_class_find_property")]
    pub fn find_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<crate::ParamSpec> {
        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GObjectClass;

            property_name.run_with_gstr(|property_name| {
                    klass as *mut _,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Return all [`ParamSpec`](crate::ParamSpec) of the properties of this object class.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_class_list_properties")]
    pub fn list_properties(&self) -> PtrSlice<crate::ParamSpec> {
        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GObjectClass;

            let mut n_properties = 0;

            let props =
                gobject_ffi::g_object_class_list_properties(klass as *mut _, &mut n_properties);
            PtrSlice::from_glib_container_num(props, n_properties as usize, true)

wrapper! {
    #[doc(alias = "GInitiallyUnowned")]
    pub struct InitiallyUnowned(Object<gobject_ffi::GInitiallyUnowned, gobject_ffi::GInitiallyUnownedClass>);

    match fn {
        type_ => || gobject_ffi::g_initially_unowned_get_type(),

// ManuallyDrop -> The lifetime of the data isn't bound to a Rust value but a GObject. Drop could free data too early.
// Pin          -> Make sure the pointer Box(1) passed to FFI is always valid and never reallocates.
// Box(1)       -> Pointer to Box(2), 64 bits large and compatible with FFI.
// Box(2)       -> Pointer to dyn FnOnce(), 128 bits large and incompatible with FFI (so Box(1) is passed instead).
type WeakRefNotifyData = ManuallyDrop<Pin<Box<Box<dyn FnOnce() + 'static>>>>;

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// A handle to disconnect a weak ref notify closure.
pub struct WeakRefNotify<T: ObjectType> {
    object: WeakRef<T>,
    data: WeakRefNotifyData,

unsafe extern "C" fn notify_func(data: ffi::gpointer, _obj: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject) {
    // SAFETY: Call to FFI with pointers that must be valid due to Pin and lifetimes.
    //         ManuallyDrop and Pin are elided because the pointer only points to Box<Box<dyn FnOnce()>>.
    let callback: Box<Box<dyn FnOnce()>> = Box::from_raw(data as *mut _);

    // SAFETY: Function must have type FnOnce() due type checks in WeakRefNotify::new.
    //         This callback can only be called once when the object is disposed, to the data can be dropped.

impl<T: ObjectType> WeakRefNotify<T> {
    fn new<F: FnOnce() + 'static>(obj: &T, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<T> {
        let data: WeakRefNotifyData = ManuallyDrop::new(Box::pin(Box::new(f)));
        let data_ptr: *const Box<dyn FnOnce()> = Pin::as_ref(&data).get_ref();

        unsafe {
            // SAFETY: Call to FFI with pointers that must be valid due to Pin and lifetimes.
                obj.as_ptr() as *mut gobject_ffi::GObject,
                data_ptr as *mut _,

        let object = obj.downgrade();

        WeakRefNotify { object, data }

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Try to upgrade this weak reference to a strong reference.
    /// If the stored object was already destroyed then `None` is returned.
    pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<T> {

    #[doc(alias = "g_object_weak_unref")]
    pub fn disconnect(mut self) {
        // Upgrade the object to make sure it's alive and the callback can't be called while it's disconnected.
        if let Some(obj) = self.object.upgrade() {
            let data_ptr: *const Box<dyn FnOnce()> = Pin::as_ref(&;

            unsafe {
                // SAFETY: Call to FFI with pointers that must be valid due to Pin and lifetimes.
                    obj.as_ptr() as *mut gobject_ffi::GObject,
                    data_ptr as *mut _,

                // SAFETY: The data can be dropped because references to GObject have been dropped too.
                //         The callback can't be called before or after because it's disconnected and the object is still alive.
                //         This function can't be called anymore either because it consumes self.

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// A weak reference to an object.
#[doc(alias = "GWeakRef")]
pub struct WeakRef<T: ObjectType>(Pin<Box<gobject_ffi::GWeakRef>>, PhantomData<*mut T>);

impl<T: ObjectType> WeakRef<T> {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Create a new empty weak reference.
    /// `upgrade` will always return `None` until an object is set on it.
    pub fn new() -> WeakRef<T> {
        unsafe {
            let mut w = WeakRef(Box::pin(mem::zeroed()), PhantomData);
                Pin::as_mut(&mut w.0).get_unchecked_mut(),

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Set this weak reference to the given object.
    #[doc(alias = "g_weak_ref_set")]
    pub fn set(&self, obj: Option<&T>) {
        unsafe {
                obj.map_or(std::ptr::null_mut(), |obj| {

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Try to upgrade this weak reference to a strong reference.
    /// If the stored object was already destroyed or no object was set in this weak reference then
    /// `None` is returned.
    pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<T> {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_weak_ref_get(mut_override(Pin::as_ref(&self.0).get_ref()));
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {
                let obj: Object = from_glib_full(ptr);

impl<T: ObjectType> Drop for WeakRef<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            gobject_ffi::g_weak_ref_clear(Pin::as_mut(&mut self.0).get_unchecked_mut());

impl<T: ObjectType> Clone for WeakRef<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        unsafe {
            let o = self.upgrade();

            let mut c = WeakRef(Box::pin(mem::zeroed()), PhantomData);
                Pin::as_mut(&mut c.0).get_unchecked_mut(),
                o.to_glib_none().0 as *mut gobject_ffi::GObject,


impl<T: ObjectType> Default for WeakRef<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {

unsafe impl<T: ObjectType + Sync + Sync> Sync for WeakRef<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: ObjectType + Send + Sync> Send for WeakRef<T> {}

impl<T: ObjectType> PartialEq for WeakRef<T> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        unsafe { self.0.priv_.p == other.0.priv_.p }

impl<T: ObjectType> PartialEq<T> for WeakRef<T> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &T) -> bool {
        unsafe { self.0.priv_.p == other.as_ptr() as *mut std::os::raw::c_void }

impl<T: ObjectType> PartialOrd for WeakRef<T> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
        unsafe { self.0.priv_.p.partial_cmp(&other.0.priv_.p) }

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// A weak reference to the object it was created for that can be sent to
/// different threads even for object types that don't implement `Send`.
/// Trying to upgrade the weak reference from another thread than the one
/// where it was created on will panic but dropping or cloning can be done
/// safely from any thread.
pub struct SendWeakRef<T: ObjectType>(WeakRef<T>, Option<usize>);

impl<T: ObjectType> SendWeakRef<T> {
    pub fn new() -> SendWeakRef<T> {
        SendWeakRef(WeakRef::new(), None)

    pub fn into_weak_ref(self) -> WeakRef<T> {
            self.1.is_none() || self.1 == Some(thread_id()),
            "SendWeakRef dereferenced on a different thread",


impl<T: ObjectType> ops::Deref for SendWeakRef<T> {
    type Target = WeakRef<T>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &WeakRef<T> {
            self.1.is_none() || self.1 == Some(thread_id()),
            "SendWeakRef dereferenced on a different thread"


// Deriving this gives the wrong trait bounds
impl<T: ObjectType> Clone for SendWeakRef<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self(self.0.clone(), self.1)

impl<T: ObjectType> Default for SendWeakRef<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<T: ObjectType> From<WeakRef<T>> for SendWeakRef<T> {
    fn from(v: WeakRef<T>) -> SendWeakRef<T> {
        SendWeakRef(v, Some(thread_id()))

unsafe impl<T: ObjectType> Sync for SendWeakRef<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: ObjectType> Send for SendWeakRef<T> {}

type TransformFn<'b> =
    Option<Box<dyn Fn(&'b crate::Binding, &'b Value) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static>>;

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Builder for object property bindings.
#[must_use = "The builder must be built to be used"]
pub struct BindingBuilder<'a, 'f, 't> {
    source: &'a ObjectRef,
    source_property: &'a str,
    target: &'a ObjectRef,
    target_property: &'a str,
    flags: crate::BindingFlags,
    transform_from: TransformFn<'f>,
    transform_to: TransformFn<'t>,

impl<'a, 'f, 't> fmt::Debug for BindingBuilder<'a, 'f, 't> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("source", &self.source)
            .field("source_property", &self.source_property)
            .field("target", &
            .field("target_property", &self.target_property)
            .field("flags", &self.flags)

impl<'a, 'f, 't> BindingBuilder<'a, 'f, 't> {
    fn new(
        source: &'a impl ObjectType,
        source_property: &'a str,
        target: &'a impl ObjectType,
        target_property: &'a str,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            source: source.as_object_ref(),
            target: target.as_object_ref(),
            flags: crate::BindingFlags::DEFAULT,
            transform_to: None,
            transform_from: None,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Transform changed property values from the target object to the source object with the given closure.
    /// This function operates on `glib::Value`s.
    /// See [`Self::transform_from`] for a version which operates on concrete argument and return types.
    pub fn transform_from_with_values<
        F: Fn(&crate::Binding, &Value) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        func: F,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            transform_from: Some(Box::new(func)),

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Transform changed property values from the target object to the source object with the given closure.
    /// This function operates on concrete argument and return types.
    /// See [`Self::transform_from_with_values`] for a version which operates on `glib::Value`s.
    pub fn transform_from<
        S: FromValue<'f>,
        T: Into<Value>,
        F: Fn(&'f crate::Binding, S) -> Option<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        func: F,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            transform_from: Some(Box::new(move |binding, from_value| {
                let from_value = from_value.get().expect("Wrong value type");
                func(binding, from_value).map(|r| r.into())

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Transform changed property values from the source object to the target object with the given closure.
    /// This function operates on `glib::Value`s.
    /// See [`Self::transform_to`] for a version which operates on concrete argument and return types.
    pub fn transform_to_with_values<
        F: Fn(&crate::Binding, &Value) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        func: F,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            transform_to: Some(Box::new(func)),

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Transform changed property values from the source object to the target object with the given closure.
    /// This function operates on concrete argument and return types.
    /// See [`Self::transform_to_with_values`] for a version which operates on `glib::Value`s.
    pub fn transform_to<
        S: FromValue<'t>,
        T: Into<Value>,
        F: Fn(&'t crate::Binding, S) -> Option<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        func: F,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            transform_to: Some(Box::new(move |binding, from_value| {
                let from_value = from_value.get().expect("Wrong value type");
                func(binding, from_value).map(|r| r.into())

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Bind the properties with the given flags.
    pub fn flags(self, flags: crate::BindingFlags) -> Self {
        Self { flags, ..self }

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Set the binding flags to [`BIDIRECTIONAL`][crate::BindingFlags::BIDIRECTIONAL].
    pub fn bidirectional(mut self) -> Self {
        self.flags |= crate::BindingFlags::BIDIRECTIONAL;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Set the binding flags to [`SYNC_CREATE`][crate::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE].
    pub fn sync_create(mut self) -> Self {
        self.flags |= crate::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Set the binding flags to [`INVERT_BOOLEAN`][crate::BindingFlags::INVERT_BOOLEAN].
    pub fn invert_boolean(mut self) -> Self {
        self.flags |= crate::BindingFlags::INVERT_BOOLEAN;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Establish the property binding.
    /// # Panics
    /// This panics if the provided properties do not exist.
    pub fn build(self) -> crate::Binding {
        unsafe extern "C" fn transform_to_trampoline(
            binding: *mut gobject_ffi::GBinding,
            from_value: *const gobject_ffi::GValue,
            to_value: *mut gobject_ffi::GValue,
            user_data: ffi::gpointer,
        ) -> ffi::gboolean {
            let transform_data = &*(user_data
                as *const (TransformFn, TransformFn, crate::ParamSpec, crate::ParamSpec));

            match (transform_data.0.as_ref().unwrap())(
                &*(from_value as *const Value),
            ) {
                None => false,
                Some(res) => {
                        "Target property {} expected type {} but transform_to function returned {}",
                    *to_value = res.into_raw();

        unsafe extern "C" fn transform_from_trampoline(
            binding: *mut gobject_ffi::GBinding,
            from_value: *const gobject_ffi::GValue,
            to_value: *mut gobject_ffi::GValue,
            user_data: ffi::gpointer,
        ) -> ffi::gboolean {
            let transform_data = &*(user_data
                as *const (TransformFn, TransformFn, crate::ParamSpec, crate::ParamSpec));

            match (transform_data.1.as_ref().unwrap())(
                &*(from_value as *const Value),
            ) {
                None => false,
                Some(res) => {
                        "Source property {} expected type {} but transform_from function returned {}",
                    *to_value = res.into_raw();

        unsafe extern "C" fn free_transform_data(data: ffi::gpointer) {
            let _ = Box::from_raw(
                data as *mut (TransformFn, TransformFn, crate::ParamSpec, crate::ParamSpec),

        unsafe {
            let source = Object {
                inner: TypedObjectRef::new(self.source.clone()),
                phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,
            let target = Object {
                inner: TypedObjectRef::new(,
                phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

            let source_property = source
                .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        "Source property {} on type {} not found",
            let target_property = target
                .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        "Target property {} on type {} not found",

            let source_property_name =;
            let target_property_name =;

            let have_transform_to = self.transform_to.is_some();
            let have_transform_from = self.transform_from.is_some();
            let transform_data = if have_transform_to || have_transform_from {
            } else {

                source_property_name as *const _,
                target_property_name as *const _,
                if have_transform_to {
                } else {
                if have_transform_from {
                } else {
                transform_data as ffi::gpointer,
                if transform_data.is_null() {
                } else {

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Class struct of type `T`.
pub struct Class<T: IsClass>(T::GlibClassType);

impl<T: IsClass> Class<T> {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the type id for this class.
    /// This is not equivalent to `T::static_type()` but is the type of the subclass of `T` where
    /// this class belongs to.
    #[doc(alias = "get_type")]
    pub fn type_(&self) -> Type {
        unsafe {
            // This also works for interfaces because they also have the type
            // as the first struct field.
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeClass;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Casts this class to a reference to a parent type's class.
    pub fn upcast_ref<U: IsClass>(&self) -> &Class<U>
        T: IsA<U>,
        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const Class<U>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Casts this class to a mutable reference to a parent type's class.
    pub fn upcast_ref_mut<U: IsClass>(&mut self) -> &mut Class<U>
        T: IsA<U>,
        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *mut _ as *mut Class<U>;
            &mut *klass

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Casts this class to a reference to a child type's class or
    /// fails if this class is not implementing the child class.
    pub fn downcast_ref<U: IsClass>(&self) -> Option<&Class<U>>
        U: IsA<T>,
        if !self.type_().is_a(U::static_type()) {
            return None;

        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const Class<U>;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Casts this class to a mutable reference to a child type's class or
    /// fails if this class is not implementing the child class.
    pub fn downcast_ref_mut<U: IsClass>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Class<U>>
        U: IsA<T>,
        if !self.type_().is_a(U::static_type()) {
            return None;

        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *mut _ as *mut Class<U>;
            Some(&mut *klass)

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the class struct for `Self` of `type_`.
    /// This will return `None` if `type_` is not a subclass of `Self`.
    #[doc(alias = "g_type_class_ref")]
    pub fn from_type(type_: Type) -> Option<ClassRef<'static, T>> {
        if !type_.is_a(T::static_type()) {
            return None;

        unsafe {
            let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_type_class_ref(type_.into_glib());
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {
                    ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut Self),

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the parent class struct, if any.
    #[doc(alias = "g_type_class_peek_parent")]
    pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<ClassRef<T>> {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_type_class_peek_parent(&self.0 as *const _ as *mut _);
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {
                    ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut Self),

unsafe impl<T: IsClass> Send for Class<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: IsClass> Sync for Class<T> {}

impl<T: IsClass> AsRef<T::GlibClassType> for Class<T> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T::GlibClassType {

impl<T: IsClass> AsMut<T::GlibClassType> for Class<T> {
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T::GlibClassType {
        &mut self.0

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Reference to the class struct of type `T`.
pub struct ClassRef<'a, T: IsClass>(ptr::NonNull<Class<T>>, bool, PhantomData<&'a ()>);

impl<'a, T: IsClass> ops::Deref for ClassRef<'a, T> {
    type Target = Class<T>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Class<T> {
        unsafe { self.0.as_ref() }

impl<'a, T: IsClass> Drop for ClassRef<'a, T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.1 {
            unsafe {
                gobject_ffi::g_type_class_unref(self.0.as_ptr() as *mut _);

unsafe impl<'a, T: IsClass> Send for ClassRef<'a, T> {}
unsafe impl<'a, T: IsClass> Sync for ClassRef<'a, T> {}

// This should require Self: IsA<Self::Super>, but that seems to cause a cycle error
pub unsafe trait ParentClassIs: IsClass {
    type Parent: IsClass;

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Automatically implemented by `ObjectSubclass` variants of
/// [`wrapper!`][crate::wrapper!]
pub unsafe trait ObjectSubclassIs: IsClass {
    type Subclass: ObjectSubclass;

impl<T: ParentClassIs> ops::Deref for Class<T> {
    type Target = Class<T::Parent>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const Self::Target;

impl<T: ParentClassIs> ops::DerefMut for Class<T> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *mut _ as *mut Self::Target;
            &mut *klass

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Trait implemented by class types.
pub unsafe trait IsClass: ObjectType {}

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Interface struct of type `T` for some type.
pub struct Interface<T: IsInterface>(T::GlibClassType);

impl<T: IsInterface> Interface<T> {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the type id for this interface.
    /// This is equivalent to `T::static_type()`.
    #[doc(alias = "get_type")]
    pub fn type_(&self) -> Type {
        unsafe {
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeInterface;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the type id for the instance type of this interface.
    /// This is not equivalent to `T::static_type()` but is the type id of the type this specific
    /// interface belongs to.
    #[doc(alias = "get_instance_type")]
    pub fn instance_type(&self) -> Type {
        unsafe {
            // This also works for interfaces because they also have the type
            // as the first struct field.
            let klass = self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeInterface;

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the interface struct for `Self` of `klass`.
    /// This will return `None` if `klass` is not implementing `Self`.
    pub fn from_class<U: IsClass>(klass: &Class<U>) -> Option<InterfaceRef<T>> {
        if !klass.type_().is_a(T::static_type()) {
            return None;

        unsafe {
            let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_type_interface_peek(
                &klass.0 as *const _ as *mut _,
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {
                    ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut Self),

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the default interface struct for `Self`.
    /// This will return `None` if `type_` is not an interface.
    pub fn from_type(type_: Type) -> Option<InterfaceRef<'static, T>> {
        if !type_.is_a(Type::INTERFACE) {
            return None;

        unsafe {
            let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_type_default_interface_ref(T::static_type().into_glib());
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {
                    ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut Self),

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the default interface struct for `Self`.
    #[doc(alias = "g_type_default_interface_ref")]
    pub fn default() -> InterfaceRef<'static, T> {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_type_default_interface_ref(T::static_type().into_glib());
                ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut Self),

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Gets the parent interface struct, if any.
    /// This returns the parent interface if a parent type of the instance type also implements the
    /// interface.
    #[doc(alias = "g_type_interface_peek_parent")]
    pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<InterfaceRef<T>> {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = gobject_ffi::g_type_interface_peek_parent(&self.0 as *const _ as *mut _);
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {
                    ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut Self),

impl<T: IsA<Object> + IsInterface> Interface<T> {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Check if this interface has a property `property_name` of the given `type_`.
    /// If no type is provided then only the existence of the property is checked.
    pub fn has_property(&self, property_name: &str, type_: Option<Type>) -> bool {
        let ptype = self.property_type(property_name);

        match (ptype, type_) {
            (None, _) => false,
            (Some(_), None) => true,
            (Some(ptype), Some(type_)) => ptype == type_,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the type of the property `property_name` of this interface.
    /// This returns `None` if the property does not exist.
    #[doc(alias = "get_property_type")]
    pub fn property_type(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<Type> {
            .map(|pspec| pspec.value_type())

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Get the [`ParamSpec`](crate::ParamSpec) of the property `property_name` of this interface.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_interface_find_property")]
    pub fn find_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<crate::ParamSpec> {
        unsafe {
            let interface = self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeInterface;

                interface as *mut _,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Return all [`ParamSpec`](crate::ParamSpec) of the properties of this interface.
    #[doc(alias = "g_object_interface_list_properties")]
    pub fn list_properties(&self) -> PtrSlice<crate::ParamSpec> {
        unsafe {
            let interface = self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeInterface;

            let mut n_properties = 0;

            let props = gobject_ffi::g_object_interface_list_properties(
                interface as *mut _,
                &mut n_properties,
            PtrSlice::from_glib_container_num(props, n_properties as usize, true)

unsafe impl<T: IsInterface> Send for Interface<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: IsInterface> Sync for Interface<T> {}

impl<T: IsInterface> AsRef<T::GlibClassType> for Interface<T> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T::GlibClassType {

impl<T: IsInterface> AsMut<T::GlibClassType> for Interface<T> {
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T::GlibClassType {
        &mut self.0

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Reference to a class struct of type `T`.
pub struct InterfaceRef<'a, T: IsInterface>(ptr::NonNull<Interface<T>>, bool, PhantomData<&'a ()>);

impl<'a, T: IsInterface> Drop for InterfaceRef<'a, T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.1 {
            unsafe {
                gobject_ffi::g_type_default_interface_unref(self.0.as_ptr() as *mut _);

impl<'a, T: IsInterface> ops::Deref for InterfaceRef<'a, T> {
    type Target = Interface<T>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Interface<T> {
        unsafe { self.0.as_ref() }

unsafe impl<'a, T: IsInterface> Send for InterfaceRef<'a, T> {}
unsafe impl<'a, T: IsInterface> Sync for InterfaceRef<'a, T> {}

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Trait implemented by interface types.
pub unsafe trait IsInterface: ObjectType {}

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// `Value` type checker for object types.
pub struct ObjectValueTypeChecker<T>(std::marker::PhantomData<T>);

unsafe impl<T: StaticType> crate::value::ValueTypeChecker for ObjectValueTypeChecker<T> {
    type Error = crate::value::ValueTypeMismatchOrNoneError<crate::value::ValueTypeMismatchError>;

    fn check(value: &Value) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        // g_type_check_value_holds() only checks for the GType of the GValue. This might be
        // initialized to a parent type of the expected type and would then fail while it's
        // still valid to retrieve the value.

        unsafe {
            let requested_type = T::static_type().into_glib();
            let type_ = value.inner.g_type;

            // Direct match or value type is a subtype of the requested type.
            if gobject_ffi::g_type_is_a(type_, requested_type) != ffi::GFALSE {
                let obj = gobject_ffi::g_value_get_object(&value.inner);
                if obj.is_null() {
                    return Err(Self::Error::UnexpectedNone);
                } else {
                    return Ok(());

            // If the value type is not a GObject or subtype of GObject then there's a mismatch.
            if gobject_ffi::g_type_is_a(type_, gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_OBJECT) == ffi::GFALSE {
                return Err(crate::value::ValueTypeMismatchError::new(

            // Otherwise peek at the actual object and its concrete type.
            let obj = gobject_ffi::g_value_get_object(&value.inner);

            // Allow any types if the object is NULL.
            if obj.is_null() {
                return Err(Self::Error::UnexpectedNone);

            let type_ = (*(*obj).g_type_instance.g_class).g_type;
            // Direct match or concrete type is a subtype of the requested type.
            if gobject_ffi::g_type_is_a(type_, requested_type) != ffi::GFALSE {
            } else {

// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Borrowed reference to an object of type `T`.
/// This dereferences into `&T`.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
    ptr: ptr::NonNull<gobject_ffi::GObject>,
    phantom: PhantomData<&'a T>,

unsafe impl<'a, T: Send + Sync> Send for BorrowedObject<'a, T> {}
unsafe impl<'a, T: Send + Sync> Sync for BorrowedObject<'a, T> {}

impl<'a, T: ObjectType> BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Creates a new borrowed object reference.
    /// # SAFETY:
    /// The pointer needs to be valid for at least the lifetime `'a`.
    pub unsafe fn new(ptr: *mut T::GlibType) -> BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
        BorrowedObject {
            ptr: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut _),
            phantom: PhantomData,

    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
    /// Downgrade to a weak reference.
    pub fn downgrade(&self) -> <Self as crate::clone::Downgrade>::Weak
        T: crate::clone::Downgrade,
        <T as crate::clone::Downgrade>::downgrade(self)

impl<'a, T> ops::Deref for BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
        unsafe { &*(&self.ptr as *const _ as *const T) }

impl<'a, T> AsRef<T> for BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {
        unsafe { &*(&self.ptr as *const _ as *const T) }

impl<'a, T: PartialEq> PartialEq<T> for BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &T) -> bool {
        <T as PartialEq>::eq(self, other)

impl<'a, T: PartialOrd> PartialOrd<T> for BorrowedObject<'a, T> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &T) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
        <T as PartialOrd>::partial_cmp(self, other)

impl<'a, T: crate::clone::Downgrade + ObjectType> crate::clone::Downgrade
    for BorrowedObject<'a, T>
    type Weak = <T as crate::clone::Downgrade>::Weak;

    fn downgrade(&self) -> Self::Weak {
        <T as crate::clone::Downgrade>::downgrade(self)

mod tests {
    use std::{
            atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},

    use super::*;

    fn new() {
        let obj: Object = Object::new();

    fn data() {
        let obj: Object = Object::new();
        unsafe {
            obj.set_data::<String>("foo", "hello".into());
            let data =<String>("foo").unwrap();
            assert_eq!(data.as_ref(), "hello");
            let data2 = obj.steal_data::<String>("foo").unwrap();
            assert_eq!(data2, "hello");

    fn weak_ref() {
        let obj: Object = Object::new();

        let weakref: WeakRef<Object> = WeakRef::new();

        let weakref = WeakRef::new();


    fn weak_ref_notify() {
        let obj: Object = Object::new();

        let handle = obj.add_weak_ref_notify(|| {


        let called = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
        let called_weak = Arc::downgrade(&called);
        let handle = obj.add_weak_ref_notify(move || {
            called_weak.upgrade().unwrap().store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);


        let obj: Object = Object::new();

        let called = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
        let called_weak = Arc::downgrade(&called);
        obj.add_weak_ref_notify(move || {
            called_weak.upgrade().unwrap().store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);


        let obj: Object = Object::new();

        let called = Rc::new(Cell::new(false));
        let called_weak = Rc::downgrade(&called);
        obj.add_weak_ref_notify_local(move || {


    fn test_value() {
        let obj1: Object = Object::new();
        let v = obj1.to_value();
        let obj2 = v.get::<&Object>().unwrap();

        assert_eq!(obj1.as_ptr(), obj2.as_ptr());

    fn test_borrow_hashing() {
        let mut m = std::collections::HashSet::new();
        let boxed_object = crate::BoxedAnyObject::new("");


        let object: &Object = std::borrow::Borrow::borrow(&boxed_object);
        assert_eq!(m.get(object), Some(&boxed_object));